blob: f0c9d8d1f9e1fa181ce3cf590ba550cb031c97c2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.conscrypt;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import org.conscrypt.NativeLibraryLoader.LoadResult;
* Helper to initialize the JNI libraries. This version runs when compiled as part of a host OpenJDK
* build.
final class NativeCryptoJni {
private static final String STATIC_LIB_NAME = "conscrypt";
private static final String DYNAMIC_LIB_NAME_PREFIX = "conscrypt_openjdk_jni";
* Attempts to load the shared JNI library. First try loading the platform-specific library
* name (e.g. conscrypt_openjdk_jni-linux-x86_64). If that doesn't work, try to load the
* library via just the prefix (e.g. conscrypt_openjdk_jni). If not found, try the static
* library name.
* The non-suffixed dynamic library name is used by the Android build system, which builds
* the appropriate library for the system it's being run on under that name.
* The static library name is needed in order to support Java 8 static linking
* (, where the library name is used to invoke a
* library-specific load method (i.e. {@code JNI_OnLoad_conscrypt}).
* @throws UnsatisfiedLinkError if the library failed to load.
static void init() throws UnsatisfiedLinkError {
List<LoadResult> results = new ArrayList<LoadResult>();
if (!NativeLibraryLoader.loadFirstAvailable(classLoader(), results,
private NativeCryptoJni() {}
private static void logResults(List<LoadResult> results) {
for (LoadResult result : results) {
private static void throwBestError(List<LoadResult> results) {
Collections.sort(results, ErrorComparator.INSTANCE);
Throwable bestError = results.get(0).error;
for (LoadResult result : results.subList(1, results.size())) {
// Suppress all of the other errors, so that they're available to the caller if
// desired.
if (bestError instanceof Error) {
throw (Error) bestError;
throw (Error) new UnsatisfiedLinkError(bestError.getMessage()).initCause(bestError);
private static ClassLoader classLoader() {
return NativeCrypto.class.getClassLoader();
private static String platformLibName() {
return DYNAMIC_LIB_NAME_PREFIX + "-" + osName() + '-' + archName();
private static String osName() {
return HostProperties.OS.getFileComponent();
private static String archName() {
return HostProperties.ARCH.getFileComponent();
* Sorts the errors in a list in descending order of value. After a list is sorted,
* the first element is the most important error.
private static final class ErrorComparator implements Comparator<LoadResult> {
static final ErrorComparator INSTANCE = new ErrorComparator();
public int compare(LoadResult o1, LoadResult o2) {
Throwable e1 = o1.error;
Throwable e2 = o2.error;
// First, sort by error type.
int value1 = e1 instanceof UnsatisfiedLinkError ? 1 : 0;
int value2 = e2 instanceof UnsatisfiedLinkError ? 1 : 0;
if (value1 != value2) {
// Order so that the UnsatisfiedLinkError is first.
return value2 - value1;
// Both are either link errors or not. Compare the message. Treat messages in
// the form "no <libName> in java.library.path" as lower value, since there may be
// a more interesting message for a library that was found.
String m1 = e1.getMessage();
String m2 = e2.getMessage();
value1 = m1 != null && m1.contains("java.library.path") ? 0 : 1;
value2 = m2 != null && m2.contains("java.library.path") ? 0 : 1;
return value2 - value1;