blob: 8ab2769cce96d6c920bcbbf7ab654b3a6f7f397b [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Tooling.h - Framework for standalone Clang tools -------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements functions to run clang tools standalone instead
// of running them as a plugin.
// A ClangTool is initialized with a CompilationDatabase and a set of files
// to run over. The tool will then run a user-specified FrontendAction over
// all TUs in which the given files are compiled.
// It is also possible to run a FrontendAction over a snippet of code by
// calling runToolOnCode, which is useful for unit testing.
// Applications that need more fine grained control over how to run
// multiple FrontendActions over code can use ToolInvocation.
// Example tools:
// - running clang -fsyntax-only over source code from an editor to get
// fast syntax checks
// - running match/replace tools over C++ code
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "clang/Driver/Util.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/ArgumentsAdjusters.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace clang {
namespace driver {
class Compilation;
} // end namespace driver
class CompilerInvocation;
class SourceManager;
class FrontendAction;
namespace tooling {
/// \brief Interface to generate clang::FrontendActions.
class FrontendActionFactory {
virtual ~FrontendActionFactory();
/// \brief Returns a new clang::FrontendAction.
/// The caller takes ownership of the returned action.
virtual clang::FrontendAction *create() = 0;
/// \brief Returns a new FrontendActionFactory for a given type.
/// T must extend clang::FrontendAction.
/// Example:
/// FrontendActionFactory *Factory =
/// newFrontendActionFactory<clang::SyntaxOnlyAction>();
template <typename T>
FrontendActionFactory *newFrontendActionFactory();
/// \brief Returns a new FrontendActionFactory for any type that provides an
/// implementation of newFrontendAction().
/// FactoryT must implement: FrontendAction *newFrontendAction().
/// Example:
/// struct ProvidesFrontendActions {
/// FrontendAction *newFrontendAction();
/// } Factory;
/// FrontendActionFactory *FactoryAdapter =
/// newFrontendActionFactory(&Factory);
template <typename FactoryT>
FrontendActionFactory *newFrontendActionFactory(FactoryT *ActionFactory);
/// \brief Runs (and deletes) the tool on 'Code' with the -fsyntax-only flag.
/// \param ToolAction The action to run over the code.
/// \param Code C++ code.
/// \param FileName The file name which 'Code' will be mapped as.
/// \return - True if 'ToolAction' was successfully executed.
bool runToolOnCode(clang::FrontendAction *ToolAction, const Twine &Code,
const Twine &FileName = "");
/// \brief Utility to run a FrontendAction in a single clang invocation.
class ToolInvocation {
/// \brief Create a tool invocation.
/// \param CommandLine The command line arguments to clang. Note that clang
/// uses its binary name (CommandLine[0]) to locate its builtin headers.
/// Callers have to ensure that they are installed in a compatible location
/// (see clang driver implementation) or mapped in via mapVirtualFile.
/// \param ToolAction The action to be executed. Class takes ownership.
/// \param Files The FileManager used for the execution. Class does not take
/// ownership.
ToolInvocation(ArrayRef<std::string> CommandLine, FrontendAction *ToolAction,
FileManager *Files);
/// \brief Map a virtual file to be used while running the tool.
/// \param FilePath The path at which the content will be mapped.
/// \param Content A null terminated buffer of the file's content.
void mapVirtualFile(StringRef FilePath, StringRef Content);
/// \brief Run the clang invocation.
/// \returns True if there were no errors during execution.
bool run();
void addFileMappingsTo(SourceManager &SourceManager);
bool runInvocation(const char *BinaryName,
clang::driver::Compilation *Compilation,
clang::CompilerInvocation *Invocation,
const clang::driver::ArgStringList &CC1Args);
std::vector<std::string> CommandLine;
llvm::OwningPtr<FrontendAction> ToolAction;
FileManager *Files;
// Maps <file name> -> <file content>.
llvm::StringMap<StringRef> MappedFileContents;
/// \brief Utility to run a FrontendAction over a set of files.
/// This class is written to be usable for command line utilities.
/// By default the class uses ClangSyntaxOnlyAdjuster to modify
/// command line arguments before the arguments are used to run
/// a frontend action. One could install another command line
/// arguments adjuster by call setArgumentsAdjuster() method.
class ClangTool {
/// \brief Constructs a clang tool to run over a list of files.
/// \param Compilations The CompilationDatabase which contains the compile
/// command lines for the given source paths.
/// \param SourcePaths The source files to run over. If a source files is
/// not found in Compilations, it is skipped.
ClangTool(const CompilationDatabase &Compilations,
ArrayRef<std::string> SourcePaths);
/// \brief Map a virtual file to be used while running the tool.
/// \param FilePath The path at which the content will be mapped.
/// \param Content A null terminated buffer of the file's content.
void mapVirtualFile(StringRef FilePath, StringRef Content);
/// \brief Install command line arguments adjuster.
/// \param Adjuster Command line arguments adjuster.
void setArgumentsAdjuster(ArgumentsAdjuster *Adjuster);
/// Runs a frontend action over all files specified in the command line.
/// \param ActionFactory Factory generating the frontend actions. The function
/// takes ownership of this parameter. A new action is generated for every
/// processed translation unit.
int run(FrontendActionFactory *ActionFactory);
/// \brief Returns the file manager used in the tool.
/// The file manager is shared between all translation units.
FileManager &getFiles() { return Files; }
// We store compile commands as pair (file name, compile command).
std::vector< std::pair<std::string, CompileCommand> > CompileCommands;
FileManager Files;
// Contains a list of pairs (<file name>, <file content>).
std::vector< std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> > MappedFileContents;
llvm::OwningPtr<ArgumentsAdjuster> ArgsAdjuster;
template <typename T>
FrontendActionFactory *newFrontendActionFactory() {
class SimpleFrontendActionFactory : public FrontendActionFactory {
virtual clang::FrontendAction *create() { return new T; }
return new SimpleFrontendActionFactory;
template <typename FactoryT>
FrontendActionFactory *newFrontendActionFactory(FactoryT *ActionFactory) {
class FrontendActionFactoryAdapter : public FrontendActionFactory {
explicit FrontendActionFactoryAdapter(FactoryT *ActionFactory)
: ActionFactory(ActionFactory) {}
virtual clang::FrontendAction *create() {
return ActionFactory->newFrontendAction();
FactoryT *ActionFactory;
return new FrontendActionFactoryAdapter(ActionFactory);
} // end namespace tooling
} // end namespace clang