blob: 04559a39cde3d4171e4301a48361d30f8ad37d24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
// ARM-specific opcodes that specify which assembly sequence to emit.
// Most opcodes specify a single instruction.
V(ArmAdd) \
V(ArmAnd) \
V(ArmBic) \
V(ArmCmp) \
V(ArmCmn) \
V(ArmTst) \
V(ArmTeq) \
V(ArmOrr) \
V(ArmEor) \
V(ArmSub) \
V(ArmRsb) \
V(ArmMul) \
V(ArmMla) \
V(ArmMls) \
V(ArmSmmul) \
V(ArmSmmla) \
V(ArmSdiv) \
V(ArmUdiv) \
V(ArmMov) \
V(ArmMvn) \
V(ArmBfc) \
V(ArmUbfx) \
V(ArmVcmpF64) \
V(ArmVaddF64) \
V(ArmVsubF64) \
V(ArmVmulF64) \
V(ArmVmlaF64) \
V(ArmVmlsF64) \
V(ArmVdivF64) \
V(ArmVmodF64) \
V(ArmVnegF64) \
V(ArmVsqrtF64) \
V(ArmVfloorF64) \
V(ArmVceilF64) \
V(ArmVroundTruncateF64) \
V(ArmVroundTiesAwayF64) \
V(ArmVcvtF32F64) \
V(ArmVcvtF64F32) \
V(ArmVcvtF64S32) \
V(ArmVcvtF64U32) \
V(ArmVcvtS32F64) \
V(ArmVcvtU32F64) \
V(ArmVldrF32) \
V(ArmVstrF32) \
V(ArmVldrF64) \
V(ArmVstrF64) \
V(ArmLdrb) \
V(ArmLdrsb) \
V(ArmStrb) \
V(ArmLdrh) \
V(ArmLdrsh) \
V(ArmStrh) \
V(ArmLdr) \
V(ArmStr) \
V(ArmPush) \
// Addressing modes represent the "shape" of inputs to an instruction.
// Many instructions support multiple addressing modes. Addressing modes
// are encoded into the InstructionCode of the instruction and tell the
// code generator after register allocation which assembler method to call.
V(Offset_RI) /* [%r0 + K] */ \
V(Offset_RR) /* [%r0 + %r1] */ \
V(Operand2_I) /* K */ \
V(Operand2_R) /* %r0 */ \
V(Operand2_R_ASR_I) /* %r0 ASR K */ \
V(Operand2_R_LSL_I) /* %r0 LSL K */ \
V(Operand2_R_LSR_I) /* %r0 LSR K */ \
V(Operand2_R_ROR_I) /* %r0 ROR K */ \
V(Operand2_R_ASR_R) /* %r0 ASR %r1 */ \
V(Operand2_R_LSL_R) /* %r0 LSL %r1 */ \
V(Operand2_R_LSR_R) /* %r0 LSR %r1 */ \
V(Operand2_R_ROR_R) /* %r0 ROR %r1 */
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8