blob: dc6e0b593b5ac9ac17457d7f4a2c52ebf673b793 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// A view over a piece of string. The view is not 0 terminated.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "cpu_features_macros.h"
typedef struct {
const char* ptr;
size_t size;
} StringView;
#ifdef __cplusplus
static const StringView kEmptyStringView = {NULL, 0};
static const StringView kEmptyStringView;
// Returns a StringView from the provided string.
// Passing NULL is valid only if size is 0.
static inline StringView view(const char* str, const size_t size) {
StringView view;
view.ptr = str;
view.size = size;
return view;
static inline StringView str(const char* str) { return view(str, strlen(str)); }
// Returns the index of the first occurrence of c in view or -1 if not found.
int IndexOfChar(const StringView view, char c);
// Returns the index of the first occurrence of sub_view in view or -1 if not
// found.
int IndexOf(const StringView view, const StringView sub_view);
// Returns whether a is equal to b (same content).
bool IsEquals(const StringView a, const StringView b);
// Returns whether a starts with b.
bool StartsWith(const StringView a, const StringView b);
// Removes count characters from the beginning of view or kEmptyStringView if
// count if greater than view.size.
StringView PopFront(const StringView view, size_t count);
// Removes count characters from the end of view or kEmptyStringView if count if
// greater than view.size.
StringView PopBack(const StringView str_view, size_t count);
// Keeps the count first characters of view or view if count if greater than
// view.size.
StringView KeepFront(const StringView view, size_t count);
// Retrieves the first character of view. If view is empty the behavior is
// undefined.
char Front(const StringView view);
// Retrieves the last character of view. If view is empty the behavior is
// undefined.
char Back(const StringView view);
// Removes leading and tailing space characters.
StringView TrimWhitespace(StringView view);
// Convert StringView to positive integer. e.g. "42", "0x2a".
// Returns -1 on error.
int ParsePositiveNumber(const StringView view);
// Copies src StringView to dst buffer.
void CopyString(const StringView src, char* dst, size_t dst_size);
// Checks if line contains the specified whitespace separated word.
bool HasWord(const StringView line, const char* const word);
// Get key/value from line. key and value are separated by ": ".
// key and value are cleaned up from leading and trailing whitespaces.
bool GetAttributeKeyValue(const StringView line, StringView* key,
StringView* value);