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// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! An Executor and future combinators based on operations that block on file descriptors.
//! This crate is meant to be used with the `futures-rs` crate that provides further combinators
//! and utility functions to combine and manage futures. All futures will run until they block on a
//! file descriptor becoming readable or writable. Facilities are provided to register future
//! wakers based on such events.
//! # Running top-level futures.
//! Use helper functions based the desired behavior of your application.
//! ## Running one future.
//! If there is only one top-level future to run, use the [`run_one`](fn.run_one.html) function.
//! ## Completing one of several futures.
//! If there are several top level tasks that should run until any one completes, use the "select"
//! family of executor constructors. These return an [`Executor`](trait.Executor.html) whose `run`
//! function will return when the first future completes. The uncompleted futures will also be
//! returned so they can be run further or otherwise cleaned up. These functions are inspired by
//! the `select_all` function from futures-rs, but built to be run inside an FD based executor and
//! to poll only when necessary. See the docs for [`select2`](fn.select2.html),
//! [`select3`](fn.select3.html), [`select4`](fn.select4.html), and [`select5`](fn.select5.html).
//! ## Completing all of several futures.
//! If there are several top level tasks that all need to be completed, use the "complete" family
//! of executor constructors. These return an [`Executor`](trait.Executor.html) whose `run`
//! function will return only once all the futures passed to it have completed. These functions are
//! inspired by the `join_all` function from futures-rs, but built to be run inside an FD based
//! executor and to poll only when necessary. See the docs for [`complete2`](fn.complete2.html),
//! [`complete3`](fn.complete3.html), [`complete4`](fn.complete4.html), and
//! [`complete5`](fn.complete5.html).
//! # Implementing new FD-based futures.
//! For URing implementations should provide an implementation of the `IoSource` trait.
//! For the FD executor, new futures can use the existing ability to poll a source to build async
//! functionality on top of.
//! # Implementations
//! Currently there are two paths for using the asynchronous IO. One uses a PollContext and drivers
//! futures based on the FDs signaling they are ready for the opteration. This method will exist so
//! long as kernels < 5.4 are supported.
//! The other method submits operations to io_uring and is signaled when they complete. This is more
//! efficient, but only supported on kernel 5.4+.
//! If `IoSourceExt::new` is used to interface with async IO, then the correct backend will be chosen
//! automatically.
//! # Examples
//! See the docs for `IoSourceExt` if support for kernels <5.4 is required. Focus on `UringSource` if
//! all systems have support for io_uring.
mod complete;
mod event;
mod executor;
mod fd_executor;
mod io_ext;
mod io_source;
mod poll_source;
mod select;
mod uring_executor;
mod uring_futures;
pub mod uring_mem;
mod waker;
pub use event::EventAsync;
pub use executor::Executor;
pub use io_ext::{
new, Error as AsyncError, IoSourceExt, ReadAsync, Result as AsyncResult, WriteAsync,
pub use poll_source::PollSource;
pub use select::SelectResult;
pub use uring_futures::UringSource;
pub use uring_mem::{BackingMemory, MemRegion};
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use executor::{FutureList, RunOne};
use fd_executor::FdExecutor;
use thiserror::Error as ThisError;
use uring_executor::URingExecutor;
use waker::WakerToken;
#[derive(ThisError, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
/// Error from the FD executor.
#[error("Failure in the FD executor: {0}")]
/// Error from the uring executor.
#[error("Failure in the uring executor: {0}")]
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
// Runs an executor with the given future list.
// Chooses the uring executor if available, otherwise falls back to the FD executor.
fn run_executor<T: FutureList>(future_list: T) -> Result<T::Output> {
if uring_executor::use_uring() {
.and_then(|mut ex|
} else {
.and_then(|mut ex|
/// Adds a new top level future to the Executor.
/// These futures must return `()`, indicating they are intended to create side-effects only.
pub fn add_future(future: Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()>>>) -> Result<()> {
if uring_executor::use_uring() {
} else {
/// Creates an Executor that runs one future to completion.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use cros_async::run_one;
/// let fut = async { 55 };
/// assert_eq!(55, run_one(Box::pin(fut)).unwrap());
/// ```
pub fn run_one<F: Future + Unpin>(fut: F) -> Result<F::Output> {
/// Creates a URingExecutor that runs one future to completion.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use cros_async::run_one_uring;
/// let fut = async { 55 };
/// assert_eq!(55, run_one_uring(Box::pin(fut)).unwrap());
/// ```
pub fn run_one_uring<F: Future + Unpin>(fut: F) -> Result<F::Output> {
.and_then(|mut ex|
/// Creates a FdExecutor that runs one future to completion.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use cros_async::run_one_poll;
/// let fut = async { 55 };
/// assert_eq!(55, run_one_poll(Box::pin(fut)).unwrap());
/// ```
pub fn run_one_poll<F: Future + Unpin>(fut: F) -> Result<F::Output> {
.and_then(|mut ex|
// Select helpers to run until any future completes.
/// Creates an executor that runs the two given futures until one completes, returning a tuple
/// containing the result of the finished future and the still pending future.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use cros_async::{Executor, select2, SelectResult};
/// use futures::future::pending;
/// use futures::pin_mut;
/// let first = async {5};
/// let second = async {let () = pending().await;};
/// pin_mut!(first);
/// pin_mut!(second);
/// match select2(first, second) {
/// Ok((SelectResult::Finished(5), SelectResult::Pending(_second))) => (),
/// _ => panic!("Select didn't return the first future"),
/// };
/// ```
pub fn select2<F1: Future + Unpin, F2: Future + Unpin>(
f1: F1,
f2: F2,
) -> Result<(SelectResult<F1>, SelectResult<F2>)> {
run_executor(select::Select2::new(f1, f2))
/// Creates an executor that runs the three given futures until one or more completes, returning a
/// tuple containing the result of the finished future(s) and the still pending future(s).
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use cros_async::{Executor, select3, SelectResult};
/// use futures::future::pending;
/// use futures::pin_mut;
/// let first = async {4};
/// let second = async {let () = pending().await;};
/// let third = async {5};
/// pin_mut!(first);
/// pin_mut!(second);
/// pin_mut!(third);
/// match select3(first, second, third) {
/// Ok((SelectResult::Finished(4),
/// SelectResult::Pending(_second),
/// SelectResult::Finished(5))) => (),
/// _ => panic!("Select didn't return the futures"),
/// };
/// ```
pub fn select3<F1: Future + Unpin, F2: Future + Unpin, F3: Future + Unpin>(
f1: F1,
f2: F2,
f3: F3,
) -> Result<(SelectResult<F1>, SelectResult<F2>, SelectResult<F3>)> {
run_executor(select::Select3::new(f1, f2, f3))
/// Creates an executor that runs the four given futures until one or more completes, returning a
/// tuple containing the result of the finished future(s) and the still pending future(s).
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use cros_async::{Executor, select4, SelectResult};
/// use futures::future::pending;
/// use futures::pin_mut;
/// let first = async {4};
/// let second = async {let () = pending().await;};
/// let third = async {5};
/// let fourth = async {let () = pending().await;};
/// pin_mut!(first);
/// pin_mut!(second);
/// pin_mut!(third);
/// pin_mut!(fourth);
/// match select4(first, second, third, fourth) {
/// Ok((SelectResult::Finished(4), SelectResult::Pending(_second),
/// SelectResult::Finished(5), SelectResult::Pending(_fourth))) => (),
/// _ => panic!("Select didn't return the futures"),
/// };
/// ```
pub fn select4<F1: Future + Unpin, F2: Future + Unpin, F3: Future + Unpin, F4: Future + Unpin>(
f1: F1,
f2: F2,
f3: F3,
f4: F4,
) -> Result<(
)> {
run_executor(select::Select4::new(f1, f2, f3, f4))
/// Creates an executor that runs the five given futures until one or more completes, returning a
/// tuple containing the result of the finished future(s) and the still pending future(s).
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use cros_async::{Executor, select5, SelectResult};
/// use futures::future::pending;
/// use futures::pin_mut;
/// let first = async {4};
/// let second = async {let () = pending().await;};
/// let third = async {5};
/// let fourth = async {let () = pending().await;};
/// let fifth = async {6};
/// pin_mut!(first);
/// pin_mut!(second);
/// pin_mut!(third);
/// pin_mut!(fourth);
/// pin_mut!(fifth);
/// match select5(first, second, third, fourth, fifth) {
/// Ok((SelectResult::Finished(4), SelectResult::Pending(_second),
/// SelectResult::Finished(5), SelectResult::Pending(_fourth),
/// SelectResult::Finished(6))) => (),
/// _ => panic!("Select didn't return the futures"),
/// };
/// ```
pub fn select5<
F1: Future + Unpin,
F2: Future + Unpin,
F3: Future + Unpin,
F4: Future + Unpin,
F5: Future + Unpin,
f1: F1,
f2: F2,
f3: F3,
f4: F4,
f5: F5,
) -> Result<(
)> {
run_executor(select::Select5::new(f1, f2, f3, f4, f5))
/// Creates an executor that runs the six given futures until one or more completes, returning a
/// tuple containing the result of the finished future(s) and the still pending future(s).
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use cros_async::{Executor, select6, SelectResult};
/// use futures::future::pending;
/// use futures::pin_mut;
/// let first = async {1};
/// let second = async {let () = pending().await;};
/// let third = async {3};
/// let fourth = async {let () = pending().await;};
/// let fifth = async {5};
/// let sixth = async {6};
/// pin_mut!(first);
/// pin_mut!(second);
/// pin_mut!(third);
/// pin_mut!(fourth);
/// pin_mut!(fifth);
/// pin_mut!(sixth);
/// match select6(first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth) {
/// Ok((SelectResult::Finished(1), SelectResult::Pending(_second),
/// SelectResult::Finished(3), SelectResult::Pending(_fourth),
/// SelectResult::Finished(5), SelectResult::Finished(6))) => (),
/// _ => panic!("Select didn't return the futures"),
/// };
/// ```
pub fn select6<
F1: Future + Unpin,
F2: Future + Unpin,
F3: Future + Unpin,
F4: Future + Unpin,
F5: Future + Unpin,
F6: Future + Unpin,
f1: F1,
f2: F2,
f3: F3,
f4: F4,
f5: F5,
f6: F6,
) -> Result<(
)> {
run_executor(select::Select6::new(f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6))
// Combination helpers to run until all futures are complete.
/// Creates an executor that runs the two given futures to completion, returning a tuple of the
/// outputs each yields.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use cros_async::{Executor, complete2};
/// use futures::pin_mut;
/// let first = async {5};
/// let second = async {6};
/// pin_mut!(first);
/// pin_mut!(second);
/// assert_eq!(complete2(first, second).unwrap_or((0,0)), (5,6));
/// ```
pub fn complete2<F1: Future + Unpin, F2: Future + Unpin>(
f1: F1,
f2: F2,
) -> Result<(F1::Output, F2::Output)> {
run_executor(complete::Complete2::new(f1, f2))
/// Creates an executor that runs the three given futures to completion, returning a tuple of the
/// outputs each yields.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use cros_async::{Executor, complete3};
/// use futures::pin_mut;
/// let first = async {5};
/// let second = async {6};
/// let third = async {7};
/// pin_mut!(first);
/// pin_mut!(second);
/// pin_mut!(third);
/// assert_eq!(complete3(first, second, third).unwrap_or((0,0,0)), (5,6,7));
/// ```
pub fn complete3<F1: Future + Unpin, F2: Future + Unpin, F3: Future + Unpin>(
f1: F1,
f2: F2,
f3: F3,
) -> Result<(F1::Output, F2::Output, F3::Output)> {
run_executor(complete::Complete3::new(f1, f2, f3))
/// Creates an executor that runs the four given futures to completion, returning a tuple of the
/// outputs each yields.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use cros_async::{Executor, complete4};
/// use futures::pin_mut;
/// let first = async {5};
/// let second = async {6};
/// let third = async {7};
/// let fourth = async {8};
/// pin_mut!(first);
/// pin_mut!(second);
/// pin_mut!(third);
/// pin_mut!(fourth);
/// assert_eq!(complete4(first, second, third, fourth).unwrap_or((0,0,0,0)), (5,6,7,8));
/// ```
pub fn complete4<F1: Future + Unpin, F2: Future + Unpin, F3: Future + Unpin, F4: Future + Unpin>(
f1: F1,
f2: F2,
f3: F3,
f4: F4,
) -> Result<(F1::Output, F2::Output, F3::Output, F4::Output)> {
run_executor(complete::Complete4::new(f1, f2, f3, f4))
/// Creates an executor that runs the five given futures to completion, returning a tuple of the
/// outputs each yields.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use cros_async::{Executor, complete5};
/// use futures::pin_mut;
/// let first = async {5};
/// let second = async {6};
/// let third = async {7};
/// let fourth = async {8};
/// let fifth = async {9};
/// pin_mut!(first);
/// pin_mut!(second);
/// pin_mut!(third);
/// pin_mut!(fourth);
/// pin_mut!(fifth);
/// assert_eq!(complete5(first, second, third, fourth, fifth).unwrap_or((0,0,0,0,0)),
/// (5,6,7,8,9));
/// ```
pub fn complete5<
F1: Future + Unpin,
F2: Future + Unpin,
F3: Future + Unpin,
F4: Future + Unpin,
F5: Future + Unpin,
f1: F1,
f2: F2,
f3: F3,
f4: F4,
f5: F5,
) -> Result<(F1::Output, F2::Output, F3::Output, F4::Output, F5::Output)> {
run_executor(complete::Complete5::new(f1, f2, f3, f4, f5))