blob: ca022a4bbe806810ccd58d5132ebcfc16ed245d9 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- unittest/Format/FormatTest.cpp - Formatting unit tests -------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
#include "../Tooling/RewriterTestContext.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace clang {
namespace format {
class FormatTest : public ::testing::Test {
std::string format(llvm::StringRef Code, unsigned Offset, unsigned Length,
const FormatStyle &Style) {
RewriterTestContext Context;
FileID ID = Context.createInMemoryFile("", Code);
SourceLocation Start =
std::vector<CharSourceRange> Ranges(
CharSourceRange::getCharRange(Start, Start.getLocWithOffset(Length)));
Lexer Lex(ID, Context.Sources.getBuffer(ID), Context.Sources,
tooling::Replacements Replace = reformat(Style, Lex, Context.Sources,
new IgnoringDiagConsumer());
EXPECT_TRUE(applyAllReplacements(Replace, Context.Rewrite));
return Context.getRewrittenText(ID);
std::string format(llvm::StringRef Code,
const FormatStyle &Style = getLLVMStyle()) {
return format(Code, 0, Code.size(), Style);
std::string messUp(llvm::StringRef Code) {
std::string MessedUp(Code.str());
bool InComment = false;
bool InPreprocessorDirective = false;
bool JustReplacedNewline = false;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = MessedUp.size() - 1; i != e; ++i) {
if (MessedUp[i] == '/' && MessedUp[i + 1] == '/') {
if (JustReplacedNewline)
MessedUp[i - 1] = '\n';
InComment = true;
} else if (MessedUp[i] == '#' && (JustReplacedNewline || i == 0)) {
if (i != 0) MessedUp[i - 1] = '\n';
InPreprocessorDirective = true;
} else if (MessedUp[i] == '\\' && MessedUp[i + 1] == '\n') {
MessedUp[i] = ' ';
MessedUp[i + 1] = ' ';
} else if (MessedUp[i] == '\n') {
if (InComment) {
InComment = false;
} else if (InPreprocessorDirective) {
InPreprocessorDirective = false;
} else {
JustReplacedNewline = true;
MessedUp[i] = ' ';
} else if (MessedUp[i] != ' ') {
JustReplacedNewline = false;
return MessedUp;
FormatStyle getLLVMStyleWithColumns(unsigned ColumnLimit) {
FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
Style.ColumnLimit = ColumnLimit;
return Style;
FormatStyle getGoogleStyleWithColumns(unsigned ColumnLimit) {
FormatStyle Style = getGoogleStyle();
Style.ColumnLimit = ColumnLimit;
return Style;
void verifyFormat(llvm::StringRef Code,
const FormatStyle &Style = getLLVMStyle()) {
EXPECT_EQ(Code.str(), format(messUp(Code), Style));
void verifyGoogleFormat(llvm::StringRef Code) {
verifyFormat(Code, getGoogleStyle());
TEST_F(FormatTest, MessUp) {
EXPECT_EQ("1 2 3", messUp("1 2 3"));
EXPECT_EQ("1 2 3\n", messUp("1\n2\n3\n"));
EXPECT_EQ("a\n//b\nc", messUp("a\n//b\nc"));
EXPECT_EQ("a\n#b\nc", messUp("a\n#b\nc"));
EXPECT_EQ("a\n#b c d\ne", messUp("a\n#b\\\nc\\\nd\ne"));
// Basic function tests.
TEST_F(FormatTest, DoesNotChangeCorrectlyFormatedCode) {
EXPECT_EQ(";", format(";"));
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsGlobalStatementsAt0) {
EXPECT_EQ("int i;", format(" int i;"));
EXPECT_EQ("\nint i;", format(" \n\t \r int i;"));
EXPECT_EQ("int i;\nint j;", format(" int i; int j;"));
EXPECT_EQ("int i;\nint j;", format(" int i;\n int j;"));
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsUnwrappedLinesAtFirstFormat) {
EXPECT_EQ("int i;", format("int\ni;"));
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsNestedBlockStatements) {
EXPECT_EQ("{\n {\n {}\n }\n}", format("{{{}}}"));
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsNestedCall) {
verifyFormat("Method(f1, f2(f3));");
verifyFormat("Method(f1(f2, f3()));");
verifyFormat("Method(f1(f2, (f3())));");
TEST_F(FormatTest, ImportantSpaces) {
verifyFormat("vector< ::Type> v;");
// Tests for control statements.
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatIfWithoutCompountStatement) {
verifyFormat("if (true)\n f();\ng();");
verifyFormat("if (a)\n if (b)\n if (c)\n g();\nh();");
verifyFormat("if (a)\n if (b) {\n f();\n }\ng();");
verifyGoogleFormat("if (a)\n"
" // comment\n"
" f();");
verifyFormat("if (a) return;", getGoogleStyleWithColumns(14));
verifyFormat("if (a)\n return;", getGoogleStyleWithColumns(13));
verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaa)\n"
" return;", getGoogleStyleWithColumns(14));
verifyGoogleFormat("if (a) // Can't merge this\n"
" f();\n");
verifyGoogleFormat("if (a) /* still don't merge */\n"
" f();");
verifyGoogleFormat("if (a) { // Never merge this\n"
" f();\n"
verifyGoogleFormat("if (a) { /* Never merge this */\n"
" f();\n"
TEST_F(FormatTest, ParseIfElse) {
verifyFormat("if (true)\n"
" if (true)\n"
" if (true)\n"
" f();\n"
" else\n"
" g();\n"
" else\n"
" h();\n"
" i();");
verifyFormat("if (true)\n"
" if (true)\n"
" if (true) {\n"
" if (true)\n"
" f();\n"
" } else {\n"
" g();\n"
" }\n"
" else\n"
" h();\n"
"else {\n"
" i();\n"
TEST_F(FormatTest, ElseIf) {
verifyFormat("if (a) {} else if (b) {}");
verifyFormat("if (a)\n"
" f();\n"
"else if (b)\n"
" g();\n"
" h();");
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsForLoop) {
"for (int VeryVeryLongLoopVariable = 0; VeryVeryLongLoopVariable < 10;\n"
" ++VeryVeryLongLoopVariable)\n"
" ;");
verifyFormat("for (;;)\n"
" f();");
verifyFormat("for (;;) {}");
verifyFormat("for (;;) {\n"
" f();\n"
"for (std::vector<UnwrappedLine>::iterator I = UnwrappedLines.begin(),\n"
" E = UnwrappedLines.end();\n"
" I != E; ++I) {}");
"for (MachineFun::iterator IIII = PrevIt, EEEE = F.end(); IIII != EEEE;\n"
" ++IIIII) {}");
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsWhileLoop) {
verifyFormat("while (true) {}");
verifyFormat("while (true)\n"
" f();");
verifyFormat("while () {}");
verifyFormat("while () {\n"
" f();\n"
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsDoWhile) {
verifyFormat("do {\n"
" do_something();\n"
"} while (something());");
" do_something();\n"
"while (something());");
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsSwitchStatement) {
verifyFormat("switch (x) {\n"
"case 1:\n"
" f();\n"
" break;\n"
"case kFoo:\n"
"case ns::kBar:\n"
"case kBaz:\n"
" break;\n"
" g();\n"
" break;\n"
verifyFormat("switch (x) {\n"
"case 1: {\n"
" f();\n"
" break;\n"
verifyFormat("switch (test)\n"
" ;");
verifyGoogleFormat("switch (x) {\n"
" case 1:\n"
" f();\n"
" break;\n"
" case kFoo:\n"
" case ns::kBar:\n"
" case kBaz:\n"
" break;\n"
" default:\n"
" g();\n"
" break;\n"
verifyGoogleFormat("switch (x) {\n"
" case 1: {\n"
" f();\n"
" break;\n"
" }\n"
verifyGoogleFormat("switch (test)\n"
" ;");
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsLabels) {
verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
" some_code();\n"
" some_other_code();\n"
" {\n"
" some_more_code();\n"
" another_label:\n"
" some_more_code();\n"
" }\n"
// Tests for comments.
TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsSingleLineComments) {
verifyFormat("// line 1\n"
"// line 2\n"
"void f() {}\n");
verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
" // Doesn't do anything\n"
verifyFormat("void f(int i, // some comment (probably for i)\n"
" int j, // some comment (probably for j)\n"
" int k); // some comment (probably for k)");
verifyFormat("void f(int i,\n"
" // some comment (probably for j)\n"
" int j,\n"
" // some comment (probably for k)\n"
" int k);");
verifyFormat("int i // This is a fancy variable\n"
" = 5;");
verifyFormat("enum E {\n"
" // comment\n"
" VAL_A, // comment\n"
" VAL_B\n"
"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =\n"
" bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb; // Trailing comment");
verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =\n"
" // Comment inside a statement.\n"
" bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb;");
EXPECT_EQ("int i; // single line trailing comment",
format("int i;\\\n// single line trailing comment"));
verifyGoogleFormat("int a; // Trailing comment.");
TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsMultiLineComments) {
verifyFormat("f(/*test=*/ true);");
// Tests for classes, namespaces, etc.
TEST_F(FormatTest, DoesNotBreakSemiAfterClassDecl) {
verifyFormat("class A {};");
TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsAccessSpecifiers) {
verifyFormat("class A {\n"
" void f() {}\n"
verifyGoogleFormat("class A {\n"
" public:\n"
" protected:\n"
" private:\n"
" void f() {}\n"
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsDerivedClass) {
verifyFormat("class A : public B {};");
verifyFormat("class A : public ::B {};");
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsVariableDeclarationsAfterStructOrClass) {
verifyFormat("class A {} a, b;");
verifyFormat("struct A {} a, b;");
verifyFormat("union A {} a;");
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsEnum) {
verifyFormat("enum {\n"
" Zero,\n"
" One = 1,\n"
" Two = One + 1,\n"
" Three = (One + Two),\n"
" Four = (Zero && (One ^ Two)) | (One << Two),\n"
" Five = (One, Two, Three, Four, 5)\n"
verifyFormat("enum Enum {\n"
verifyFormat("enum {\n"
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsBitfields) {
verifyFormat("struct Bitfields {\n"
" unsigned sClass : 8;\n"
" unsigned ValueKind : 2;\n"
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsNamespaces) {
verifyFormat("namespace some_namespace {\n"
"class A {};\n"
"void f() { f(); }\n"
verifyFormat("namespace {\n"
"class A {};\n"
"void f() { f(); }\n"
verifyFormat("inline namespace X {\n"
"class A {};\n"
"void f() { f(); }\n"
verifyFormat("using namespace some_namespace;\n"
"class A {};\n"
"void f() { f(); }");
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatTryCatch) {
// FIXME: Handle try-catch explicitly in the UnwrappedLineParser, then we'll
// also not create single-line-blocks.
verifyFormat("try {\n"
" throw a * b;\n"
"catch (int a) {\n"
" // Do nothing.\n"
"catch (...) {\n"
" exit(42);\n"
// Function-level try statements.
verifyFormat("int f() try { return 4; }\n"
"catch (...) {\n"
" return 5;\n"
verifyFormat("class A {\n"
" int a;\n"
" A() try : a(0) {}\n"
" catch (...) {\n"
" throw;\n"
" }\n"
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatObjCTryCatch) {
verifyFormat("@try {\n"
" f();\n"
"@catch (NSException e) {\n"
" @throw;\n"
"@finally {\n"
" exit(42);\n"
TEST_F(FormatTest, StaticInitializers) {
verifyFormat("static SomeClass SC = { 1, 'a' };");
// FIXME: Format like enums if the static initializer does not fit on a line.
"static SomeClass WithALoooooooooooooooooooongName = {\n"
" 100000000, \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"\n"
"static SomeClass = { a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j,\n"
" looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongname,\n"
" looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong };");
TEST_F(FormatTest, NestedStaticInitializers) {
verifyFormat("static A x = { { {} } };\n");
"static A x = {\n"
" { { init1, init2, init3, init4 }, { init1, init2, init3, init4 } }\n"
"somes Status::global_reps[3] = {\n"
" { kGlobalRef, OK_CODE, NULL, NULL, NULL },\n"
" { kGlobalRef, CANCELLED_CODE, NULL, NULL, NULL },\n"
" { kGlobalRef, UNKNOWN_CODE, NULL, NULL, NULL }\n"
"CGRect cg_rect = { { rect.fLeft, rect.fTop },\n"
" { rect.fRight - rect.fLeft, rect.fBottom - rect.fTop"
" } };");
// FIXME: We might at some point want to handle this similar to parameters
// lists, where we have an option to put each on a single line.
verifyFormat("struct {\n"
" unsigned bit;\n"
" const char *const name;\n"
"} kBitsToOs[] = { { kOsMac, \"Mac\" }, { kOsWin, \"Windows\" },\n"
" { kOsLinux, \"Linux\" }, { kOsCrOS, \"Chrome OS\" } };");
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsSmallMacroDefinitionsInSingleLine) {
verifyFormat("#define ALooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongMacro("
" \\\n"
" aLoooooooooooooooooooooooongFuuuuuuuuuuuuuunctiooooooooo)");
TEST_F(FormatTest, DoesNotBreakPureVirtualFunctionDefinition) {
verifyFormat("virtual void write(ELFWriter *writerrr,\n"
" OwningPtr<FileOutputBuffer> &buffer) = 0;");
TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksOnHashWhenDirectiveIsInvalid) {
EXPECT_EQ("#\n;", format("#;"));
TEST_F(FormatTest, UnescapedEndOfLineEndsPPDirective) {
EXPECT_EQ("#line 42 \"test\"\n",
format("# \\\n line \\\n 42 \\\n \"test\"\n"));
EXPECT_EQ("#define A B\n",
format("# \\\n define \\\n A \\\n B\n",
TEST_F(FormatTest, EndOfFileEndsPPDirective) {
EXPECT_EQ("#line 42 \"test\"",
format("# \\\n line \\\n 42 \\\n \"test\""));
EXPECT_EQ("#define A B",
format("# \\\n define \\\n A \\\n B"));
TEST_F(FormatTest, IndentsPPDirectiveInReducedSpace) {
// If the macro fits in one line, we still do not get the full
// line, as only the next line decides whether we need an escaped newline and
// thus use the last column.
verifyFormat("#define A(B)", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(13));
verifyFormat("#define A( \\\n B)", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12));
verifyFormat("#define AA(\\\n B)", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12));
verifyFormat("#define A( \\\n A, B)", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(12));
verifyFormat("#define A A\n#define A A");
verifyFormat("#define A(X) A\n#define A A");
verifyFormat("#define Something Other", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(24));
verifyFormat("#define Something \\\n"
" Other", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(23));
TEST_F(FormatTest, HandlePreprocessorDirectiveContext) {
EXPECT_EQ("// some comment\n"
"#include \"a.h\"\n"
"#define A(A,\\\n"
" B)\n"
"#include \"b.h\"\n"
"// some comment\n",
format(" // some comment\n"
" #include \"a.h\"\n"
"#define A(A,\\\n"
" B)\n"
" #include \"b.h\"\n"
" // some comment\n", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(13)));
TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutSingleHash) {
EXPECT_EQ("#\na;", format("#\na;"));
TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutCodeInMacroDefinitions) {
EXPECT_EQ("#define A \\\n"
" c; \\\n"
" e;\n"
"f;", format("#define A c; e;\n"
"f;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(14)));
TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutRemainingTokens) {
EXPECT_EQ("{}", format("{}"));
TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutSingleUnwrappedLineInMacro) {
EXPECT_EQ("# define A\\\n b;",
format("# define A b;", 11, 2, getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11)));
TEST_F(FormatTest, MacroDefinitionInsideStatement) {
EXPECT_EQ("int x,\n"
"#define A\n"
" y;", format("int x,\n#define A\ny;"));
TEST_F(FormatTest, HashInMacroDefinition) {
verifyFormat("#define A \\\n b #c;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11));
verifyFormat("#define A \\\n"
" { \\\n"
" f(#c);\\\n"
" }", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11));
verifyFormat("#define A(X) \\\n"
" void function##X()", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(22));
verifyFormat("#define A(a, b, c) \\\n"
" void a##b##c()", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(22));
verifyFormat("#define A void # ## #", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(22));
TEST_F(FormatTest, IndentPreprocessorDirectivesAtZero) {
EXPECT_EQ("{\n {\n#define A\n }\n}", format("{{\n#define A\n}}"));
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatHashIfNotAtStartOfLine) {
verifyFormat("{\n { a #c; }\n}");
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatUnbalancedStructuralElements) {
EXPECT_EQ("#define A \\\n { \\\n {\nint i;",
format("#define A { {\nint i;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11)));
EXPECT_EQ("#define A \\\n } \\\n }\nint i;",
format("#define A } }\nint i;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11)));
TEST_F(FormatTest, EscapedNewlineAtStartOfTokenInMacroDefinition) {
"#define A \\\n int i; \\\n int j;",
format("#define A \\\nint i;\\\n int j;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11)));
TEST_F(FormatTest, CalculateSpaceOnConsecutiveLinesInMacro) {
verifyFormat("#define A \\\n"
" int v( \\\n"
" a); \\\n"
" int i;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(11));
TEST_F(FormatTest, MixingPreprocessorDirectivesAndNormalCode) {
"#define ALooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongMacro("
" \\\n"
" aLoooooooooooooooooooooooongFuuuuuuuuuuuuuunctiooooooooo)\n"
" aLooooooooooooooooooooooonPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarmmmm);\n",
format(" #define ALooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongMacro("
" \n"
" AlooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongCaaaaaaaaaal(\n"
" aLooooooooooooooooooooooonPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarmmmm);\n"));
TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutStatementsAroundPreprocessorDirectives) {
"#define A\n"
" a;",
format("int\n#define A\na;"));
" withSomeParameters, whichInSequence,\n"
" areLongerThanALine(andAnotherCall,\n"
"#define A B\n"
" withMoreParamters,\n"
" whichStronglyInfluenceTheLayout),\n"
" andMoreParameters),\n"
" trailing);", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(69));
TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutBlockInsideParens) {
" int i;\n"
"});", format(" functionCall ( {int i;} );"));
TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutBlockInsideStatement) {
EXPECT_EQ("SOME_MACRO { int i; }\n"
"int i;", format(" SOME_MACRO {int i;} int i;"));
TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutNestedBlocks) {
verifyFormat("void AddOsStrings(unsigned bitmask) {\n"
" struct s {\n"
" int i;\n"
" };\n"
" s kBitsToOs[] = { { 10 } };\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)\n"
" return;\n"
TEST_F(FormatTest, PutEmptyBlocksIntoOneLine) {
EXPECT_EQ("{}", format("{}"));
// Line break tests.
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsFunctionDefinition) {
verifyFormat("void f(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g,"
" int h, int j, int f,\n"
" int c, int ddddddddddddd) {}");
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsAwesomeMethodCall) {
" CallOtherReallyLongMethod(parameter, parameter, parameter)),\n"
" SecondLongCall(parameter));");
TEST_F(FormatTest, ConstructorInitializers) {
verifyFormat("Constructor() : Initializer(FitsOnTheLine) {}");
verifyFormat("Constructor() : Inttializer(FitsOnTheLine) {}",
" : Inttializer(FitsOnTheLine) {}",
" : aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa), aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaa) {}");
" : aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa), aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {}");
" : aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {}");
" : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaa) {}");
" : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa() {}");
// Here a line could be saved by splitting the second initializer onto two
// lines, but that is not desireable.
" : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaa),\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {}");
verifyGoogleFormat("MyClass::MyClass(int var)\n"
" : some_var_(var), // 4 space indent\n"
" some_other_var_(var + 1) { // lined up\n"
// This test takes VERY long when memoization is broken.
" : aaaa(a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,"
" a, a, a,\n"
" a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,"
" a, a, a,\n"
" a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,"
" a, a, a,\n"
" a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a)\n"
" aaaa(a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,"
" a, a, a,\n"
" a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,"
" a, a, a,\n"
" a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,"
" a, a, a,\n"
" a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a) {}\n");
TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksAsHighAsPossible) {
"if ((aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa && aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) ||\n"
" (bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb && bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb))\n"
" f();");
TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksDesireably) {
verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) ||\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) ||\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)) {}");
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {}");
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa));");
"aaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)),\n"
" aaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)));");
verifyFormat("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
" (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa &&\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
// This test case breaks on an incorrect memoization, i.e. an optimization not
// taking into account the StopAt value.
"return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaa) || aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
" (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
verifyFormat("{\n {\n {\n"
" Annotation.SpaceRequiredBefore =\n"
" Line.Tokens[i - 1].Tok.isNot(tok::l_paren) &&\n"
" Line.Tokens[i - 1].Tok.isNot(tok::l_square);\n"
" }\n }\n}");
TEST_F(FormatTest, DoesNotBreakTrailingAnnotation) {
verifyFormat("void aaaaaaaaaaaa(int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
" GUARDED_BY(aaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksAccordingToOperatorPrecedence) {
"if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ||\n"
" bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb && ccccccccccccccccccccccccc) {}");
verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa && bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ||\n"
" ccccccccccccccccccccccccc) {}");
verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ||\n"
" ccccccccccccccccccccccccc) {}");
"if ((aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa || bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) &&\n"
" ccccccccccccccccccccccccc) {}");
TEST_F(FormatTest, PrefersNotToBreakAfterAssignments) {
"unsigned Cost = TTI.getMemoryOpCost(I->getOpcode(), VectorTy,\n"
" SI->getAlignment(),\n"
" SI->getPointerAddressSpaceee());\n");
"CharSourceRange LineRange = CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(\n"
" Line.Tokens.front().Tok.getLocation(),\n"
" Line.Tokens.back().Tok.getLocation());");
TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignsAfterAssignments) {
"int Result = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
"Result += aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
"Result >>= aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
"int Result = (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
"double LooooooooooooooooooooooooongResult = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignsAfterReturn) {
"return aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
"return (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa +\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
TEST_F(FormatTest, BreaksConditionalExpressions) {
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
verifyFormat("aaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ?\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
TEST_F(FormatTest, ConditionalExpressionsInBrackets) {
verifyFormat("arr[foo ? bar : baz];");
verifyFormat("f()[foo ? bar : baz];");
verifyFormat("(a + b)[foo ? bar : baz];");
verifyFormat("arr[foo ? (4 > 5 ? 4 : 5) : 5 < 5 ? 5 : 7];");
TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignsStringLiterals) {
verifyFormat("loooooooooooooooooooooooooongFunction(\"short literal \"\n"
" \"short literal\");");
" \"short literal\"\n"
" \"looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong literal\");");
TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignsPipes) {
" << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
" << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
" << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
" << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
"llvm::outs() << \"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\"\n"
" \"bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\"\n"
" << \"ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc\";");
"aaaaaaaa << (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\n"
" << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)\n"
" << aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsEquals) {
"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;");
"if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {}");
"if (a) {\n"
" f();\n"
"} else if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa =\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {}");
// FIXME: Does an expression like this ever make sense? If yes, fix.
"if (int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = 100000000 +\n"
" 10000000) {}");
TEST_F(FormatTest, WrapsAtFunctionCallsIfNecessary) {
" .looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongFunction();");
" ->looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongFunction();");
" Parameter2);");
" LooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongParameter1,\n"
" LooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongParameter2);");
" LoooooooooooooongObject->looooooooooooooooongFunction());");
" ->loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongFunction());");
// Here, it is not necessary to wrap at "." or "->".
verifyFormat("if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaa) ||\n"
" aaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) {}");
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa->aaaaaaaaa(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa));\n");
TEST_F(FormatTest, WrapsTemplateDeclarations) {
verifyFormat("template <typename T>\n"
"virtual void loooooooooooongFunction(int Param1, int Param2);");
"template <typename T> void f(int Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaram1,\n"
" int Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaram2);");
"template <typename T>\n"
"void looooooooooooooooooooongFunction(int Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaram1,\n"
" int Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaram2);");
"template <typename T>\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<T>::aaaaaaaaaa,\n"
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
verifyFormat("template <typename T>\n"
"void aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(\n"
" int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
"template <typename T1, typename T2 = char, typename T3 = char,\n"
" typename T4 = char>\n"
"void f();");
TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsTemplateParameters) {
verifyFormat("A<int> a;");
verifyFormat("A<A<A<int> > > a;");
verifyFormat("A<A<A<int, 2>, 3>, 4> a;");
verifyFormat("bool x = a < 1 || 2 > a;");
verifyFormat("bool x = 5 < f<int>();");
verifyFormat("bool x = f<int>() > 5;");
verifyFormat("bool x = 5 < a<int>::x;");
verifyFormat("bool x = a < 4 ? a > 2 : false;");
verifyFormat("bool x = f() ? a < 2 : a > 2;");
verifyGoogleFormat("A<A<int>> a;");
verifyGoogleFormat("A<A<A<int>>> a;");
verifyGoogleFormat("A<A<A<A<int>>>> a;");
verifyFormat("test >> a >> b;");
verifyFormat("test << a >> b;");
verifyFormat("template <typename T> void f() {}");
TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsUnaryOperators) {
verifyFormat("int a = -2;");
verifyFormat("f(-1, -2, -3);");
verifyFormat("a[-1] = 5;");
verifyFormat("int a = 5 + -2;");
verifyFormat("if (i == -1) {}");
verifyFormat("if (i != -1) {}");
verifyFormat("if (i > -1) {}");
verifyFormat("if (i < -1) {}");
verifyFormat("if (!(a->f())) {}");
verifyFormat("a-- > b;");
verifyFormat("b ? -a : c;");
verifyFormat("n * sizeof char16;");
verifyFormat("n * alignof char16;");
verifyFormat("return -1;");
verifyFormat("switch (a) {\n"
"case -1:\n"
" break;\n"
verifyFormat("const NSPoint kBrowserFrameViewPatternOffset = { -5, +3 };");
verifyFormat("const NSPoint kBrowserFrameViewPatternOffset = { +5, -3 };");
verifyFormat("int a = /* confusing comment */ -1;");
// FIXME: The space after 'i' is wrong, but hopefully, this is a rare case.
verifyFormat("int a = i /* confusing comment */++;");
TEST_F(FormatTest, UndestandsOverloadedOperators) {
verifyFormat("bool operator<();");
verifyFormat("bool operator>();");
verifyFormat("bool operator=();");
verifyFormat("bool operator==();");
verifyFormat("bool operator!=();");
verifyFormat("int operator+();");
verifyFormat("int operator++();");
verifyFormat("bool operator();");
verifyFormat("bool operator()();");
verifyFormat("bool operator[]();");
verifyFormat("operator bool();");
verifyFormat("operator SomeType<int>();");
verifyFormat("void *operator new(std::size_t size);");
verifyFormat("void *operator new[](std::size_t size);");
verifyFormat("void operator delete(void *ptr);");
verifyFormat("void operator delete[](void *ptr);");
TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsNewAndDelete) {
verifyFormat("A *a = new A;");
verifyFormat("A *a = new (placement) A;");
verifyFormat("delete a;");
verifyFormat("delete (A *)a;");
TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandsUsesOfStarAndAmp) {
verifyFormat("int *f(int *a) {}");
verifyFormat("f(a, *a);");
verifyFormat("int a = b * 10;");
verifyFormat("int a = 10 * b;");
verifyFormat("int a = b * c;");
verifyFormat("int a += b * c;");
verifyFormat("int a -= b * c;");
verifyFormat("int a *= b * c;");
verifyFormat("int a /= b * c;");
verifyFormat("int a = *b;");
verifyFormat("int a = *b * c;");
verifyFormat("int a = b * *c;");
verifyFormat("int main(int argc, char **argv) {}");
verifyFormat("return 10 * b;");
verifyFormat("return *b * *c;");
verifyFormat("return a & ~b;");
verifyFormat("f(b ? *c : *d);");
verifyFormat("int a = b ? *c : *d;");
verifyFormat("*b = a;");
verifyFormat("a * ~b;");
verifyFormat("a * !b;");
verifyFormat("a * +b;");
verifyFormat("a * -b;");
verifyFormat("a * ++b;");
verifyFormat("a * --b;");
verifyFormat("a[4] * b;");
verifyFormat("f() * b;");
verifyFormat("a * [self dostuff];");
verifyFormat("a * (a + b);");
verifyFormat("(a *)(a + b);");
verifyFormat("int *pa = (int *)&a;");
verifyFormat("InvalidRegions[*R] = 0;");
verifyFormat("A<int *> a;");
verifyFormat("A<int **> a;");
verifyFormat("A<int *, int *> a;");
verifyFormat("A<int **, int **> a;");
" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, *aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);");
verifyGoogleFormat("int main(int argc, char** argv) {}");
verifyGoogleFormat("A<int*> a;");
verifyGoogleFormat("A<int**> a;");
verifyGoogleFormat("A<int*, int*> a;");
verifyGoogleFormat("A<int**, int**> a;");
verifyGoogleFormat("f(b ? *c : *d);");
verifyGoogleFormat("int a = b ? *c : *d;");
verifyFormat("a = *(x + y);");
verifyFormat("a = &(x + y);");
verifyFormat("*(x + y).call();");
verifyFormat("&(x + y)->call();");
verifyFormat("f(b * /* confusing comment */ ++c);");
"int *MyValues = {\n"
" *A, // Operator detection might be confused by the '{'\n"
" *BB // Operator detection might be confused by previous comment\n"
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsCasts) {
verifyFormat("Type *A = static_cast<Type *>(P);");
verifyFormat("Type *A = (Type *)P;");
verifyFormat("Type *A = (vector<Type *, int *>)P;");
verifyFormat("int a = (int)(2.0f);");
// FIXME: These also need to be identified.
verifyFormat("int a = (int) 2.0f;");
verifyFormat("int a = (int) * b;");
// These are not casts.
verifyFormat("void f(int *) {}");
verifyFormat("void f(int *);");
verifyFormat("void f(int *) = 0;");
verifyFormat("void f(SmallVector<int>) {}");
verifyFormat("void f(SmallVector<int>);");
verifyFormat("void f(SmallVector<int>) = 0;");
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatsFunctionTypes) {
// FIXME: Determine the cases that need a space after the return type and fix.
verifyFormat("A<bool()> a;");
verifyFormat("A<SomeType()> a;");
verifyFormat("A<void(*)(int, std::string)> a;");
verifyFormat("int(*func)(void *);");
TEST_F(FormatTest, DoesNotBreakBeforePointerOrReference) {
verifyFormat("int *someFunction(int LoooooooooooooooongParam1,\n"
" int LoooooooooooooooongParam2) {}");
"TypeSpecDecl *TypeSpecDecl::Create(ASTContext &C, DeclContext *DC,\n"
" SourceLocation L, IdentifierIn *II,\n"
" Type *T) {}");
TEST_F(FormatTest, LineStartsWithSpecialCharacter) {
TEST_F(FormatTest, HandlesIncludeDirectives) {
verifyFormat("#include <string>\n"
"#include <a/b/c.h>\n"
"#include \"a/b/string\"\n"
"#include \"string.h\"\n"
"#include \"string.h\"\n"
"#include <a-a>\n"
"#include < path with space >\n");
verifyFormat("#import <string>");
verifyFormat("#import <a/b/c.h>");
verifyFormat("#import \"a/b/string\"");
verifyFormat("#import \"string.h\"");
verifyFormat("#import \"string.h\"");
// Error recovery tests.
TEST_F(FormatTest, IncorrectCodeTrailingStuff) {
verifyFormat("void f() { return } 42");
TEST_F(FormatTest, IndentationWithinColumnLimitNotPossible) {
verifyFormat("int aaaaaaaa =\n"
" // Overly long comment\n"
" b;", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
" ShortArgument,\n"
" LoooooooooooongArgument);\n", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(20));
TEST_F(FormatTest, IncorrectAccessSpecifier) {
verifyFormat("class A {\n"
" void f() {}\n"
"int qwerty;");
"B {}");
"B { int x; }");
TEST_F(FormatTest, IncorrectCodeUnbalancedBraces) {
TEST_F(FormatTest, IncorrectCodeDoNoWhile) {
verifyFormat("do {}");
verifyFormat("do {}\n"
verifyFormat("do {}\n"
verifyFormat("do {\n"
" f();\n"
TEST_F(FormatTest, IncorrectCodeMissingParens) {
verifyFormat("if {\n foo;\n foo();\n}");
verifyFormat("switch {\n foo;\n foo();\n}");
verifyFormat("for {\n foo;\n foo();\n}");
verifyFormat("while {\n foo;\n foo();\n}");
verifyFormat("do {\n foo;\n foo();\n} while;");
TEST_F(FormatTest, DoesNotTouchUnwrappedLinesWithErrors) {
verifyFormat("namespace {\n"
"class Foo { Foo ( }; } // comment");
TEST_F(FormatTest, IncorrectCodeErrorDetection) {
EXPECT_EQ("{\n{}\n", format("{\n{\n}\n"));
EXPECT_EQ("{\n {}\n", format("{\n {\n}\n"));
EXPECT_EQ("{\n {}\n", format("{\n {\n }\n"));
EXPECT_EQ("{\n {}\n }\n}\n", format("{\n {\n }\n }\n}\n"));
" {\n"
" breakme(\n"
" qwe);\n"
"}\n", format("{\n"
" {\n"
" breakme(qwe);\n"
"}\n", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(10)));
TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutCallsInsideBraceInitializers) {
"int x = {\n"
" avariable,\n"
" b(alongervariable)\n"
"};", getLLVMStyleWithColumns(25));
TEST_F(FormatTest, LayoutTokensFollowingBlockInParentheses) {
" int i;\n"
"}, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,\n"
" ccccccccccccccccc));");
TEST_F(FormatTest, PullTrivialFunctionDefinitionsIntoSingleLine) {
verifyFormat("void f() { return 42; }");
verifyFormat("void f() {\n"
" // Comment\n"
"#error {\n"
" int a;\n"
" int a;\n"
"#error {\n"
TEST_F(FormatTest, UnderstandContextOfRecordTypeKeywords) {
// Elaborate type variable declarations.
verifyFormat("struct foo a = { bar };\nint n;");
verifyFormat("class foo a = { bar };\nint n;");
verifyFormat("union foo a = { bar };\nint n;");
// Elaborate types inside function definitions.
verifyFormat("struct foo f() {}\nint n;");
verifyFormat("class foo f() {}\nint n;");
verifyFormat("union foo f() {}\nint n;");
// Templates.
verifyFormat("template <class X> void f() {}\nint n;");
verifyFormat("template <struct X> void f() {}\nint n;");
verifyFormat("template <union X> void f() {}\nint n;");
// Actual definitions...
verifyFormat("struct {} n;");
verifyFormat("template <template <class T, class Y>, class Z > class X {} n;");
verifyFormat("union Z {\n int n;\n} x;");
verifyFormat("class MACRO Z {} n;");
verifyFormat("class MACRO(X) Z {} n;");
verifyFormat("class __attribute__(X) Z {} n;");
verifyFormat("class __declspec(X) Z {} n;");
// Elaborate types where incorrectly parsing the structural element would
// break the indent.
verifyFormat("if (true)\n"
" class X x;\n"
" f();\n");
TEST_F(FormatTest, DoNotInterfereWithErrorAndWarning) {
verifyFormat("#error Leave all white!!!!! space* alone!\n");
verifyFormat("#warning Leave all white!!!!! space* alone!\n");
EXPECT_EQ("#error 1", format(" # error 1"));
EXPECT_EQ("#warning 1", format(" # warning 1"));
// FIXME: This breaks the order of the unwrapped lines:
// TEST_F(FormatTest, OrderUnwrappedLines) {
// verifyFormat("{\n"
// " bool a; //\n"
// "#error {\n"
// " int a;\n"
// "}");
// }
// Objective-C tests.
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatForObjectiveCMethodDecls) {
verifyFormat("- (void)sendAction:(SEL)aSelector to:(BOOL)anObject;");
EXPECT_EQ("- (NSUInteger)indexOfObject:(id)anObject;",
EXPECT_EQ("- (NSInteger)Mthod1;", format("-(NSInteger)Mthod1;"));
EXPECT_EQ("+ (id)Mthod2;", format("+(id)Mthod2;"));
EXPECT_EQ("- (NSInteger)Method3:(id)anObject;",
EXPECT_EQ("- (NSInteger)Method4:(id)anObject;",
EXPECT_EQ("- (NSInteger)Method5:(id)anObject:(id)AnotherObject;",
EXPECT_EQ("- (id)Method6:(id)A:(id)B:(id)C:(id)D;",
format("- (id)Method6:(id)A:(id)B:(id)C:(id)D;"));
"- (void)sendAction:(SEL)aSelector to:(id)anObject forAllCells:(BOOL)flag;",
format("- (void)sendAction:(SEL)aSelector to:(id)anObject forAllCells:(BOOL)flag;"));
// Very long objectiveC method declaration.
"- (NSUInteger)indexOfObject:(id)anObject inRange:(NSRange)range\n "
"outRange:(NSRange)out_range outRange1:(NSRange)out_range1\n "
"outRange2:(NSRange)out_range2 outRange3:(NSRange)out_range3\n "
"outRange4:(NSRange)out_range4 outRange5:(NSRange)out_range5\n "
"outRange6:(NSRange)out_range6 outRange7:(NSRange)out_range7\n "
"outRange8:(NSRange)out_range8 outRange9:(NSRange)out_range9;",
"- (NSUInteger)indexOfObject:(id)anObject inRange:(NSRange)range "
"outRange:(NSRange) out_range outRange1:(NSRange) out_range1 "
"outRange2:(NSRange) out_range2 outRange3:(NSRange) out_range3 "
"outRange4:(NSRange) out_range4 outRange5:(NSRange) out_range5 "
"outRange6:(NSRange) out_range6 outRange7:(NSRange) out_range7 "
"outRange8:(NSRange) out_range8 outRange9:(NSRange) out_range9;"));
verifyFormat("- (int)sum:(vector<int>)numbers;");
verifyGoogleFormat("-(void) setDelegate:(id<Protocol>)delegate;");
// FIXME: In LLVM style, there should be a space in front of a '<' for ObjC
// protocol lists (but not for template classes):
//verifyFormat("- (void)setDelegate:(id <Protocol>)delegate;");
verifyFormat("- (int(*)())foo:(int(*)())f;");
verifyGoogleFormat("-(int(*)()) foo:(int(*)())foo;");
// If there's no return type (very rare in practice!), LLVM and Google style
// agree.
verifyFormat("- foo:(int)f;");
verifyGoogleFormat("- foo:(int)foo;");
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatObjCBlocks) {
verifyFormat("int (^Block)(int, int);");
verifyFormat("int (^Block1)(int, int) = ^(int i, int j)");
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatObjCInterface) {
// FIXME: Handle comments like in "@interface /* wait for it */ Foo", PR14875
verifyFormat("@interface Foo : NSObject <NSSomeDelegate> {\n"
" int field1;\n"
" int field2;\n"
" int field3;\n"
" int field4;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyGoogleFormat("@interface Foo : NSObject<NSSomeDelegate> {\n"
" @public\n"
" int field1;\n"
" @protected\n"
" int field2;\n"
" @private\n"
" int field3;\n"
" @package\n"
" int field4;\n"
"+(id) init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
"// Look, a comment!\n"
"- (int)answerWith:(int)i;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo\n"
"@interface Bar\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo : Bar\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo : Bar <Baz, Quux>\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyGoogleFormat("@interface Foo : Bar<Baz, Quux>\n"
"+(id) init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo (HackStuff)\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo ()\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo (HackStuff) <MyProtocol>\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyGoogleFormat("@interface Foo (HackStuff)<MyProtocol>\n"
"+(id) init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo : Bar {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo : Bar <Baz, Quux> {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo (HackStuff) {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo () {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
verifyFormat("@interface Foo (HackStuff) <MyProtocol> {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init;\n"
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatObjCImplementation) {
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo : NSObject {\n"
" int field1;\n"
" int field2;\n"
" int field3;\n"
" int field4;\n"
"+ (id)init {}\n"
verifyGoogleFormat("@implementation Foo : NSObject {\n"
" @public\n"
" int field1;\n"
" @protected\n"
" int field2;\n"
" @private\n"
" int field3;\n"
" @package\n"
" int field4;\n"
"+(id) init {}\n"
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo\n"
"+ (id)init {\n"
" if (true)\n"
" return nil;\n"
"// Look, a comment!\n"
"- (int)answerWith:(int)i {\n"
" return i;\n"
"+ (int)answerWith:(int)i {\n"
" return i;\n"
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo\n"
"@implementation Bar\n"
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo : Bar\n"
"+ (id)init {}\n"
"- (void)foo {}\n"
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init {}\n"
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo : Bar {\n"
" int _i;\n"
"+ (id)init {}\n"
verifyFormat("@implementation Foo (HackStuff)\n"
"+ (id)init {}\n"
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatObjCProtocol) {
verifyFormat("@protocol Foo\n"
"@property(weak) id delegate;\n"
"- (NSUInteger)numberOfThings;\n"
verifyFormat("@protocol MyProtocol <NSObject>\n"
"- (NSUInteger)numberOfThings;\n"
verifyGoogleFormat("@protocol MyProtocol<NSObject>\n"
"-(NSUInteger) numberOfThings;\n"
verifyFormat("@protocol Foo;\n"
"@protocol Bar;\n");
verifyFormat("@protocol Foo\n"
"@protocol Bar\n"
verifyFormat("@protocol myProtocol\n"
"- (void)mandatoryWithInt:(int)i;\n"
"- (void)optional;\n"
"- (void)required;\n"
"@property(assign) int madProp;\n"
TEST_F(FormatTest, FormatObjCMethodExpr) {
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("return [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("f([foo bar:baz]);");
verifyFormat("f(2, [foo bar:baz]);");
verifyFormat("f(2, a ? b : c);");
verifyFormat("[[self initWithInt:4] bar:[baz quux:arrrr]];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz], [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] = [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] *= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] /= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] %= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] += [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] -= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] <<= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] >>= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] &= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] ^= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] |= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] ? [foo bar:baz] : [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] || [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] && [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] | [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] ^ [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] & [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] == [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] != [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] >= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] <= [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] > [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] < [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] >> [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] << [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] - [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] + [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] * [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] / [foo bar:baz];");
verifyFormat("[foo bar:baz] % [foo bar:baz];");
// Whew!
verifyFormat("[self stuffWithInt:(4 + 2) float:4.5];");
verifyFormat("[self stuffWithInt:a ? b : c float:4.5];");
verifyFormat("[self stuffWithInt:a ? [self foo:bar] : c];");
verifyFormat("[self stuffWithInt:a ? (e ? f : g) : c];");
verifyFormat("[cond ? obj1 : obj2 methodWithParam:param]");
verifyFormat("[button setAction:@selector(zoomOut:)];");
verifyFormat("[color getRed:&r green:&g blue:&b alpha:&a];");
verifyFormat("arr[[self indexForFoo:a]];");
verifyFormat("throw [self errorFor:a];");
verifyFormat("@throw [self errorFor:a];");
// This tests that the formatter doesn't break after "backing" but before ":",
// which would be at 80 columns.
"void f() {\n"
" if ((self = [super initWithContentRect:contentRect styleMask:styleMask\n"
" backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:YES]))");
verifyFormat("[foo checkThatBreakingAfterColonWorksOk:\n"
" [bar ifItDoes:reduceOverallLineLengthLikeInThisCase]];");
TEST_F(FormatTest, ObjCAt) {
verifyFormat("NSNumber *smallestInt = @(-INT_MAX - 1);");
// FIXME: Array and dictionary literals need more work.
EXPECT_EQ("@interface", format("@ interface"));
// The precise formatting of this doesn't matter, nobody writes code like
// this.
verifyFormat("@ /*foo*/ interface");
TEST_F(FormatTest, ObjCSnippets) {
// FIXME: Make the uncommented lines below pass.
verifyFormat("@autoreleasepool {\n"
" foo();\n"
verifyFormat("@class Foo, Bar;");
verifyFormat("@compatibility_alias AliasName ExistingClass;");
verifyFormat("@dynamic textColor;");
//verifyFormat("char *buf1 = @encode(int **);");
verifyFormat("Protocol *proto = @protocol(p1);");
//verifyFormat("SEL s = @selector(foo:);");
verifyFormat("@synchronized(self) {\n"
" f();\n"
verifyFormat("@synthesize dropArrowPosition = dropArrowPosition_;");
verifyGoogleFormat("@synthesize dropArrowPosition = dropArrowPosition_;");
verifyFormat("@property(assign, nonatomic) CGFloat hoverAlpha;");
verifyFormat("@property(assign, getter=isEditable) BOOL editable;");
verifyGoogleFormat("@property(assign, getter=isEditable) BOOL editable;");
} // end namespace tooling
} // end namespace clang