blob: 1da57c6c726982a67f764f27e8341b1ff4442f39 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++0x -Wno-unused-value -fsyntax-only -verify -fblocks %s
namespace std { class type_info; };
namespace ExplicitCapture {
class C {
int Member;
static void Overload(int);
void Overload();
virtual C& Overload(float);
void ImplicitThisCapture() {
[](){(void)Member;}; // expected-error {{'this' cannot be implicitly captured in this context}}
[]{[this]{};};// expected-error {{'this' cannot be implicitly captured in this context}}
[]{Overload();}; // expected-error {{'this' cannot be implicitly captured in this context}}
[]{(void)typeid(Overload(.5f));};// expected-error {{'this' cannot be implicitly captured in this context}}
void f() {
[this] () {}; // expected-error {{'this' cannot be captured in this context}}
namespace ReturnDeduction {
void test() {
[](){ return 1; };
[](){ return 1; };
[](){ return ({return 1; 1;}); };
[](){ return ({return 'c'; 1;}); }; // expected-error {{must match previous return type}} \
// expected-warning{{omitted result type}}
[]()->int{ return 'c'; return 1; };
[](){ return 'c'; return 1; }; // expected-error {{must match previous return type}}
[]() { return; return (void)0; };
[](){ return 1; return 1; }; // expected-warning{{omitted result type}}
namespace ImplicitCapture {
void test() {
int a = 0; // expected-note 5 {{declared}}
[]() { return a; }; // expected-error {{variable 'a' cannot be implicitly captured in a lambda with no capture-default specified}} expected-note {{begins here}}
[&]() { return a; };
[=]() { return a; };
[=]() { int* b = &a; }; // expected-error {{cannot initialize a variable of type 'int *' with an rvalue of type 'const int *'}}
[=]() { return [&]() { return a; }; };
[]() { return [&]() { return a; }; }; // expected-error {{variable 'a' cannot be implicitly captured in a lambda with no capture-default specified}} expected-note {{lambda expression begins here}}
[]() { return ^{ return a; }; };// expected-error {{variable 'a' cannot be implicitly captured in a lambda with no capture-default specified}} expected-note {{lambda expression begins here}}
[]() { return [&a] { return a; }; }; // expected-error 2 {{variable 'a' cannot be implicitly captured in a lambda with no capture-default specified}} expected-note 2 {{lambda expression begins here}}
[=]() { return [&a] { return a; }; }; //
const int b = 2;
[]() { return b; };
union { // expected-note {{declared}}
int c;
float d;
d = 3;
[=]() { return c; }; // expected-error {{unnamed variable cannot be implicitly captured in a lambda expression}}
__block int e; // expected-note 3 {{declared}}
[&]() { return e; }; // expected-error {{__block variable 'e' cannot be captured in a lambda expression}}
[&e]() { return e; }; // expected-error 2 {{__block variable 'e' cannot be captured in a lambda expression}}
int f[10]; // expected-note {{declared}}
[&]() { return f[2]; };
(void) ^{ return []() { return f[2]; }; }; // expected-error {{cannot refer to declaration with an array type inside block}}
struct G { G(); G(G&); int a; }; // expected-note 6 {{not viable}}
G g;
[=]() { const G* gg = &g; return gg->a; }; // expected-warning{{omitted result type}}
[=]() { return [=]{ const G* gg = &g; return gg->a; }(); }; // expected-error {{no matching constructor for initialization of 'const ImplicitCapture::G'}} \
// expected-warning{{omitted result type}}
(void)^{ return [=]{ const G* gg = &g; return gg->a; }(); }; // expected-error 2 {{no matching constructor for initialization of 'const ImplicitCapture::G'}} \
// expected-warning{{omitted result type}}
const int h = a; // expected-note {{declared}}
[]() { return h; }; // expected-error {{variable 'h' cannot be implicitly captured in a lambda with no capture-default specified}} expected-note {{lambda expression begins here}}