blob: 24218be99dc2ed5103c55d5a113cc55d8c9a0856 [file] [log] [blame]
//== AnalysisManager.h - Path sensitive analysis data manager ------*- C++ -*-//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the AnalysisManager class that manages the data and policy
// for path sensitive analysis.
#include "clang/Analysis/AnalysisContext.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/AnalyzerOptions.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/BugReporter.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/PathDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathDiagnosticConsumers.h"
namespace clang {
namespace ento {
class CheckerManager;
class AnalysisManager : public BugReporterData {
virtual void anchor();
AnalysisDeclContextManager AnaCtxMgr;
ASTContext &Ctx;
DiagnosticsEngine &Diags;
const LangOptions &LangOpts;
PathDiagnosticConsumers PathConsumers;
// Configurable components creators.
StoreManagerCreator CreateStoreMgr;
ConstraintManagerCreator CreateConstraintMgr;
CheckerManager *CheckerMgr;
/// \brief The maximum number of exploded nodes the analyzer will generate.
unsigned MaxNodes;
/// \brief The maximum number of times the analyzer visits a block.
unsigned MaxVisit;
bool VisualizeEGDot;
bool VisualizeEGUbi;
AnalysisPurgeMode PurgeDead;
/// \brief The flag regulates if we should eagerly assume evaluations of
/// conditionals, thus, bifurcating the path.
/// EagerlyAssume - A flag indicating how the engine should handle
/// expressions such as: 'x = (y != 0)'. When this flag is true then
/// the subexpression 'y != 0' will be eagerly assumed to be true or false,
/// thus evaluating it to the integers 0 or 1 respectively. The upside
/// is that this can increase analysis precision until we have a better way
/// to lazily evaluate such logic. The downside is that it eagerly
/// bifurcates paths.
bool EagerlyAssume;
bool TrimGraph;
bool EagerlyTrimEGraph;
// \brief inter-procedural analysis mode.
AnalysisIPAMode IPAMode;
// Settings for inlining tuning.
/// \brief The inlining stack depth limit.
unsigned InlineMaxStackDepth;
/// \brief The max number of basic blocks in a function being inlined.
unsigned InlineMaxFunctionSize;
/// \brief The mode of function selection used during inlining.
AnalysisInliningMode InliningMode;
/// \brief Do not re-analyze paths leading to exhausted nodes with a different
/// strategy. We get better code coverage when retry is enabled.
bool NoRetryExhausted;
typedef llvm::StringMap<std::string> ConfigTable;
/// \brief A key-value table of use-specified configuration values.
const ConfigTable &Config;
AnalysisManager(ASTContext &ctx,DiagnosticsEngine &diags,
const LangOptions &lang,
const PathDiagnosticConsumers &Consumers,
StoreManagerCreator storemgr,
ConstraintManagerCreator constraintmgr,
CheckerManager *checkerMgr,
const ConfigTable &Config,
unsigned maxnodes, unsigned maxvisit,
bool vizdot, bool vizubi, AnalysisPurgeMode purge,
bool eager, bool trim,
bool useUnoptimizedCFG,
bool addImplicitDtors,
bool eagerlyTrimEGraph,
AnalysisIPAMode ipa,
unsigned inlineMaxStack,
unsigned inlineMaxFunctionSize,
AnalysisInliningMode inliningMode,
bool NoRetry);
void ClearContexts() {
AnalysisDeclContextManager& getAnalysisDeclContextManager() {
return AnaCtxMgr;
StoreManagerCreator getStoreManagerCreator() {
return CreateStoreMgr;
ConstraintManagerCreator getConstraintManagerCreator() {
return CreateConstraintMgr;
CheckerManager *getCheckerManager() const { return CheckerMgr; }
virtual ASTContext &getASTContext() {
return Ctx;
virtual SourceManager &getSourceManager() {
return getASTContext().getSourceManager();
virtual DiagnosticsEngine &getDiagnostic() {
return Diags;
const LangOptions &getLangOpts() const {
return LangOpts;
ArrayRef<PathDiagnosticConsumer*> getPathDiagnosticConsumers() {
return PathConsumers;
void FlushDiagnostics();
unsigned getMaxNodes() const { return MaxNodes; }
unsigned getMaxVisit() const { return MaxVisit; }
bool shouldVisualizeGraphviz() const { return VisualizeEGDot; }
bool shouldVisualizeUbigraph() const { return VisualizeEGUbi; }
bool shouldVisualize() const {
return VisualizeEGDot || VisualizeEGUbi;
bool shouldEagerlyTrimExplodedGraph() const { return EagerlyTrimEGraph; }
bool shouldTrimGraph() const { return TrimGraph; }
AnalysisPurgeMode getPurgeMode() const { return PurgeDead; }
bool shouldEagerlyAssume() const { return EagerlyAssume; }
bool shouldInlineCall() const { return (IPAMode != None); }
CFG *getCFG(Decl const *D) {
return AnaCtxMgr.getContext(D)->getCFG();
template <typename T>
T *getAnalysis(Decl const *D) {
return AnaCtxMgr.getContext(D)->getAnalysis<T>();
ParentMap &getParentMap(Decl const *D) {
return AnaCtxMgr.getContext(D)->getParentMap();
AnalysisDeclContext *getAnalysisDeclContext(const Decl *D) {
return AnaCtxMgr.getContext(D);
} // enAnaCtxMgrspace
} // end clang namespace