blob: a42748f0a2cf67b71d5cf9b84ba31f97bfc148f3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tests for analyzer
import TestGyp
found = 'Found dependency\n'
not_found = 'No dependencies\n'
def __CreateTestFile(files):
f = open('test_file', 'w')
for file in files:
f.write(file + '\n')
test = TestGyp.TestGypCustom(format='analyzer')
# Verifies file_path must be specified.
stdout='Must specify files to analyze via file_path generator '
# Trivial test of a source.
test.run_gyp('test.gyp', '-Gfile_path=test_file', stdout=found)
# Conditional source that is excluded.
test.run_gyp('test.gyp', '-Gfile_path=test_file', stdout=not_found)
# Conditional source that is included by way of argument.
test.run_gyp('test.gyp', '-Gfile_path=test_file', '-Dtest_variable=1',
# Two unknown files.
__CreateTestFile(['unknown1.c', ''])
test.run_gyp('test.gyp', '-Gfile_path=test_file', stdout=not_found)
# Two unknown files.
__CreateTestFile(['unknown1.c', 'subdir/subdir_sourcex.c'])
test.run_gyp('test.gyp', '-Gfile_path=test_file', stdout=not_found)
# Included dependency
__CreateTestFile(['unknown1.c', 'subdir/subdir_source.c'])
test.run_gyp('test.gyp', '-Gfile_path=test_file', stdout=found)
# Included inputs to actions.
test.run_gyp('test.gyp', '-Gfile_path=test_file', stdout=found)
# Don't consider outputs.
test.run_gyp('test.gyp', '-Gfile_path=test_file', stdout=not_found)
# Rule inputs.
test.run_gyp('test.gyp', '-Gfile_path=test_file', stdout=found)
# Ignore patch specified with PRODUCT_DIR.
test.run_gyp('test.gyp', '-Gfile_path=test_file', stdout=not_found)
# Path specified via a variable.
test.run_gyp('test.gyp', '-Gfile_path=test_file', stdout=found)
# Verifies paths with // are fixed up correctly.
test.run_gyp('test.gyp', '-Gfile_path=test_file', stdout=found)