Enable render downmixing to mono in AudioProcessing.

In practice, we have been doing this since time immemorial, but have
relied on the user to do the downmixing (first voice engine then
Chromium). It's more logical for this burden to fall on AudioProcessing,
however, who can be expected to know that this is a reasonable approach
for AEC. Permitting two render channels results in running two AECs

Critically, in my recent change to have Chromium adopt the float
I removed the downmixing by Chromium, forgetting that we hadn't yet
enabled this feature in AudioProcessing. This corrects that oversight.

The change in paths hit by production users is very minor. As commented
it required adding downmixing to the int16_t path to satisfy
bit-exactness tests.

For reference, find the ApmTest.Process errors here:

TESTED=listened to the files output from the Process test, and verified
that they sound as expected: higher echo while the AEC is adapting, but
afterwards very close.

R=aluebs@webrtc.org, bjornv@webrtc.org, kwiberg@webrtc.org

Review URL: https://webrtc-codereview.appspot.com/31459004

git-svn-id: http://webrtc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/webrtc@7292 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
diff --git a/modules/audio_processing/audio_buffer.cc b/modules/audio_processing/audio_buffer.cc
index fb2c200..2bbd771 100644
--- a/modules/audio_processing/audio_buffer.cc
+++ b/modules/audio_processing/audio_buffer.cc
@@ -406,19 +406,32 @@
 // TODO(andrew): Do deinterleaving and mixing in one step?
 void AudioBuffer::DeinterleaveFrom(AudioFrame* frame) {
   assert(proc_samples_per_channel_ == input_samples_per_channel_);
-  assert(num_proc_channels_ == num_input_channels_);
-  assert(frame->num_channels_ == num_proc_channels_);
+  assert(frame->num_channels_ == num_input_channels_);
   assert(frame->samples_per_channel_ ==  proc_samples_per_channel_);
   activity_ = frame->vad_activity_;
-  int16_t* interleaved = frame->data_;
-  for (int i = 0; i < num_proc_channels_; i++) {
-    int16_t* deinterleaved = channels_->ibuf()->channel(i);
-    int interleaved_idx = i;
-    for (int j = 0; j < proc_samples_per_channel_; j++) {
-      deinterleaved[j] = interleaved[interleaved_idx];
-      interleaved_idx += num_proc_channels_;
+  if (num_input_channels_ == 2 && num_proc_channels_ == 1) {
+    // Downmix directly; no explicit deinterleaving needed.
+    int16_t* downmixed = channels_->ibuf()->channel(0);
+    for (int i = 0; i < input_samples_per_channel_; ++i) {
+      // HACK(ajm): The downmixing in the int16_t path is in practice never
+      // called from production code. We do this weird scaling to and from float
+      // to satisfy tests checking for bit-exactness with the float path.
+      float downmix_float = (ScaleToFloat(frame->data_[i * 2]) +
+                             ScaleToFloat(frame->data_[i * 2 + 1])) / 2;
+      downmixed[i] = ScaleAndRoundToInt16(downmix_float);
+    }
+  } else {
+    assert(num_proc_channels_ == num_input_channels_);
+    int16_t* interleaved = frame->data_;
+    for (int i = 0; i < num_proc_channels_; ++i) {
+      int16_t* deinterleaved = channels_->ibuf()->channel(i);
+      int interleaved_idx = i;
+      for (int j = 0; j < proc_samples_per_channel_; ++j) {
+        deinterleaved[j] = interleaved[interleaved_idx];
+        interleaved_idx += num_proc_channels_;
+      }
diff --git a/modules/audio_processing/audio_processing_impl.cc b/modules/audio_processing/audio_processing_impl.cc
index 49a7d4f..d91cbd2 100644
--- a/modules/audio_processing/audio_processing_impl.cc
+++ b/modules/audio_processing/audio_processing_impl.cc
@@ -257,10 +257,9 @@
-  // TODO(ajm): Enable this.
-  // Always downmix the reverse stream to mono for analysis.
-  //rev_proc_format_.set(rev_proc_rate, 1);
-  rev_proc_format_.set(rev_proc_rate, rev_in_format_.num_channels());
+  // Always downmix the reverse stream to mono for analysis. This has been
+  // demonstrated to work well for AEC in most practical scenarios.
+  rev_proc_format_.set(rev_proc_rate, 1);
   if (fwd_proc_format_.rate() == kSampleRate32kHz) {
     split_rate_ = kSampleRate16kHz;
diff --git a/modules/audio_processing/test/audio_processing_unittest.cc b/modules/audio_processing/test/audio_processing_unittest.cc
index 3a35fe5..a0fb303 100644
--- a/modules/audio_processing/test/audio_processing_unittest.cc
+++ b/modules/audio_processing/test/audio_processing_unittest.cc
@@ -751,7 +751,8 @@
   for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
     TestChangingChannels(i, kNoErr);
     EXPECT_EQ(i, apm_->num_input_channels());
-    EXPECT_EQ(i, apm_->num_reverse_channels());
+    // We always force the number of reverse channels used for processing to 1.
+    EXPECT_EQ(1, apm_->num_reverse_channels());
@@ -1671,7 +1672,7 @@
     const int num_output_channels = test->num_output_channels();
     const int samples_per_channel = test->sample_rate() *
         AudioProcessing::kChunkSizeMs / 1000;
-    const int output_length =  samples_per_channel * num_output_channels;
+    const int output_length = samples_per_channel * num_output_channels;
     Init(test->sample_rate(), test->sample_rate(), test->sample_rate(),
          num_input_channels, num_output_channels, num_render_channels, true);