blob: 12fc043d20f2c0244cc69389e27906ae622006c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Library for implementing vhost-user device executables.
//! This crate provides
//! * `VhostUserBackend` trait, which is a collection of methods to handle vhost-user requests, and
//! * `DeviceRequestHandler` struct, which makes a connection to a VMM and starts an event loop.
//! They are expected to be used as follows:
//! 1. Define a struct and implement `VhostUserBackend` for it.
//! 2. Create a `DeviceRequestHandler` with the backend struct.
//! 3. Drive the `DeviceRequestHandler::run` async fn with an executor.
//! ```ignore
//! struct MyBackend {
//! /* fields */
//! }
//! impl VhostUserBackend for MyBackend {
//! /* implement methods */
//! }
//! fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
//! let backend = MyBackend { /* initialize fields */ };
//! let handler = DeviceRequestHandler::new(backend);
//! let socket = std::path::Path("/path/to/socket");
//! let ex = cros_async::Executor::new()?;
//! if let Err(e) = ex.run_until(, &ex)) {
//! eprintln!("error happened: {}", e);
//! }
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
// Implementation note:
// This code lets us take advantage of the vmm_vhost low level implementation of the vhost user
// protocol. DeviceRequestHandler implements the VhostUserSlaveReqHandlerMut trait from vmm_vhost,
// and includes some common code for setting up guest memory and managing partially configured
// vrings. DeviceRequestHandler::run watches the vhost-user socket and then calls handle_request()
// when it becomes readable. handle_request() reads and parses the message and then calls one of the
// VhostUserSlaveReqHandlerMut trait methods. These dispatch back to the supplied VhostUserBackend
// implementation (this is what our devices implement).
use base::AsRawDescriptor;
use std::convert::{From, TryFrom};
use std::fs::File;
use std::num::Wrapping;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use std::os::unix::net::UnixListener;
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::Arc;
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result};
use base::{
clear_fd_flags, error, info, Event, FromRawDescriptor, IntoRawDescriptor, SafeDescriptor,
SharedMemory, SharedMemoryUnix, UnlinkUnixListener,
use cros_async::{AsyncWrapper, Executor};
use sync::Mutex;
use vm_memory::{GuestAddress, GuestMemory, MemoryRegion};
use vmm_vhost::{
connection::vfio::{Endpoint as VfioEndpoint, Listener as VfioListener},
VhostUserConfigFlags, VhostUserInflight, VhostUserMemoryRegion, VhostUserProtocolFeatures,
VhostUserSingleMemoryRegion, VhostUserVirtioFeatures, VhostUserVringAddrFlags,
Protocol, SlaveListener, SlaveReqHandler,
use vmm_vhost::{Error as VhostError, Result as VhostResult, VhostUserSlaveReqHandlerMut};
use crate::vfio::{VfioDevice, VfioRegionAddr};
use crate::virtio::vhost::user::device::vvu::{
pci::{VvuPciCaps, VvuPciDevice},
use crate::virtio::{Queue, SignalableInterrupt};
/// An event to deliver an interrupt to the guest.
/// Unlike `devices::Interrupt`, this doesn't support interrupt status and signal resampling.
// TODO(b/187487351): To avoid sending unnecessary events, we might want to support interrupt
// status. For this purpose, we need a mechanism to share interrupt status between the vmm and the
// device process.
pub struct CallEvent(Event);
impl SignalableInterrupt for CallEvent {
fn signal(&self, _vector: u16, _interrupt_status_mask: u32) {
fn signal_config_changed(&self) {} // TODO(dgreid)
fn get_resample_evt(&self) -> Option<&Event> {
fn do_interrupt_resample(&self) {}
impl From<File> for CallEvent {
fn from(file: File) -> Self {
// Safe because we own the file.
CallEvent(unsafe { Event::from_raw_descriptor(file.into_raw_descriptor()) })
/// Keeps a mapping from the vmm's virtual addresses to guest addresses.
/// used to translate messages from the vmm to guest offsets.
pub struct MappingInfo {
pub vmm_addr: u64,
pub guest_phys: u64,
pub size: u64,
pub fn vmm_va_to_gpa(maps: &[MappingInfo], vmm_va: u64) -> VhostResult<GuestAddress> {
for map in maps {
if vmm_va >= map.vmm_addr && vmm_va < map.vmm_addr + map.size {
return Ok(GuestAddress(vmm_va - map.vmm_addr + map.guest_phys));
pub fn create_guest_memory(
contexts: &[VhostUserMemoryRegion],
files: Vec<File>,
) -> VhostResult<(GuestMemory, Vec<MappingInfo>)> {
let mut regions = Vec::with_capacity(files.len());
for (region, file) in contexts.iter().zip(files.into_iter()) {
let region = MemoryRegion::new_from_shm(
.map_err(|e| {
error!("failed to create a memory region: {}", e);
let guest_mem = GuestMemory::from_regions(regions).map_err(|e| {
error!("failed to create guest memory: {}", e);
let vmm_maps = contexts
.map(|region| MappingInfo {
vmm_addr: region.user_addr,
guest_phys: region.guest_phys_addr,
size: region.memory_size,
Ok((guest_mem, vmm_maps))
pub fn create_vvu_guest_memory(
vfio_dev: &VfioDevice,
shared_mem_addr: &VfioRegionAddr,
contexts: &[VhostUserMemoryRegion],
) -> VhostResult<(GuestMemory, Vec<MappingInfo>)> {
let file_offset = vfio_dev.get_offset_for_addr(shared_mem_addr).map_err(|e| {
error!("failed to get underlying file: {}", e);
let mut vmm_maps = Vec::with_capacity(contexts.len());
let mut regions = Vec::with_capacity(contexts.len());
let page_size = base::pagesize() as u64;
for region in contexts {
let offset = file_offset + region.mmap_offset;
assert_eq!(offset % page_size, 0);
vmm_maps.push(MappingInfo {
vmm_addr: region.user_addr as u64,
guest_phys: region.guest_phys_addr as u64,
size: region.memory_size,
let cloned_file = vfio_dev.dev_file().try_clone().map_err(|e| {
error!("failed to clone vfio device file: {}", e);
let region = MemoryRegion::new_from_file(
file_offset + region.mmap_offset,
.map_err(|e| {
error!("failed to create a memory region: {}", e);
let guest_mem = GuestMemory::from_regions(regions).map_err(|e| {
error!("failed to create guest memory: {}", e);
Ok((guest_mem, vmm_maps))
/// Trait for vhost-user backend.
pub trait VhostUserBackend
Self: Sized,
Self::Error: std::fmt::Display,
const MAX_QUEUE_NUM: usize;
const MAX_VRING_LEN: u16;
/// Error type specific to this backend.
type Error;
/// The set of feature bits that this backend supports.
fn features(&self) -> u64;
/// Acknowledges that this set of features should be enabled.
fn ack_features(&mut self, value: u64) -> std::result::Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Returns the set of enabled features.
fn acked_features(&self) -> u64;
/// The set of protocol feature bits that this backend supports.
fn protocol_features(&self) -> VhostUserProtocolFeatures;
/// Acknowledges that this set of protocol features should be enabled.
fn ack_protocol_features(&mut self, _value: u64) -> std::result::Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Returns the set of enabled protocol features.
fn acked_protocol_features(&self) -> u64;
/// Reads this device configuration space at `offset`.
fn read_config(&self, offset: u64, dst: &mut [u8]);
/// writes `data` to this device's configuration space at `offset`.
fn write_config(&self, _offset: u64, _data: &[u8]) {}
/// Sets the channel for device-specific communication.
fn set_device_request_channel(
&mut self,
_channel: File,
) -> std::result::Result<(), Self::Error> {
/// Indicates that the backend should start processing requests for virtio queue number `idx`.
/// This method must not block the current thread so device backends should either spawn an
/// async task or another thread to handle messages from the Queue.
fn start_queue(
&mut self,
idx: usize,
queue: Queue,
mem: GuestMemory,
doorbell: Arc<Mutex<Doorbell>>,
kick_evt: Event,
) -> std::result::Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Indicates that the backend should stop processing requests for virtio queue number `idx`.
fn stop_queue(&mut self, idx: usize);
/// Resets the vhost-user backend.
fn reset(&mut self);
pub enum Doorbell {
impl SignalableInterrupt for Doorbell {
fn signal(&self, vector: u16, interrupt_status_mask: u32) {
match &self {
Self::Call(evt) => evt.signal(vector, interrupt_status_mask),
Self::Vfio(evt) => evt.signal(vector, interrupt_status_mask),
fn signal_config_changed(&self) {
match &self {
Self::Call(evt) => evt.signal_config_changed(),
Self::Vfio(evt) => evt.signal_config_changed(),
fn get_resample_evt(&self) -> Option<&Event> {
match &self {
Self::Call(evt) => evt.get_resample_evt(),
Self::Vfio(evt) => evt.get_resample_evt(),
fn do_interrupt_resample(&self) {
match &self {
Self::Call(evt) => evt.do_interrupt_resample(),
Self::Vfio(evt) => evt.do_interrupt_resample(),
/// A virtio ring entry.
struct Vring {
queue: Queue,
doorbell: Option<Arc<Mutex<Doorbell>>>,
enabled: bool,
impl Vring {
fn new(max_size: u16) -> Self {
Self {
queue: Queue::new(max_size),
doorbell: None,
enabled: false,
fn reset(&mut self) {
self.doorbell = None;
self.enabled = false;
enum HandlerType {
Vvu {
vfio_dev: Arc<VfioDevice>,
caps: VvuPciCaps,
notification_evts: Vec<Event>,
impl Default for HandlerType {
fn default() -> Self {
/// Structure to have an event loop for interaction between a VMM and `VhostUserBackend`.
pub struct DeviceRequestHandler<B>
B: 'static + VhostUserBackend,
vrings: Vec<Vring>,
owned: bool,
vmm_maps: Option<Vec<MappingInfo>>,
mem: Option<GuestMemory>,
backend: B,
handler_type: HandlerType,
impl<B> DeviceRequestHandler<B>
B: 'static + VhostUserBackend,
/// Creates the vhost-user handler instance for `backend`.
pub fn new(backend: B) -> Self {
let mut vrings = Vec::with_capacity(B::MAX_QUEUE_NUM);
for _ in 0..B::MAX_QUEUE_NUM {
vrings.push(Vring::new(B::MAX_VRING_LEN as u16));
DeviceRequestHandler {
owned: false,
vmm_maps: None,
mem: None,
handler_type: Default::default(), // For vvu, this field will be overwritten later.
/// Creates a listening socket at `socket` and handles incoming messages from the VMM, which are
/// dispatched to the device backend via the `VhostUserBackend` trait methods.
pub async fn run<P: AsRef<Path>>(self, socket: P, ex: &Executor) -> Result<()> {
let listener = UnixListener::bind(socket)
.context("failed to create a UNIX domain socket listener")?;
return self.run_with_listener(listener, ex).await;
/// Attaches to an already bound socket via `listener` and handles incoming messages from the
/// VMM, which are dispatched to the device backend via the `VhostUserBackend` trait methods.
pub async fn run_with_listener(
listener: UnlinkUnixListener,
ex: &Executor,
) -> Result<()> {
let (socket, _) = ex
.spawn_blocking(move || {
.context("failed to accept an incoming connection")
let mut req_handler =
SlaveReqHandler::from_stream(socket, Arc::new(std::sync::Mutex::new(self)));
let h = SafeDescriptor::try_from(&req_handler as &dyn AsRawDescriptor)
.expect("failed to get safe descriptor for handler");
let handler_source = ex
.context("failed to create an async source")?;
loop {
.context("failed to wait for the handler socket to become readable")?;
match req_handler.handle_request() {
Ok(()) => (),
Err(VhostError::ClientExit) => {
info!("vhost-user connection closed");
// Exit as the client closed the connection.
return Ok(());
Err(e) => {
bail!("failed to handle a vhost-user request: {}", e);
/// Starts listening virtio-vhost-user device with VFIO to handle incoming vhost-user messages
/// forwarded by it.
pub async fn run_vvu(mut self, mut device: VvuPciDevice, ex: &Executor) -> Result<()> {
self.handler_type = HandlerType::Vvu {
vfio_dev: Arc::clone(&device.vfio_dev),
caps: device.caps.clone(),
notification_evts: std::mem::take(&mut device.notification_evts),
let device = Arc::new(Mutex::new(device));
let driver = VvuDevice::new(Arc::clone(&device));
let mut listener = VfioListener::new(driver)
.map_err(|e| anyhow!("failed to create a VFIO listener: {}", e))
.and_then(|l| {
SlaveListener::<VfioEndpoint<_, _>, _>::new(
.map_err(|e| anyhow!("failed to create SlaveListener: {}", e))
let mut req_handler = listener
.map_err(|e| anyhow!("failed to accept VFIO connection: {}", e))?
.expect("vvu proxy is unavailable via VFIO");
let h = SafeDescriptor::try_from(&req_handler as &dyn AsRawDescriptor)
.expect("failed to get safe descriptor for handler");
let handler_source = ex
.context("failed to create asyn handler source")?;
let done = async move {
loop {
// Wait for requests from the sibling.
// `read_u64()` returns the number of requests arrived.
let count = handler_source
.context("failed to wait for handler source")?;
for _ in 0..count {
.context("failed to handle request")?;
match ex.run_until(done) {
Ok(Ok(())) => Ok(()),
Ok(Err(e)) => Err(e),
Err(e) => Err(e).context("executor error"),
impl<B: VhostUserBackend> VhostUserSlaveReqHandlerMut for DeviceRequestHandler<B> {
fn protocol(&self) -> Protocol {
match self.handler_type {
HandlerType::VhostUser => Protocol::Regular,
HandlerType::Vvu { .. } => Protocol::Virtio,
fn set_owner(&mut self) -> VhostResult<()> {
if self.owned {
return Err(VhostError::InvalidOperation);
self.owned = true;
fn reset_owner(&mut self) -> VhostResult<()> {
self.owned = false;
fn get_features(&mut self) -> VhostResult<u64> {
let features = self.backend.features();
fn set_features(&mut self, features: u64) -> VhostResult<()> {
if !self.owned {
return Err(VhostError::InvalidOperation);
if (features & !(self.backend.features())) != 0 {
return Err(VhostError::InvalidParam);
if let Err(e) = self.backend.ack_features(features) {
error!("failed to acknowledge features 0x{:x}: {}", features, e);
return Err(VhostError::InvalidOperation);
// If VHOST_USER_F_PROTOCOL_FEATURES has not been negotiated, the ring is initialized in an
// enabled state.
// If VHOST_USER_F_PROTOCOL_FEATURES has been negotiated, the ring is initialized in a
// disabled state.
// Client must not pass data to/from the backend until ring is enabled by
// VHOST_USER_SET_VRING_ENABLE with parameter 1, or after it has been disabled by
// VHOST_USER_SET_VRING_ENABLE with parameter 0.
let acked_features = self.backend.acked_features();
let vring_enabled = VhostUserVirtioFeatures::PROTOCOL_FEATURES.bits() & acked_features != 0;
for v in &mut self.vrings {
v.enabled = vring_enabled;
fn get_protocol_features(&mut self) -> VhostResult<VhostUserProtocolFeatures> {
fn set_protocol_features(&mut self, features: u64) -> VhostResult<()> {
if let Err(e) = self.backend.ack_protocol_features(features) {
error!("failed to set protocol features 0x{:x}: {}", features, e);
return Err(VhostError::InvalidOperation);
fn set_mem_table(
&mut self,
contexts: &[VhostUserMemoryRegion],
files: Vec<File>,
) -> VhostResult<()> {
let (guest_mem, vmm_maps) = match &self.handler_type {
HandlerType::VhostUser => {
if files.len() != contexts.len() {
return Err(VhostError::InvalidParam);
create_guest_memory(contexts, files)?
HandlerType::Vvu {
vfio_dev: device,
} => {
// virtio-vhost-user doesn't pass FDs.
if !files.is_empty() {
return Err(VhostError::InvalidParam);
create_vvu_guest_memory(device.as_ref(), caps.shared_mem_cfg_addr(), contexts)?
self.mem = Some(guest_mem);
self.vmm_maps = Some(vmm_maps);
fn get_queue_num(&mut self) -> VhostResult<u64> {
Ok(self.vrings.len() as u64)
fn set_vring_num(&mut self, index: u32, num: u32) -> VhostResult<()> {
if index as usize >= self.vrings.len() || num == 0 || num > B::MAX_VRING_LEN.into() {
return Err(VhostError::InvalidParam);
self.vrings[index as usize].queue.size = num as u16;
fn set_vring_addr(
&mut self,
index: u32,
_flags: VhostUserVringAddrFlags,
descriptor: u64,
used: u64,
available: u64,
_log: u64,
) -> VhostResult<()> {
if index as usize >= self.vrings.len() {
return Err(VhostError::InvalidParam);
let vmm_maps = self.vmm_maps.as_ref().ok_or(VhostError::InvalidParam)?;
let vring = &mut self.vrings[index as usize];
vring.queue.desc_table = vmm_va_to_gpa(vmm_maps, descriptor)?;
vring.queue.avail_ring = vmm_va_to_gpa(vmm_maps, available)?;
vring.queue.used_ring = vmm_va_to_gpa(vmm_maps, used)?;
fn set_vring_base(&mut self, index: u32, base: u32) -> VhostResult<()> {
if index as usize >= self.vrings.len() || base >= B::MAX_VRING_LEN.into() {
return Err(VhostError::InvalidParam);
let vring = &mut self.vrings[index as usize];
vring.queue.next_avail = Wrapping(base as u16);
vring.queue.next_used = Wrapping(base as u16);
fn get_vring_base(&mut self, index: u32) -> VhostResult<VhostUserVringState> {
if index as usize >= self.vrings.len() {
return Err(VhostError::InvalidParam);
// Quotation from vhost-user spec:
// Client must start ring upon receiving a kick (that is, detecting
// that file descriptor is readable) on the descriptor specified by
// VHOST_USER_SET_VRING_KICK, and stop ring upon receiving
self.backend.stop_queue(index as usize);
let vring = &mut self.vrings[index as usize];
vring.queue.next_avail.0 as u32,
fn set_vring_kick(&mut self, index: u8, file: Option<File>) -> VhostResult<()> {
if index as usize >= self.vrings.len() {
return Err(VhostError::InvalidParam);
let vring = &mut self.vrings[index as usize];
if vring.queue.ready {
error!("kick fd cannot replaced after queue is started");
return Err(VhostError::InvalidOperation);
let kick_evt = match &self.handler_type {
HandlerType::VhostUser => {
let file = file.ok_or(VhostError::InvalidParam)?;
// Remove O_NONBLOCK from kick_fd. Otherwise, uring_executor will fails when we read
// values via `next_val()` later.
if let Err(e) = clear_fd_flags(file.as_raw_fd(), libc::O_NONBLOCK) {
error!("failed to remove O_NONBLOCK for kick fd: {}", e);
return Err(VhostError::InvalidParam);
// Safe because we own the file.
unsafe { Event::from_raw_descriptor(file.into_raw_descriptor()) }
HandlerType::Vvu {
notification_evts, ..
} => {
if file.is_some() {
return Err(VhostError::InvalidParam);
notification_evts[index as usize].try_clone().map_err(|e| {
error!("failed to clone notification_evts[{}]: {}", index, e);
let vring = &mut self.vrings[index as usize];
vring.queue.ready = true;
let queue = vring.queue.clone();
let doorbell = vring
let mem = self
if let Err(e) =
.start_queue(index as usize, queue, mem, Arc::clone(doorbell), kick_evt)
error!("Failed to start queue {}: {}", index, e);
return Err(VhostError::SlaveInternalError);
fn set_vring_call(&mut self, index: u8, file: Option<File>) -> VhostResult<()> {
if index as usize >= self.vrings.len() {
return Err(VhostError::InvalidParam);
let doorbell = match &self.handler_type {
HandlerType::VhostUser => {
let file = file.ok_or(VhostError::InvalidParam)?;
Doorbell::Call(CallEvent::try_from(file).map_err(|_| {
error!("failed to convert callfd to CallSignal");
HandlerType::Vvu {
vfio_dev: device,
} => {
let base = caps.doorbell_base_addr();
let addr = VfioRegionAddr {
index: base.index,
addr: base.addr + (index as u64 * caps.doorbell_off_multiplier() as u64),
Doorbell::Vfio(DoorbellRegion {
vfio: Arc::clone(device),
match &self.vrings[index as usize].doorbell {
None => {
self.vrings[index as usize].doorbell = Some(Arc::new(Mutex::new(doorbell)));
Some(cell) => {
let mut evt = cell.lock();
*evt = doorbell;
fn set_vring_err(&mut self, _index: u8, _fd: Option<File>) -> VhostResult<()> {
fn set_vring_enable(&mut self, index: u32, enable: bool) -> VhostResult<()> {
if index as usize >= self.vrings.len() {
return Err(VhostError::InvalidParam);
// This request should be handled only when VHOST_USER_F_PROTOCOL_FEATURES
// has been negotiated.
if self.backend.acked_features() & VhostUserVirtioFeatures::PROTOCOL_FEATURES.bits() == 0 {
return Err(VhostError::InvalidOperation);
// Slave must not pass data to/from the backend until ring is
// enabled by VHOST_USER_SET_VRING_ENABLE with parameter 1,
// or after it has been disabled by VHOST_USER_SET_VRING_ENABLE
// with parameter 0.
self.vrings[index as usize].enabled = enable;
fn get_config(
&mut self,
offset: u32,
size: u32,
_flags: VhostUserConfigFlags,
) -> VhostResult<Vec<u8>> {
if offset >= size {
return Err(VhostError::InvalidParam);
let mut data = vec![0; size as usize];
self.backend.read_config(u64::from(offset), &mut data);
fn set_config(
&mut self,
offset: u32,
buf: &[u8],
_flags: VhostUserConfigFlags,
) -> VhostResult<()> {
self.backend.write_config(u64::from(offset), buf);
fn set_slave_req_fd(&mut self, fd: File) {
if let Err(e) = self.backend.set_device_request_channel(fd) {
error!("failed to set device request channel: {}", e);
fn get_inflight_fd(
&mut self,
_inflight: &VhostUserInflight,
) -> VhostResult<(VhostUserInflight, File)> {
fn set_inflight_fd(&mut self, _inflight: &VhostUserInflight, _file: File) -> VhostResult<()> {
fn get_max_mem_slots(&mut self) -> VhostResult<u64> {
fn add_mem_region(
&mut self,
_region: &VhostUserSingleMemoryRegion,
_fd: File,
) -> VhostResult<()> {
fn remove_mem_region(&mut self, _region: &VhostUserSingleMemoryRegion) -> VhostResult<()> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
use std::sync::Barrier;
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail};
use data_model::DataInit;
use tempfile::{Builder, TempDir};
use crate::virtio::vhost::user::vmm::VhostUserHandler;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct FakeConfig {
x: u32,
y: u64,
unsafe impl DataInit for FakeConfig {}
const FAKE_CONFIG_DATA: FakeConfig = FakeConfig { x: 1, y: 2 };
struct FakeBackend {
avail_features: u64,
acked_features: u64,
acked_protocol_features: VhostUserProtocolFeatures,
impl FakeBackend {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
avail_features: VhostUserVirtioFeatures::PROTOCOL_FEATURES.bits(),
acked_features: 0,
acked_protocol_features: VhostUserProtocolFeatures::empty(),
impl VhostUserBackend for FakeBackend {
const MAX_QUEUE_NUM: usize = 16;
const MAX_VRING_LEN: u16 = 256;
type Error = anyhow::Error;
fn features(&self) -> u64 {
fn ack_features(&mut self, value: u64) -> std::result::Result<(), Self::Error> {
let unrequested_features = value & !self.avail_features;
if unrequested_features != 0 {
"invalid protocol features are given: 0x{:x}",
self.acked_features |= value;
fn acked_features(&self) -> u64 {
fn protocol_features(&self) -> VhostUserProtocolFeatures {
fn ack_protocol_features(&mut self, features: u64) -> std::result::Result<(), Self::Error> {
let features = VhostUserProtocolFeatures::from_bits(features).ok_or(anyhow!(
"invalid protocol features are given: 0x{:x}",
let supported = self.protocol_features();
self.acked_protocol_features = features & supported;
fn acked_protocol_features(&self) -> u64 {
fn read_config(&self, offset: u64, dst: &mut [u8]) {
dst.copy_from_slice(&FAKE_CONFIG_DATA.as_slice()[offset as usize..]);
fn reset(&mut self) {}
fn start_queue(
&mut self,
_idx: usize,
_queue: Queue,
_mem: GuestMemory,
_doorbell: Arc<Mutex<Doorbell>>,
_kick_evt: Event,
) -> std::result::Result<(), Self::Error> {
fn stop_queue(&mut self, _idx: usize) {}
fn temp_dir() -> TempDir {
fn test_vhost_user_activate() {
use vmm_vhost::{
connection::socket::{Endpoint as SocketEndpoint, Listener as SocketListener},
const QUEUES_NUM: usize = 2;
let dir = temp_dir();
let mut path = dir.path().to_owned();
let listener = SocketListener::new(&path, true).unwrap();
let vmm_bar = Arc::new(Barrier::new(2));
let dev_bar = vmm_bar.clone();
let (tx, rx) = channel();
std::thread::spawn(move || {
// VMM side
rx.recv().unwrap(); // Ensure the device is ready.
let allow_features = VhostUserVirtioFeatures::PROTOCOL_FEATURES.bits();
let init_features = VhostUserVirtioFeatures::PROTOCOL_FEATURES.bits();
let allow_protocol_features = VhostUserProtocolFeatures::CONFIG;
let mut vmm_handler = VhostUserHandler::new_from_path(
QUEUES_NUM as u64,
let mut buf = vec![0; std::mem::size_of::<FakeConfig>()];
vmm_handler.read_config::<FakeConfig>(0, &mut buf).unwrap();
// Check if the obtained config data is correct.
let config = FakeConfig::from_slice(&buf).unwrap();
assert_eq!(*config, FAKE_CONFIG_DATA);
let mem = GuestMemory::new(&[(GuestAddress(0x0), 0x10000)]).unwrap();
for idx in 0..QUEUES_NUM {
println!("activate_mem_table: queue_index={}", idx);
let queue = Queue::new(0x10);
let queue_evt = Event::new().unwrap();
let irqfd = Event::new().unwrap();
.activate_vring(&mem, idx, &queue, &queue_evt, &irqfd)
// The VMM side is supposed to stop before the device side.
// Device side
let handler = Arc::new(std::sync::Mutex::new(DeviceRequestHandler::new(
let mut listener = SlaveListener::<SocketEndpoint<_>, _>::new(listener, handler).unwrap();
// Notify listener is ready.
let mut listener = listener.accept().unwrap().unwrap();
// VhostUserHandler::new()
// VhostUserHandler::read_config()
// VhostUserHandler::set_mem_table()
for _ in 0..QUEUES_NUM {
// VhostUserHandler::activate_vring()
match listener.handle_request() {
Err(VhostError::ClientExit) => (),
r => panic!("Err(ClientExit) was expected but {:?}", r),