blob: df94719f52e58d6fac303368f48b307682937d79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use std::io;
use std::io::Result;
use std::mem;
use std::os::windows::fs::OpenOptionsExt;
use std::process;
use std::ptr;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use rand::Rng;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde::Serialize;
use win_util::fail_if_zero;
use win_util::SecurityAttributes;
use win_util::SelfRelativeSecurityDescriptor;
use winapi::shared::minwindef::DWORD;
use winapi::shared::minwindef::FALSE;
use winapi::shared::minwindef::TRUE;
use winapi::shared::winerror::ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE;
use winapi::shared::winerror::ERROR_IO_PENDING;
use winapi::shared::winerror::ERROR_NO_DATA;
use winapi::shared::winerror::ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED;
use winapi::um::errhandlingapi::GetLastError;
use winapi::um::fileapi::FlushFileBuffers;
use winapi::um::handleapi::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
use winapi::um::ioapiset::CancelIoEx;
use winapi::um::ioapiset::GetOverlappedResult;
use winapi::um::minwinbase::OVERLAPPED;
use winapi::um::namedpipeapi::ConnectNamedPipe;
use winapi::um::namedpipeapi::DisconnectNamedPipe;
use winapi::um::namedpipeapi::GetNamedPipeInfo;
use winapi::um::namedpipeapi::PeekNamedPipe;
use winapi::um::namedpipeapi::SetNamedPipeHandleState;
use winapi::um::winbase::CreateNamedPipeA;
use winapi::um::winbase::FILE_FLAG_FIRST_PIPE_INSTANCE;
use winapi::um::winbase::FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED;
use winapi::um::winbase::PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX;
use winapi::um::winbase::PIPE_NOWAIT;
use winapi::um::winbase::PIPE_READMODE_BYTE;
use winapi::um::winbase::PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE;
use winapi::um::winbase::PIPE_REJECT_REMOTE_CLIENTS;
use winapi::um::winbase::PIPE_TYPE_BYTE;
use winapi::um::winbase::PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE;
use winapi::um::winbase::PIPE_WAIT;
use winapi::um::winbase::SECURITY_IDENTIFICATION;
use super::RawDescriptor;
use crate::descriptor::AsRawDescriptor;
use crate::descriptor::FromRawDescriptor;
use crate::descriptor::IntoRawDescriptor;
use crate::descriptor::SafeDescriptor;
use crate::Event;
use crate::EventToken;
use crate::WaitContext;
/// The default buffer size for all named pipes in the system. If this size is too small, writers
/// on named pipes that expect not to block *can* block until the reading side empties the buffer.
/// The general rule is this should be *at least* as big as the largest message, otherwise
/// unexpected blocking behavior can result; for example, if too small, this can interact badly with
/// crate::platform::StreamChannel, which expects to be able to make a complete write before releasing
/// a lock that the opposite side needs to complete a read. This means that if the buffer is too
/// small:
/// * The writer can't complete its write and release the lock because the buffer is too small.
/// * The reader can't start reading because the lock is held by the writer, so it can't
/// relieve buffer pressure. Note that for message pipes, the reader couldn't do anything
/// to help anyway, because a message mode pipe should NOT have a partial read (which is
/// what we would need to relieve pressure).
/// * Conditions for deadlock are met, and both the reader & writer enter circular waiting.
pub const DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 50 * 1024;
static NEXT_PIPE_INDEX: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(1);
/// Represents one end of a named pipe
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct PipeConnection {
handle: SafeDescriptor,
framing_mode: FramingMode,
blocking_mode: BlockingMode,
/// Wraps the OVERLAPPED structure. Also keeps track of whether OVERLAPPED is being used by a
/// Readfile or WriteFile operation and holds onto the event object so it doesn't get dropped.
pub struct OverlappedWrapper {
// Allocated on the heap so that the OVERLAPPED struct doesn't move when performing I/O
// operations.
overlapped: Box<OVERLAPPED>,
// This field prevents the event handle from being dropped too early and allows callers to
// be notified when a read or write overlapped operation has completed.
h_event: Option<Event>,
in_use: bool,
impl OverlappedWrapper {
pub fn get_h_event_ref(&self) -> Option<&Event> {
/// Creates a valid `OVERLAPPED` struct used to pass into `ReadFile` and `WriteFile` in order
/// to perform asynchronous I/O. When passing in the OVERLAPPED struct, the Event object
/// returned must not be dropped.
/// There is an option to create the event object and set it to the `hEvent` field. If hEvent
/// is not set and the named pipe handle was created with `FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED`, then the file
/// handle will be signaled when the operation is complete. In other words, you can use
/// `WaitForSingleObject` on the file handle. Not setting an event is highly discouraged by
/// Microsoft though.
pub fn new(include_event: bool) -> Result<OverlappedWrapper> {
let mut overlapped = OVERLAPPED::default();
let h_event = if include_event {
} else {
overlapped.hEvent = if let Some(event) = h_event.as_ref() {
} else {
0 as RawDescriptor
Ok(OverlappedWrapper {
overlapped: Box::new(overlapped),
in_use: false,
// Safe because all of the contained fields may be safely sent to another thread.
unsafe impl Send for OverlappedWrapper {}
pub trait WriteOverlapped {
/// Perform an overlapped write operation with the specified buffer and overlapped wrapper.
/// If successful, the write operation will complete asynchronously, and
/// `write_result()` should be called to get the result.
/// NOTE: `buf` and `overlapped_wrapper` will be in use for the duration of
/// the overlapped operation. These should not be reused until
/// `write_result()` is called.
fn write_overlapped(
&mut self,
buf: &mut [u8],
overlapped_wrapper: &mut OverlappedWrapper,
) -> io::Result<()>;
/// Gets the result of the overlapped write operation. Must only be called
/// after issuing an overlapped write operation using `write_overlapped`. The
/// same `overlapped_wrapper` must be provided.
fn write_result(&mut self, overlapped_wrapper: &mut OverlappedWrapper) -> io::Result<usize>;
/// Tries to get the result of the overlapped write operation. Must only be
/// called once, and only after issuing an overlapped write operation using
/// `write_overlapped`. The same `overlapped_wrapper` must be provided.
/// An error indicates that the operation hasn't completed yet and
/// `write_result` or `try_write_result` should be called again.
fn try_write_result(&mut self, overlapped_wrapper: &mut OverlappedWrapper)
-> io::Result<usize>;
pub trait ReadOverlapped {
/// Perform an overlapped read operation with the specified buffer and overlapped wrapper.
/// If successful, the read operation will complete asynchronously, and
/// `read_result()` should be called to get the result.
/// NOTE: `buf` and `overlapped_wrapper` will be in use for the duration of
/// the overlapped operation. These should not be reused until
/// `read_result()` is called.
fn read_overlapped(
&mut self,
buf: &mut [u8],
overlapped_wrapper: &mut OverlappedWrapper,
) -> io::Result<()>;
/// Gets the result of the overlapped read operation. Must only be called
/// once, and only after issuing an overlapped read operation using
/// `read_overlapped`. The same `overlapped_wrapper` must be provided.
fn read_result(&mut self, overlapped_wrapper: &mut OverlappedWrapper) -> io::Result<usize>;
/// Tries to get the result of the overlapped read operation. Must only be called
/// after issuing an overlapped read operation using `read_overlapped`. The
/// same `overlapped_wrapper` must be provided.
/// An error indicates that the operation hasn't completed yet and
/// `read_result` or `try_read_result` should be called again.
fn try_read_result(&mut self, overlapped_wrapper: &mut OverlappedWrapper) -> io::Result<usize>;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum FramingMode {
impl FramingMode {
fn to_readmode(self) -> DWORD {
match self {
FramingMode::Message => PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE,
FramingMode::Byte => PIPE_READMODE_BYTE,
fn to_pipetype(self) -> DWORD {
match self {
FramingMode::Message => PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE,
FramingMode::Byte => PIPE_TYPE_BYTE,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Eq)]
pub enum BlockingMode {
/// Calls to read() block until data is received
/// Calls to read() return immediately even if there is nothing read with error code 232
/// (Rust maps this to BrokenPipe but it's actually ERROR_NO_DATA)
/// NOTE: This mode is discouraged by the Windows API documentation.
impl From<&BlockingMode> for DWORD {
fn from(blocking_mode: &BlockingMode) -> DWORD {
match blocking_mode {
BlockingMode::Wait => PIPE_WAIT,
BlockingMode::NoWait => PIPE_NOWAIT,
/// Sets the handle state for a named pipe in a rust friendly way.
/// This is safe if the pipe handle is open.
unsafe fn set_named_pipe_handle_state(
pipe_handle: RawDescriptor,
client_mode: &mut DWORD,
) -> Result<()> {
// Safe when the pipe handle is open. Safety also requires checking the return value, which we
// do below.
let success_flag = SetNamedPipeHandleState(
/* hNamedPipe= */ pipe_handle,
/* lpMode= */ client_mode,
/* lpMaxCollectionCount= */ ptr::null_mut(),
/* lpCollectDataTimeout= */ ptr::null_mut(),
if success_flag == 0 {
} else {
pub fn pair(
framing_mode: &FramingMode,
blocking_mode: &BlockingMode,
timeout: u64,
) -> Result<(PipeConnection, PipeConnection)> {
/// Creates a pair of handles connected to either end of a duplex named pipe.
/// The pipe created will have a semi-random name and a default set of security options that
/// help prevent common named-pipe based vulnerabilities. Specifically the pipe is set to reject
/// remote clients, allow only a single server instance, and prevent impersonation by the server
/// end of the pipe.
/// # Arguments
/// * `framing_mode` - Whether the system should provide a simple byte stream (Byte) or an
/// automatically framed sequence of messages (Message). In message mode it's an
/// error to read fewer bytes than were sent in a message from the other end of
/// the pipe.
/// * `blocking_mode` - Whether the system should wait on read() until data is available (Wait) or
/// return immediately if there is nothing available (NoWait).
/// * `timeout` - A timeout to apply for socket operations, in milliseconds.
/// Setting this to zero will create sockets with the system
/// default timeout.
/// * `buffer_size` - The default buffer size for the named pipe. The system should expand the
/// buffer automatically as needed, except in the case of NOWAIT pipes, where
/// it will just fail writes that don't fit in the buffer.
/// # Return value
/// Returns a pair of pipes, of the form (server, client). Note that for some winapis, such as
/// FlushFileBuffers, the server & client ends WILL BEHAVE DIFFERENTLY.
pub fn pair_with_buffer_size(
framing_mode: &FramingMode,
blocking_mode: &BlockingMode,
timeout: u64,
buffer_size: usize,
overlapped: bool,
) -> Result<(PipeConnection, PipeConnection)> {
// Give the pipe a unique name to avoid accidental collisions
let pipe_name = format!(
NEXT_PIPE_INDEX.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst),
let server_end = create_server_pipe(
// Open the named pipe we just created as the client
let client_end = create_client_pipe(&pipe_name, framing_mode, blocking_mode, overlapped)?;
// Accept the client's connection
// Not sure if this is strictly needed but I'm doing it just in case.
// We expect at this point that the client will already be connected,
// so we'll get a return code of 0 and an ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED.
// It's also OK if we get a return code of success.
Ok((server_end, client_end))
/// Creates a PipeConnection for the server end of a named pipe with the given path and pipe
/// settings.
/// The pipe will be set to reject remote clients and allow only a single connection at a time.
/// # Arguments
/// * `pipe_name` - The path of the named pipe to create. Should be in the form
/// `\\.\pipe\<some-name>`.
/// * `framing_mode` - Whether the system should provide a simple byte stream (Byte) or an
/// automatically framed sequence of messages (Message). In message mode it's an
/// error to read fewer bytes than were sent in a message from the other end of
/// the pipe.
/// * `blocking_mode` - Whether the system should wait on read() until data is available (Wait) or
/// return immediately if there is nothing available (NoWait).
/// * `timeout` - A timeout to apply for socket operations, in milliseconds.
/// Setting this to zero will create sockets with the system
/// default timeout.
/// * `buffer_size` - The default buffer size for the named pipe. The system should expand the
/// buffer automatically as needed, except in the case of NOWAIT pipes, where
/// it will just fail writes that don't fit in the buffer.
/// * `overlapped` - Sets whether overlapped mode is set on the pipe.
pub fn create_server_pipe(
pipe_name: &str,
framing_mode: &FramingMode,
blocking_mode: &BlockingMode,
timeout: u64,
buffer_size: usize,
overlapped: bool,
) -> Result<PipeConnection> {
let c_pipe_name = CString::new(pipe_name).unwrap();
if overlapped {
open_mode_flags |= FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED
// This sets flags so there will be an error if >1 instance (server end)
// of this pipe name is opened because we expect exactly one.
let server_handle = unsafe {
// Safe because security attributes are valid, pipe_name is valid C string,
// and we're checking the return code
/* dwOpenMode= */
/* dwPipeMode= */
| framing_mode.to_readmode()
| DWORD::from(blocking_mode)
/* nMaxInstances= */ 1,
/* nOutBufferSize= */ buffer_size as DWORD,
/* nInBufferSize= */ buffer_size as DWORD,
/* nDefaultTimeOut= */ timeout as DWORD, // Default is 50ms
/* lpSecurityAttributes= */
/* inherit= */ true,
if server_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {
} else {
unsafe {
Ok(PipeConnection {
handle: SafeDescriptor::from_raw_descriptor(server_handle),
framing_mode: *framing_mode,
blocking_mode: *blocking_mode,
/// Creates a PipeConnection for the client end of a named pipe with the given path and pipe
/// settings.
/// The pipe will be set to prevent impersonation of the client by the server process.
/// # Arguments
/// * `pipe_name` - The path of the named pipe to create. Should be in the form
/// `\\.\pipe\<some-name>`.
/// * `framing_mode` - Whether the system should provide a simple byte stream (Byte) or an
/// automatically framed sequence of messages (Message). In message mode it's an
/// error to read fewer bytes than were sent in a message from the other end of
/// the pipe.
/// * `blocking_mode` - Whether the system should wait on read() until data is available (Wait) or
/// return immediately if there is nothing available (NoWait).
/// * `overlapped` - Sets whether the pipe is opened in overlapped mode.
pub fn create_client_pipe(
pipe_name: &str,
framing_mode: &FramingMode,
blocking_mode: &BlockingMode,
overlapped: bool,
) -> Result<PipeConnection> {
let client_handle = OpenOptions::new()
.custom_flags(if overlapped { FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED } else { 0 })
let mut client_mode = framing_mode.to_readmode() | DWORD::from(blocking_mode);
// Safe because client_handle's open() call did not return an error.
unsafe {
set_named_pipe_handle_state(client_handle, &mut client_mode)?;
Ok(PipeConnection {
// Safe because client_handle is valid
handle: unsafe { SafeDescriptor::from_raw_descriptor(client_handle) },
framing_mode: *framing_mode,
blocking_mode: *blocking_mode,
// This is used to mark types which can be appropriately sent through the
// generic helper functions write_to_pipe and read_from_pipe.
pub trait PipeSendable {
// Default values used to fill in new empty indexes when resizing a buffer to
// a larger size.
fn default() -> Self;
impl PipeSendable for u8 {
fn default() -> Self {
impl PipeSendable for RawDescriptor {
fn default() -> Self {
impl PipeConnection {
pub fn try_clone(&self) -> Result<PipeConnection> {
let copy_handle = self.handle.try_clone()?;
Ok(PipeConnection {
handle: copy_handle,
framing_mode: self.framing_mode,
blocking_mode: self.blocking_mode,
/// Creates a PipeConnection from an existing RawDescriptor, and the underlying the framing &
/// blocking modes.
/// # Safety
/// 1. rd is valid and ownership is transferred to this function when it is called.
/// To avoid undefined behavior, framing_mode & blocking_modes must match those of the
/// underlying pipe.
pub unsafe fn from_raw_descriptor(
rd: RawDescriptor,
framing_mode: FramingMode,
blocking_mode: BlockingMode,
) -> PipeConnection {
PipeConnection {
handle: SafeDescriptor::from_raw_descriptor(rd),
/// Reads bytes from the pipe into the provided buffer, up to the capacity of the buffer.
/// Returns the number of bytes (not values) read.
/// # Safety
/// This is safe only when the following conditions hold:
/// 1. The data on the other end of the pipe is a valid binary representation of data for
/// type T, and
/// 2. The number of bytes read is a multiple of the size of T; this must be checked by
/// the caller.
/// If buf's type is file descriptors, this is only safe when those file descriptors are valid
/// for the process where this function was called.
pub unsafe fn read<T: PipeSendable>(&self, buf: &mut [T]) -> Result<usize> {
PipeConnection::read_internal(&self.handle, self.blocking_mode, buf, None)
/// Similar to `PipeConnection::read` except it also allows:
/// 1. The same end of the named pipe to read and write at the same time in different
/// threads.
/// 2. Asynchronous read and write (read and write won't block).
/// When reading, it will not block, but instead an `OVERLAPPED` struct that contains an event
/// (can be created with `OverlappedWrapper::new`) will be passed into
/// `ReadFile`. That event will be triggered when the read operation is complete.
/// In order to get how many bytes were read, call `get_overlapped_result`. That function will
/// also help with waiting until the read operation is complete.
/// # Safety
/// Same as `PipeConnection::read` safety comments. In addition, the pipe MUST be opened in
/// overlapped mode otherwise there may be unexpected behavior.
pub unsafe fn read_overlapped<T: PipeSendable>(
&mut self,
buf: &mut [T],
overlapped_wrapper: &mut OverlappedWrapper,
) -> Result<()> {
if overlapped_wrapper.in_use {
return Err(std::io::Error::new(
"Overlapped struct already in use",
overlapped_wrapper.in_use = true;
Some(&mut overlapped_wrapper.overlapped),
/// Helper for `read_overlapped` and `read`
/// # Safety
/// Comments `read_overlapped` or `read`, depending on which is used.
unsafe fn read_internal<T: PipeSendable>(
handle: &SafeDescriptor,
blocking_mode: BlockingMode,
buf: &mut [T],
overlapped: Option<&mut OVERLAPPED>,
) -> Result<usize> {
let res = crate::platform::read_file(
buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8,
match res {
Ok(bytes_read) => Ok(bytes_read),
if blocking_mode == BlockingMode::NoWait
&& e.raw_os_error() == Some(ERROR_NO_DATA as i32) =>
// A NOWAIT pipe will return ERROR_NO_DATA when no data is available; however,
// this code is interpreted as a std::io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe, which is not
// correct. For further details see:
Err(std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock, e))
Err(e) => Err(e),
/// Blockingly reads a `buf` bytes from the pipe. The blocking read can be interrupted
/// by an event on `exit_event`.
pub fn read_overlapped_blocking<T: PipeSendable>(
&mut self,
buf: &mut [T],
overlapped_wrapper: &mut OverlappedWrapper,
exit_event: &Event,
) -> Result<()> {
// Safe because we are providing a valid buffer slice and also providing a valid
// overlapped struct.
unsafe {
self.read_overlapped(buf, overlapped_wrapper)?;
enum Token {
let wait_ctx = WaitContext::build_with(&[
(exit_event, Token::Exit),
let events = wait_ctx.wait()?;
for event in events {
match event.token {
Token::ReadOverlapped => {
let size_read_in_bytes =
self.get_overlapped_result(overlapped_wrapper)? as usize;
// If this error shows, most likely the overlapped named pipe was set up
// incorrectly.
if size_read_in_bytes != buf.len() {
return Err(std::io::Error::new(
"Short read",
Token::Exit => {
return Err(std::io::Error::new(
"IO canceled on exit request",
/// Reads a variable size message and returns the message on success.
/// The size of the message is expected to proceed the message in
/// the form of `header_size` message.
/// `parse_message_size` lets caller parse the header to extract
/// message size.
/// Event on `exit_event` is used to interrupt the blocked read.
pub fn read_overlapped_blocking_message<F: FnOnce(&[u8]) -> usize>(
&mut self,
header_size: usize,
parse_message_size: F,
overlapped_wrapper: &mut OverlappedWrapper,
exit_event: &Event,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut header = vec![0; header_size];
header.resize_with(header_size, Default::default);
self.read_overlapped_blocking(&mut header, overlapped_wrapper, exit_event)?;
let message_size = parse_message_size(&header);
if message_size == 0 {
return Ok(vec![]);
let mut buf = vec![];
buf.resize_with(message_size, Default::default);
self.read_overlapped_blocking(&mut buf, overlapped_wrapper, exit_event)?;
/// Gets the size in bytes of data in the pipe.
/// Note that PeekNamedPipes (the underlying win32 API) will return zero if the packets have
/// not finished writing on the producer side.
pub fn get_available_byte_count(&self) -> io::Result<u32> {
let mut total_bytes_avail: DWORD = 0;
// Safe because the underlying pipe handle is guaranteed to be open, and the output values
// live at valid memory locations.
fail_if_zero!(unsafe {
&mut total_bytes_avail,
/// Writes the bytes from a slice into the pipe. Returns the number of bytes written, which
/// callers should check to ensure that it was the number expected.
pub fn write<T: PipeSendable>(&self, buf: &[T]) -> Result<usize> {
PipeConnection::write_internal(&self.handle, buf, None)
/// Sends, blockingly,`buf` over the pipe in its entirety. Partial write is considered
/// as a failure.
pub fn write_overlapped_blocking_message<T: PipeSendable>(
&mut self,
buf: &[T],
overlapped_wrapper: &mut OverlappedWrapper,
) -> Result<()> {
self.write_overlapped(buf, overlapped_wrapper)?;
let size_written_in_bytes = self.get_overlapped_result(overlapped_wrapper)?;
if size_written_in_bytes as usize != buf.len() {
return Err(std::io::Error::new(
"Short write expected:{} found:{}",
/// Similar to `PipeConnection::write` except it also allows:
/// 1. The same end of the named pipe to read and write at the same time in different
/// threads.
/// 2. Asynchronous read and write (read and write won't block).
/// When writing, it will not block, but instead an `OVERLAPPED` struct that contains an event
/// (can be created with `OverlappedWrapper::new`) will be passed into
/// `WriteFile`. That event will be triggered when the write operation is complete.
/// In order to get how many bytes were written, call `get_overlapped_result`. That function will
/// also help with waiting until the write operation is complete. The pipe must be opened in
/// overlapped otherwise there may be unexpected behavior.
/// WARNING: this function is unsafe. TODO(b/272812234): mark unsafe.
pub fn write_overlapped<T: PipeSendable>(
&mut self,
buf: &[T],
overlapped_wrapper: &mut OverlappedWrapper,
) -> Result<()> {
if overlapped_wrapper.in_use {
return Err(std::io::Error::new(
"Overlapped struct already in use",
overlapped_wrapper.in_use = true;
Some(&mut overlapped_wrapper.overlapped),
/// Helper for `write_overlapped` and `write`.
/// WARNING: this function is unsafe for overlapped IO. TODO(b/272812234): mark unsafe.
fn write_internal<T: PipeSendable>(
handle: &SafeDescriptor,
buf: &[T],
overlapped: Option<&mut OVERLAPPED>,
) -> Result<usize> {
// Safe because buf points to memory valid until the write completes and we pass a valid
// length for that memory.
unsafe {
buf.as_ptr() as *const u8,
/// Sets the blocking mode on the pipe.
pub fn set_blocking(&mut self, blocking_mode: &BlockingMode) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut client_mode = DWORD::from(blocking_mode) | self.framing_mode.to_readmode();
self.blocking_mode = *blocking_mode;
// Safe because the pipe has not been closed (it is managed by this object).
unsafe { set_named_pipe_handle_state(self.handle.as_raw_descriptor(), &mut client_mode) }
/// For a server named pipe, waits for a client to connect
pub fn wait_for_client_connection(&self) -> Result<()> {
let mut overlapped_wrapper = OverlappedWrapper::new(/* include_event = */ true)?;
&mut overlapped_wrapper,
/* should_block = */ true,
/// For a server named pipe, waits for a client to connect using the given overlapped wrapper
/// to signal connection.
pub fn wait_for_client_connection_overlapped(
overlapped_wrapper: &mut OverlappedWrapper,
) -> Result<()> {
/* should_block = */ false,
fn wait_for_client_connection_internal(
overlapped_wrapper: &mut OverlappedWrapper,
should_block: bool,
) -> Result<()> {
// Safe because the handle is valid and we're checking the return
// code according to the documentation
unsafe {
let success_flag = ConnectNamedPipe(
// Note: The overlapped structure is only used if the pipe was opened in
// OVERLAPPED mode, but is necessary in that case.
&mut *overlapped_wrapper.overlapped,
if success_flag == 0 {
return match GetLastError() {
if !should_block {
// If async, make sure the event is signalled to indicate the client
// is ready.
if should_block {
err => Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(err as i32)),
/// Used for overlapped read and write operations.
/// This will block until the ReadFile or WriteFile operation that also took in
/// `overlapped_wrapper` is complete, assuming `overlapped_wrapper` was created from
/// `OverlappedWrapper::new` or that `OVERLAPPED.hEvent` is set. This will also get
/// the number of bytes that were read or written.
pub fn get_overlapped_result(
&mut self,
overlapped_wrapper: &mut OverlappedWrapper,
) -> io::Result<u32> {
let res = self.get_overlapped_result_internal(overlapped_wrapper, /* wait= */ true);
overlapped_wrapper.in_use = false;
/// Used for overlapped read and write operations.
/// This will return immediately, regardless of the completion status of the
/// ReadFile or WriteFile operation that took in `overlapped_wrapper`,
/// assuming `overlapped_wrapper` was created from `OverlappedWrapper::new`
/// or that `OVERLAPPED.hEvent` is set. This will also get the number of bytes
/// that were read or written, if completed. If the operation hasn't
/// completed, an error of kind `io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock` will be
/// returned.
pub fn try_get_overlapped_result(
&mut self,
overlapped_wrapper: &mut OverlappedWrapper,
) -> io::Result<u32> {
let res = self.get_overlapped_result_internal(overlapped_wrapper, /* wait= */ false);
match res {
Err(err) if err.raw_os_error().unwrap() as u32 == ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE => {
Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock, err))
_ => {
overlapped_wrapper.in_use = false;
fn get_overlapped_result_internal(
&mut self,
overlapped_wrapper: &mut OverlappedWrapper,
wait: bool,
) -> io::Result<u32> {
if !overlapped_wrapper.in_use {
return Err(std::io::Error::new(
"Overlapped struct is not in use",
let mut size_transferred = 0;
// Safe as long as `overlapped_struct` isn't copied and also contains a valid event.
// Also the named pipe handle must created with `FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED`.
fail_if_zero!(unsafe {
&mut *overlapped_wrapper.overlapped,
&mut size_transferred,
if wait { TRUE } else { FALSE },
/// Cancels I/O Operations in the current process. Since `lpOverlapped` is null, this will
/// cancel all I/O requests for the file handle passed in.
pub fn cancel_io(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
fail_if_zero!(unsafe {
/* lpOverlapped= */ std::ptr::null_mut(),
/// Get the framing mode of the pipe.
pub fn get_framing_mode(&self) -> FramingMode {
/// Returns metadata about the connected NamedPipe.
pub fn get_info(&self, is_server_connection: bool) -> Result<NamedPipeInfo> {
let mut flags: u32 = 0;
// Marked mutable because they are mutated in a system call
let mut incoming_buffer_size: u32 = 0;
let mut outgoing_buffer_size: u32 = 0;
let mut max_instances: u32 = 0;
// Client side with BYTE type are default flags
if is_server_connection {
flags |= 0x00000001 /* PIPE_SERVER_END */
if self.framing_mode == FramingMode::Message {
flags |= 0x00000004 /* PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE */
// Safe because we have allocated all pointers and own
// them as mutable.
fail_if_zero!(unsafe {
flags as *mut u32,
outgoing_buffer_size as *mut u32,
incoming_buffer_size as *mut u32,
max_instances as *mut u32,
Ok(NamedPipeInfo {
/// For a server pipe, flush the pipe contents. This will
/// block until the pipe is cleared by the client. Only
/// call this if you are sure the client is reading the
/// data!
pub fn flush_data_blocking(&self) -> Result<()> {
// Safe because the only buffers interacted with are
// outside of Rust memory
fail_if_zero!(unsafe { FlushFileBuffers(self.as_raw_descriptor()) });
/// For a server pipe, disconnect all clients, discarding any buffered data.
pub fn disconnect_clients(&self) -> Result<()> {
// Safe because we own the handle passed in and know it will remain valid for the duration
// of the call. Discarded buffers are not managed by rust.
fail_if_zero!(unsafe { DisconnectNamedPipe(self.as_raw_descriptor()) });
impl AsRawDescriptor for PipeConnection {
fn as_raw_descriptor(&self) -> RawDescriptor {
impl IntoRawDescriptor for PipeConnection {
fn into_raw_descriptor(self) -> RawDescriptor {
unsafe impl Send for PipeConnection {}
unsafe impl Sync for PipeConnection {}
impl io::Read for PipeConnection {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
// This is safe because PipeConnection::read is always safe for u8
unsafe { PipeConnection::read(self, buf) }
impl io::Write for PipeConnection {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
PipeConnection::write(self, buf)
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
/// A simple data struct representing
/// metadata about a NamedPipe.
pub struct NamedPipeInfo {
pub outgoing_buffer_size: u32,
pub incoming_buffer_size: u32,
pub max_instances: u32,
mod tests {
use std::mem::size_of;
use super::*;
fn duplex_pipe_stream() {
let (p1, p2) = pair(&FramingMode::Byte, &BlockingMode::Wait, 0).unwrap();
// Test both forward and reverse direction since the underlying APIs are a bit asymmetrical
unsafe {
for (dir, sender, receiver) in [("1 -> 2", &p1, &p2), ("2 -> 1", &p2, &p1)].iter() {
println!("{}", dir);
sender.write(&[75, 77, 54, 82, 76, 65]).unwrap();
// Smaller than what we sent so we get multiple chunks
let mut recv_buffer: [u8; 4] = [0; 4];
let mut size = recv_buffer).unwrap();
assert_eq!(size, 4);
assert_eq!(recv_buffer, [75, 77, 54, 82]);
size = recv_buffer).unwrap();
assert_eq!(size, 2);
assert_eq!(recv_buffer[0..2], [76, 65]);
fn available_byte_count_byte_mode() {
let (p1, p2) = pair(&FramingMode::Byte, &BlockingMode::Wait, 0).unwrap();
p1.write(&[1, 23, 45]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(p2.get_available_byte_count().unwrap(), 3);
// PeekNamedPipe should NOT touch the data in the pipe. So if we call it again, it should
// yield the same value.
assert_eq!(p2.get_available_byte_count().unwrap(), 3);
fn available_byte_count_message_mode() {
let (p1, p2) = pair(&FramingMode::Message, &BlockingMode::Wait, 0).unwrap();
p1.write(&[1, 23, 45]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(p2.get_available_byte_count().unwrap(), 3);
// PeekNamedPipe should NOT touch the data in the pipe. So if we call it again, it should
// yield the same value.
assert_eq!(p2.get_available_byte_count().unwrap(), 3);
fn available_byte_count_message_mode_multiple_messages() {
let (p1, p2) = pair(&FramingMode::Message, &BlockingMode::Wait, 0).unwrap();
p1.write(&[1, 2, 3]).unwrap();
p1.write(&[4, 5]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(p2.get_available_byte_count().unwrap(), 5);
fn duplex_pipe_message() {
let (p1, p2) = pair(&FramingMode::Message, &BlockingMode::Wait, 0).unwrap();
// Test both forward and reverse direction since the underlying APIs are a bit asymmetrical
unsafe {
for (dir, sender, receiver) in [("1 -> 2", &p1, &p2), ("2 -> 1", &p2, &p1)].iter() {
println!("{}", dir);
// Send 2 messages so that we can check that message framing works
sender.write(&[1, 23, 45]).unwrap();
sender.write(&[67, 89, 10]).unwrap();
let mut recv_buffer: [u8; 5] = [0; 5]; // Larger than required for messages
let mut size = recv_buffer).unwrap();
assert_eq!(size, 3);
assert_eq!(recv_buffer[0..3], [1, 23, 45]);
size = recv_buffer).unwrap();
assert_eq!(size, 3);
assert_eq!(recv_buffer[0..3], [67, 89, 10]);
fn duplex_nowait_helper(p1: &PipeConnection, p2: &PipeConnection) {
let mut recv_buffer: [u8; 1] = [0; 1];
// Test both forward and reverse direction since the underlying APIs are a bit asymmetrical
unsafe {
for (dir, sender, receiver) in [("1 -> 2", &p1, &p2), ("2 -> 1", &p2, &p1)].iter() {
println!("{}", dir);
assert_eq!( recv_buffer).unwrap(), 1); // Should succeed!
assert_eq!( recv_buffer).unwrap_err().kind(),
fn duplex_nowait() {
let (p1, p2) = pair(&FramingMode::Byte, &BlockingMode::NoWait, 0).unwrap();
duplex_nowait_helper(&p1, &p2);
fn duplex_nowait_set_after_creation() {
// Tests non blocking setting after pipe creation
let (mut p1, mut p2) = pair(&FramingMode::Byte, &BlockingMode::Wait, 0).unwrap();
.expect("Failed to set blocking mode on pipe p1");
.expect("Failed to set blocking mode on pipe p2");
duplex_nowait_helper(&p1, &p2);
fn duplex_overlapped() {
let pipe_name = generate_pipe_name();
let mut p1 = create_server_pipe(
/* timeout= */ 0,
/* buffer_size= */ 1000,
/* overlapped= */ true,
let mut p2 = create_client_pipe(
/* overlapped= */ true,
// Safe because `read_overlapped` can be called since overlapped struct is created.
unsafe {
let mut p1_overlapped_wrapper =
OverlappedWrapper::new(/* include_event= */ true).unwrap();
p1.write_overlapped(&[75, 77, 54, 82, 76, 65], &mut p1_overlapped_wrapper)
let size = p1
.get_overlapped_result(&mut p1_overlapped_wrapper)
assert_eq!(size, 6);
let mut recv_buffer: [u8; 6] = [0; 6];
let mut p2_overlapped_wrapper =
OverlappedWrapper::new(/* include_event= */ true).unwrap();
p2.read_overlapped(&mut recv_buffer, &mut p2_overlapped_wrapper)
let size = p2
.get_overlapped_result(&mut p2_overlapped_wrapper)
assert_eq!(size, 6);
assert_eq!(recv_buffer, [75, 77, 54, 82, 76, 65]);
fn duplex_overlapped_test_in_use() {
let pipe_name = generate_pipe_name();
let mut p1 = create_server_pipe(
/* timeout= */ 0,
/* buffer_size= */ 1000,
/* overlapped= */ true,
let mut p2 = create_client_pipe(
/* overlapped= */ true,
let mut overlapped_wrapper = OverlappedWrapper::new(/* include_event= */ true).unwrap();
let res = p1.get_overlapped_result(&mut overlapped_wrapper);
let res = p1.write_overlapped(&[75, 77, 54, 82, 76, 65], &mut overlapped_wrapper);
let res = p2.write_overlapped(&[75, 77, 54, 82, 76, 65], &mut overlapped_wrapper);
let mut recv_buffer: [u8; 6] = [0; 6];
let res = unsafe { p2.read_overlapped(&mut recv_buffer, &mut overlapped_wrapper) };
let res = p1.get_overlapped_result(&mut overlapped_wrapper);
let mut recv_buffer: [u8; 6] = [0; 6];
let res = unsafe { p2.read_overlapped(&mut recv_buffer, &mut overlapped_wrapper) };
fn generate_pipe_name() -> String {
fn read_write_overlapped_message() {
let pipe_name = generate_pipe_name();
let mut p1 = create_server_pipe(
/* timeout= */ 0,
/* buffer_size= */ 1000,
/* overlapped= */ true,
let mut p2 = create_client_pipe(
/* overlapped= */ true,
// Safe because `read_overlapped` can be called since overlapped struct is created.
let mut p1_overlapped_wrapper = OverlappedWrapper::new(/* include_event= */ true).unwrap();
const MSG: [u8; 6] = [75, 77, 54, 82, 76, 65];
p1.write_overlapped_blocking_message(&MSG.len().to_be_bytes(), &mut p1_overlapped_wrapper)
p1.write_overlapped_blocking_message(&MSG, &mut p1_overlapped_wrapper)
let mut p2_overlapped_wrapper = OverlappedWrapper::new(/* include_event= */ true).unwrap();
let exit_event = Event::new().unwrap();
let recv_buffer = p2
|buf| usize::from_be_bytes(buf.try_into().expect("failed to get array from slice")),
&mut p2_overlapped_wrapper,
assert_eq!(recv_buffer, MSG);