blob: 78d3adfc6bf67870f2e8f327a890b09783fdbaaf [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- FrontendOptions.h --------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "clang/Frontend/CommandLineSourceLoc.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace clang {
namespace frontend {
enum ActionKind {
ASTDump, ///< Parse ASTs and dump them.
ASTDumpXML, ///< Parse ASTs and dump them in XML.
ASTPrint, ///< Parse ASTs and print them.
ASTView, ///< Parse ASTs and view them in Graphviz.
DumpRawTokens, ///< Dump out raw tokens.
DumpTokens, ///< Dump out preprocessed tokens.
EmitAssembly, ///< Emit a .s file.
EmitBC, ///< Emit a .bc file.
EmitHTML, ///< Translate input source into HTML.
EmitLLVM, ///< Emit a .ll file.
EmitLLVMOnly, ///< Generate LLVM IR, but do not emit anything.
EmitCodeGenOnly, ///< Generate machine code, but don't emit anything.
EmitObj, ///< Emit a .o file.
FixIt, ///< Parse and apply any fixits to the source.
GenerateModule, ///< Generate pre-compiled module.
GeneratePCH, ///< Generate pre-compiled header.
GeneratePTH, ///< Generate pre-tokenized header.
InitOnly, ///< Only execute frontend initialization.
ParseSyntaxOnly, ///< Parse and perform semantic analysis.
PluginAction, ///< Run a plugin action, \see ActionName.
PrintDeclContext, ///< Print DeclContext and their Decls.
PrintPreamble, ///< Print the "preamble" of the input file
PrintPreprocessedInput, ///< -E mode.
RewriteMacros, ///< Expand macros but not #includes.
RewriteIncludes, ///< Expand #includes but not macros.
RewriteObjC, ///< ObjC->C Rewriter.
RewriteTest, ///< Rewriter playground
RunAnalysis, ///< Run one or more source code analyses.
MigrateSource, ///< Run migrator.
RunPreprocessorOnly ///< Just lex, no output.
enum InputKind {
/// \brief An input file for the front end.
struct FrontendInputFile {
/// \brief The file name, or "-" to read from standard input.
std::string File;
/// \brief The kind of input, e.g., C source, AST file, LLVM IR.
InputKind Kind;
/// \brief Whether we're dealing with a 'system' input (vs. a 'user' input).
bool IsSystem;
FrontendInputFile() : Kind(IK_None) { }
FrontendInputFile(StringRef File, InputKind Kind, bool IsSystem = false)
: File(File.str()), Kind(Kind), IsSystem(IsSystem) { }
/// FrontendOptions - Options for controlling the behavior of the frontend.
class FrontendOptions {
unsigned DisableFree : 1; ///< Disable memory freeing on exit.
unsigned RelocatablePCH : 1; ///< When generating PCH files,
/// instruct the AST writer to create
/// relocatable PCH files.
unsigned ShowHelp : 1; ///< Show the -help text.
unsigned ShowMacrosInCodeCompletion : 1; ///< Show macros in code completion
/// results.
unsigned ShowCodePatternsInCodeCompletion : 1; ///< Show code patterns in code
/// completion results.
unsigned ShowGlobalSymbolsInCodeCompletion : 1; ///< Show top-level decls in
/// code completion results.
unsigned ShowStats : 1; ///< Show frontend performance
/// metrics and statistics.
unsigned ShowTimers : 1; ///< Show timers for individual
/// actions.
unsigned ShowVersion : 1; ///< Show the -version text.
unsigned FixWhatYouCan : 1; ///< Apply fixes even if there are
/// unfixable errors.
unsigned FixOnlyWarnings : 1; ///< Apply fixes only for warnings.
unsigned FixAndRecompile : 1; ///< Apply fixes and recompile.
unsigned FixToTemporaries : 1; ///< Apply fixes to temporary files.
unsigned ARCMTMigrateEmitARCErrors : 1; /// Emit ARC errors even if the
/// migrator can fix them
unsigned SkipFunctionBodies : 1; ///< Skip over function bodies to
/// speed up parsing in cases you do
/// not need them (e.g. with code
/// completion).
enum {
} ARCMTAction;
enum {
ObjCMT_None = 0,
/// \brief Enable migration to modern ObjC literals.
ObjCMT_Literals = 0x1,
/// \brief Enable migration to modern ObjC subscripting.
ObjCMT_Subscripting = 0x2
unsigned ObjCMTAction;
std::string MTMigrateDir;
std::string ARCMTMigrateReportOut;
/// The input files and their types.
std::vector<FrontendInputFile> Inputs;
/// The output file, if any.
std::string OutputFile;
/// If given, the new suffix for fix-it rewritten files.
std::string FixItSuffix;
/// If given, enable code completion at the provided location.
ParsedSourceLocation CodeCompletionAt;
/// The frontend action to perform.
frontend::ActionKind ProgramAction;
/// The name of the action to run when using a plugin action.
std::string ActionName;
/// Args to pass to the plugin
std::vector<std::string> PluginArgs;
/// The list of plugin actions to run in addition to the normal action.
std::vector<std::string> AddPluginActions;
/// Args to pass to the additional plugins
std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > AddPluginArgs;
/// The list of plugins to load.
std::vector<std::string> Plugins;
/// \brief The list of AST files to merge.
std::vector<std::string> ASTMergeFiles;
/// \brief A list of arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing; this
/// should only be used for debugging and experimental features.
std::vector<std::string> LLVMArgs;
/// \brief File name of the file that will provide record layouts
/// (in the format produced by -fdump-record-layouts).
std::string OverrideRecordLayoutsFile;
FrontendOptions() {
DisableFree = 0;
ProgramAction = frontend::ParseSyntaxOnly;
ActionName = "";
RelocatablePCH = 0;
ShowHelp = 0;
ShowMacrosInCodeCompletion = 0;
ShowCodePatternsInCodeCompletion = 0;
ShowGlobalSymbolsInCodeCompletion = 1;
ShowStats = 0;
ShowTimers = 0;
ShowVersion = 0;
ARCMTAction = ARCMT_None;
ARCMTMigrateEmitARCErrors = 0;
SkipFunctionBodies = 0;
ObjCMTAction = ObjCMT_None;
/// getInputKindForExtension - Return the appropriate input kind for a file
/// extension. For example, "c" would return IK_C.
/// \return The input kind for the extension, or IK_None if the extension is
/// not recognized.
static InputKind getInputKindForExtension(StringRef Extension);
} // end namespace clang