blob: a3222bb3d8cb6350ca4d7497c4d18bbc040d882d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clangxx_tsan -O1 %s -o %t && %deflake %run %t | FileCheck %s
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <unistd.h>
namespace XXX {
struct YYY {
static int ZZZ[10];
int YYY::ZZZ[10];
void *Thread(void *a) {
XXX::YYY::ZZZ[0] = 1;
return 0;
int main() {
// On FreeBSD, the %p conversion specifier works as 0x%x and thus does not
// match to the format used in the diagnotic message.
fprintf(stderr, "addr3=0x%012lx\n", (unsigned long) XXX::YYY::ZZZ);
pthread_t t;
pthread_create(&t, 0, Thread, 0);
XXX::YYY::ZZZ[0] = 0;
pthread_join(t, 0);
// CHECK: addr3=[[ADDR3:0x[0-9,a-f]+]]
// CHECK: WARNING: ThreadSanitizer: data race
// CHECK: Location is global 'XXX::YYY::ZZZ' of size 40 at [[ADDR3]] ({{.*}}+0x{{[0-9,a-f]+}})