blob: 610112a716430b22c0228fbfe5548da5a4649aa1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===----- Commit.h - A unit of edits ---------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "clang/Edit/FileOffset.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
namespace clang {
class LangOptions;
class PPConditionalDirectiveRecord;
namespace edit {
class EditedSource;
class Commit {
enum EditKind {
struct Edit {
EditKind Kind;
StringRef Text;
SourceLocation OrigLoc;
FileOffset Offset;
FileOffset InsertFromRangeOffs;
unsigned Length;
bool BeforePrev;
SourceLocation getFileLocation(SourceManager &SM) const;
CharSourceRange getFileRange(SourceManager &SM) const;
CharSourceRange getInsertFromRange(SourceManager &SM) const;
const SourceManager &SourceMgr;
const LangOptions &LangOpts;
const PPConditionalDirectiveRecord *PPRec;
EditedSource *Editor;
bool IsCommitable;
SmallVector<Edit, 8> CachedEdits;
explicit Commit(EditedSource &Editor);
Commit(const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts,
const PPConditionalDirectiveRecord *PPRec = 0)
: SourceMgr(SM), LangOpts(LangOpts), PPRec(PPRec), Editor(0),
IsCommitable(true) { }
bool isCommitable() const { return IsCommitable; }
bool insert(SourceLocation loc, StringRef text, bool afterToken = false,
bool beforePreviousInsertions = false);
bool insertAfterToken(SourceLocation loc, StringRef text,
bool beforePreviousInsertions = false) {
return insert(loc, text, /*afterToken=*/true, beforePreviousInsertions);
bool insertBefore(SourceLocation loc, StringRef text) {
return insert(loc, text, /*afterToken=*/false,
bool insertFromRange(SourceLocation loc, CharSourceRange range,
bool afterToken = false,
bool beforePreviousInsertions = false);
bool insertWrap(StringRef before, CharSourceRange range, StringRef after);
bool remove(CharSourceRange range);
bool replace(CharSourceRange range, StringRef text);
bool replaceWithInner(CharSourceRange range, CharSourceRange innerRange);
bool replaceText(SourceLocation loc, StringRef text,
StringRef replacementText);
bool insertFromRange(SourceLocation loc, SourceRange TokenRange,
bool afterToken = false,
bool beforePreviousInsertions = false) {
return insertFromRange(loc, CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(TokenRange),
afterToken, beforePreviousInsertions);
bool insertWrap(StringRef before, SourceRange TokenRange, StringRef after) {
return insertWrap(before, CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(TokenRange), after);
bool remove(SourceRange TokenRange) {
return remove(CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(TokenRange));
bool replace(SourceRange TokenRange, StringRef text) {
return replace(CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(TokenRange), text);
bool replaceWithInner(SourceRange TokenRange, SourceRange TokenInnerRange) {
return replaceWithInner(CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(TokenRange),
typedef SmallVector<Edit, 8>::const_iterator edit_iterator;
edit_iterator edit_begin() const { return CachedEdits.begin(); }
edit_iterator edit_end() const { return CachedEdits.end(); }
void addInsert(SourceLocation OrigLoc,
FileOffset Offs, StringRef text, bool beforePreviousInsertions);
void addInsertFromRange(SourceLocation OrigLoc, FileOffset Offs,
FileOffset RangeOffs, unsigned RangeLen,
bool beforePreviousInsertions);
void addRemove(SourceLocation OrigLoc, FileOffset Offs, unsigned Len);
bool canInsert(SourceLocation loc, FileOffset &Offset);
bool canInsertAfterToken(SourceLocation loc, FileOffset &Offset,
SourceLocation &AfterLoc);
bool canInsertInOffset(SourceLocation OrigLoc, FileOffset Offs);
bool canRemoveRange(CharSourceRange range, FileOffset &Offs, unsigned &Len);
bool canReplaceText(SourceLocation loc, StringRef text,
FileOffset &Offs, unsigned &Len);
void commitInsert(FileOffset offset, StringRef text,
bool beforePreviousInsertions);
void commitRemove(FileOffset offset, unsigned length);
bool isAtStartOfMacroExpansion(SourceLocation loc,
SourceLocation *MacroBegin = 0) const;
bool isAtEndOfMacroExpansion(SourceLocation loc,
SourceLocation *MacroEnd = 0) const;
} // end namespace clang