blob: 9dfde34e8b5bf18c7cf44694803835f214676a10 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Format.cpp - Format C++ code -------------------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief This file implements functions declared in Format.h. This will be
/// split into separate files as we go.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "format-formatter"
#include "TokenAnnotator.h"
#include "UnwrappedLineParser.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Basic/OperatorPrecedence.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/TextDiagnosticPrinter.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include <string>
// Uncomment to get debug output from tests:
// #define DEBUG_WITH_TYPE(T, X) do { X; } while(0)
namespace clang {
namespace format {
FormatStyle getLLVMStyle() {
FormatStyle LLVMStyle;
LLVMStyle.ColumnLimit = 80;
LLVMStyle.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 1;
LLVMStyle.PointerAndReferenceBindToType = false;
LLVMStyle.AccessModifierOffset = -2;
LLVMStyle.SplitTemplateClosingGreater = true;
LLVMStyle.IndentCaseLabels = false;
LLVMStyle.SpacesBeforeTrailingComments = 1;
LLVMStyle.BinPackParameters = true;
LLVMStyle.AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine = true;
LLVMStyle.AllowReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine = true;
LLVMStyle.ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine = false;
LLVMStyle.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine = false;
LLVMStyle.ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList = true;
return LLVMStyle;
FormatStyle getGoogleStyle() {
FormatStyle GoogleStyle;
GoogleStyle.ColumnLimit = 80;
GoogleStyle.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 1;
GoogleStyle.PointerAndReferenceBindToType = true;
GoogleStyle.AccessModifierOffset = -1;
GoogleStyle.SplitTemplateClosingGreater = false;
GoogleStyle.IndentCaseLabels = true;
GoogleStyle.SpacesBeforeTrailingComments = 2;
GoogleStyle.BinPackParameters = false;
GoogleStyle.AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine = true;
GoogleStyle.AllowReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine = false;
GoogleStyle.ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine = true;
GoogleStyle.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine = false;
GoogleStyle.ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList = false;
return GoogleStyle;
FormatStyle getChromiumStyle() {
FormatStyle ChromiumStyle = getGoogleStyle();
ChromiumStyle.AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine = false;
ChromiumStyle.SplitTemplateClosingGreater = true;
return ChromiumStyle;
struct OptimizationParameters {
unsigned PenaltyIndentLevel;
unsigned PenaltyExcessCharacter;
/// \brief Manages the whitespaces around tokens and their replacements.
/// This includes special handling for certain constructs, e.g. the alignment of
/// trailing line comments.
class WhitespaceManager {
WhitespaceManager(SourceManager &SourceMgr) : SourceMgr(SourceMgr) {}
/// \brief Replaces the whitespace in front of \p Tok. Only call once for
/// each \c AnnotatedToken.
void replaceWhitespace(const AnnotatedToken &Tok, unsigned NewLines,
unsigned Spaces, unsigned WhitespaceStartColumn,
const FormatStyle &Style) {
// 2+ newlines mean an empty line separating logic scopes.
if (NewLines >= 2)
// Align line comments if they are trailing or if they continue other
// trailing comments.
if (Tok.Type == TT_LineComment &&
(Tok.Parent != NULL || !Comments.empty())) {
if (Style.ColumnLimit >=
Spaces + WhitespaceStartColumn + Tok.FormatTok.TokenLength) {
Comments.back().Tok = Tok.FormatTok;
Comments.back().Spaces = Spaces;
Comments.back().NewLines = NewLines;
Comments.back().MinColumn = WhitespaceStartColumn + Spaces;
Comments.back().MaxColumn =
Style.ColumnLimit - Spaces - Tok.FormatTok.TokenLength;
// If this line does not have a trailing comment, align the stored comments.
if (Tok.Children.empty() && Tok.Type != TT_LineComment)
std::string(NewLines, '\n') + std::string(Spaces, ' '));
/// \brief Like \c replaceWhitespace, but additionally adds right-aligned
/// backslashes to escape newlines inside a preprocessor directive.
/// This function and \c replaceWhitespace have the same behavior if
/// \c Newlines == 0.
void replacePPWhitespace(const AnnotatedToken &Tok, unsigned NewLines,
unsigned Spaces, unsigned WhitespaceStartColumn,
const FormatStyle &Style) {
std::string NewLineText;
if (NewLines > 0) {
unsigned Offset =
std::min<int>(Style.ColumnLimit - 1, WhitespaceStartColumn);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < NewLines; ++i) {
NewLineText += std::string(Style.ColumnLimit - Offset - 1, ' ');
NewLineText += "\\\n";
Offset = 0;
storeReplacement(Tok.FormatTok, NewLineText + std::string(Spaces, ' '));
/// \brief Returns all the \c Replacements created during formatting.
const tooling::Replacements &generateReplacements() {
return Replaces;
/// \brief Structure to store a comment for later layout and alignment.
struct StoredComment {
FormatToken Tok;
unsigned MinColumn;
unsigned MaxColumn;
unsigned NewLines;
unsigned Spaces;
SmallVector<StoredComment, 16> Comments;
typedef SmallVector<StoredComment, 16>::iterator comment_iterator;
/// \brief Try to align all stashed comments.
void alignComments() {
unsigned MinColumn = 0;
unsigned MaxColumn = UINT_MAX;
comment_iterator Start = Comments.begin();
for (comment_iterator I = Comments.begin(), E = Comments.end(); I != E;
++I) {
if (I->MinColumn > MaxColumn || I->MaxColumn < MinColumn) {
alignComments(Start, I, MinColumn);
MinColumn = I->MinColumn;
MaxColumn = I->MaxColumn;
Start = I;
} else {
MinColumn = std::max(MinColumn, I->MinColumn);
MaxColumn = std::min(MaxColumn, I->MaxColumn);
alignComments(Start, Comments.end(), MinColumn);
/// \brief Put all the comments between \p I and \p E into \p Column.
void alignComments(comment_iterator I, comment_iterator E, unsigned Column) {
while (I != E) {
unsigned Spaces = I->Spaces + Column - I->MinColumn;
storeReplacement(I->Tok, std::string(I->NewLines, '\n') +
std::string(Spaces, ' '));
/// \brief Stores \p Text as the replacement for the whitespace in front of
/// \p Tok.
void storeReplacement(const FormatToken &Tok, const std::string Text) {
Replaces.insert(tooling::Replacement(SourceMgr, Tok.WhiteSpaceStart,
Tok.WhiteSpaceLength, Text));
SourceManager &SourceMgr;
tooling::Replacements Replaces;
class UnwrappedLineFormatter {
UnwrappedLineFormatter(const FormatStyle &Style, SourceManager &SourceMgr,
const AnnotatedLine &Line, unsigned FirstIndent,
const AnnotatedToken &RootToken,
WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces, bool StructuralError)
: Style(Style), SourceMgr(SourceMgr), Line(Line),
FirstIndent(FirstIndent), RootToken(RootToken),
Whitespaces(Whitespaces) {
Parameters.PenaltyIndentLevel = 20;
Parameters.PenaltyExcessCharacter = 1000000;
/// \brief Formats an \c UnwrappedLine.
/// \returns The column after the last token in the last line of the
/// \c UnwrappedLine.
unsigned format() {
// Initialize state dependent on indent.
LineState State;
State.Column = FirstIndent;
State.NextToken = &RootToken;
State.Stack.push_back(ParenState(FirstIndent + 4, FirstIndent));
State.VariablePos = 0;
State.LineContainsContinuedForLoopSection = false;
// The first token has already been indented and thus consumed.
// Start iterating at 1 as we have correctly formatted of Token #0 above.
while (State.NextToken != NULL) {
if (State.NextToken->Type == TT_ImplicitStringLiteral) {
// Calculating the column is important for aligning trailing comments.
// FIXME: This does not seem to happen in conjunction with escaped
// newlines. If it does, fix!
State.Column += State.NextToken->FormatTok.WhiteSpaceLength +
State.NextToken = State.NextToken->Children.empty()
? NULL : &State.NextToken->Children[0];
} else if (Line.Last->TotalLength <= getColumnLimit() - FirstIndent) {
addTokenToState(false, false, State);
} else {
unsigned NoBreak = calcPenalty(State, false, UINT_MAX);
unsigned Break = calcPenalty(State, true, NoBreak);
if (Break < NoBreak)
llvm::errs() << "\n";
llvm::errs() << " ";
llvm::errs() << "<";
DebugPenalty(Break, Break < NoBreak);
llvm::errs() << "/";
DebugPenalty(NoBreak, !(Break < NoBreak));
llvm::errs() << "> ";
addTokenToState(Break < NoBreak, false, State);
if (State.NextToken != NULL &&
State.NextToken->Parent->Type == TT_CtorInitializerColon) {
if (Style.ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine &&
Line.Last->TotalLength > getColumnLimit() - State.Column - 1)
State.Stack.back().BreakAfterComma = true;
DEBUG(llvm::errs() << "\n");
return State.Column;
void DebugTokenState(const AnnotatedToken &AnnotatedTok) {
const Token &Tok = AnnotatedTok.FormatTok.Tok;
llvm::errs() << StringRef(SourceMgr.getCharacterData(Tok.getLocation()),
void DebugPenalty(unsigned Penalty, bool Winner) {
llvm::errs().changeColor(Winner ? raw_ostream::GREEN : raw_ostream::RED);
if (Penalty == UINT_MAX)
llvm::errs() << "MAX";
llvm::errs() << Penalty;
struct ParenState {
ParenState(unsigned Indent, unsigned LastSpace)
: Indent(Indent), LastSpace(LastSpace), AssignmentColumn(0),
FirstLessLess(0), BreakBeforeClosingBrace(false), QuestionColumn(0),
BreakAfterComma(false), HasMultiParameterLine(false) {
/// \brief The position to which a specific parenthesis level needs to be
/// indented.
unsigned Indent;
/// \brief The position of the last space on each level.
/// Used e.g. to break like:
/// functionCall(Parameter, otherCall(
/// OtherParameter));
unsigned LastSpace;
/// \brief This is the column of the first token after an assignment.
unsigned AssignmentColumn;
/// \brief The position the first "<<" operator encountered on each level.
/// Used to align "<<" operators. 0 if no such operator has been encountered
/// on a level.
unsigned FirstLessLess;
/// \brief Whether a newline needs to be inserted before the block's closing
/// brace.
/// We only want to insert a newline before the closing brace if there also
/// was a newline after the beginning left brace.
bool BreakBeforeClosingBrace;
/// \brief The column of a \c ? in a conditional expression;
unsigned QuestionColumn;
bool BreakAfterComma;
bool HasMultiParameterLine;
bool operator<(const ParenState &Other) const {
if (Indent != Other.Indent)
return Indent < Other.Indent;
if (LastSpace != Other.LastSpace)
return LastSpace < Other.LastSpace;
if (AssignmentColumn != Other.AssignmentColumn)
return AssignmentColumn < Other.AssignmentColumn;
if (FirstLessLess != Other.FirstLessLess)
return FirstLessLess < Other.FirstLessLess;
if (BreakBeforeClosingBrace != Other.BreakBeforeClosingBrace)
return BreakBeforeClosingBrace;
if (QuestionColumn != Other.QuestionColumn)
return QuestionColumn < Other.QuestionColumn;
if (BreakAfterComma != Other.BreakAfterComma)
return BreakAfterComma;
if (HasMultiParameterLine != Other.HasMultiParameterLine)
return HasMultiParameterLine;
return false;
/// \brief The current state when indenting a unwrapped line.
/// As the indenting tries different combinations this is copied by value.
struct LineState {
/// \brief The number of used columns in the current line.
unsigned Column;
/// \brief The token that needs to be next formatted.
const AnnotatedToken *NextToken;
/// \brief The column of the first variable name in a variable declaration.
/// Used to align further variables if necessary.
unsigned VariablePos;
/// \brief \c true if this line contains a continued for-loop section.
bool LineContainsContinuedForLoopSection;
/// \brief A stack keeping track of properties applying to parenthesis
/// levels.
std::vector<ParenState> Stack;
/// \brief Comparison operator to be able to used \c LineState in \c map.
bool operator<(const LineState &Other) const {
if (Other.NextToken != NextToken)
return Other.NextToken > NextToken;
if (Other.Column != Column)
return Other.Column > Column;
if (Other.VariablePos != VariablePos)
return Other.VariablePos < VariablePos;
if (Other.LineContainsContinuedForLoopSection !=
return LineContainsContinuedForLoopSection;
return Other.Stack < Stack;
/// \brief Appends the next token to \p State and updates information
/// necessary for indentation.
/// Puts the token on the current line if \p Newline is \c true and adds a
/// line break and necessary indentation otherwise.
/// If \p DryRun is \c false, also creates and stores the required
/// \c Replacement.
void addTokenToState(bool Newline, bool DryRun, LineState &State) {
const AnnotatedToken &Current = *State.NextToken;
const AnnotatedToken &Previous = *State.NextToken->Parent;
unsigned ParenLevel = State.Stack.size() - 1;
if (Newline) {
unsigned WhitespaceStartColumn = State.Column;
if ( {
State.Column = Line.Level * 2;
} else if ( && {
State.Column = State.Column - Previous.FormatTok.TokenLength;
} else if ( &&
State.Stack[ParenLevel].FirstLessLess != 0) {
State.Column = State.Stack[ParenLevel].FirstLessLess;
} else if (ParenLevel != 0 &&
( || || || || {
// Indent and extra 4 spaces after if we know the current expression is
// continued. Don't do that on the top level, as we already indent 4
// there.
State.Column = std::max(State.Stack.back().LastSpace,
State.Stack.back().Indent) + 4;
} else if (Current.Type == TT_ConditionalExpr) {
State.Column = State.Stack.back().QuestionColumn;
} else if ( && State.VariablePos != 0 &&
(( && ParenLevel == 1) ||
ParenLevel == 0)) {
State.Column = State.VariablePos;
} else if (State.NextToken->Parent->ClosesTemplateDeclaration ||
Current.Type == TT_StartOfName) {
State.Column = State.Stack[ParenLevel].Indent - 4;
} else if (Previous.Type == TT_BinaryOperator &&
State.Stack.back().AssignmentColumn != 0) {
State.Column = State.Stack.back().AssignmentColumn;
} else {
State.Column = State.Stack[ParenLevel].Indent;
if (
State.LineContainsContinuedForLoopSection = Previous.isNot(tok::semi);
if (!DryRun) {
if (!Line.InPPDirective)
Whitespaces.replaceWhitespace(Current, 1, State.Column,
WhitespaceStartColumn, Style);
Whitespaces.replacePPWhitespace(Current, 1, State.Column,
WhitespaceStartColumn, Style);
State.Stack[ParenLevel].LastSpace = State.Column;
if ( && Current.Type != TT_ConditionalExpr)
State.Stack[ParenLevel].Indent += 2;
} else {
if ( &&
( || ParenLevel == 0))
State.VariablePos = State.Column - Previous.FormatTok.TokenLength;
unsigned Spaces = State.NextToken->SpaceRequiredBefore ? 1 : 0;
if (State.NextToken->Type == TT_LineComment)
Spaces = Style.SpacesBeforeTrailingComments;
if (!DryRun)
Whitespaces.replaceWhitespace(Current, 0, Spaces, State.Column, Style);
// FIXME: Do we need to do this for assignments nested in other
// expressions?
if (RootToken.isNot(tok::kw_for) && ParenLevel == 0 &&
(getPrecedence(Previous) == prec::Assignment ||
State.Stack.back().AssignmentColumn = State.Column + Spaces;
if (Current.Type != TT_LineComment &&
( || ||
State.NextToken->Parent->Type == TT_TemplateOpener))
State.Stack[ParenLevel].Indent = State.Column + Spaces;
if ( && Current.Type != TT_LineComment)
State.Stack[ParenLevel].HasMultiParameterLine = true;
State.Column += Spaces;
if ( &&
// Treat the condition inside an if as if it was a second function
// parameter, i.e. let nested calls have an indent of 4.
State.Stack.back().LastSpace = State.Column + 1; // 1 is length of "(".
else if ( && ParenLevel != 0)
// Top-level spaces are exempt as that mostly leads to better results.
State.Stack.back().LastSpace = State.Column;
else if ((Previous.Type == TT_BinaryOperator ||
Previous.Type == TT_ConditionalExpr ||
Previous.Type == TT_CtorInitializerColon) &&
getPrecedence(Previous) != prec::Assignment)
State.Stack.back().LastSpace = State.Column;
else if (Previous.ParameterCount > 1 &&
( || ||
Previous.Type == TT_TemplateOpener))
// If this function has multiple parameters, indent nested calls from
// the start of the first parameter.
State.Stack.back().LastSpace = State.Column;
// If we break after an {, we should also break before the corresponding }.
if (Newline &&
State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeClosingBrace = true;
if (!Style.BinPackParameters && Newline) {
// If we are breaking after '(', '{', '<', this is not bin packing unless
// AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine is false.
if ((Previous.isNot(tok::l_paren) && Previous.isNot(tok::l_brace) &&
Previous.Type != TT_TemplateOpener) ||
(!Style.AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine &&
State.Stack.back().BreakAfterComma = true;
// Any break on this level means that the parent level has been broken
// and we need to avoid bin packing there.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = State.Stack.size() - 1; i != e; ++i) {
State.Stack[i].BreakAfterComma = true;
/// \brief Mark the next token as consumed in \p State and modify its stacks
/// accordingly.
void moveStateToNextToken(LineState &State) {
const AnnotatedToken &Current = *State.NextToken;
if ( && State.Stack.back().FirstLessLess == 0)
State.Stack.back().FirstLessLess = State.Column;
if (
State.Stack.back().QuestionColumn = State.Column;
// If we encounter an opening (, [, { or <, we add a level to our stacks to
// prepare for the following tokens.
if ( || || ||
State.NextToken->Type == TT_TemplateOpener) {
unsigned NewIndent;
if ( {
// FIXME: This does not work with nested static initializers.
// Implement a better handling for static initializers and similar
// constructs.
NewIndent = Line.Level * 2 + 2;
} else {
NewIndent = 4 + State.Stack.back().LastSpace;
// If we encounter a closing ), ], } or >, we can remove a level from our
// stacks.
if ( || ||
( && State.NextToken != &RootToken) ||
State.NextToken->Type == TT_TemplateCloser) {
if (State.NextToken->Children.empty())
State.NextToken = NULL;
State.NextToken = &State.NextToken->Children[0];
State.Column += Current.FormatTok.TokenLength;
unsigned getColumnLimit() {
return Style.ColumnLimit - (Line.InPPDirective ? 1 : 0);
/// \brief Calculate the number of lines needed to format the remaining part
/// of the unwrapped line.
/// Assumes the formatting so far has led to
/// the \c LineSta \p State. If \p NewLine is set, a new line will be
/// added after the previous token.
/// \param StopAt is used for optimization. If we can determine that we'll
/// definitely need at least \p StopAt additional lines, we already know of a
/// better solution.
unsigned calcPenalty(LineState State, bool NewLine, unsigned StopAt) {
// We are at the end of the unwrapped line, so we don't need any more lines.
if (State.NextToken == NULL)
return 0;
if (!NewLine && State.NextToken->MustBreakBefore)
return UINT_MAX;
if (NewLine && !State.NextToken->CanBreakBefore &&
!(State.NextToken->is(tok::r_brace) &&
return UINT_MAX;
if (!NewLine && State.NextToken->is(tok::r_brace) &&
return UINT_MAX;
if (!NewLine && State.NextToken->Parent->is(tok::semi) &&
return UINT_MAX;
if (!NewLine && State.NextToken->Parent->is(tok::comma) &&
State.NextToken->Type != TT_LineComment &&
return UINT_MAX;
// Trying to insert a parameter on a new line if there are already more than
// one parameter on the current line is bin packing.
if (NewLine && State.NextToken->Parent->is(tok::comma) &&
State.Stack.back().HasMultiParameterLine && !Style.BinPackParameters)
return UINT_MAX;
if (!NewLine && (State.NextToken->Type == TT_CtorInitializerColon ||
(State.NextToken->Parent->ClosesTemplateDeclaration &&
State.Stack.size() == 1)))
return UINT_MAX;
unsigned CurrentPenalty = 0;
if (NewLine)
CurrentPenalty += Parameters.PenaltyIndentLevel * State.Stack.size() +
addTokenToState(NewLine, true, State);
// Exceeding column limit is bad, assign penalty.
if (State.Column > getColumnLimit()) {
unsigned ExcessCharacters = State.Column - getColumnLimit();
CurrentPenalty += Parameters.PenaltyExcessCharacter * ExcessCharacters;
if (StopAt <= CurrentPenalty)
return UINT_MAX;
StopAt -= CurrentPenalty;
StateMap::iterator I = Memory.find(State);
if (I != Memory.end()) {
// If this state has already been examined, we can safely return the
// previous result if we
// - have not hit the optimatization (and thus returned UINT_MAX) OR
// - are now computing for a smaller or equal StopAt.
unsigned SavedResult = I->second.first;
unsigned SavedStopAt = I->second.second;
if (SavedResult != UINT_MAX)
return SavedResult + CurrentPenalty;
else if (StopAt <= SavedStopAt)
return UINT_MAX;
unsigned NoBreak = calcPenalty(State, false, StopAt);
unsigned WithBreak = calcPenalty(State, true, std::min(StopAt, NoBreak));
unsigned Result = std::min(NoBreak, WithBreak);
// We have to store 'Result' without adding 'CurrentPenalty' as the latter
// can depend on 'NewLine'.
Memory[State] = std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>(Result, StopAt);
return Result == UINT_MAX ? UINT_MAX : Result + CurrentPenalty;
FormatStyle Style;
SourceManager &SourceMgr;
const AnnotatedLine &Line;
const unsigned FirstIndent;
const AnnotatedToken &RootToken;
WhitespaceManager &Whitespaces;
// A map from an indent state to a pair (Result, Used-StopAt).
typedef std::map<LineState, std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> > StateMap;
StateMap Memory;
OptimizationParameters Parameters;
class LexerBasedFormatTokenSource : public FormatTokenSource {
LexerBasedFormatTokenSource(Lexer &Lex, SourceManager &SourceMgr)
: GreaterStashed(false), Lex(Lex), SourceMgr(SourceMgr),
IdentTable(Lex.getLangOpts()) {
virtual FormatToken getNextToken() {
if (GreaterStashed) {
FormatTok.NewlinesBefore = 0;
FormatTok.WhiteSpaceStart =
FormatTok.WhiteSpaceLength = 0;
GreaterStashed = false;
return FormatTok;
FormatTok = FormatToken();
StringRef Text = rawTokenText(FormatTok.Tok);
FormatTok.WhiteSpaceStart = FormatTok.Tok.getLocation();
if (SourceMgr.getFileOffset(FormatTok.WhiteSpaceStart) == 0)
FormatTok.IsFirst = true;
// Consume and record whitespace until we find a significant token.
while ( {
FormatTok.NewlinesBefore += Text.count('\n');
FormatTok.HasUnescapedNewline =
Text.count("\\\n") != FormatTok.NewlinesBefore;
FormatTok.WhiteSpaceLength += FormatTok.Tok.getLength();
if (
return FormatTok;
Text = rawTokenText(FormatTok.Tok);
// Now FormatTok is the next non-whitespace token.
FormatTok.TokenLength = Text.size();
// In case the token starts with escaped newlines, we want to
// take them into account as whitespace - this pattern is quite frequent
// in macro definitions.
// FIXME: What do we want to do with other escaped spaces, and escaped
// spaces or newlines in the middle of tokens?
// FIXME: Add a more explicit test.
unsigned i = 0;
while (i + 1 < Text.size() && Text[i] == '\\' && Text[i + 1] == '\n') {
// FIXME: ++FormatTok.NewlinesBefore is missing...
FormatTok.WhiteSpaceLength += 2;
FormatTok.TokenLength -= 2;
i += 2;
if ( {
IdentifierInfo &Info = IdentTable.get(Text);
if ( {
GreaterStashed = true;
return FormatTok;
FormatToken FormatTok;
bool GreaterStashed;
Lexer &Lex;
SourceManager &SourceMgr;
IdentifierTable IdentTable;
/// Returns the text of \c FormatTok.
StringRef rawTokenText(Token &Tok) {
return StringRef(SourceMgr.getCharacterData(Tok.getLocation()),
class Formatter : public UnwrappedLineConsumer {
Formatter(DiagnosticsEngine &Diag, const FormatStyle &Style, Lexer &Lex,
SourceManager &SourceMgr,
const std::vector<CharSourceRange> &Ranges)
: Diag(Diag), Style(Style), Lex(Lex), SourceMgr(SourceMgr),
Whitespaces(SourceMgr), Ranges(Ranges) {
virtual ~Formatter() {}
tooling::Replacements format() {
LexerBasedFormatTokenSource Tokens(Lex, SourceMgr);
UnwrappedLineParser Parser(Diag, Style, Tokens, *this);
StructuralError = Parser.parse();
unsigned PreviousEndOfLineColumn = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = AnnotatedLines.size(); i != e; ++i) {
TokenAnnotator Annotator(Style, SourceMgr, Lex, AnnotatedLines[i]);
for (std::vector<AnnotatedLine>::iterator I = AnnotatedLines.begin(),
E = AnnotatedLines.end();
I != E; ++I) {
const AnnotatedLine &TheLine = *I;
if (touchesRanges(TheLine) && TheLine.Type != LT_Invalid) {
unsigned Indent =
formatFirstToken(TheLine.First, TheLine.Level,
TheLine.InPPDirective, PreviousEndOfLineColumn);
tryFitMultipleLinesInOne(Indent, I, E);
UnwrappedLineFormatter Formatter(Style, SourceMgr, TheLine, Indent,
TheLine.First, Whitespaces,
PreviousEndOfLineColumn = Formatter.format();
} else {
// If we did not reformat this unwrapped line, the column at the end of
// the last token is unchanged - thus, we can calculate the end of the
// last token, and return the result.
PreviousEndOfLineColumn =
TheLine.Last->FormatTok.Tok.getLocation()) +
SourceMgr, Lex.getLangOpts()) - 1;
return Whitespaces.generateReplacements();
/// \brief Tries to merge lines into one.
/// This will change \c Line and \c AnnotatedLine to contain the merged line,
/// if possible; note that \c I will be incremented when lines are merged.
/// Returns whether the resulting \c Line can fit in a single line.
void tryFitMultipleLinesInOne(unsigned Indent,
std::vector<AnnotatedLine>::iterator &I,
std::vector<AnnotatedLine>::iterator E) {
unsigned Limit = Style.ColumnLimit - (I->InPPDirective ? 1 : 0) - Indent;
// We can never merge stuff if there are trailing line comments.
if (I->Last->Type == TT_LineComment)
// Check whether the UnwrappedLine can be put onto a single line. If
// so, this is bound to be the optimal solution (by definition) and we
// don't need to analyze the entire solution space.
if (I->Last->TotalLength > Limit)
Limit -= I->Last->TotalLength;
if (I + 1 == E || (I + 1)->Type == LT_Invalid)
if (I->Last->is(tok::l_brace)) {
tryMergeSimpleBlock(I, E, Limit);
} else if (I-> {
tryMergeSimpleIf(I, E, Limit);
} else if (I->InPPDirective && (I->First.FormatTok.HasUnescapedNewline ||
I->First.FormatTok.IsFirst)) {
tryMergeSimplePPDirective(I, E, Limit);
void tryMergeSimplePPDirective(std::vector<AnnotatedLine>::iterator &I,
std::vector<AnnotatedLine>::iterator E,
unsigned Limit) {
AnnotatedLine &Line = *I;
if (!(I + 1)->InPPDirective || (I + 1)->First.FormatTok.HasUnescapedNewline)
if (I + 2 != E && (I + 2)->InPPDirective &&
!(I + 2)->First.FormatTok.HasUnescapedNewline)
if (1 + (I + 1)->Last->TotalLength > Limit)
join(Line, *(++I));
void tryMergeSimpleIf(std::vector<AnnotatedLine>::iterator &I,
std::vector<AnnotatedLine>::iterator E,
unsigned Limit) {
if (!Style.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine)
if ((I + 1)->InPPDirective != I->InPPDirective ||
((I + 1)->InPPDirective &&
(I + 1)->First.FormatTok.HasUnescapedNewline))
AnnotatedLine &Line = *I;
if (Line.Last->isNot(tok::r_paren))
if (1 + (I + 1)->Last->TotalLength > Limit)
if ((I + 1)-> || (I + 1)->First.Type == TT_LineComment)
// Only inline simple if's (no nested if or else).
if (I + 2 != E && (I + 2)->
join(Line, *(++I));
void tryMergeSimpleBlock(std::vector<AnnotatedLine>::iterator &I,
std::vector<AnnotatedLine>::iterator E,
unsigned Limit) {
// First, check that the current line allows merging. This is the case if
// we're not in a control flow statement and the last token is an opening
// brace.
AnnotatedLine &Line = *I;
bool AllowedTokens =
Line.First.isNot(tok::kw_if) && Line.First.isNot(tok::kw_while) &&
Line.First.isNot(tok::kw_do) && Line.First.isNot(tok::r_brace) &&
Line.First.isNot(tok::kw_else) && Line.First.isNot(tok::kw_try) &&
Line.First.isNot(tok::kw_catch) && Line.First.isNot(tok::kw_for) &&
// This gets rid of all ObjC @ keywords and methods.
Line.First.isNot(tok::at) && Line.First.isNot(tok::minus) &&
if (!AllowedTokens)
AnnotatedToken *Tok = &(I + 1)->First;
if (Tok->Children.empty() && Tok->is(tok::r_brace) &&
!Tok->MustBreakBefore && Tok->TotalLength <= Limit) {
Tok->SpaceRequiredBefore = false;
join(Line, *(I + 1));
I += 1;
} else {
// Check that we still have three lines and they fit into the limit.
if (I + 2 == E || (I + 2)->Type == LT_Invalid ||
!nextTwoLinesFitInto(I, Limit))
// Second, check that the next line does not contain any braces - if it
// does, readability declines when putting it into a single line.
if ((I + 1)->Last->Type == TT_LineComment || Tok->MustBreakBefore)
do {
if (Tok->is(tok::l_brace) || Tok->is(tok::r_brace))
Tok = Tok->Children.empty() ? NULL : &Tok->Children.back();
} while (Tok != NULL);
// Last, check that the third line contains a single closing brace.
Tok = &(I + 2)->First;
if (!Tok->Children.empty() || Tok->isNot(tok::r_brace) ||
join(Line, *(I + 1));
join(Line, *(I + 2));
I += 2;
bool nextTwoLinesFitInto(std::vector<AnnotatedLine>::iterator I,
unsigned Limit) {
return 1 + (I + 1)->Last->TotalLength + 1 + (I + 2)->Last->TotalLength <=
void join(AnnotatedLine &A, const AnnotatedLine &B) {
while (!A.Last->Children.empty()) {
A.Last->Children[0].Parent = A.Last;
A.Last = &A.Last->Children[0];
bool touchesRanges(const AnnotatedLine &TheLine) {
const FormatToken *First = &TheLine.First.FormatTok;
const FormatToken *Last = &TheLine.Last->FormatTok;
CharSourceRange LineRange = CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(
First->Tok.getLocation(), Last->Tok.getLocation());
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Ranges.size(); i != e; ++i) {
if (!SourceMgr.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(LineRange.getEnd(),
Ranges[i].getBegin()) &&
return true;
return false;
virtual void consumeUnwrappedLine(const UnwrappedLine &TheLine) {
/// \brief Add a new line and the required indent before the first Token
/// of the \c UnwrappedLine if there was no structural parsing error.
/// Returns the indent level of the \c UnwrappedLine.
unsigned formatFirstToken(const AnnotatedToken &RootToken, unsigned Level,
bool InPPDirective,
unsigned PreviousEndOfLineColumn) {
const FormatToken &Tok = RootToken.FormatTok;
if (!Tok.WhiteSpaceStart.isValid() || StructuralError)
return SourceMgr.getSpellingColumnNumber(Tok.Tok.getLocation()) - 1;
unsigned Newlines =
std::min(Tok.NewlinesBefore, Style.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep + 1);
if (Newlines == 0 && !Tok.IsFirst)
Newlines = 1;
unsigned Indent = Level * 2;
bool IsAccessModifier = false;
if ( || ||
IsAccessModifier = true;
else if ( && !RootToken.Children.empty() &&
(RootToken.Children[0].isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_public) ||
RootToken.Children[0].isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_protected) ||
RootToken.Children[0].isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_package) ||
IsAccessModifier = true;
if (IsAccessModifier &&
static_cast<int>(Indent) + Style.AccessModifierOffset >= 0)
Indent += Style.AccessModifierOffset;
if (!InPPDirective || Tok.HasUnescapedNewline) {
Whitespaces.replaceWhitespace(RootToken, Newlines, Indent, 0, Style);
} else {
Whitespaces.replacePPWhitespace(RootToken, Newlines, Indent,
PreviousEndOfLineColumn, Style);
return Indent;
DiagnosticsEngine &Diag;
FormatStyle Style;
Lexer &Lex;
SourceManager &SourceMgr;
WhitespaceManager Whitespaces;
std::vector<CharSourceRange> Ranges;
std::vector<AnnotatedLine> AnnotatedLines;
bool StructuralError;
reformat(const FormatStyle &Style, Lexer &Lex, SourceManager &SourceMgr,
std::vector<CharSourceRange> Ranges, DiagnosticConsumer *DiagClient) {
IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticOptions> DiagOpts = new DiagnosticOptions();
OwningPtr<DiagnosticConsumer> DiagPrinter;
if (DiagClient == 0) {
DiagPrinter.reset(new TextDiagnosticPrinter(llvm::errs(), &*DiagOpts));
DiagPrinter->BeginSourceFile(Lex.getLangOpts(), Lex.getPP());
DiagClient = DiagPrinter.get();
DiagnosticsEngine Diagnostics(
IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs>(new DiagnosticIDs()), &*DiagOpts,
DiagClient, false);
Formatter formatter(Diagnostics, Style, Lex, SourceMgr, Ranges);
return formatter.format();
LangOptions getFormattingLangOpts() {
LangOptions LangOpts;
LangOpts.CPlusPlus = 1;
LangOpts.CPlusPlus11 = 1;
LangOpts.Bool = 1;
LangOpts.ObjC1 = 1;
LangOpts.ObjC2 = 1;
return LangOpts;
} // namespace format
} // namespace clang