blob: 64c469063dc8980f969ee09ecdcfc891e0e43052 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Miscellaneous node types.
import os.path
import re
import sys
from grit import constants
from grit import exception
from grit import util
import grit.format.rc_header
from grit.node import base
from grit.node import io
from grit.node import message
# RTL languages
# TODO(jennyz): remove this fixed set of RTL language array
# now that generic expand_variable code exists.
'ar', # Arabic
'fa', # Farsi
'iw', # Hebrew
'ks', # Kashmiri
'ku', # Kurdish
'ps', # Pashto
'ur', # Urdu
'yi', # Yiddish
def _ReadFirstIdsFromFile(filename, defines):
"""Read the starting resource id values from |filename|. We also
expand variables of the form <(FOO) based on defines passed in on
the command line.
Returns a tuple, the absolute path of SRCDIR followed by the
first_ids dictionary.
first_ids_dict = eval(util.ReadFile(filename, util.RAW_TEXT))
src_root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename),
def ReplaceVariable(matchobj):
for key, value in defines.iteritems():
if == key:
return value
return ''
renames = []
for grd_filename in first_ids_dict:
new_grd_filename = re.sub(r'<\(([A-Za-z_]+)\)', ReplaceVariable,
if new_grd_filename != grd_filename:
abs_grd_filename = os.path.abspath(new_grd_filename)
if abs_grd_filename[:len(src_root_dir)] != src_root_dir:
new_grd_filename = os.path.basename(abs_grd_filename)
new_grd_filename = abs_grd_filename[len(src_root_dir) + 1:]
new_grd_filename = new_grd_filename.replace('\\', '/')
renames.append((grd_filename, new_grd_filename))
for grd_filename, new_grd_filename in renames:
first_ids_dict[new_grd_filename] = first_ids_dict[grd_filename]
return (src_root_dir, first_ids_dict)
class SplicingNode(base.Node):
"""A node whose children should be considered to be at the same level as
its siblings for most purposes. This includes <if> and <part> nodes.
def _IsValidChild(self, child):
assert self.parent, '<%s> node should never be root.' %
if isinstance(child, SplicingNode):
return True # avoid O(n^2) behavior
return self.parent._IsValidChild(child)
class IfNode(SplicingNode):
"""A node for conditional inclusion of resources.
def MandatoryAttributes(self):
return ['expr']
def _IsValidChild(self, child):
return (isinstance(child, (ThenNode, ElseNode)) or
super(IfNode, self)._IsValidChild(child))
def EndParsing(self):
children = self.children
self.if_then_else = False
if any(isinstance(node, (ThenNode, ElseNode)) for node in children):
if (len(children) != 2 or not isinstance(children[0], ThenNode) or
not isinstance(children[1], ElseNode)):
raise exception.UnexpectedChild(
'<if> element must be <if><then>...</then><else>...</else></if>')
self.if_then_else = True
def ActiveChildren(self):
cond = self.EvaluateCondition(self.attrs['expr'])
if self.if_then_else:
return self.children[0 if cond else 1].ActiveChildren()
# Equivalent to having all children inside <then> with an empty <else>
return super(IfNode, self).ActiveChildren() if cond else []
class ThenNode(SplicingNode):
"""A <then> node. Can only appear directly inside an <if> node."""
class ElseNode(SplicingNode):
"""An <else> node. Can only appear directly inside an <if> node."""
class PartNode(SplicingNode):
"""A node for inclusion of sub-grd (*.grp) files.
def __init__(self):
super(PartNode, self).__init__()
self.started_inclusion = False
def MandatoryAttributes(self):
return ['file']
def _IsValidChild(self, child):
return self.started_inclusion and super(PartNode, self)._IsValidChild(child)
class ReleaseNode(base.Node):
"""The <release> element."""
def _IsValidChild(self, child):
from grit.node import empty
return isinstance(child, (empty.IncludesNode, empty.MessagesNode,
empty.StructuresNode, empty.IdentifiersNode))
def _IsValidAttribute(self, name, value):
return (
(name == 'seq' and int(value) <= self.GetRoot().GetCurrentRelease()) or
name == 'allow_pseudo'
def MandatoryAttributes(self):
return ['seq']
def DefaultAttributes(self):
return { 'allow_pseudo' : 'true' }
def GetReleaseNumber():
"""Returns the sequence number of this release."""
return self.attribs['seq']
class GritNode(base.Node):
"""The <grit> root element."""
def __init__(self):
super(GritNode, self).__init__()
self.output_language = ''
self.defines = {}
self.substituter = None
self.target_platform = sys.platform
def _IsValidChild(self, child):
from grit.node import empty
return isinstance(child, (ReleaseNode, empty.TranslationsNode,
def _IsValidAttribute(self, name, value):
if name not in ['base_dir', 'first_ids_file', 'source_lang_id',
'latest_public_release', 'current_release',
'enc_check', 'tc_project', 'grit_version',
'output_all_resource_defines', 'rc_header_format']:
return False
if name in ['latest_public_release', 'current_release'] and value.strip(
'0123456789') != '':
return False
return True
def MandatoryAttributes(self):
return ['latest_public_release', 'current_release']
def DefaultAttributes(self):
return {
'base_dir' : '.',
'first_ids_file': '',
'grit_version': 1,
'source_lang_id' : 'en',
'enc_check' : constants.ENCODING_CHECK,
'tc_project' : 'NEED_TO_SET_tc_project_ATTRIBUTE',
'output_all_resource_defines': 'true',
'rc_header_format': None
def EndParsing(self):
super(GritNode, self).EndParsing()
if (int(self.attrs['latest_public_release'])
> int(self.attrs['current_release'])):
raise exception.Parsing('latest_public_release cannot have a greater '
'value than current_release')
# Add the encoding check if it's not present (should ensure that it's always
# present in all .grd files generated by GRIT). If it's present, assert if
# it's not correct.
if 'enc_check' not in self.attrs or self.attrs['enc_check'] == '':
self.attrs['enc_check'] = constants.ENCODING_CHECK
assert self.attrs['enc_check'] == constants.ENCODING_CHECK, (
'Are you sure your .grd file is in the correct encoding (UTF-8)?')
def ValidateUniqueIds(self):
"""Validate that 'name' attribute is unique in all nodes in this tree
except for nodes that are children of <if> nodes.
unique_names = {}
duplicate_names = []
# To avoid false positives from mutually exclusive <if> clauses, check
# against whatever the output condition happens to be right now.
# TODO(benrg): do something better.
for node in self.ActiveDescendants():
if node.attrs.get('generateid', 'true') == 'false':
continue # Duplication not relevant in that case
for node_id in node.GetTextualIds():
if util.SYSTEM_IDENTIFIERS.match(node_id):
continue # predefined IDs are sometimes used more than once
if node_id in unique_names and node_id not in duplicate_names:
unique_names[node_id] = 1
if len(duplicate_names):
raise exception.DuplicateKey(', '.join(duplicate_names))
def GetCurrentRelease(self):
"""Returns the current release number."""
return int(self.attrs['current_release'])
def GetLatestPublicRelease(self):
"""Returns the latest public release number."""
return int(self.attrs['latest_public_release'])
def GetSourceLanguage(self):
"""Returns the language code of the source language."""
return self.attrs['source_lang_id']
def GetTcProject(self):
"""Returns the name of this project in the TranslationConsole, or
'NEED_TO_SET_tc_project_ATTRIBUTE' if it is not defined."""
return self.attrs['tc_project']
def SetOwnDir(self, dir):
"""Informs the 'grit' element of the directory the file it is in resides.
This allows it to calculate relative paths from the input file, which is
what we desire (rather than from the current path).
dir: r'c:\bla'
assert dir
self.base_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dir, self.attrs['base_dir']))
def GetBaseDir(self):
"""Returns the base directory, relative to the working directory. To get
the base directory as set in the .grd file, use GetOriginalBaseDir()
if hasattr(self, 'base_dir'):
return self.base_dir
return self.GetOriginalBaseDir()
def GetOriginalBaseDir(self):
"""Returns the base directory, as set in the .grd file.
return self.attrs['base_dir']
def SetShouldOutputAllResourceDefines(self, value):
"""Overrides the value of output_all_resource_defines found in the grd file.
self.attrs['output_all_resource_defines'] = 'true' if value else 'false'
def ShouldOutputAllResourceDefines(self):
"""Returns true if all resource defines should be output, false if
defines for resources not emitted to resource files should be
return self.attrs['output_all_resource_defines'] == 'true'
def GetRcHeaderFormat(self):
return self.attrs['rc_header_format']
def AssignRcHeaderFormat(self, rc_header_format):
self.attrs['rc_header_format'] = rc_header_format
def GetInputFiles(self):
"""Returns the list of files that are read to produce the output."""
# Importing this here avoids a circular dependency in the imports.
# pylint: disable-msg=C6204
from grit.node import include
from grit.node import misc
from grit.node import structure
from grit.node import variant
# Check if the input is required for any output configuration.
input_files = set()
old_output_language = self.output_language
for lang, ctx in self.GetConfigurations():
self.SetOutputLanguage(lang or self.GetSourceLanguage())
for node in self.ActiveDescendants():
if isinstance(node, (io.FileNode, include.IncludeNode, misc.PartNode,
structure.StructureNode, variant.SkeletonNode)):
return sorted(map(self.ToRealPath, input_files))
def GetFirstIdsFile(self):
"""Returns a usable path to the first_ids file, if set, otherwise
returns None.
The first_ids_file attribute is by default relative to the
base_dir of the .grd file, but may be prefixed by GRIT_DIR/,
which makes it relative to the directory of
(e.g. GRIT_DIR/../gritsettings/resource_ids).
if not self.attrs['first_ids_file']:
return None
path = self.attrs['first_ids_file']
if (path.startswith(GRIT_DIR_PREFIX)
and path[len(GRIT_DIR_PREFIX)] in ['/', '\\']):
return util.PathFromRoot(path[len(GRIT_DIR_PREFIX) + 1:])
return self.ToRealPath(path)
def GetOutputFiles(self):
"""Returns the list of <output> nodes that are descendants of this node's
<outputs> child and are not enclosed by unsatisfied <if> conditionals.
for child in self.children:
if == 'outputs':
return [node for node in child.ActiveDescendants()
if == 'output']
raise exception.MissingElement()
def GetConfigurations(self):
"""Returns the distinct (language, context) pairs from the output nodes.
return set((n.GetLanguage(), n.GetContext()) for n in self.GetOutputFiles())
def GetSubstitutionMessages(self):
"""Returns the list of <message sub_variable="true"> nodes."""
return [n for n in self.ActiveDescendants()
if isinstance(n, message.MessageNode)
and n.attrs['sub_variable'] == 'true']
def SetOutputLanguage(self, output_language):
"""Set the output language. Prepares substitutions.
The substitutions are reset every time the language is changed.
They include messages designated as variables, and language codes for html
and rc files.
output_language: a two-letter language code (eg: 'en', 'ar'...) or ''
if not output_language:
# We do not specify the output language for .grh files,
# so we get an empty string as the default.
# The value should match grit.clique.MessageClique.source_language.
output_language = self.GetSourceLanguage()
if output_language != self.output_language:
self.output_language = output_language
self.substituter = None # force recalculate
def SetOutputContext(self, output_context):
self.output_context = output_context
self.substituter = None # force recalculate
def SetDefines(self, defines):
self.defines = defines
self.substituter = None # force recalculate
def SetTargetPlatform(self, target_platform):
self.target_platform = target_platform
def GetSubstituter(self):
if self.substituter is None:
self.substituter = util.Substituter()
if self.output_language in _RTL_LANGS:
direction = 'dir="RTL"'
direction = 'dir="LTR"'
'GRITLANGCODE': self.output_language,
'GRITDIR': direction,
from grit.format import rc # avoid circular dep
rc.RcSubstitutions(self.substituter, self.output_language)
return self.substituter
def AssignFirstIds(self, filename_or_stream, defines):
"""Assign first ids to each grouping node based on values from the
first_ids file (if specified on the <grit> node).
# If the input is a stream, then we're probably in a unit test and
# should skip this step.
if type(filename_or_stream) not in (str, unicode):
# Nothing to do if the first_ids_filename attribute isn't set.
first_ids_filename = self.GetFirstIdsFile()
if not first_ids_filename:
src_root_dir, first_ids = _ReadFirstIdsFromFile(first_ids_filename,
from grit.node import empty
for node in self.Preorder():
if isinstance(node, empty.GroupingNode):
abs_filename = os.path.abspath(filename_or_stream)
if abs_filename[:len(src_root_dir)] != src_root_dir:
filename = os.path.basename(filename_or_stream)
filename = abs_filename[len(src_root_dir) + 1:]
filename = filename.replace('\\', '/')
if node.attrs['first_id'] != '':
raise Exception(
"Don't set the first_id attribute when using the first_ids_file "
"attribute on the <grit> node, update %s instead." %
id_list = first_ids[filename][]
except KeyError, e:
print '-' * 78
print 'Resource id not set for %s (%s)!' % (filename,
print ('Please update %s to include an entry for %s. See the '
'comments in resource_ids for information on why you need to '
'update that file.' % (first_ids_filename, filename))
print '-' * 78
raise e
node.attrs['first_id'] = str(id_list.pop(0))
except IndexError, e:
raise Exception('Please update %s and add a first id for %s (%s).'
% (first_ids_filename, filename,
def RunGatherers(self, debug=False):
'''Call RunPreSubstitutionGatherer() on every node of the tree, then apply
substitutions, then call RunPostSubstitutionGatherer() on every node.
The substitutions step requires that the output language has been set.
Locally, get the Substitution messages and add them to the substituter.
Also add substitutions for language codes in the Rc.
debug: will print information while running gatherers.
for node in self.ActiveDescendants():
if hasattr(node, 'RunPreSubstitutionGatherer'):
with node:
assert self.output_language
for node in self.ActiveDescendants():
if hasattr(node, 'RunPostSubstitutionGatherer'):
with node:
class IdentifierNode(base.Node):
"""A node for specifying identifiers that should appear in the resource
header file, and be unique amongst all other resource identifiers, but don't
have any other attributes or reference any resources.
def MandatoryAttributes(self):
return ['name']
def DefaultAttributes(self):
return { 'comment' : '', 'id' : '', 'systemid': 'false' }
def GetId(self):
"""Returns the id of this identifier if it has one, None otherwise
if 'id' in self.attrs:
return self.attrs['id']
return None
def EndParsing(self):
"""Handles system identifiers."""
super(IdentifierNode, self).EndParsing()
if self.attrs['systemid'] == 'true':
def Construct(parent, name, id, comment, systemid='false'):
"""Creates a new node which is a child of 'parent', with attributes set
by parameters of the same name.
node = IdentifierNode()
node.StartParsing('identifier', parent)
node.HandleAttribute('name', name)
node.HandleAttribute('id', id)
node.HandleAttribute('comment', comment)
node.HandleAttribute('systemid', systemid)
return node