blob: 0223b50755eed71323ccd26960860cf1e852cde8 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++0x -fsyntax-only -verify %s
namespace std { class type_info; };
namespace ExplicitCapture {
int GlobalVar; // expected-note {{declared here}}
namespace N {
int AmbiguousVar; // expected-note {{candidate}}
int AmbiguousVar; // expected-note {{candidate}}
using namespace N;
class C {
int Member;
static void Overload(int);
void Overload();
virtual C& Overload(float);
void ExplicitCapture() {
int foo;
[foo, foo] () {}; // expected-error {{'foo' can appear only once}} expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[this, this] () {}; // expected-error {{'this' can appear only once}} expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[=, foo] () {}; // expected-error {{'&' must precede a capture when}} expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[=, &foo] () {}; // expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[=, this] () {}; // expected-error {{'this' cannot appear}} expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[&, foo] () {}; // expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[&, &foo] () {}; // expected-error {{'&' cannot precede a capture when}} expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[&, this] () {}; // expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[&Overload] () {}; // expected-error {{does not name a variable}} expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[&GlobalVar] () {}; // expected-error {{does not have automatic storage duration}} expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[&AmbiguousVar] () {} // expected-error {{reference to 'AmbiguousVar' is ambiguous}} expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[&Globalvar] () {}; // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'Globalvar'; did you mean 'GlobalVar}}
void ImplicitThisCapture() {
[](){(void)Member;}; // expected-error {{'this' cannot be implicitly captured in this context}} expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[&](){(void)Member;}; // expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[this](){(void)Member;}; // expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[this]{[this]{};};// expected-error 2 {{not supported yet}}
[]{[this]{};};// expected-error {{'this' cannot be implicitly captured in this context}} expected-error 2 {{not supported yet}}
[]{Overload(3);}; // expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[]{Overload();}; // expected-error {{'this' cannot be implicitly captured in this context}} expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[]{(void)typeid(Overload());};// expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[]{(void)typeid(Overload(.5f));};// expected-error {{'this' cannot be implicitly captured in this context}} expected-error {{not supported yet}}
void f() {
[this] () {}; // expected-error {{invalid use of 'this'}} expected-error {{not supported yet}}
namespace ReturnDeduction {
void test() {
[](){ return 1; }; // expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[](){ return 1; }; // expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[](){ return ({return 1; 1;}); }; // expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[](){ return ({return 'c'; 1;}); }; // expected-error {{not supported yet}} expected-error {{must match previous return type}}
[]()->int{ return 'c'; return 1; }; // expected-error {{not supported yet}}
[](){ return 'c'; return 1; }; // expected-error {{not supported yet}} expected-error {{must match previous return type}}
[]() { return; return (void)0; }; // expected-error {{not supported yet}}
// FIXME: Need to check structure of lambda body
[](){ return 1; return 1; }; // expected-error {{not supported yet}}