blob: 9cf08c3704695436c46ad807b280a7925539b224 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/machine-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/opcodes.h"
#include "src/zone.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
enum BaseTaggedness { kUntaggedBase, kTaggedBase };
// An access descriptor for loads/stores of fixed structures like field
// accesses of heap objects. Accesses from either tagged or untagged base
// pointers are supported; untagging is done automatically during lowering.
struct FieldAccess {
BaseTaggedness base_is_tagged; // specifies if the base pointer is tagged.
int offset; // offset of the field, without tag.
Handle<Name> name; // debugging only.
Type* type; // type of the field.
MachineType representation; // machine representation of field.
int tag() const { return base_is_tagged == kTaggedBase ? kHeapObjectTag : 0; }
// An access descriptor for loads/stores of indexed structures like characters
// in strings or off-heap backing stores. Accesses from either tagged or
// untagged base pointers are supported; untagging is done automatically during
// lowering.
struct ElementAccess {
BaseTaggedness base_is_tagged; // specifies if the base pointer is tagged.
int header_size; // size of the header, without tag.
Type* type; // type of the element.
MachineType representation; // machine representation of element.
int tag() const { return base_is_tagged == kTaggedBase ? kHeapObjectTag : 0; }
// If the accessed object is not a heap object, add this to the header_size.
static const int kNonHeapObjectHeaderSize = kHeapObjectTag;
// Specialization for static parameters of type {FieldAccess}.
template <>
struct StaticParameterTraits<const FieldAccess> {
static OStream& PrintTo(OStream& os, const FieldAccess& val) { // NOLINT
return os << val.offset;
static int HashCode(const FieldAccess& val) {
return (val.offset < 16) | (val.representation & 0xffff);
static bool Equals(const FieldAccess& a, const FieldAccess& b) {
return a.base_is_tagged == b.base_is_tagged && a.offset == b.offset &&
a.representation == b.representation && a.type->Is(b.type);
// Specialization for static parameters of type {ElementAccess}.
template <>
struct StaticParameterTraits<const ElementAccess> {
static OStream& PrintTo(OStream& os, const ElementAccess& val) { // NOLINT
return os << val.header_size;
static int HashCode(const ElementAccess& val) {
return (val.header_size < 16) | (val.representation & 0xffff);
static bool Equals(const ElementAccess& a, const ElementAccess& b) {
return a.base_is_tagged == b.base_is_tagged &&
a.header_size == b.header_size &&
a.representation == b.representation && a.type->Is(b.type);
inline const FieldAccess FieldAccessOf(Operator* op) {
DCHECK(op->opcode() == IrOpcode::kLoadField ||
op->opcode() == IrOpcode::kStoreField);
return static_cast<Operator1<FieldAccess>*>(op)->parameter();
inline const ElementAccess ElementAccessOf(Operator* op) {
DCHECK(op->opcode() == IrOpcode::kLoadElement ||
op->opcode() == IrOpcode::kStoreElement);
return static_cast<Operator1<ElementAccess>*>(op)->parameter();
// Interface for building simplified operators, which represent the
// medium-level operations of V8, including adding numbers, allocating objects,
// indexing into objects and arrays, etc.
// All operators are typed but many are representation independent.
// Number values from JS can be in one of these representations:
// - Tagged: word-sized integer that is either
// - a signed small integer (31 or 32 bits plus a tag)
// - a tagged pointer to a HeapNumber object that has a float64 field
// - Int32: an untagged signed 32-bit integer
// - Uint32: an untagged unsigned 32-bit integer
// - Float64: an untagged float64
// Additional representations for intermediate code or non-JS code:
// - Int64: an untagged signed 64-bit integer
// - Uint64: an untagged unsigned 64-bit integer
// - Float32: an untagged float32
// Boolean values can be:
// - Bool: a tagged pointer to either the canonical JS #false or
// the canonical JS #true object
// - Bit: an untagged integer 0 or 1, but word-sized
class SimplifiedOperatorBuilder {
explicit inline SimplifiedOperatorBuilder(Zone* zone) : zone_(zone) {}
#define SIMPLE(name, properties, inputs, outputs) \
return new (zone_) \
SimpleOperator(IrOpcode::k##name, properties, inputs, outputs, #name);
#define OP1(name, ptype, pname, properties, inputs, outputs) \
return new (zone_) \
Operator1<ptype>(IrOpcode::k##name, properties | Operator::kNoThrow, \
inputs, outputs, #name, pname)
#define UNOP(name) SIMPLE(name, Operator::kPure, 1, 1)
#define BINOP(name) SIMPLE(name, Operator::kPure, 2, 1)
Operator* BooleanNot() const { UNOP(BooleanNot); }
Operator* NumberEqual() const { BINOP(NumberEqual); }
Operator* NumberLessThan() const { BINOP(NumberLessThan); }
Operator* NumberLessThanOrEqual() const { BINOP(NumberLessThanOrEqual); }
Operator* NumberAdd() const { BINOP(NumberAdd); }
Operator* NumberSubtract() const { BINOP(NumberSubtract); }
Operator* NumberMultiply() const { BINOP(NumberMultiply); }
Operator* NumberDivide() const { BINOP(NumberDivide); }
Operator* NumberModulus() const { BINOP(NumberModulus); }
Operator* NumberToInt32() const { UNOP(NumberToInt32); }
Operator* NumberToUint32() const { UNOP(NumberToUint32); }
Operator* ReferenceEqual(Type* type) const { BINOP(ReferenceEqual); }
Operator* StringEqual() const { BINOP(StringEqual); }
Operator* StringLessThan() const { BINOP(StringLessThan); }
Operator* StringLessThanOrEqual() const { BINOP(StringLessThanOrEqual); }
Operator* StringAdd() const { BINOP(StringAdd); }
Operator* ChangeTaggedToInt32() const { UNOP(ChangeTaggedToInt32); }
Operator* ChangeTaggedToUint32() const { UNOP(ChangeTaggedToUint32); }
Operator* ChangeTaggedToFloat64() const { UNOP(ChangeTaggedToFloat64); }
Operator* ChangeInt32ToTagged() const { UNOP(ChangeInt32ToTagged); }
Operator* ChangeUint32ToTagged() const { UNOP(ChangeUint32ToTagged); }
Operator* ChangeFloat64ToTagged() const { UNOP(ChangeFloat64ToTagged); }
Operator* ChangeBoolToBit() const { UNOP(ChangeBoolToBit); }
Operator* ChangeBitToBool() const { UNOP(ChangeBitToBool); }
Operator* LoadField(const FieldAccess& access) const {
OP1(LoadField, FieldAccess, access, Operator::kNoWrite, 1, 1);
Operator* StoreField(const FieldAccess& access) const {
OP1(StoreField, FieldAccess, access, Operator::kNoRead, 2, 0);
Operator* LoadElement(const ElementAccess& access) const {
OP1(LoadElement, ElementAccess, access, Operator::kNoWrite, 2, 1);
Operator* StoreElement(const ElementAccess& access) const {
OP1(StoreElement, ElementAccess, access, Operator::kNoRead, 3, 0);
#undef BINOP
#undef UNOP
#undef OP1
#undef SIMPLE
Zone* zone_;
} // namespace v8::internal::compiler