blob: 77bd14cba116762c95346bacef38340ab61a9a2b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef V8_STUB_CACHE_H_
#define V8_STUB_CACHE_H_
#include "src/allocation.h"
#include "src/arguments.h"
#include "src/code-stubs.h"
#include "src/ic-inl.h"
#include "src/macro-assembler.h"
#include "src/objects.h"
#include "src/zone-inl.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// The stub cache is used for megamorphic property accesses.
// It maps (map, name, type) to property access handlers. The cache does not
// need explicit invalidation when a prototype chain is modified, since the
// handlers verify the chain.
class CallOptimization;
class SmallMapList;
class StubCache;
class SCTableReference {
Address address() const { return address_; }
explicit SCTableReference(Address address) : address_(address) {}
Address address_;
friend class StubCache;
class StubCache {
struct Entry {
Name* key;
Code* value;
Map* map;
void Initialize();
// Access cache for entry hash(name, map).
Code* Set(Name* name, Map* map, Code* code);
Code* Get(Name* name, Map* map, Code::Flags flags);
// Clear the lookup table (@ mark compact collection).
void Clear();
// Collect all maps that match the name and flags.
void CollectMatchingMaps(SmallMapList* types,
Handle<Name> name,
Code::Flags flags,
Handle<Context> native_context,
Zone* zone);
// Generate code for probing the stub cache table.
// Arguments extra, extra2 and extra3 may be used to pass additional scratch
// registers. Set to no_reg if not needed.
void GenerateProbe(MacroAssembler* masm,
Code::Flags flags,
Register receiver,
Register name,
Register scratch,
Register extra,
Register extra2 = no_reg,
Register extra3 = no_reg);
enum Table {
SCTableReference key_reference(StubCache::Table table) {
return SCTableReference(
SCTableReference map_reference(StubCache::Table table) {
return SCTableReference(
SCTableReference value_reference(StubCache::Table table) {
return SCTableReference(
StubCache::Entry* first_entry(StubCache::Table table) {
switch (table) {
case StubCache::kPrimary: return StubCache::primary_;
case StubCache::kSecondary: return StubCache::secondary_;
return NULL;
Isolate* isolate() { return isolate_; }
// Setting the entry size such that the index is shifted by Name::kHashShift
// is convenient; shifting down the length field (to extract the hash code)
// automatically discards the hash bit field.
static const int kCacheIndexShift = Name::kHashShift;
explicit StubCache(Isolate* isolate);
// The stub cache has a primary and secondary level. The two levels have
// different hashing algorithms in order to avoid simultaneous collisions
// in both caches. Unlike a probing strategy (quadratic or otherwise) the
// update strategy on updates is fairly clear and simple: Any existing entry
// in the primary cache is moved to the secondary cache, and secondary cache
// entries are overwritten.
// Hash algorithm for the primary table. This algorithm is replicated in
// assembler for every architecture. Returns an index into the table that
// is scaled by 1 << kCacheIndexShift.
static int PrimaryOffset(Name* name, Code::Flags flags, Map* map) {
STATIC_ASSERT(kCacheIndexShift == Name::kHashShift);
// Compute the hash of the name (use entire hash field).
uint32_t field = name->hash_field();
// Using only the low bits in 64-bit mode is unlikely to increase the
// risk of collision even if the heap is spread over an area larger than
// 4Gb (and not at all if it isn't).
uint32_t map_low32bits =
// We always set the in_loop bit to zero when generating the lookup code
// so do it here too so the hash codes match.
uint32_t iflags =
(static_cast<uint32_t>(flags) & ~Code::kFlagsNotUsedInLookup);
// Base the offset on a simple combination of name, flags, and map.
uint32_t key = (map_low32bits + field) ^ iflags;
return key & ((kPrimaryTableSize - 1) << kCacheIndexShift);
// Hash algorithm for the secondary table. This algorithm is replicated in
// assembler for every architecture. Returns an index into the table that
// is scaled by 1 << kCacheIndexShift.
static int SecondaryOffset(Name* name, Code::Flags flags, int seed) {
// Use the seed from the primary cache in the secondary cache.
uint32_t name_low32bits =
// We always set the in_loop bit to zero when generating the lookup code
// so do it here too so the hash codes match.
uint32_t iflags =
(static_cast<uint32_t>(flags) & ~Code::kFlagsNotUsedInLookup);
uint32_t key = (seed - name_low32bits) + iflags;
return key & ((kSecondaryTableSize - 1) << kCacheIndexShift);
// Compute the entry for a given offset in exactly the same way as
// we do in generated code. We generate an hash code that already
// ends in Name::kHashShift 0s. Then we multiply it so it is a multiple
// of sizeof(Entry). This makes it easier to avoid making mistakes
// in the hashed offset computations.
static Entry* entry(Entry* table, int offset) {
const int multiplier = sizeof(*table) >> Name::kHashShift;
return reinterpret_cast<Entry*>(
reinterpret_cast<Address>(table) + offset * multiplier);
static const int kPrimaryTableBits = 11;
static const int kPrimaryTableSize = (1 << kPrimaryTableBits);
static const int kSecondaryTableBits = 9;
static const int kSecondaryTableSize = (1 << kSecondaryTableBits);
Entry primary_[kPrimaryTableSize];
Entry secondary_[kSecondaryTableSize];
Isolate* isolate_;
friend class Isolate;
friend class SCTableReference;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Support functions for IC stubs for callbacks.
// Support functions for IC stubs for interceptors.
enum PrototypeCheckType { CHECK_ALL_MAPS, SKIP_RECEIVER };
enum IcCheckType { ELEMENT, PROPERTY };
class PropertyAccessCompiler BASE_EMBEDDED {
static Builtins::Name MissBuiltin(Code::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Code::LOAD_IC:
return Builtins::kLoadIC_Miss;
case Code::STORE_IC:
return Builtins::kStoreIC_Miss;
case Code::KEYED_LOAD_IC:
return Builtins::kKeyedLoadIC_Miss;
case Code::KEYED_STORE_IC:
return Builtins::kKeyedStoreIC_Miss;
return Builtins::kLoadIC_Miss;
static void TailCallBuiltin(MacroAssembler* masm, Builtins::Name name);
PropertyAccessCompiler(Isolate* isolate, Code::Kind kind,
CacheHolderFlag cache_holder)
: registers_(GetCallingConvention(kind)),
masm_(isolate, NULL, 256) {}
Code::Kind kind() const { return kind_; }
CacheHolderFlag cache_holder() const { return cache_holder_; }
MacroAssembler* masm() { return &masm_; }
Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
Heap* heap() const { return isolate()->heap(); }
Factory* factory() const { return isolate()->factory(); }
Register receiver() const { return registers_[0]; }
Register name() const { return registers_[1]; }
Register scratch1() const { return registers_[2]; }
Register scratch2() const { return registers_[3]; }
Register scratch3() const { return registers_[4]; }
// Calling convention between indexed store IC and handler.
Register transition_map() const { return scratch1(); }
static Register* GetCallingConvention(Code::Kind);
static Register* load_calling_convention();
static Register* store_calling_convention();
static Register* keyed_store_calling_convention();
Register* registers_;
static void GenerateTailCall(MacroAssembler* masm, Handle<Code> code);
Handle<Code> GetCodeWithFlags(Code::Flags flags, const char* name);
Handle<Code> GetCodeWithFlags(Code::Flags flags, Handle<Name> name);
Code::Kind kind_;
CacheHolderFlag cache_holder_;
Isolate* isolate_;
MacroAssembler masm_;
class PropertyICCompiler : public PropertyAccessCompiler {
// Finds the Code object stored in the Heap::non_monomorphic_cache().
static Code* FindPreMonomorphic(Isolate* isolate, Code::Kind kind,
ExtraICState extra_ic_state);
// Named
static Handle<Code> ComputeLoad(Isolate* isolate, InlineCacheState ic_state,
ExtraICState extra_state);
static Handle<Code> ComputeStore(Isolate* isolate, InlineCacheState ic_state,
ExtraICState extra_state);
static Handle<Code> ComputeMonomorphic(Code::Kind kind, Handle<Name> name,
Handle<HeapType> type,
Handle<Code> handler,
ExtraICState extra_ic_state);
static Handle<Code> ComputePolymorphic(Code::Kind kind, TypeHandleList* types,
CodeHandleList* handlers,
int number_of_valid_maps,
Handle<Name> name,
ExtraICState extra_ic_state);
// Keyed
static Handle<Code> ComputeKeyedLoadMonomorphic(Handle<Map> receiver_map);
static Handle<Code> ComputeKeyedStoreMonomorphic(
Handle<Map> receiver_map, StrictMode strict_mode,
KeyedAccessStoreMode store_mode);
static Handle<Code> ComputeKeyedLoadPolymorphic(MapHandleList* receiver_maps);
static Handle<Code> ComputeKeyedStorePolymorphic(
MapHandleList* receiver_maps, KeyedAccessStoreMode store_mode,
StrictMode strict_mode);
// Compare nil
static Handle<Code> ComputeCompareNil(Handle<Map> receiver_map,
CompareNilICStub* stub);
PropertyICCompiler(Isolate* isolate, Code::Kind kind,
ExtraICState extra_ic_state = kNoExtraICState,
CacheHolderFlag cache_holder = kCacheOnReceiver)
: PropertyAccessCompiler(isolate, kind, cache_holder),
extra_ic_state_(extra_ic_state) {}
static Handle<Code> Find(Handle<Name> name, Handle<Map> stub_holder_map,
Code::Kind kind,
ExtraICState extra_ic_state = kNoExtraICState,
CacheHolderFlag cache_holder = kCacheOnReceiver);
Handle<Code> CompileLoadInitialize(Code::Flags flags);
Handle<Code> CompileLoadPreMonomorphic(Code::Flags flags);
Handle<Code> CompileLoadMegamorphic(Code::Flags flags);
Handle<Code> CompileStoreInitialize(Code::Flags flags);
Handle<Code> CompileStorePreMonomorphic(Code::Flags flags);
Handle<Code> CompileStoreGeneric(Code::Flags flags);
Handle<Code> CompileStoreMegamorphic(Code::Flags flags);
Handle<Code> CompileMonomorphic(Handle<HeapType> type, Handle<Code> handler,
Handle<Name> name, IcCheckType check);
Handle<Code> CompilePolymorphic(TypeHandleList* types,
CodeHandleList* handlers, Handle<Name> name,
Code::StubType type, IcCheckType check);
Handle<Code> CompileKeyedStoreMonomorphic(Handle<Map> receiver_map,
KeyedAccessStoreMode store_mode);
Handle<Code> CompileKeyedStorePolymorphic(MapHandleList* receiver_maps,
KeyedAccessStoreMode store_mode);
Handle<Code> CompileKeyedStorePolymorphic(MapHandleList* receiver_maps,
CodeHandleList* handler_stubs,
MapHandleList* transitioned_maps);
bool IncludesNumberType(TypeHandleList* types);
Handle<Code> GetCode(Code::Kind kind, Code::StubType type, Handle<Name> name,
InlineCacheState state = MONOMORPHIC);
Logger::LogEventsAndTags log_kind(Handle<Code> code) {
if (kind() == Code::LOAD_IC) {
return code->ic_state() == MONOMORPHIC ? Logger::LOAD_IC_TAG
} else if (kind() == Code::KEYED_LOAD_IC) {
return code->ic_state() == MONOMORPHIC
} else if (kind() == Code::STORE_IC) {
return code->ic_state() == MONOMORPHIC ? Logger::STORE_IC_TAG
} else {
return code->ic_state() == MONOMORPHIC
const ExtraICState extra_ic_state_;
class PropertyHandlerCompiler : public PropertyAccessCompiler {
static Handle<Code> Find(Handle<Name> name, Handle<Map> map, Code::Kind kind,
CacheHolderFlag cache_holder, Code::StubType type);
PropertyHandlerCompiler(Isolate* isolate, Code::Kind kind,
Handle<HeapType> type, Handle<JSObject> holder,
CacheHolderFlag cache_holder)
: PropertyAccessCompiler(isolate, kind, cache_holder),
holder_(holder) {}
virtual ~PropertyHandlerCompiler() {}
virtual Register FrontendHeader(Register object_reg, Handle<Name> name,
Label* miss) {
return receiver();
virtual void FrontendFooter(Handle<Name> name, Label* miss) { UNREACHABLE(); }
Register Frontend(Register object_reg, Handle<Name> name);
void NonexistentFrontendHeader(Handle<Name> name, Label* miss,
Register scratch1, Register scratch2);
// TODO(verwaest): Make non-static.
static void GenerateFastApiCall(MacroAssembler* masm,
const CallOptimization& optimization,
Handle<Map> receiver_map, Register receiver,
Register scratch, bool is_store, int argc,
Register* values);
// Helper function used to check that the dictionary doesn't contain
// the property. This function may return false negatives, so miss_label
// must always call a backup property check that is complete.
// This function is safe to call if the receiver has fast properties.
// Name must be unique and receiver must be a heap object.
static void GenerateDictionaryNegativeLookup(MacroAssembler* masm,
Label* miss_label,
Register receiver,
Handle<Name> name,
Register r0,
Register r1);
// Generate code to check that a global property cell is empty. Create
// the property cell at compilation time if no cell exists for the
// property.
static void GenerateCheckPropertyCell(MacroAssembler* masm,
Handle<JSGlobalObject> global,
Handle<Name> name,
Register scratch,
Label* miss);
// Generates code that verifies that the property holder has not changed
// (checking maps of objects in the prototype chain for fast and global
// objects or doing negative lookup for slow objects, ensures that the
// property cells for global objects are still empty) and checks that the map
// of the holder has not changed. If necessary the function also generates
// code for security check in case of global object holders. Helps to make
// sure that the current IC is still valid.
// The scratch and holder registers are always clobbered, but the object
// register is only clobbered if it the same as the holder register. The
// function returns a register containing the holder - either object_reg or
// holder_reg.
Register CheckPrototypes(Register object_reg, Register holder_reg,
Register scratch1, Register scratch2,
Handle<Name> name, Label* miss,
PrototypeCheckType check = CHECK_ALL_MAPS);
Handle<Code> GetCode(Code::Kind kind, Code::StubType type, Handle<Name> name);
void set_type_for_object(Handle<Object> object) {
type_ = IC::CurrentTypeOf(object, isolate());
void set_holder(Handle<JSObject> holder) { holder_ = holder; }
Handle<HeapType> type() const { return type_; }
Handle<JSObject> holder() const { return holder_; }
Handle<HeapType> type_;
Handle<JSObject> holder_;
class NamedLoadHandlerCompiler : public PropertyHandlerCompiler {
NamedLoadHandlerCompiler(Isolate* isolate, Handle<HeapType> type,
Handle<JSObject> holder,
CacheHolderFlag cache_holder)
: PropertyHandlerCompiler(isolate, Code::LOAD_IC, type, holder,
cache_holder) {}
virtual ~NamedLoadHandlerCompiler() {}
Handle<Code> CompileLoadField(Handle<Name> name, FieldIndex index);
Handle<Code> CompileLoadCallback(Handle<Name> name,
Handle<ExecutableAccessorInfo> callback);
Handle<Code> CompileLoadCallback(Handle<Name> name,
const CallOptimization& call_optimization);
Handle<Code> CompileLoadConstant(Handle<Name> name, int constant_index);
Handle<Code> CompileLoadInterceptor(Handle<Name> name);
Handle<Code> CompileLoadViaGetter(Handle<Name> name,
Handle<JSFunction> getter);
Handle<Code> CompileLoadGlobal(Handle<PropertyCell> cell, Handle<Name> name,
bool is_configurable);
// Static interface
static Handle<Code> ComputeLoadNonexistent(Handle<Name> name,
Handle<HeapType> type);
static void GenerateLoadViaGetter(MacroAssembler* masm, Handle<HeapType> type,
Register receiver,
Handle<JSFunction> getter);
static void GenerateLoadViaGetterForDeopt(MacroAssembler* masm) {
GenerateLoadViaGetter(masm, Handle<HeapType>::null(), no_reg,
static void GenerateLoadFunctionPrototype(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register receiver,
Register scratch1,
Register scratch2,
Label* miss_label);
// These constants describe the structure of the interceptor arguments on the
// stack. The arguments are pushed by the (platform-specific)
// PushInterceptorArguments and read by LoadPropertyWithInterceptorOnly and
// LoadWithInterceptor.
static const int kInterceptorArgsNameIndex = 0;
static const int kInterceptorArgsInfoIndex = 1;
static const int kInterceptorArgsThisIndex = 2;
static const int kInterceptorArgsHolderIndex = 3;
static const int kInterceptorArgsLength = 4;
virtual Register FrontendHeader(Register object_reg, Handle<Name> name,
Label* miss);
virtual void FrontendFooter(Handle<Name> name, Label* miss);
Handle<Code> CompileLoadNonexistent(Handle<Name> name);
void GenerateLoadConstant(Handle<Object> value);
void GenerateLoadCallback(Register reg,
Handle<ExecutableAccessorInfo> callback);
void GenerateLoadCallback(const CallOptimization& call_optimization,
Handle<Map> receiver_map);
void GenerateLoadInterceptor(Register holder_reg,
LookupResult* lookup,
Handle<Name> name);
void GenerateLoadPostInterceptor(Register reg,
Handle<Name> name,
LookupResult* lookup);
// Generates prototype loading code that uses the objects from the
// context we were in when this function was called. If the context
// has changed, a jump to miss is performed. This ties the generated
// code to a particular context and so must not be used in cases
// where the generated code is not allowed to have references to
// objects from a context.
static void GenerateDirectLoadGlobalFunctionPrototype(MacroAssembler* masm,
int index,
Register prototype,
Label* miss);
Register scratch4() { return registers_[5]; }
class NamedStoreHandlerCompiler : public PropertyHandlerCompiler {
explicit NamedStoreHandlerCompiler(Isolate* isolate, Handle<HeapType> type,
Handle<JSObject> holder)
: PropertyHandlerCompiler(isolate, Code::STORE_IC, type, holder,
kCacheOnReceiver) {}
virtual ~NamedStoreHandlerCompiler() {}
Handle<Code> CompileStoreTransition(Handle<Map> transition,
Handle<Name> name);
Handle<Code> CompileStoreField(LookupResult* lookup, Handle<Name> name);
Handle<Code> CompileStoreCallback(Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<Name> name,
Handle<ExecutableAccessorInfo> callback);
Handle<Code> CompileStoreCallback(Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<Name> name,
const CallOptimization& call_optimization);
Handle<Code> CompileStoreViaSetter(Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<Name> name,
Handle<JSFunction> setter);
Handle<Code> CompileStoreInterceptor(Handle<Name> name);
static void GenerateStoreViaSetter(MacroAssembler* masm,
Handle<HeapType> type, Register receiver,
Handle<JSFunction> setter);
static void GenerateStoreViaSetterForDeopt(MacroAssembler* masm) {
GenerateStoreViaSetter(masm, Handle<HeapType>::null(), no_reg,
virtual Register FrontendHeader(Register object_reg, Handle<Name> name,
Label* miss);
virtual void FrontendFooter(Handle<Name> name, Label* miss);
void GenerateRestoreName(Label* label, Handle<Name> name);
void GenerateStoreTransition(Handle<Map> transition, Handle<Name> name,
Register receiver_reg, Register name_reg,
Register value_reg, Register scratch1,
Register scratch2, Register scratch3,
Label* miss_label, Label* slow);
void GenerateStoreField(LookupResult* lookup, Register value_reg,
Label* miss_label);
static Builtins::Name SlowBuiltin(Code::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Code::STORE_IC: return Builtins::kStoreIC_Slow;
case Code::KEYED_STORE_IC: return Builtins::kKeyedStoreIC_Slow;
default: UNREACHABLE();
return Builtins::kStoreIC_Slow;
static Register value();
class ElementHandlerCompiler : public PropertyHandlerCompiler {
explicit ElementHandlerCompiler(Isolate* isolate)
: PropertyHandlerCompiler(isolate, Code::KEYED_LOAD_IC,
Handle<JSObject>::null(), kCacheOnReceiver) {}
virtual ~ElementHandlerCompiler() {}
void CompileElementHandlers(MapHandleList* receiver_maps,
CodeHandleList* handlers);
static void GenerateLoadDictionaryElement(MacroAssembler* masm);
static void GenerateStoreDictionaryElement(MacroAssembler* masm);
// Holds information about possible function call optimizations.
class CallOptimization BASE_EMBEDDED {
explicit CallOptimization(LookupResult* lookup);
explicit CallOptimization(Handle<JSFunction> function);
bool is_constant_call() const {
return !constant_function_.is_null();
Handle<JSFunction> constant_function() const {
return constant_function_;
bool is_simple_api_call() const {
return is_simple_api_call_;
Handle<FunctionTemplateInfo> expected_receiver_type() const {
return expected_receiver_type_;
Handle<CallHandlerInfo> api_call_info() const {
return api_call_info_;
enum HolderLookup {
Handle<JSObject> LookupHolderOfExpectedType(
Handle<Map> receiver_map,
HolderLookup* holder_lookup) const;
// Check if the api holder is between the receiver and the holder.
bool IsCompatibleReceiver(Handle<Object> receiver,
Handle<JSObject> holder) const;
void Initialize(Handle<JSFunction> function);
// Determines whether the given function can be called using the
// fast api call builtin.
void AnalyzePossibleApiFunction(Handle<JSFunction> function);
Handle<JSFunction> constant_function_;
bool is_simple_api_call_;
Handle<FunctionTemplateInfo> expected_receiver_type_;
Handle<CallHandlerInfo> api_call_info_;
} } // namespace v8::internal
#endif // V8_STUB_CACHE_H_