blob: b7c5d42320fc953c1744016f39a846e4eb1bb978 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/unicode.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// Unicode character predicates as defined by ECMA-262, 3rd,
// used for lexical analysis.
inline bool IsCarriageReturn(uc32 c);
inline bool IsLineFeed(uc32 c);
inline bool IsDecimalDigit(uc32 c);
inline bool IsHexDigit(uc32 c);
inline bool IsOctalDigit(uc32 c);
inline bool IsBinaryDigit(uc32 c);
inline bool IsRegExpWord(uc32 c);
inline bool IsRegExpNewline(uc32 c);
struct IdentifierStart {
static inline bool Is(uc32 c) {
switch (c) {
case '$': case '_': case '\\': return true;
default: return unibrow::Letter::Is(c);
struct IdentifierPart {
static inline bool Is(uc32 c) {
return IdentifierStart::Is(c)
|| unibrow::Number::Is(c)
|| c == 0x200C // U+200C is Zero-Width Non-Joiner.
|| c == 0x200D // U+200D is Zero-Width Joiner.
|| unibrow::CombiningMark::Is(c)
|| unibrow::ConnectorPunctuation::Is(c);
// WhiteSpace according to ECMA-262 5.1, 7.2.
struct WhiteSpace {
static inline bool Is(uc32 c) {
return c == 0x0009 || // <TAB>
c == 0x000B || // <VT>
c == 0x000C || // <FF>
c == 0xFEFF || // <BOM>
// \u0020 and \u00A0 are included in unibrow::WhiteSpace.
// WhiteSpace and LineTerminator according to ECMA-262 5.1, 7.2 and 7.3.
struct WhiteSpaceOrLineTerminator {
static inline bool Is(uc32 c) {
return WhiteSpace::Is(c) || unibrow::LineTerminator::Is(c);
} } // namespace v8::internal