blob: a18d8c6f8b7ee66434b498f44ccc0f2684056930 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- IndexingContext.h - Higher level API functions ------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "Index_Internal.h"
#include "CXCursor.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclGroup.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
namespace clang {
class FileEntry;
class ObjCPropertyDecl;
class ObjCClassDecl;
namespace cxindex {
class IndexingContext;
struct DeclInfo : public CXIdxDeclInfo {
CXIdxEntityInfo CXEntInfo;
enum DInfoKind {
DInfoKind Kind;
DeclInfo(bool isRedeclaration, bool isDefinition, bool isContainer)
: Kind(Info_Decl) {
this->isRedeclaration = isRedeclaration;
this->isDefinition = isDefinition;
this->isContainer = isContainer;
attributes = 0;
numAttributes = 0;
DeclInfo(DInfoKind K,
bool isRedeclaration, bool isDefinition, bool isContainer)
: Kind(K) {
this->isRedeclaration = isRedeclaration;
this->isDefinition = isDefinition;
this->isContainer = isContainer;
attributes = 0;
numAttributes = 0;
static bool classof(const DeclInfo *) { return true; }
struct ObjCContainerDeclInfo : public DeclInfo {
CXIdxObjCContainerDeclInfo ObjCContDeclInfo;
ObjCContainerDeclInfo(bool isForwardRef,
bool isRedeclaration,
bool isImplementation)
: DeclInfo(Info_ObjCContainer, isRedeclaration,
/*isDefinition=*/!isForwardRef, /*isContainer=*/!isForwardRef) {
init(isForwardRef, isImplementation);
ObjCContainerDeclInfo(DInfoKind K,
bool isForwardRef,
bool isRedeclaration,
bool isImplementation)
: DeclInfo(K, isRedeclaration, /*isDefinition=*/!isForwardRef,
/*isContainer=*/!isForwardRef) {
init(isForwardRef, isImplementation);
static bool classof(const DeclInfo *D) {
return Info_ObjCContainer <= D->Kind && D->Kind <= Info_ObjCCategory;
static bool classof(const ObjCContainerDeclInfo *D) { return true; }
void init(bool isForwardRef, bool isImplementation) {
if (isForwardRef)
ObjCContDeclInfo.kind = CXIdxObjCContainer_ForwardRef;
else if (isImplementation)
ObjCContDeclInfo.kind = CXIdxObjCContainer_Implementation;
ObjCContDeclInfo.kind = CXIdxObjCContainer_Interface;
struct ObjCInterfaceDeclInfo : public ObjCContainerDeclInfo {
CXIdxObjCInterfaceDeclInfo ObjCInterDeclInfo;
CXIdxObjCProtocolRefListInfo ObjCProtoListInfo;
ObjCInterfaceDeclInfo(const ObjCInterfaceDecl *D)
: ObjCContainerDeclInfo(Info_ObjCInterface,
/*isImplementation=*/false) { }
static bool classof(const DeclInfo *D) {
return D->Kind == Info_ObjCInterface;
static bool classof(const ObjCInterfaceDeclInfo *D) { return true; }
struct ObjCProtocolDeclInfo : public ObjCContainerDeclInfo {
CXIdxObjCProtocolRefListInfo ObjCProtoRefListInfo;
ObjCProtocolDeclInfo(const ObjCProtocolDecl *D)
: ObjCContainerDeclInfo(Info_ObjCProtocol,
/*isImplementation=*/false) { }
static bool classof(const DeclInfo *D) {
return D->Kind == Info_ObjCProtocol;
static bool classof(const ObjCProtocolDeclInfo *D) { return true; }
struct ObjCCategoryDeclInfo : public ObjCContainerDeclInfo {
CXIdxObjCCategoryDeclInfo ObjCCatDeclInfo;
explicit ObjCCategoryDeclInfo(bool isImplementation)
: ObjCContainerDeclInfo(Info_ObjCCategory,
/*isImplementation=*/isImplementation) { }
static bool classof(const DeclInfo *D) {
return D->Kind == Info_ObjCCategory;
static bool classof(const ObjCCategoryDeclInfo *D) { return true; }
struct AttrInfo : public CXIdxAttrInfo {
const Attr *A;
AttrInfo(CXIdxAttrKind Kind, CXCursor C, CXIdxLoc Loc, const Attr *A) {
kind = Kind;
cursor = C;
loc = Loc;
this->A = A;
static bool classof(const AttrInfo *) { return true; }
struct IBOutletCollectionInfo : public AttrInfo {
CXIdxEntityInfo CXClassInfo;
CXIdxIBOutletCollectionAttrInfo IBCollInfo;
IBOutletCollectionInfo(CXCursor C, CXIdxLoc Loc, const Attr *A) :
AttrInfo(CXIdxAttr_IBOutletCollection, C, Loc, A) {
assert(C.kind == CXCursor_IBOutletCollectionAttr);
static bool classof(const AttrInfo *A) {
return A->kind == CXIdxAttr_IBOutletCollection;
static bool classof(const IBOutletCollectionInfo *D) { return true; }
struct RefFileOccurence {
const FileEntry *File;
const Decl *Dcl;
RefFileOccurence(const FileEntry *File, const Decl *Dcl)
: File(File), Dcl(Dcl) { }
class IndexingContext {
ASTContext *Ctx;
CXClientData ClientData;
IndexerCallbacks &CB;
unsigned IndexOptions;
CXTranslationUnit CXTU;
typedef llvm::DenseMap<const FileEntry *, CXIdxClientFile> FileMapTy;
typedef llvm::DenseMap<const DeclContext *, CXIdxClientContainer> ContainerMapTy;
FileMapTy FileMap;
ContainerMapTy ContainerMap;
llvm::DenseSet<RefFileOccurence> RefFileOccurences;
SmallVector<DeclGroupRef, 8> TUDeclsInObjCContainer;
llvm::SmallString<256> StrScratch;
unsigned StrAdapterCount;
class StrAdapter {
llvm::SmallString<256> &Scratch;
IndexingContext &IdxCtx;
StrAdapter(IndexingContext &indexCtx)
: Scratch(indexCtx.StrScratch), IdxCtx(indexCtx) {
~StrAdapter() {
if (IdxCtx.StrAdapterCount == 0)
const char *toCStr(StringRef Str);
unsigned getCurSize() const { return Scratch.size(); }
const char *getCStr(unsigned CharIndex) {
return + CharIndex;
SmallVectorImpl<char> &getBuffer() { return Scratch; }
struct ObjCProtocolListInfo {
SmallVector<CXIdxObjCProtocolRefInfo, 4> ProtInfos;
SmallVector<CXIdxEntityInfo, 4> ProtEntities;
SmallVector<CXIdxObjCProtocolRefInfo *, 4> Prots;
CXIdxObjCProtocolRefListInfo getListInfo() const {
CXIdxObjCProtocolRefListInfo Info = {,
(unsigned)Prots.size() };
return Info;
ObjCProtocolListInfo(const ObjCProtocolList &ProtList,
IndexingContext &IdxCtx,
IndexingContext::StrAdapter &SA);
struct AttrListInfo {
SmallVector<AttrInfo, 2> Attrs;
SmallVector<IBOutletCollectionInfo, 2> IBCollAttrs;
SmallVector<CXIdxAttrInfo *, 2> CXAttrs;
const CXIdxAttrInfo *const *getAttrs() const {
unsigned getNumAttrs() const { return (unsigned)CXAttrs.size(); }
AttrListInfo(const Decl *D,
IndexingContext &IdxCtx,
IndexingContext::StrAdapter &SA);
IndexingContext(CXClientData clientData, IndexerCallbacks &indexCallbacks,
unsigned indexOptions, CXTranslationUnit cxTU)
: Ctx(0), ClientData(clientData), CB(indexCallbacks),
IndexOptions(indexOptions), CXTU(cxTU), StrAdapterCount(0) { }
ASTContext &getASTContext() const { return *Ctx; }
void setASTContext(ASTContext &ctx);
bool suppressRefs() const {
return IndexOptions & CXIndexOpt_SuppressRedundantRefs;
bool shouldAbort();
void enteredMainFile(const FileEntry *File);
void ppIncludedFile(SourceLocation hashLoc,
StringRef filename, const FileEntry *File,
bool isImport, bool isAngled);
void startedTranslationUnit();
void indexDecl(const Decl *D);
void indexTagDecl(const TagDecl *D);
void indexTypeSourceInfo(TypeSourceInfo *TInfo, const NamedDecl *Parent,
const DeclContext *DC = 0);
void indexTypeLoc(TypeLoc TL, const NamedDecl *Parent,
const DeclContext *DC);
void indexDeclContext(const DeclContext *DC);
void indexBody(const Stmt *S, const DeclContext *DC);
void handleDiagnosticSet(CXDiagnosticSet CXDiagSet);
bool handleFunction(const FunctionDecl *FD);
bool handleVar(const VarDecl *D);
bool handleField(const FieldDecl *D);
bool handleEnumerator(const EnumConstantDecl *D);
bool handleTagDecl(const TagDecl *D);
bool handleTypedef(const TypedefDecl *D);
bool handleObjCClass(const ObjCClassDecl *D);
bool handleObjCInterface(const ObjCInterfaceDecl *D);
bool handleObjCImplementation(const ObjCImplementationDecl *D);
bool handleObjCForwardProtocol(const ObjCProtocolDecl *D,
SourceLocation Loc,
bool isRedeclaration);
bool handleObjCProtocol(const ObjCProtocolDecl *D);
bool handleObjCCategory(const ObjCCategoryDecl *D);
bool handleObjCCategoryImpl(const ObjCCategoryImplDecl *D);
bool handleObjCMethod(const ObjCMethodDecl *D);
bool handleSynthesizedObjCProperty(const ObjCPropertyImplDecl *D);
bool handleSynthesizedObjCMethod(const ObjCMethodDecl *D, SourceLocation Loc);
bool handleObjCProperty(const ObjCPropertyDecl *D);
bool handleReference(const NamedDecl *D, SourceLocation Loc, CXCursor Cursor,
const NamedDecl *Parent,
const DeclContext *DC,
const Expr *E = 0,
CXIdxEntityRefKind Kind = CXIdxEntityRef_Direct);
bool handleReference(const NamedDecl *D, SourceLocation Loc,
const NamedDecl *Parent,
const DeclContext *DC,
const Expr *E = 0,
CXIdxEntityRefKind Kind = CXIdxEntityRef_Direct);
bool isNotFromSourceFile(SourceLocation Loc) const;
void indexTopLevelDecl(Decl *D);
void indexTUDeclsInObjCContainer();
void indexDeclGroupRef(DeclGroupRef DG);
void addTUDeclInObjCContainer(DeclGroupRef DG) {
void translateLoc(SourceLocation Loc, CXIdxClientFile *indexFile, CXFile *file,
unsigned *line, unsigned *column, unsigned *offset);
bool handleDecl(const NamedDecl *D,
SourceLocation Loc, CXCursor Cursor,
DeclInfo &DInfo);
bool handleObjCContainer(const ObjCContainerDecl *D,
SourceLocation Loc, CXCursor Cursor,
ObjCContainerDeclInfo &ContDInfo);
void addContainerInMap(const DeclContext *DC, CXIdxClientContainer container);
bool markEntityOccurrenceInFile(const NamedDecl *D, SourceLocation Loc);
const NamedDecl *getEntityDecl(const NamedDecl *D) const;
CXIdxClientContainer getIndexContainer(const NamedDecl *D) const {
return getIndexContainerForDC(D->getDeclContext());
const DeclContext *getScopedContext(const DeclContext *DC) const;
CXIdxClientContainer getIndexContainerForDC(const DeclContext *DC) const;
CXIdxClientFile getIndexFile(const FileEntry *File);
CXIdxLoc getIndexLoc(SourceLocation Loc) const;
void getEntityInfo(const NamedDecl *D,
CXIdxEntityInfo &EntityInfo,
StrAdapter &SA);
CXCursor getCursor(const Decl *D) {
return cxcursor::MakeCXCursor(const_cast<Decl*>(D), CXTU);
CXCursor getRefCursor(const NamedDecl *D, SourceLocation Loc);
}} // end clang::cxindex
namespace llvm {
/// Define DenseMapInfo so that FileID's can be used as keys in DenseMap and
/// DenseSets.
template <>
struct DenseMapInfo<clang::cxindex::RefFileOccurence> {
static inline clang::cxindex::RefFileOccurence getEmptyKey() {
return clang::cxindex::RefFileOccurence(0, 0);
static inline clang::cxindex::RefFileOccurence getTombstoneKey() {
return clang::cxindex::RefFileOccurence((const clang::FileEntry *)~0,
(const clang::Decl *)~0);
static unsigned getHashValue(clang::cxindex::RefFileOccurence S) {
llvm::FoldingSetNodeID ID;
return ID.ComputeHash();
static bool isEqual(clang::cxindex::RefFileOccurence LHS,
clang::cxindex::RefFileOccurence RHS) {
return LHS.File == RHS.File && LHS.Dcl == RHS.Dcl;