Cherry-pick: cldr-ticket 11751: Time zone data updates for 2018h and 2018i


Briefly (2018h):
     Qyzylorda, Kazakhstan moved from +06 to +05 on 2018-12-21.
     New zone Asia/Qostanay because Qostanay, Kazakhstan didn't move.
     Metlakatla, Alaska observes PST this winter only.
     Guess Morocco will continue to adjust clocks around Ramadan.
     Add predictions for Iran from 2038 through 2090.

Briefly (2018i):
     Sao Tome and Principe switches from +01 to +00 on 2019-01-01.

Bug: 122448923
Test: None (see the associated external/icu/ change)
Change-Id: I39c81bb3fb93edbfffc2e5c52ce8239ed3855c4c
17 files changed