blob: b071781d252c85f9f6c582a737ab144706a91fda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! minigbm: implements swapchain allocation using ChromeOS's minigbm library.
//! External code found at
#![cfg(feature = "minigbm")]
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Seek, SeekFrom};
use std::os::raw::c_char;
use std::rc::Rc;
use base::{AsRawDescriptor, Error as SysError, FromRawDescriptor};
use crate::rutabaga_gralloc::formats::DrmFormat;
use crate::rutabaga_gralloc::gralloc::{Gralloc, ImageAllocationInfo, ImageMemoryRequirements};
use crate::rutabaga_gralloc::minigbm_bindings::*;
use crate::rutabaga_gralloc::rendernode;
use crate::rutabaga_utils::*;
struct MinigbmDeviceInner {
_fd: File,
gbm: *mut gbm_device,
impl Drop for MinigbmDeviceInner {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Safe because MinigbmDeviceInner is only constructed with a valid minigbm_device.
unsafe {
/// A device capable of allocating `MinigbmBuffer`.
pub struct MinigbmDevice {
minigbm_device: Rc<MinigbmDeviceInner>,
last_buffer: Option<Rc<MinigbmBuffer>>,
device_name: &'static str,
impl MinigbmDevice {
/// Returns a new `MinigbmDevice` if there is a rendernode in `/dev/dri/` that is accepted by
/// the minigbm library.
pub fn init() -> RutabagaResult<Box<dyn Gralloc>> {
let undesired: &[&str] = &["vgem", "pvr"];
let fd = rendernode::open_device(undesired)?;
// gbm_create_device is safe to call with a valid fd, and we check that a valid one is
// returned. If the fd does not refer to a DRM device, gbm_create_device will reject it.
let gbm = unsafe { gbm_create_device(fd.as_raw_descriptor()) };
if gbm.is_null() {
return Err(RutabagaError::SysError(SysError::last()));
// Safe because a valid minigbm device has a statically allocated string associated with
// it, which is valid for the lifetime of the process.
let backend_name: *const c_char = unsafe { gbm_device_get_backend_name(gbm) };
let c_str: &CStr = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(backend_name) };
let device_name: &str = c_str.to_str()?;
Ok(Box::new(MinigbmDevice {
minigbm_device: Rc::new(MinigbmDeviceInner { _fd: fd, gbm }),
last_buffer: None,
impl Gralloc for MinigbmDevice {
fn supports_external_gpu_memory(&self) -> bool {
fn supports_dmabuf(&self) -> bool {
fn get_image_memory_requirements(
&mut self,
info: ImageAllocationInfo,
) -> RutabagaResult<ImageMemoryRequirements> {
let bo = unsafe {
if bo.is_null() {
return Err(RutabagaError::SysError(SysError::last()));
let mut reqs: ImageMemoryRequirements = Default::default();
let gbm_buffer = MinigbmBuffer(bo, self.clone());
// Intel GPUs typically only use cached memory buffers. This will change with dGPUs, but
// perhaps minigbm will be deprecated by then. Other display drivers (rockchip, mediatek,
// amdgpu) typically use write combine memory. We can also consider use flags too if this
// heuristic proves insufficient.
if self.device_name == "i915" {
} else {
reqs.map_info = RUTABAGA_MAP_CACHE_WC;
reqs.modifier = gbm_buffer.format_modifier();
for plane in 0..gbm_buffer.num_planes() {
reqs.strides[plane] = gbm_buffer.plane_stride(plane);
reqs.offsets[plane] = gbm_buffer.plane_offset(plane);
let mut fd = gbm_buffer.export()?;
let size = fd
.map_err(|_| RutabagaError::Unsupported)?;
// minigbm does have the ability to query image requirements without allocating memory
// via the TEST_ALLOC flag. However, support has only been added in i915. Until this
// flag is supported everywhere, do the actual allocation here and stash it away.
if self.last_buffer.is_some() {
return Err(RutabagaError::AlreadyInUse);
self.last_buffer = Some(Rc::new(gbm_buffer)); = info;
reqs.size = size;
fn allocate_memory(&mut self, reqs: ImageMemoryRequirements) -> RutabagaResult<RutabagaHandle> {
let last_buffer = self.last_buffer.take();
if let Some(gbm_buffer) = last_buffer {
if gbm_buffer.width() !=
|| gbm_buffer.height() !=
|| gbm_buffer.format() !=
return Err(RutabagaError::SpecViolation);
let dmabuf = gbm_buffer.export()?;
return Ok(RutabagaHandle {
os_handle: dmabuf,
let bo = unsafe {
if bo.is_null() {
return Err(RutabagaError::SysError(SysError::last()));
let gbm_buffer = MinigbmBuffer(bo, self.clone());
let dmabuf = gbm_buffer.export()?;
Ok(RutabagaHandle {
os_handle: dmabuf,
/// An allocation from a `MinigbmDevice`.
pub struct MinigbmBuffer(*mut gbm_bo, MinigbmDevice);
impl MinigbmBuffer {
/// Width in pixels.
pub fn width(&self) -> u32 {
// This is always safe to call with a valid gbm_bo pointer.
unsafe { gbm_bo_get_width(self.0) }
/// Height in pixels.
pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {
// This is always safe to call with a valid gbm_bo pointer.
unsafe { gbm_bo_get_height(self.0) }
/// `DrmFormat` of the buffer.
pub fn format(&self) -> DrmFormat {
// This is always safe to call with a valid gbm_bo pointer.
unsafe { DrmFormat(gbm_bo_get_format(self.0)) }
/// DrmFormat modifier flags for the buffer.
pub fn format_modifier(&self) -> u64 {
// This is always safe to call with a valid gbm_bo pointer.
unsafe { gbm_bo_get_modifier(self.0) }
/// Number of planes present in this buffer.
pub fn num_planes(&self) -> usize {
// This is always safe to call with a valid gbm_bo pointer.
unsafe { gbm_bo_get_plane_count(self.0) as usize }
/// Offset in bytes for the given plane.
pub fn plane_offset(&self, plane: usize) -> u32 {
// This is always safe to call with a valid gbm_bo pointer.
unsafe { gbm_bo_get_offset(self.0, plane) }
/// Length in bytes of one row for the given plane.
pub fn plane_stride(&self, plane: usize) -> u32 {
// This is always safe to call with a valid gbm_bo pointer.
unsafe { gbm_bo_get_stride_for_plane(self.0, plane) }
/// Exports a new dmabuf/prime file descriptor.
pub fn export(&self) -> RutabagaResult<File> {
// This is always safe to call with a valid gbm_bo pointer.
match unsafe { gbm_bo_get_fd(self.0) } {
fd if fd >= 0 => {
let dmabuf = unsafe { File::from_raw_descriptor(fd) };
ret => Err(RutabagaError::ComponentError(ret)),
impl Drop for MinigbmBuffer {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// This is always safe to call with a valid gbm_bo pointer.
unsafe { gbm_bo_destroy(self.0) }