blob: f1883755e5202cf4cb3ec339564631c0dc2b8891 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- CommentCommandTraits.h - Comment command properties ----*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the class that provides information about comment
// commands.
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
namespace clang {
namespace comments {
/// This class provides informaiton about commands that can be used
/// in comments.
class CommandTraits {
CommandTraits() { }
/// \brief Check if a given command is a verbatim-like block command.
/// A verbatim-like block command eats every character (except line starting
/// decorations) until matching end command is seen or comment end is hit.
/// \param BeginName name of the command that starts the verbatim block.
/// \param [out] EndName name of the command that ends the verbatim block.
/// \returns true if a given command is a verbatim block command.
bool isVerbatimBlockCommand(StringRef StartName, StringRef &EndName) const;
/// \brief Register a new verbatim block command.
void addVerbatimBlockCommand(StringRef BeginName, StringRef EndName);
/// \brief Check if a given command is a verbatim line command.
/// A verbatim-like line command eats everything until a newline is seen or
/// comment end is hit.
bool isVerbatimLineCommand(StringRef Name) const;
/// \brief Check if a given command is a command that contains a declaration
/// for the entity being documented.
/// For example:
/// \code
/// \fn void f(int a);
/// \endcode
bool isDeclarationCommand(StringRef Name) const;
/// \brief Register a new verbatim line command.
void addVerbatimLineCommand(StringRef Name);
/// \brief Check if a given command is a block command (of any kind).
bool isBlockCommand(StringRef Name) const;
/// \brief Check if a given command is introducing documentation for
/// a function parameter (\\param or an alias).
bool isParamCommand(StringRef Name) const;
/// \brief Check if a given command is introducing documentation for
/// a template parameter (\\tparam or an alias).
bool isTParamCommand(StringRef Name) const;
/// \brief Check if a given command is introducing a brief documentation
/// paragraph (\\brief or an alias).
bool isBriefCommand(StringRef Name) const;
/// \brief Check if a given command is \\brief or an alias.
bool isReturnsCommand(StringRef Name) const;
/// \returns the number of word-like arguments for a given block command,
/// except for \\param and \\tparam commands -- these have special argument
/// parsers.
unsigned getBlockCommandNumArgs(StringRef Name) const;
/// \brief Check if a given command is a inline command (of any kind).
bool isInlineCommand(StringRef Name) const;
struct VerbatimBlockCommand {
StringRef BeginName;
StringRef EndName;
typedef SmallVector<VerbatimBlockCommand, 4> VerbatimBlockCommandVector;
/// Registered additional verbatim-like block commands.
VerbatimBlockCommandVector VerbatimBlockCommands;
struct VerbatimLineCommand {
StringRef Name;
typedef SmallVector<VerbatimLineCommand, 4> VerbatimLineCommandVector;
/// Registered verbatim-like line commands.
VerbatimLineCommandVector VerbatimLineCommands;
inline bool CommandTraits::isBlockCommand(StringRef Name) const {
return isBriefCommand(Name) || isReturnsCommand(Name) ||
isParamCommand(Name) || isTParamCommand(Name) ||
.Case("author", true)
.Case("authors", true)
.Case("pre", true)
.Case("post", true)
inline bool CommandTraits::isParamCommand(StringRef Name) const {
return Name == "param";
inline bool CommandTraits::isTParamCommand(StringRef Name) const {
return Name == "tparam" || // Doxygen
Name == "templatefield"; // HeaderDoc
inline bool CommandTraits::isBriefCommand(StringRef Name) const {
return Name == "brief" || Name == "short";
inline bool CommandTraits::isReturnsCommand(StringRef Name) const {
return Name == "returns" || Name == "return" || Name == "result";
inline unsigned CommandTraits::getBlockCommandNumArgs(StringRef Name) const {
return 0;
inline bool CommandTraits::isInlineCommand(StringRef Name) const {
return llvm::StringSwitch<bool>(Name)
.Case("b", true)
.Cases("c", "p", true)
.Cases("a", "e", "em", true)
} // end namespace comments
} // end namespace clang