blob: d0cc089ea092551442a31da720f652645dd2fb78 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
message VirtioBalloonResize {}
message VirtioBalloonOOMDeflation {}
message VirtioWsBucket {
// age of bucket in milliseconds.
uint64 age = 1;
// file-back memory, in bytes.
uint64 file_bytes = 2;
// anonymous memory, in bytes.
uint64 anon_bytes = 3;
message VirtioBalloonWsReport {
// 2-16 buckets of memory working set.
repeated VirtioWsBucket ws_buckets = 1;
// actual size of balloon in bytes.
uint64 balloon_actual = 2;
message RegisteredEvent {
oneof Event {
VirtioBalloonResize resize = 1;
VirtioBalloonOOMDeflation oom_deflation = 2;
VirtioBalloonWsReport ws_report = 3;