blob: 31cc2e1429c01d860fef760231e7485de471e9d4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# A collection of utilities for extracting build rule information from GN
# projects.
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import errno
import filecmp
import json
import logging as log
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
BUILDFLAGS_TARGET = '//gn:gen_buildflags'
GEN_VERSION_TARGET = '//src/base:version_gen_h'
LINKER_UNIT_TYPES = ('executable', 'shared_library', 'static_library')
# TODO(primiano): investigate these, they require further componentization.
def repo_root():
"""Returns an absolute path to the repository root."""
return os.path.join(
os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), os.path.pardir)
def label_to_path(label):
"""Turn a GN output label (e.g., //some_dir/ into a path."""
assert label.startswith('//')
return label[2:] or "./"
def label_without_toolchain(label):
"""Strips the toolchain from a GN label.
Return a GN label (e.g //buildtools:protobuf(//gn/standalone/toolchain:
gcc_like_host) without the parenthesised toolchain part.
return label.split('(')[0]
def label_to_target_name_with_path(label):
Turn a GN label into a target name involving the full path.
e.g., //src/perfetto:tests -> src_perfetto_tests
name = re.sub(r'^//:?', '', label)
name = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_', name)
return name
class GnParser(object):
"""A parser with some cleverness for GN json desc files
The main goals of this parser are:
1) Deal with the fact that other build systems don't have an equivalent
notion to GN's source_set. Conversely to Bazel's and Soong's filegroups,
GN source_sets expect that dependencies, cflags and other source_set
properties propagate up to the linker unit (static_library, executable or
shared_library). This parser simulates the same behavior: when a
source_set is encountered, some of its variables (cflags and such) are
copied up to the dependent targets. This is to allow gen_xxx to create
one filegroup for each source_set and then squash all the other flags
onto the linker unit.
2) Detect and special-case protobuf targets, figuring out the protoc-plugin
being used.
class Target(object):
"""Reperesents A GN target.
Maked properties are propagated up the dependency chain when a
source_set dependency is encountered.
class Arch():
"""Architecture-dependent properties
def __init__(self):
self.sources = set()
def __init__(self, name, type): = name # e.g. //src/ipc:ipc
VALID_TYPES = ('static_library', 'shared_library', 'executable', 'group',
'action', 'source_set', 'proto_library', 'copy', 'action_foreach')
assert (type in VALID_TYPES)
self.type = type
self.testonly = False
self.toolchain = None
# These are valid only for type == proto_library.
# This is typically: 'proto', 'protozero', 'ipc'.
self.proto_plugin = None
self.proto_paths = set()
self.proto_exports = set()
self.proto_in_dir = ""
self.sources = set()
# TODO(primiano): consider whether the public section should be part of
# bubbled-up sources.
self.public_headers = set() # 'public'
# These are valid only for type == 'action'
self.inputs = set()
self.outputs = set()
self.script = None
self.args = []
self.response_file_contents = None
# These variables are propagated up when encountering a dependency
# on a source_set target.
self.cflags = set()
self.defines = set()
self.deps = set()
self.libs = set()
self.include_dirs = set()
self.ldflags = set()
self.source_set_deps = set() # Transitive set of source_set deps.
self.proto_deps = set()
self.transitive_proto_deps = set()
self.transitive_static_libs_deps = set()
# Deps on //gn:xxx have this flag set to True. These dependencies
# are special because they pull third_party code from buildtools/.
# We don't want to keep recursing into //buildtools in generators,
# this flag is used to stop the recursion and create an empty
# placeholder target once we hit //gn:protoc or similar.
self.is_third_party_dep_ = False
# TODO: come up with a better way to only run this once.
# is_finalized tracks whether finalize() was called on this target.
self.is_finalized = False
self.arch = dict()
def host_supported(self):
return 'host' in self.arch
def device_supported(self):
return any([name.startswith('android') for name in self.arch.keys()])
def __lt__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return <
raise TypeError(
'\'<\' not supported between instances of \'%s\' and \'%s\'' %
(type(self).__name__, type(other).__name__))
def __repr__(self):
return json.dumps({
k: (list(sorted(v)) if isinstance(v, set) else v)
for (k, v) in self.__dict__.items()
def update(self, other):
for key in ('cflags', 'defines', 'deps', 'include_dirs', 'ldflags',
'source_set_deps', 'proto_deps', 'transitive_proto_deps',
'libs', 'proto_paths'):
self.__dict__[key].update(other.__dict__.get(key, []))
def finalize(self):
"""Move common properties out of arch-dependent subobjects to Target object.
TODO: find a better name for this function.
if self.is_finalized:
self.is_finalized = True
# Target contains the intersection of arch-dependent properties
self.sources = set.intersection(*[arch.sources for arch in self.arch.values()])
# Deduplicate arch-dependent properties
for arch in self.arch.keys():
self.arch[arch].sources -= self.sources
def __init__(self):
self.all_targets = {}
self.linker_units = {} # Executables, shared or static libraries.
self.source_sets = {}
self.actions = {}
self.proto_libs = {}
self.java_sources = set()
def _get_response_file_contents(self, action_desc):
# response_file_contents are formatted as:
# ['--flags', '--flag=true && false'] and need to be formatted as:
# '--flags --flag=\"true && false\"'
flags = action_desc.get('response_file_contents', [])
formatted_flags = []
for flag in flags:
if '=' in flag:
key, val = flag.split('=')
formatted_flags.append('%s=\\"%s\\"' % (key, val))
return ' '.join(formatted_flags)
def _is_java_target(self, target):
# Per
# java target names must end in "_java".
# TODO: There are some other possible variations we might need to support.
return target.type == 'group' and re.match('.*_java$',
def _get_arch(self, toolchain):
if toolchain == '//build/toolchain/android:android_clang_x86':
return 'android_x86'
elif toolchain == '//build/toolchain/android:android_clang_x64':
return 'android_x86_64'
elif toolchain == '//build/toolchain/android:android_clang_arm':
return 'android_arm'
elif toolchain == '//build/toolchain/android:android_clang_arm64':
return 'android_arm64'
return 'host'
def get_target(self, gn_target_name):
"""Returns a Target object from the fully qualified GN target name.
get_target() requires that parse_gn_desc() has already been called.
# Run this every time as parse_gn_desc can be called at any time.
for target in self.all_targets.values():
return self.all_targets[label_without_toolchain(gn_target_name)]
def parse_gn_desc(self, gn_desc, gn_target_name):
"""Parses a gn desc tree and resolves all target dependencies.
It bubbles up variables from source_set dependencies as described in the
class-level comments.
# Use name without toolchain for targets to support targets built for
# multiple archs.
target_name = label_without_toolchain(gn_target_name)
target = self.all_targets.get(target_name)
desc = gn_desc[gn_target_name]
arch = self._get_arch(desc['toolchain'])
if target is None:
target = GnParser.Target(target_name, desc['type'])
self.all_targets[target_name] = target
if arch not in target.arch:
target.arch[arch] = GnParser.Target.Arch()
return target # Target already processed.
target.testonly = desc.get('testonly', False)
proto_target_type, proto_desc = self.get_proto_target_type(gn_desc, gn_target_name)
if proto_target_type is not None:
self.proto_libs[] = target
target.type = 'proto_library'
target.proto_plugin = proto_target_type
target.proto_in_dir = self.get_proto_in_dir(proto_desc)
target.deps.update(proto_desc.get('deps', []))
target.arch[arch].sources.update(proto_desc.get('sources', []))
assert (all(x.endswith('.proto') for x in target.arch[arch].sources))
elif target.type == 'source_set':
self.source_sets[gn_target_name] = target
target.arch[arch].sources.update(desc.get('sources', []))
elif target.type in LINKER_UNIT_TYPES:
self.linker_units[gn_target_name] = target
target.arch[arch].sources.update(desc.get('sources', []))
elif target.type in ['action', 'action_foreach']:
self.actions[gn_target_name] = target
target.inputs.update(desc.get('inputs', []))
target.arch[arch].sources.update(desc.get('sources', []))
outs = [re.sub('^//out/.+?/gen/', '', x) for x in desc['outputs']]
target.script = desc['script']
target.args = desc['args']
target.response_file_contents = self._get_response_file_contents(desc)
elif target.type == 'copy':
# TODO: copy rules are not currently implemented.
self.actions[gn_target_name] = target
elif self._is_java_target(target):
# java_group identifies the group target generated by the android_library
# or java_library template. A java_group must not be added as a dependency, but sources are collected
log.debug('Found java target %s',
target.type = 'java_group'
# Default for 'public' is //* - all headers in 'sources' are public.
# TODO(primiano): if a 'public' section is specified (even if empty), then
# the rest of 'sources' is considered inaccessible by gn. Consider
# emulating that, so that generated build files don't end up with overly
# accessible headers.
public_headers = [x for x in desc.get('public', []) if x != '*']
target.cflags.update(desc.get('cflags', []) + desc.get('cflags_cc', []))
target.libs.update(desc.get('libs', []))
target.ldflags.update(desc.get('ldflags', []))
target.defines.update(desc.get('defines', []))
target.include_dirs.update(desc.get('include_dirs', []))
# Recurse in dependencies.
for gn_dep_name in desc.get('deps', []):
dep = self.parse_gn_desc(gn_desc, gn_dep_name)
dep_name = label_without_toolchain(gn_dep_name)
if dep.is_third_party_dep_:
elif dep.type == 'proto_library':
elif dep.type == 'source_set':
target.update(dep) # Bubble up source set's cflags/ldflags etc.
elif dep.type == 'group':
target.update(dep) # Bubble up groups's cflags/ldflags etc.
elif dep.type in ['action', 'action_foreach', 'copy']:
if proto_target_type is None:
elif dep.type in LINKER_UNIT_TYPES:
elif dep.type == 'java_group':
# Explicitly break dependency chain when a java_group is added.
# Java sources are collected and eventually compiled as one large
# java_library.
if dep.type == 'static_library':
# Bubble up static_libs. Necessary, since soong does not propagate
# static_libs up the build tree.
# Collect java sources. Java sources are kept inside the __compile_java target.
# This target can be used for both host and target compilation; only add
# the sources if they are destined for the target (i.e. they are a
# dependency of the __dex target)
# Note: this skips prebuilt java dependencies. These will have to be
# added manually when building the jar.
if re.match('.*__dex$',
if re.match('.*__compile_java$',
log.debug('Adding java sources for %s',
java_srcs = [src for src in dep.inputs if os.path.splitext(src)[1] == '.java']
return target
def get_proto_exports(self, proto_desc):
# exports in metadata will be available for source_set targets.
metadata = proto_desc.get('metadata', {})
return metadata.get('exports', [])
def get_proto_paths(self, proto_desc):
# import_dirs in metadata will be available for source_set targets.
metadata = proto_desc.get('metadata', {})
return metadata.get('import_dirs', [])
def get_proto_in_dir(self, proto_desc):
args = proto_desc.get('args')
return re.sub('^\.\./\.\./', '', args[args.index('--proto-in-dir') + 1])
def get_proto_target_type(self, gn_desc, gn_target_name):
""" Checks if the target is a proto library and return the plugin.
(None, None): if the target is not a proto library.
(plugin, proto_desc) where |plugin| is 'proto' in the default (lite)
case or 'protozero' or 'ipc' or 'descriptor'; |proto_desc| is the GN
json desc of the target with the .proto sources (_gen target for
non-descriptor types or the target itself for descriptor type).
parts = gn_target_name.split('(', 1)
name = parts[0]
toolchain = '(' + parts[1] if len(parts) > 1 else ''
# Descriptor targets don't have a _gen target; instead we look for the
# characteristic flag in the args of the target itself.
desc = gn_desc.get(gn_target_name)
if '--descriptor_set_out' in desc.get('args', []):
return 'descriptor', desc
# Source set proto targets have a non-empty proto_library_sources in the
# metadata of the description.
metadata = desc.get('metadata', {})
if 'proto_library_sources' in metadata:
return 'source_set', desc
# In all other cases, we want to look at the _gen target as that has the
# important information.
gen_desc = gn_desc.get('%s_gen%s' % (name, toolchain))
if gen_desc is None or gen_desc['type'] != 'action':
return None, None
if gen_desc['script'] != '//tools/protoc_wrapper/':
return None, None
plugin = 'proto'
args = gen_desc.get('args', [])
for arg in (arg for arg in args if arg.startswith('--plugin=')):
# |arg| at this point looks like:
# --plugin=protoc-gen-plugin=gcc_like_host/protozero_plugin
# or
# --plugin=protoc-gen-plugin=protozero_plugin
plugin = arg.split('=')[-1].split('/')[-1].replace('_plugin', '')
return plugin, gen_desc