blob: 1861e958ae6cce7fa2fd0a82bea6e56c17137768 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ScopeInfo.h - Information about a semantic context -----*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines FunctionScopeInfo and BlockScopeInfo.
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/Basic/PartialDiagnostic.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
namespace clang {
class BlockDecl;
class CXXMethodDecl;
class IdentifierInfo;
class LabelDecl;
class ReturnStmt;
class Scope;
class SwitchStmt;
class VarDecl;
namespace sema {
class PossiblyUnreachableDiag {
PartialDiagnostic PD;
SourceLocation Loc;
const Stmt *stmt;
PossiblyUnreachableDiag(const PartialDiagnostic &PD, SourceLocation Loc,
const Stmt *stmt)
: PD(PD), Loc(Loc), stmt(stmt) {}
/// \brief Retains information about a function, method, or block that is
/// currently being parsed.
class FunctionScopeInfo {
enum ScopeKind {
/// \brief What kind of scope we are describing.
ScopeKind Kind;
/// \brief Whether this function contains a VLA, @try, try, C++
/// initializer, or anything else that can't be jumped past.
bool HasBranchProtectedScope;
/// \brief Whether this function contains any switches or direct gotos.
bool HasBranchIntoScope;
/// \brief Whether this function contains any indirect gotos.
bool HasIndirectGoto;
/// \brief Used to determine if errors occurred in this function or block.
DiagnosticErrorTrap ErrorTrap;
/// SwitchStack - This is the current set of active switch statements in the
/// block.
SmallVector<SwitchStmt*, 8> SwitchStack;
/// \brief The list of return statements that occur within the function or
/// block, if there is any chance of applying the named return value
/// optimization.
SmallVector<ReturnStmt*, 4> Returns;
/// \brief A list of PartialDiagnostics created but delayed within the
/// current function scope. These diagnostics are vetted for reachability
/// prior to being emitted.
SmallVector<PossiblyUnreachableDiag, 4> PossiblyUnreachableDiags;
void setHasBranchIntoScope() {
HasBranchIntoScope = true;
void setHasBranchProtectedScope() {
HasBranchProtectedScope = true;
void setHasIndirectGoto() {
HasIndirectGoto = true;
bool NeedsScopeChecking() const {
return HasIndirectGoto ||
(HasBranchProtectedScope && HasBranchIntoScope);
FunctionScopeInfo(DiagnosticsEngine &Diag)
: Kind(SK_Function),
ErrorTrap(Diag) { }
virtual ~FunctionScopeInfo();
/// \brief Clear out the information in this function scope, making it
/// suitable for reuse.
void Clear();
static bool classof(const FunctionScopeInfo *FSI) { return true; }
class CapturingScopeInfo : public FunctionScopeInfo {
enum ImplicitCaptureStyle {
ImpCap_None, ImpCap_LambdaByval, ImpCap_LambdaByref, ImpCap_Block
ImplicitCaptureStyle ImpCaptureStyle;
class Capture {
// There are two categories of capture: capturing 'this', and capturing
// local variables. There are three ways to capture a local variable:
// capture by copy in the C++11 sense, capture by reference
// in the C++11 sense, and __block capture. Lambdas explicitly specify
// capture by copy or capture by reference. For blocks, __block capture
// applies to variables with that annotation, variables of reference type
// are captured by reference, and other variables are captured by copy.
enum CaptureKind {
Cap_This, Cap_ByCopy, Cap_ByRef, Cap_Block
// The variable being captured (if we are not capturing 'this'),
// and misc bits descibing the capture.
llvm::PointerIntPair<VarDecl*, 2, CaptureKind> VarAndKind;
// Expression to initialize a field of the given type, and whether this
// is a nested capture; the expression is only required if we are
// capturing ByVal and the variable's type has a non-trivial
// copy constructor.
llvm::PointerIntPair<Expr*, 1, bool> CopyExprAndNested;
/// \brief The source location at which the first capture occurred..
SourceLocation Loc;
Capture(VarDecl *Var, bool block, bool byRef, bool isNested,
SourceLocation Loc, Expr *Cpy)
: VarAndKind(Var, block ? Cap_Block : byRef ? Cap_ByRef : Cap_ByCopy),
CopyExprAndNested(Cpy, isNested) {}
enum IsThisCapture { ThisCapture };
Capture(IsThisCapture, bool isNested, SourceLocation Loc, Expr *Cpy)
: VarAndKind(0, Cap_This), CopyExprAndNested(Cpy, isNested), Loc(Loc) {
bool isThisCapture() const { return VarAndKind.getInt() == Cap_This; }
bool isVariableCapture() const { return !isThisCapture(); }
bool isCopyCapture() const { return VarAndKind.getInt() == Cap_ByCopy; }
bool isReferenceCapture() const { return VarAndKind.getInt() == Cap_ByRef; }
bool isBlockCapture() const { return VarAndKind.getInt() == Cap_Block; }
bool isNested() { return CopyExprAndNested.getInt(); }
VarDecl *getVariable() const {
return VarAndKind.getPointer();
/// \brief Retrieve the location at which this variable was captured.
SourceLocation getLocation() const { return Loc; }
Expr *getCopyExpr() const {
return CopyExprAndNested.getPointer();
CapturingScopeInfo(DiagnosticsEngine &Diag, ImplicitCaptureStyle Style)
: FunctionScopeInfo(Diag), ImpCaptureStyle(Style), CXXThisCaptureIndex(0),
/// CaptureMap - A map of captured variables to (index+1) into Captures.
llvm::DenseMap<VarDecl*, unsigned> CaptureMap;
/// CXXThisCaptureIndex - The (index+1) of the capture of 'this';
/// zero if 'this' is not captured.
unsigned CXXThisCaptureIndex;
/// Captures - The captures.
SmallVector<Capture, 4> Captures;
/// \brief - Whether the target type of return statements in this context
/// is deduced (e.g. a lambda or block with omitted return type).
bool HasImplicitReturnType;
/// ReturnType - The target type of return statements in this context,
/// or null if unknown.
QualType ReturnType;
void AddCapture(VarDecl *Var, bool isBlock, bool isByref, bool isNested,
SourceLocation Loc, Expr *Cpy) {
Captures.push_back(Capture(Var, isBlock, isByref, isNested, Loc, Cpy));
CaptureMap[Var] = Captures.size();
void AddThisCapture(bool isNested, SourceLocation Loc, Expr *Cpy) {
Captures.push_back(Capture(Capture::ThisCapture, isNested, Loc, Cpy));
CXXThisCaptureIndex = Captures.size();
/// \brief Determine whether the C++ 'this' is captured.
bool isCXXThisCaptured() const { return CXXThisCaptureIndex != 0; }
/// \brief Retrieve the capture of C++ 'this', if it has been captured.
Capture &getCXXThisCapture() {
assert(isCXXThisCaptured() && "this has not been captured");
return Captures[CXXThisCaptureIndex - 1];
/// \brief Determine whether the given variable has been captured.
bool isCaptured(VarDecl *Var) const {
return CaptureMap.count(Var);
/// \brief Retrieve the capture of the given variable, if it has been
/// captured already.
Capture &getCapture(VarDecl *Var) {
assert(isCaptured(Var) && "Variable has not been captured");
return Captures[CaptureMap[Var] - 1];
const Capture &getCapture(VarDecl *Var) const {
llvm::DenseMap<VarDecl*, unsigned>::const_iterator Known
= CaptureMap.find(Var);
assert(Known != CaptureMap.end() && "Variable has not been captured");
return Captures[Known->second - 1];
static bool classof(const FunctionScopeInfo *FSI) {
return FSI->Kind == SK_Block || FSI->Kind == SK_Lambda;
static bool classof(const CapturingScopeInfo *BSI) { return true; }
/// \brief Retains information about a block that is currently being parsed.
class BlockScopeInfo : public CapturingScopeInfo {
BlockDecl *TheDecl;
/// TheScope - This is the scope for the block itself, which contains
/// arguments etc.
Scope *TheScope;
/// BlockType - The function type of the block, if one was given.
/// Its return type may be BuiltinType::Dependent.
QualType FunctionType;
BlockScopeInfo(DiagnosticsEngine &Diag, Scope *BlockScope, BlockDecl *Block)
: CapturingScopeInfo(Diag, ImpCap_Block), TheDecl(Block),
Kind = SK_Block;
virtual ~BlockScopeInfo();
static bool classof(const FunctionScopeInfo *FSI) {
return FSI->Kind == SK_Block;
static bool classof(const BlockScopeInfo *BSI) { return true; }
class LambdaScopeInfo : public CapturingScopeInfo {
/// \brief The class that describes the lambda.
CXXRecordDecl *Lambda;
/// \brief The class that describes the lambda.
CXXMethodDecl *CallOperator;
/// \brief Source range covering the lambda introducer [...].
SourceRange IntroducerRange;
/// \brief The number of captures in the \c Captures list that are
/// explicit captures.
unsigned NumExplicitCaptures;
/// \brief Whether this is a mutable lambda.
bool Mutable;
/// \brief Whether the (empty) parameter list is explicit.
bool ExplicitParams;
/// \brief Whether any of the capture expressions requires cleanups.
bool ExprNeedsCleanups;
LambdaScopeInfo(DiagnosticsEngine &Diag, CXXRecordDecl *Lambda,
CXXMethodDecl *CallOperator)
: CapturingScopeInfo(Diag, ImpCap_None), Lambda(Lambda),
CallOperator(CallOperator), NumExplicitCaptures(0), Mutable(false),
Kind = SK_Lambda;
virtual ~LambdaScopeInfo();
/// \brief Note when
void finishedExplicitCaptures() {
NumExplicitCaptures = Captures.size();
static bool classof(const FunctionScopeInfo *FSI) {
return FSI->Kind == SK_Lambda;
static bool classof(const LambdaScopeInfo *BSI) { return true; }