blob: a76b34fda26334191e218d71c3827c016e7f3e09 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
template<typename T> class vector2 {};
template<typename T> class vector : vector2<T> {};
template<typename T> void Foo2(vector2<const T*> V) {} // expected-note{{candidate template ignored: can't deduce a type for 'T' which would make 'const T' equal 'int'}}
template<typename T> void Foo(vector<const T*> V) {} // expected-note {{candidate template ignored: can't deduce a type for 'T' which would make 'const T' equal 'int'}}
void test() {
Foo2(vector2<int*>()); // expected-error{{no matching function for call to 'Foo2'}}
Foo(vector<int*>()); // expected-error{{no matching function for call to 'Foo'}}
namespace rdar13267210 {
template < typename T > class A {
BaseTy; // expected-error{{C++ requires a type specifier for all declarations}}
template < typename T, int N > class C: A < T > {};
class B {
C<long, 16> ExternalDefinitions;
C<long, 64> &Record;
void AddSourceLocation(A<long> &R); // expected-note{{passing argument to parameter 'R' here}}
void AddTemplateKWAndArgsInfo() {
AddSourceLocation(Record); // expected-error{{non-const lvalue reference to type}}
namespace PR16292 {
class IncompleteClass; // expected-note{{forward declaration}}
class BaseClass {
IncompleteClass Foo; // expected-error{{field has incomplete type}}
template<class T> class DerivedClass : public BaseClass {};
void* p = new DerivedClass<void>;