blob: 4c506da64ce9f944b1687af0bfa91567819123a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
mod math_util;
pub mod surface;
mod thread_message_util;
mod window;
mod window_message_dispatcher;
mod window_message_processor;
pub mod window_procedure_thread;
use std::num::NonZeroU32;
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
use std::sync::Weak;
use std::time::Duration;
use anyhow::bail;
use anyhow::Context;
use anyhow::Result;
use base::error;
use base::AsRawDescriptor;
use base::Event;
use base::EventWaitResult;
use base::RawDescriptor;
use euclid::size2;
use euclid::Size2D;
use math_util::Size2DCheckedCast;
use metrics::Metrics;
pub use surface::NoopSurface as Surface;
use vm_control::gpu::DisplayMode;
use vm_control::gpu::DisplayParameters;
use window_message_processor::DisplaySendToWndProc;
pub use window_procedure_thread::WindowProcedureThread;
use crate::DisplayT;
use crate::EventDevice;
use crate::GpuDisplayError;
use crate::GpuDisplayResult;
use crate::GpuDisplaySurface;
use crate::SurfaceType;
use crate::SysDisplayT;
pub(crate) type ObjectId = NonZeroU32;
pub struct VirtualDisplaySpace;
pub struct HostWindowSpace;
pub struct DisplayProperties {
pub start_hidden: bool,
pub is_fullscreen: bool,
pub window_width: u32,
pub window_height: u32,
impl From<&DisplayParameters> for DisplayProperties {
fn from(params: &DisplayParameters) -> Self {
let is_fullscreen = matches!(params.mode, DisplayMode::BorderlessFullScreen(_));
let (window_width, window_height) = params.get_window_size();
Self {
start_hidden: params.hidden,
pub struct DisplayWin {
wndproc_thread: WindowProcedureThread<Surface>,
display_closed_event: Event,
win_metrics: Option<Weak<Metrics>>,
display_properties: DisplayProperties,
is_surface_created: bool,
impl DisplayWin {
pub fn new(
wndproc_thread: WindowProcedureThread<Surface>,
win_metrics: Option<Weak<Metrics>>,
display_properties: DisplayProperties,
) -> Result<DisplayWin, GpuDisplayError> {
// The display should be closed once the WndProc thread terminates.
let display_closed_event =
.map_err(|e| {
error!("Failed to create DisplayWin: {:?}", e);
Ok(Self {
is_surface_created: false,
/// Posts a create surface command to the WndProc thread and waits until the creation finishes
/// to check the result.
fn create_surface_internal(
&mut self,
virtual_display_size: Size2D<i32, VirtualDisplaySpace>,
) -> Result<()> {
let metrics = self.win_metrics.clone();
let display_properties = self.display_properties.clone();
// This function should not return until surface creation finishes. Besides, we would like
// to know if the creation succeeds. Hence, we use channels to wait to see the result.
let (result_sender, result_receiver) = channel();
// Post a message to the WndProc thread to create the surface.
.post_display_command(DisplaySendToWndProc::CreateSurface {
function: Box::new(move |window, display_event_dispatcher| {
callback: Box::new(move |success| {
if let Err(e) = result_sender.send(success) {
error!("Failed to send surface creation result: {}", e);
// Block until the surface creation finishes and check the result.
match result_receiver.recv() {
Ok(true) => Ok(()),
Ok(false) => bail!("WndProc thread failed to create surface!"),
Err(e) => bail!("Failed to receive surface creation result: {}", e),
fn import_event_device_internal(
&mut self,
event_device_id: u32,
event_device: EventDevice,
) -> Result<()> {
match ObjectId::new(event_device_id) {
Some(event_device_id) => {
.post_display_command(DisplaySendToWndProc::ImportEventDevice {
.context("Failed to send ImportEventDevice message")?;
None => bail!("{} cannot be converted to ObjectId", event_device_id),
impl AsRawDescriptor for DisplayWin {
/// Event handling is done on the GPU worker thread on other platforms. However, due to the way
/// Windows GUI system works, we have to do that on the WndProc thread instead, and we only
/// notify the event loop in the GPU worker thread of the display closure event.
fn as_raw_descriptor(&self) -> RawDescriptor {
impl DisplayT for DisplayWin {
fn create_surface(
&mut self,
parent_surface_id: Option<u32>,
_surface_id: u32,
virtual_display_width: u32,
virtual_display_height: u32,
surface_type: SurfaceType,
) -> GpuDisplayResult<Box<dyn GpuDisplaySurface>> {
if parent_surface_id.is_some() {
return Err(GpuDisplayError::Unsupported);
if !matches!(surface_type, SurfaceType::Scanout) {
return Err(GpuDisplayError::Unsupported);
// Gfxstream allows for attaching a window only once along the initialization, so we only
// create the surface once. See details in b/179319775.
if !self.is_surface_created {
match self.create_surface_internal(
size2(virtual_display_width, virtual_display_height).checked_cast(),
) {
Ok(_) => self.is_surface_created = true,
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to create surface: {:?}", e);
return Err(GpuDisplayError::Allocate);
Ok(Box::new(SurfaceWin {
display_closed_event: self.display_closed_event.try_clone().map_err(|e| {
error!("Failed to clone display_closed_event: {}", e);
impl SysDisplayT for DisplayWin {
fn import_event_device(
&mut self,
event_device_id: u32,
event_device: EventDevice,
) -> GpuDisplayResult<()> {
self.import_event_device_internal(event_device_id, event_device)
.map_err(|e| {
"Failed to import event device (ID: {}): {:?}",
event_device_id, e
/// The display logic for Windows is quite different from other platforms since display events are
/// not handled on the GPU worker thread, but handled by `Surface` class that lives in the WndProc
/// thread. `SurfaceWin` will live in the GPU worker thread and provide limited functionalities.
pub(crate) struct SurfaceWin {
display_closed_event: Event,
impl GpuDisplaySurface for SurfaceWin {
/// The entire VM will be shut down when this function returns true. We don't want that happen
/// until we know our display is expected to be closed.
fn close_requested(&self) -> bool {
match self
Ok(EventWaitResult::Signaled) => true,
Ok(EventWaitResult::TimedOut) => false,
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to read whether display is closed: {}", e);