blob: 93ccedc2c80401c0d106d044a67b236ff6506a96 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/machine-type.h"
#include "src/compiler/opcodes.h"
#include "src/compiler/operator.h"
#include "src/zone.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
// TODO(turbofan): other write barriers are possible based on type
enum WriteBarrierKind { kNoWriteBarrier, kFullWriteBarrier };
// A Store needs a MachineType and a WriteBarrierKind
// in order to emit the correct write barrier.
struct StoreRepresentation {
MachineType rep;
WriteBarrierKind write_barrier_kind;
// Interface for building machine-level operators. These operators are
// machine-level but machine-independent and thus define a language suitable
// for generating code to run on architectures such as ia32, x64, arm, etc.
class MachineOperatorBuilder {
explicit MachineOperatorBuilder(Zone* zone, MachineType word = pointer_rep())
: zone_(zone), word_(word) {
CHECK(word == kMachineWord32 || word == kMachineWord64);
#define SIMPLE(name, properties, inputs, outputs) \
return new (zone_) \
SimpleOperator(IrOpcode::k##name, properties, inputs, outputs, #name);
#define OP1(name, ptype, pname, properties, inputs, outputs) \
return new (zone_) \
Operator1<ptype>(IrOpcode::k##name, properties | Operator::kNoThrow, \
inputs, outputs, #name, pname)
#define BINOP(name) SIMPLE(name, Operator::kPure, 2, 1)
#define BINOP_O(name) SIMPLE(name, Operator::kPure, 2, 2)
#define BINOP_C(name) \
SIMPLE(name, Operator::kCommutative | Operator::kPure, 2, 1)
#define BINOP_AC(name) \
SIMPLE(name, \
Operator::kAssociative | Operator::kCommutative | Operator::kPure, 2, \
#define BINOP_ACO(name) \
SIMPLE(name, \
Operator::kAssociative | Operator::kCommutative | Operator::kPure, 2, \
#define UNOP(name) SIMPLE(name, Operator::kPure, 1, 1)
#define WORD_SIZE(x) return is64() ? Word64##x() : Word32##x()
Operator* Load(MachineType rep) { // load [base + index]
OP1(Load, MachineType, rep, Operator::kNoWrite, 2, 1);
// store [base + index], value
Operator* Store(MachineType rep, WriteBarrierKind kind) {
StoreRepresentation store_rep = {rep, kind};
OP1(Store, StoreRepresentation, store_rep, Operator::kNoRead, 3, 0);
Operator* WordAnd() { WORD_SIZE(And); }
Operator* WordOr() { WORD_SIZE(Or); }
Operator* WordXor() { WORD_SIZE(Xor); }
Operator* WordShl() { WORD_SIZE(Shl); }
Operator* WordShr() { WORD_SIZE(Shr); }
Operator* WordSar() { WORD_SIZE(Sar); }
Operator* WordEqual() { WORD_SIZE(Equal); }
Operator* Word32And() { BINOP_AC(Word32And); }
Operator* Word32Or() { BINOP_AC(Word32Or); }
Operator* Word32Xor() { BINOP_AC(Word32Xor); }
Operator* Word32Shl() { BINOP(Word32Shl); }
Operator* Word32Shr() { BINOP(Word32Shr); }
Operator* Word32Sar() { BINOP(Word32Sar); }
Operator* Word32Equal() { BINOP_C(Word32Equal); }
Operator* Word64And() { BINOP_AC(Word64And); }
Operator* Word64Or() { BINOP_AC(Word64Or); }
Operator* Word64Xor() { BINOP_AC(Word64Xor); }
Operator* Word64Shl() { BINOP(Word64Shl); }
Operator* Word64Shr() { BINOP(Word64Shr); }
Operator* Word64Sar() { BINOP(Word64Sar); }
Operator* Word64Equal() { BINOP_C(Word64Equal); }
Operator* Int32Add() { BINOP_AC(Int32Add); }
Operator* Int32AddWithOverflow() { BINOP_ACO(Int32AddWithOverflow); }
Operator* Int32Sub() { BINOP(Int32Sub); }
Operator* Int32SubWithOverflow() { BINOP_O(Int32SubWithOverflow); }
Operator* Int32Mul() { BINOP_AC(Int32Mul); }
Operator* Int32Div() { BINOP(Int32Div); }
Operator* Int32UDiv() { BINOP(Int32UDiv); }
Operator* Int32Mod() { BINOP(Int32Mod); }
Operator* Int32UMod() { BINOP(Int32UMod); }
Operator* Int32LessThan() { BINOP(Int32LessThan); }
Operator* Int32LessThanOrEqual() { BINOP(Int32LessThanOrEqual); }
Operator* Uint32LessThan() { BINOP(Uint32LessThan); }
Operator* Uint32LessThanOrEqual() { BINOP(Uint32LessThanOrEqual); }
Operator* Int64Add() { BINOP_AC(Int64Add); }
Operator* Int64Sub() { BINOP(Int64Sub); }
Operator* Int64Mul() { BINOP_AC(Int64Mul); }
Operator* Int64Div() { BINOP(Int64Div); }
Operator* Int64UDiv() { BINOP(Int64UDiv); }
Operator* Int64Mod() { BINOP(Int64Mod); }
Operator* Int64UMod() { BINOP(Int64UMod); }
Operator* Int64LessThan() { BINOP(Int64LessThan); }
Operator* Int64LessThanOrEqual() { BINOP(Int64LessThanOrEqual); }
Operator* ConvertInt32ToInt64() { UNOP(ConvertInt32ToInt64); }
Operator* ConvertInt64ToInt32() { UNOP(ConvertInt64ToInt32); }
// Convert representation of integers between float64 and int32/uint32.
// The precise rounding mode and handling of out of range inputs are *not*
// defined for these operators, since they are intended only for use with
// integers.
// TODO(titzer): rename ConvertXXX to ChangeXXX in machine operators.
Operator* ChangeInt32ToFloat64() { UNOP(ChangeInt32ToFloat64); }
Operator* ChangeUint32ToFloat64() { UNOP(ChangeUint32ToFloat64); }
Operator* ChangeFloat64ToInt32() { UNOP(ChangeFloat64ToInt32); }
Operator* ChangeFloat64ToUint32() { UNOP(ChangeFloat64ToUint32); }
// Floating point operators always operate with IEEE 754 round-to-nearest.
Operator* Float64Add() { BINOP_C(Float64Add); }
Operator* Float64Sub() { BINOP(Float64Sub); }
Operator* Float64Mul() { BINOP_C(Float64Mul); }
Operator* Float64Div() { BINOP(Float64Div); }
Operator* Float64Mod() { BINOP(Float64Mod); }
// Floating point comparisons complying to IEEE 754.
Operator* Float64Equal() { BINOP_C(Float64Equal); }
Operator* Float64LessThan() { BINOP(Float64LessThan); }
Operator* Float64LessThanOrEqual() { BINOP(Float64LessThanOrEqual); }
inline bool is32() const { return word_ == kMachineWord32; }
inline bool is64() const { return word_ == kMachineWord64; }
inline MachineType word() const { return word_; }
static inline MachineType pointer_rep() {
return kPointerSize == 8 ? kMachineWord64 : kMachineWord32;
#undef WORD_SIZE
#undef UNOP
#undef BINOP
#undef OP1
#undef SIMPLE
Zone* zone_;
MachineType word_;
} // namespace v8::internal::compiler