blob: 63d58532cb80a4c7dd603e7c5b9b720d5fde7e56 [file] [log] [blame]
/* RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -triple i386-apple-darwin9 -pedantic -std=c89 %s
int scanf(const char * restrict, ...);
int printf(const char *restrict, ...);
void foo(char **sp, float *fp, int *ip) {
scanf("%as", sp); /* expected-warning{{'a' is a non-standard length modifier}} */
scanf("%a[abc]", sp); /* expected-warning{{'a' is a non-standard length modifier}} */
/* TODO: Warn that the 'a' conversion specifier is a C99 feature. */
scanf("%a", fp);
scanf("%afoobar", fp);
printf("%a", 1.0);
printf("%as", 1.0);
printf("%aS", 1.0);
printf("%a[", 1.0);
printf("%afoo", 1.0);
scanf("%da", ip);
/* Test argument type check for the 'a' length modifier. */
scanf("%as", fp); /* expected-warning{{format specifies type 'char **' but the argument has type 'float *'}}
expected-warning{{'a' is a non-standard length modifier}} */
scanf("%aS", fp); /* expected-warning{{format specifies type 'wchar_t **' (aka 'int **') but the argument has type 'float *'}}
expected-warning{{'a' is a non-standard length modifier}}
expected-warning{{'S' is a non-standard conversion specifier}} */
scanf("%a[abc]", fp); /* expected-warning{{format specifies type 'char **' but the argument has type 'float *'}}
expected-warning{{'a' is a non-standard length modifier}} */