blob: 78e35ca82b896573b87bd1c169e63d3b526a7d49 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- BugReporterVisitor.h - Generate PathDiagnostics -------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file declares BugReporterVisitors, which are used to generate enhanced
// diagnostic traces.
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SVals.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
namespace clang {
namespace ento {
class BugReport;
class BugReporterContext;
class ExplodedNode;
class MemRegion;
class PathDiagnosticPiece;
/// \brief BugReporterVisitors are used to add custom diagnostics along a path.
/// Custom visitors should subclass the BugReporterVisitorImpl class for a
/// default implementation of the clone() method.
/// (Warning: if you have a deep subclass of BugReporterVisitorImpl, the
/// default implementation of clone() will NOT do the right thing, and you
/// will have to provide your own implementation.)
class BugReporterVisitor : public llvm::FoldingSetNode {
virtual ~BugReporterVisitor();
/// \brief Returns a copy of this BugReporter.
/// Custom BugReporterVisitors should not override this method directly.
/// Instead, they should inherit from BugReporterVisitorImpl and provide
/// a protected or public copy constructor.
/// (Warning: if you have a deep subclass of BugReporterVisitorImpl, the
/// default implementation of clone() will NOT do the right thing, and you
/// will have to provide your own implementation.)
virtual BugReporterVisitor *clone() const = 0;
/// \brief Return a diagnostic piece which should be associated with the
/// given node.
/// The last parameter can be used to register a new visitor with the given
/// BugReport while processing a node.
virtual PathDiagnosticPiece *VisitNode(const ExplodedNode *N,
const ExplodedNode *PrevN,
BugReporterContext &BRC,
BugReport &BR) = 0;
/// \brief Provide custom definition for the final diagnostic piece on the
/// path - the piece, which is displayed before the path is expanded.
/// If returns NULL the default implementation will be used.
/// Also note that at most one visitor of a BugReport should generate a
/// non-NULL end of path diagnostic piece.
virtual PathDiagnosticPiece *getEndPath(BugReporterContext &BRC,
const ExplodedNode *N,
BugReport &BR);
virtual void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const = 0;
/// \brief Generates the default final diagnostic piece.
static PathDiagnosticPiece *getDefaultEndPath(BugReporterContext &BRC,
const ExplodedNode *N,
BugReport &BR);
/// This class provides a convenience implementation for clone() using the
/// Curiously-Recurring Template Pattern. If you are implementing a custom
/// BugReporterVisitor, subclass BugReporterVisitorImpl and provide a public
/// or protected copy constructor.
/// (Warning: if you have a deep subclass of BugReporterVisitorImpl, the
/// default implementation of clone() will NOT do the right thing, and you
/// will have to provide your own implementation.)
template <class DERIVED>
class BugReporterVisitorImpl : public BugReporterVisitor {
virtual BugReporterVisitor *clone() const {
return new DERIVED(*static_cast<const DERIVED *>(this));
class FindLastStoreBRVisitor
: public BugReporterVisitorImpl<FindLastStoreBRVisitor>
const MemRegion *R;
SVal V;
bool satisfied;
/// \brief Convenience method to create a visitor given only the MemRegion.
/// Returns NULL if the visitor cannot be created. For example, when the
/// corresponding value is unknown.
static BugReporterVisitor *createVisitorObject(const ExplodedNode *N,
const MemRegion *R);
/// Creates a visitor for every VarDecl inside a Stmt and registers it with
/// the BugReport.
static void registerStatementVarDecls(BugReport &BR, const Stmt *S);
FindLastStoreBRVisitor(SVal v, const MemRegion *r)
: R(r), V(v), satisfied(false) {
assert (!V.isUnknown() && "Cannot track unknown value.");
// TODO: Does it make sense to allow undef values here?
// (If not, also see UndefCapturedBlockVarChecker)?
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const;
PathDiagnosticPiece *VisitNode(const ExplodedNode *N,
const ExplodedNode *PrevN,
BugReporterContext &BRC,
BugReport &BR);
class TrackConstraintBRVisitor
: public BugReporterVisitorImpl<TrackConstraintBRVisitor>
DefinedSVal Constraint;
const bool Assumption;
bool isSatisfied;
TrackConstraintBRVisitor(DefinedSVal constraint, bool assumption)
: Constraint(constraint), Assumption(assumption), isSatisfied(false) {}
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const;
/// Return the tag associated with this visitor. This tag will be used
/// to make all PathDiagnosticPieces created by this visitor.
static const char *getTag();
PathDiagnosticPiece *VisitNode(const ExplodedNode *N,
const ExplodedNode *PrevN,
BugReporterContext &BRC,
BugReport &BR);
class NilReceiverBRVisitor
: public BugReporterVisitorImpl<NilReceiverBRVisitor>
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const {
static int x = 0;
PathDiagnosticPiece *VisitNode(const ExplodedNode *N,
const ExplodedNode *PrevN,
BugReporterContext &BRC,
BugReport &BR);
/// Visitor that tries to report interesting diagnostics from conditions.
class ConditionBRVisitor : public BugReporterVisitorImpl<ConditionBRVisitor> {
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const {
static int x = 0;
/// Return the tag associated with this visitor. This tag will be used
/// to make all PathDiagnosticPieces created by this visitor.
static const char *getTag();
virtual PathDiagnosticPiece *VisitNode(const ExplodedNode *N,
const ExplodedNode *Prev,
BugReporterContext &BRC,
BugReport &BR);
PathDiagnosticPiece *VisitNodeImpl(const ExplodedNode *N,
const ExplodedNode *Prev,
BugReporterContext &BRC,
BugReport &BR);
PathDiagnosticPiece *VisitTerminator(const Stmt *Term,
const ExplodedNode *N,
const CFGBlock *srcBlk,
const CFGBlock *dstBlk,
BugReport &R,
BugReporterContext &BRC);
PathDiagnosticPiece *VisitTrueTest(const Expr *Cond,
bool tookTrue,
BugReporterContext &BRC,
BugReport &R,
const ExplodedNode *N);
PathDiagnosticPiece *VisitTrueTest(const Expr *Cond,
const DeclRefExpr *DR,
const bool tookTrue,
BugReporterContext &BRC,
BugReport &R,
const ExplodedNode *N);
PathDiagnosticPiece *VisitTrueTest(const Expr *Cond,
const BinaryOperator *BExpr,
const bool tookTrue,
BugReporterContext &BRC,
BugReport &R,
const ExplodedNode *N);
PathDiagnosticPiece *VisitConditionVariable(StringRef LhsString,
const Expr *CondVarExpr,
const bool tookTrue,
BugReporterContext &BRC,
BugReport &R,
const ExplodedNode *N);
bool patternMatch(const Expr *Ex,
llvm::raw_ostream &Out,
BugReporterContext &BRC,
BugReport &R,
const ExplodedNode *N,
llvm::Optional<bool> &prunable);
/// \brief When a region containing undefined value or '0' value is passed
/// as an argument in a call, marks the call as interesting.
/// As a result, BugReporter will not prune the path through the function even
/// if the region's contents are not modified/accessed by the call.
class UndefOrNullArgVisitor
: public BugReporterVisitorImpl<UndefOrNullArgVisitor> {
/// The interesting memory region this visitor is tracking.
const MemRegion *R;
UndefOrNullArgVisitor(const MemRegion *InR) : R(InR) {}
virtual void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const {
static int Tag = 0;
PathDiagnosticPiece *VisitNode(const ExplodedNode *N,
const ExplodedNode *PrevN,
BugReporterContext &BRC,
BugReport &BR);
namespace bugreporter {
/// Attempts to add visitors to trace a null or undefined value back to its
/// point of origin, whether it is a symbol constrained to null or an explicit
/// assignment.
/// \param N A node "downstream" from the evaluation of the statement.
/// \param S The statement whose value is null or undefined.
/// \param R The bug report to which visitors should be attached.
/// \param IsArg Whether the statement is an argument to an inlined function.
/// If this is the case, \p N \em must be the CallEnter node for
/// the function.
/// \return Whether or not the function was able to add visitors for this
/// statement. Note that returning \c true does not actually imply
/// that any visitors were added.
bool trackNullOrUndefValue(const ExplodedNode *N, const Stmt *S, BugReport &R,
bool IsArg = false);
const Stmt *GetDerefExpr(const ExplodedNode *N);
const Stmt *GetDenomExpr(const ExplodedNode *N);
const Stmt *GetRetValExpr(const ExplodedNode *N);
bool isDeclRefExprToReference(const Expr *E);
} // end namespace clang
} // end namespace ento
} // end namespace bugreporter