add support for high quality image filtering on the GPU,

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git-svn-id: 2bbb7eff-a529-9590-31e7-b0007b416f81
diff --git a/core/SkBitmapProcShader.cpp b/core/SkBitmapProcShader.cpp
index 0e7ac6a..70b5212 100644
--- a/core/SkBitmapProcShader.cpp
+++ b/core/SkBitmapProcShader.cpp
@@ -5,11 +5,14 @@
  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
  * found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "SkBitmapProcShader.h"
 #include "SkColorPriv.h"
 #include "SkFlattenableBuffers.h"
 #include "SkPixelRef.h"
 #include "SkErrorInternals.h"
+#include "SkBitmapProcShader.h"
+#include "effects/GrSimpleTextureEffect.h"
+#include "effects/GrBicubicEffect.h"
 bool SkBitmapProcShader::CanDo(const SkBitmap& bm, TileMode tx, TileMode ty) {
     switch (bm.config()) {
@@ -367,11 +370,9 @@
             textureFilterMode = GrTextureParams::kMipMap_FilterMode;
         case SkPaint::kHigh_FilterLevel:
-            SkErrorInternals::SetError( kInvalidPaint_SkError,
-                                        "Sorry, I don't yet support high quality "
-                                        "filtering on the GPU; falling back to "
-                                        "MIPMaps.");
-            textureFilterMode = GrTextureParams::kMipMap_FilterMode;
+            // fall back to no filtering here; we will install another
+            // shader that will do the HQ filtering.
+            textureFilterMode = GrTextureParams::kNone_FilterMode;
             SkErrorInternals::SetError( kInvalidPaint_SkError,
@@ -386,11 +387,17 @@
     GrTexture* texture = GrLockAndRefCachedBitmapTexture(context, fRawBitmap, &params);
     if (NULL == texture) {
-        SkDebugf("Couldn't convert bitmap to texture.\n");
+        SkErrorInternals::SetError( kInternalError_SkError,
+                                    "Couldn't convert bitmap to texture.");
         return NULL;
-    GrEffectRef* effect = GrSimpleTextureEffect::Create(texture, matrix, params);
+    GrEffectRef* effect = NULL;
+    if (paintFilterLevel == SkPaint::kHigh_FilterLevel) {
+        effect = GrBicubicEffect::Create(texture, matrix, params);
+    } else {
+        effect = GrSimpleTextureEffect::Create(texture, matrix, params);
+    }
     return effect;
diff --git a/effects/SkBicubicImageFilter.cpp b/effects/SkBicubicImageFilter.cpp
index 3b2dd4f..0ffcde6 100644
--- a/effects/SkBicubicImageFilter.cpp
+++ b/effects/SkBicubicImageFilter.cpp
@@ -14,31 +14,30 @@
 #include "SkUnPreMultiply.h"
-#include "gl/GrGLEffectMatrix.h"
-#include "effects/GrSingleTextureEffect.h"
-#include "GrTBackendEffectFactory.h"
+#include "effects/GrBicubicEffect.h"
 #include "GrContext.h"
 #include "GrTexture.h"
 #include "SkImageFilterUtils.h"
+#define DS(x) SkDoubleToScalar(x)
+static const SkScalar gMitchellCoefficients[16] = {
+    DS( 1.0 / 18.0), DS(-9.0 / 18.0), DS( 15.0 / 18.0), DS( -7.0 / 18.0),
+    DS(16.0 / 18.0), DS( 0.0 / 18.0), DS(-36.0 / 18.0), DS( 21.0 / 18.0),
+    DS( 1.0 / 18.0), DS( 9.0 / 18.0), DS( 27.0 / 18.0), DS(-21.0 / 18.0),
+    DS( 0.0 / 18.0), DS( 0.0 / 18.0), DS( -6.0 / 18.0), DS(  7.0 / 18.0),
 SkBicubicImageFilter::SkBicubicImageFilter(const SkSize& scale, const SkScalar coefficients[16], SkImageFilter* input)
   : INHERITED(input),
     fScale(scale) {
     memcpy(fCoefficients, coefficients, sizeof(fCoefficients));
-#define DS(x) SkDoubleToScalar(x)
 SkBicubicImageFilter* SkBicubicImageFilter::CreateMitchell(const SkSize& scale,
                                                            SkImageFilter* input) {
-    static const SkScalar coefficients[16] = {
-        DS( 1.0 / 18.0), DS(-9.0 / 18.0), DS( 15.0 / 18.0), DS( -7.0 / 18.0),
-        DS(16.0 / 18.0), DS( 0.0 / 18.0), DS(-36.0 / 18.0), DS( 21.0 / 18.0),
-        DS( 1.0 / 18.0), DS( 9.0 / 18.0), DS( 27.0 / 18.0), DS(-21.0 / 18.0),
-        DS( 0.0 / 18.0), DS( 0.0 / 18.0), DS( -6.0 / 18.0), DS(  7.0 / 18.0),
-    };
-    return SkNEW_ARGS(SkBicubicImageFilter, (scale, coefficients, input));
+    return SkNEW_ARGS(SkBicubicImageFilter, (scale, gMitchellCoefficients, input));
 SkBicubicImageFilter::SkBicubicImageFilter(SkFlattenableReadBuffer& buffer) : INHERITED(buffer) {
@@ -157,184 +156,6 @@
-class GrGLBicubicEffect;
-class GrBicubicEffect : public GrSingleTextureEffect {
-    virtual ~GrBicubicEffect();
-    static const char* Name() { return "Bicubic"; }
-    const float* coefficients() const { return fCoefficients; }
-    typedef GrGLBicubicEffect GLEffect;
-    virtual const GrBackendEffectFactory& getFactory() const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void getConstantColorComponents(GrColor* color, uint32_t* validFlags) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    static GrEffectRef* Create(GrTexture* tex, const SkScalar coefficients[16]) {
-        AutoEffectUnref effect(SkNEW_ARGS(GrBicubicEffect, (tex, coefficients)));
-        return CreateEffectRef(effect);
-    }
-    GrBicubicEffect(GrTexture*, const SkScalar coefficients[16]);
-    virtual bool onIsEqual(const GrEffect&) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    float    fCoefficients[16];
-    typedef GrSingleTextureEffect INHERITED;
-class GrGLBicubicEffect : public GrGLEffect {
-    GrGLBicubicEffect(const GrBackendEffectFactory& factory,
-                      const GrDrawEffect&);
-    virtual void emitCode(GrGLShaderBuilder*,
-                          const GrDrawEffect&,
-                          EffectKey,
-                          const char* outputColor,
-                          const char* inputColor,
-                          const TextureSamplerArray&) SK_OVERRIDE;
-    static inline EffectKey GenKey(const GrDrawEffect&, const GrGLCaps&);
-    virtual void setData(const GrGLUniformManager&, const GrDrawEffect&) SK_OVERRIDE;
-    typedef GrGLUniformManager::UniformHandle        UniformHandle;
-    UniformHandle       fCoefficientsUni;
-    UniformHandle       fImageIncrementUni;
-    GrGLEffectMatrix    fEffectMatrix;
-    typedef GrGLEffect INHERITED;
-GrGLBicubicEffect::GrGLBicubicEffect(const GrBackendEffectFactory& factory,
-                                     const GrDrawEffect& drawEffect)
-    : INHERITED(factory)
-    , fEffectMatrix(drawEffect.castEffect<GrBicubicEffect>().coordsType()) {
-void GrGLBicubicEffect::emitCode(GrGLShaderBuilder* builder,
-                                 const GrDrawEffect&,
-                                 EffectKey key,
-                                 const char* outputColor,
-                                 const char* inputColor,
-                                 const TextureSamplerArray& samplers) {
-    SkString coords;
-    fEffectMatrix.emitCodeMakeFSCoords2D(builder, key, &coords);
-    fCoefficientsUni = builder->addUniform(GrGLShaderBuilder::kFragment_Visibility,
-                                           kMat44f_GrSLType, "Coefficients");
-    fImageIncrementUni = builder->addUniform(GrGLShaderBuilder::kFragment_Visibility,
-                                             kVec2f_GrSLType, "ImageIncrement");
-    const char* imgInc = builder->getUniformCStr(fImageIncrementUni);
-    const char* coeff = builder->getUniformCStr(fCoefficientsUni);
-    SkString cubicBlendName;
-    static const GrGLShaderVar gCubicBlendArgs[] = {
-        GrGLShaderVar("coefficients",  kMat44f_GrSLType),
-        GrGLShaderVar("t",             kFloat_GrSLType),
-        GrGLShaderVar("c0",            kVec4f_GrSLType),
-        GrGLShaderVar("c1",            kVec4f_GrSLType),
-        GrGLShaderVar("c2",            kVec4f_GrSLType),
-        GrGLShaderVar("c3",            kVec4f_GrSLType),
-    };
-    builder->fsEmitFunction(kVec4f_GrSLType,
-                            "cubicBlend",
-                            SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gCubicBlendArgs),
-                            gCubicBlendArgs,
-                            "\tvec4 ts = vec4(1.0, t, t * t, t * t * t);\n"
-                            "\tvec4 c = coefficients * ts;\n"
-                            "\treturn c.x * c0 + c.y * c1 + c.z * c2 + c.w * c3;\n",
-                            &cubicBlendName);
-    builder->fsCodeAppendf("\tvec2 coord = %s - %s * vec2(0.5, 0.5);\n", coords.c_str(), imgInc);
-    builder->fsCodeAppendf("\tvec2 f = fract(coord / %s);\n", imgInc);
-    for (int y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {
-        for (int x = 0; x < 4; ++x) {
-            SkString coord;
-            coord.printf("coord + %s * vec2(%d, %d)", imgInc, x - 1, y - 1);
-            builder->fsCodeAppendf("\tvec4 s%d%d = ", x, y);
-            builder->fsAppendTextureLookup(samplers[0], coord.c_str());
-            builder->fsCodeAppend(";\n");
-        }
-        builder->fsCodeAppendf("\tvec4 s%d = %s(%s, f.x, s0%d, s1%d, s2%d, s3%d);\n", y, cubicBlendName.c_str(), coeff, y, y, y, y);
-    }
-    builder->fsCodeAppendf("\t%s = %s(%s, f.y, s0, s1, s2, s3);\n", outputColor, cubicBlendName.c_str(), coeff);
-GrGLEffect::EffectKey GrGLBicubicEffect::GenKey(const GrDrawEffect& drawEffect, const GrGLCaps&) {
-    const GrBicubicEffect& bicubic = drawEffect.castEffect<GrBicubicEffect>();
-    EffectKey matrixKey = GrGLEffectMatrix::GenKey(bicubic.getMatrix(),
-                                                   drawEffect,
-                                                   bicubic.coordsType(),
-                                                   bicubic.texture(0));
-    return matrixKey;
-void GrGLBicubicEffect::setData(const GrGLUniformManager& uman,
-                                const GrDrawEffect& drawEffect) {
-    const GrBicubicEffect& effect = drawEffect.castEffect<GrBicubicEffect>();
-    GrTexture& texture = *effect.texture(0);
-    float imageIncrement[2];
-    imageIncrement[0] = 1.0f / texture.width();
-    imageIncrement[1] = 1.0f / texture.height();
-    uman.set2fv(fImageIncrementUni, 0, 1, imageIncrement);
-    uman.setMatrix4f(fCoefficientsUni, effect.coefficients());
-    fEffectMatrix.setData(uman,
-                          effect.getMatrix(),
-                          drawEffect,
-                          effect.texture(0));
-GrBicubicEffect::GrBicubicEffect(GrTexture* texture,
-                                 const SkScalar coefficients[16])
-  : INHERITED(texture, MakeDivByTextureWHMatrix(texture)) {
-    for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
-        for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
-            // Convert from row-major scalars to column-major floats.
-            fCoefficients[x * 4 + y] = SkScalarToFloat(coefficients[y * 4 + x]);
-        }
-    }
-GrBicubicEffect::~GrBicubicEffect() {
-const GrBackendEffectFactory& GrBicubicEffect::getFactory() const {
-    return GrTBackendEffectFactory<GrBicubicEffect>::getInstance();
-bool GrBicubicEffect::onIsEqual(const GrEffect& sBase) const {
-    const GrBicubicEffect& s = CastEffect<GrBicubicEffect>(sBase);
-    return this->texture(0) == s.texture(0) &&
-           !memcmp(fCoefficients, s.coefficients(), 16);
-void GrBicubicEffect::getConstantColorComponents(GrColor* color, uint32_t* validFlags) const {
-    // FIXME:  Perhaps we can do better.
-    *validFlags = 0;
-    return;
-GrEffectRef* GrBicubicEffect::TestCreate(SkMWCRandom* random,
-                                         GrContext* context,
-                                         const GrDrawTargetCaps&,
-                                         GrTexture* textures[]) {
-    int texIdx = random->nextBool() ? GrEffectUnitTest::kSkiaPMTextureIdx :
-                                      GrEffectUnitTest::kAlphaTextureIdx;
-    SkScalar coefficients[16];
-    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-        coefficients[i] = random->nextSScalar1();
-    }
-    return GrBicubicEffect::Create(textures[texIdx], coefficients);
 bool SkBicubicImageFilter::filterImageGPU(Proxy* proxy, const SkBitmap& src, const SkMatrix& ctm,
                                           SkBitmap* result, SkIPoint* offset) {
diff --git a/gpu/effects/GrBicubicEffect.cpp b/gpu/effects/GrBicubicEffect.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a38f67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gpu/effects/GrBicubicEffect.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#include "GrBicubicEffect.h"
+#define DS(x) SkDoubleToScalar(x)
+const SkScalar GrBicubicEffect::gMitchellCoefficients[16] = {
+    DS( 1.0 / 18.0), DS(-9.0 / 18.0), DS( 15.0 / 18.0), DS( -7.0 / 18.0),
+    DS(16.0 / 18.0), DS( 0.0 / 18.0), DS(-36.0 / 18.0), DS( 21.0 / 18.0),
+    DS( 1.0 / 18.0), DS( 9.0 / 18.0), DS( 27.0 / 18.0), DS(-21.0 / 18.0),
+    DS( 0.0 / 18.0), DS( 0.0 / 18.0), DS( -6.0 / 18.0), DS(  7.0 / 18.0),
+class GrGLBicubicEffect : public GrGLEffect {
+    GrGLBicubicEffect(const GrBackendEffectFactory& factory,
+                      const GrDrawEffect&);
+    virtual void emitCode(GrGLShaderBuilder*,
+                          const GrDrawEffect&,
+                          EffectKey,
+                          const char* outputColor,
+                          const char* inputColor,
+                          const TextureSamplerArray&) SK_OVERRIDE;
+    static inline EffectKey GenKey(const GrDrawEffect&, const GrGLCaps&);
+    virtual void setData(const GrGLUniformManager&, const GrDrawEffect&) SK_OVERRIDE;
+    typedef GrGLUniformManager::UniformHandle        UniformHandle;
+    UniformHandle       fCoefficientsUni;
+    UniformHandle       fImageIncrementUni;
+    GrGLEffectMatrix    fEffectMatrix;
+    typedef GrGLEffect INHERITED;
+GrGLBicubicEffect::GrGLBicubicEffect(const GrBackendEffectFactory& factory,
+                                     const GrDrawEffect& drawEffect)
+    : INHERITED(factory)
+    , fEffectMatrix(drawEffect.castEffect<GrBicubicEffect>().coordsType()) {
+void GrGLBicubicEffect::emitCode(GrGLShaderBuilder* builder,
+                                 const GrDrawEffect&,
+                                 EffectKey key,
+                                 const char* outputColor,
+                                 const char* inputColor,
+                                 const TextureSamplerArray& samplers) {
+    SkString coords;
+    fEffectMatrix.emitCodeMakeFSCoords2D(builder, key, &coords);
+    fCoefficientsUni = builder->addUniform(GrGLShaderBuilder::kFragment_Visibility,
+                                           kMat44f_GrSLType, "Coefficients");
+    fImageIncrementUni = builder->addUniform(GrGLShaderBuilder::kFragment_Visibility,
+                                             kVec2f_GrSLType, "ImageIncrement");
+    const char* imgInc = builder->getUniformCStr(fImageIncrementUni);
+    const char* coeff = builder->getUniformCStr(fCoefficientsUni);
+    SkString cubicBlendName;
+    static const GrGLShaderVar gCubicBlendArgs[] = {
+        GrGLShaderVar("coefficients",  kMat44f_GrSLType),
+        GrGLShaderVar("t",             kFloat_GrSLType),
+        GrGLShaderVar("c0",            kVec4f_GrSLType),
+        GrGLShaderVar("c1",            kVec4f_GrSLType),
+        GrGLShaderVar("c2",            kVec4f_GrSLType),
+        GrGLShaderVar("c3",            kVec4f_GrSLType),
+    };
+    builder->fsEmitFunction(kVec4f_GrSLType,
+                            "cubicBlend",
+                            SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gCubicBlendArgs),
+                            gCubicBlendArgs,
+                            "\tvec4 ts = vec4(1.0, t, t * t, t * t * t);\n"
+                            "\tvec4 c = coefficients * ts;\n"
+                            "\treturn c.x * c0 + c.y * c1 + c.z * c2 + c.w * c3;\n",
+                            &cubicBlendName);
+    builder->fsCodeAppendf("\tvec2 coord = %s - %s * vec2(0.5, 0.5);\n", coords.c_str(), imgInc);
+    builder->fsCodeAppendf("\tvec2 f = fract(coord / %s);\n", imgInc);
+    for (int y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {
+        for (int x = 0; x < 4; ++x) {
+            SkString coord;
+            coord.printf("coord + %s * vec2(%d, %d)", imgInc, x - 1, y - 1);
+            builder->fsCodeAppendf("\tvec4 s%d%d = ", x, y);
+            builder->fsAppendTextureLookup(samplers[0], coord.c_str());
+            builder->fsCodeAppend(";\n");
+        }
+        builder->fsCodeAppendf("\tvec4 s%d = %s(%s, f.x, s0%d, s1%d, s2%d, s3%d);\n", y, cubicBlendName.c_str(), coeff, y, y, y, y);
+    }
+    builder->fsCodeAppendf("\t%s = %s(%s, f.y, s0, s1, s2, s3);\n", outputColor, cubicBlendName.c_str(), coeff);
+GrGLEffect::EffectKey GrGLBicubicEffect::GenKey(const GrDrawEffect& drawEffect, const GrGLCaps&) {
+    const GrBicubicEffect& bicubic = drawEffect.castEffect<GrBicubicEffect>();
+    EffectKey matrixKey = GrGLEffectMatrix::GenKey(bicubic.getMatrix(),
+                                                   drawEffect,
+                                                   bicubic.coordsType(),
+                                                   bicubic.texture(0));
+    return matrixKey;
+void GrGLBicubicEffect::setData(const GrGLUniformManager& uman,
+                                const GrDrawEffect& drawEffect) {
+    const GrBicubicEffect& effect = drawEffect.castEffect<GrBicubicEffect>();
+    GrTexture& texture = *effect.texture(0);
+    float imageIncrement[2];
+    imageIncrement[0] = 1.0f / texture.width();
+    imageIncrement[1] = 1.0f / texture.height();
+    uman.set2fv(fImageIncrementUni, 0, 1, imageIncrement);
+    uman.setMatrix4f(fCoefficientsUni, effect.coefficients());
+    fEffectMatrix.setData(uman,
+                          effect.getMatrix(),
+                          drawEffect,
+                          effect.texture(0));
+GrBicubicEffect::GrBicubicEffect(GrTexture* texture,
+                                 const SkScalar coefficients[16])
+  : INHERITED(texture, MakeDivByTextureWHMatrix(texture)) {
+    for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
+        for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
+            // Convert from row-major scalars to column-major floats.
+            fCoefficients[x * 4 + y] = SkScalarToFloat(coefficients[y * 4 + x]);
+        }
+    }
+GrBicubicEffect::GrBicubicEffect(GrTexture* texture,
+                                 const SkScalar coefficients[16],
+                                 const SkMatrix &matrix,
+                                 const GrTextureParams &params,
+                                 CoordsType coordsType)
+  : INHERITED(texture, MakeDivByTextureWHMatrix(texture), params, coordsType) {
+    for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
+        for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
+            // Convert from row-major scalars to column-major floats.
+            fCoefficients[x * 4 + y] = SkScalarToFloat(coefficients[y * 4 + x]);
+        }
+    }
+GrBicubicEffect::~GrBicubicEffect() {
+const GrBackendEffectFactory& GrBicubicEffect::getFactory() const {
+    return GrTBackendEffectFactory<GrBicubicEffect>::getInstance();
+bool GrBicubicEffect::onIsEqual(const GrEffect& sBase) const {
+    const GrBicubicEffect& s = CastEffect<GrBicubicEffect>(sBase);
+    return this->texture(0) == s.texture(0) &&
+           !memcmp(fCoefficients, s.coefficients(), 16);
+void GrBicubicEffect::getConstantColorComponents(GrColor* color, uint32_t* validFlags) const {
+    // FIXME:  Perhaps we can do better.
+    *validFlags = 0;
+    return;
+GrEffectRef* GrBicubicEffect::TestCreate(SkMWCRandom* random,
+                                         GrContext* context,
+                                         const GrDrawTargetCaps&,
+                                         GrTexture* textures[]) {
+    int texIdx = random->nextBool() ? GrEffectUnitTest::kSkiaPMTextureIdx :
+                                      GrEffectUnitTest::kAlphaTextureIdx;
+    SkScalar coefficients[16];
+    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+        coefficients[i] = random->nextSScalar1();
+    }
+    return GrBicubicEffect::Create(textures[texIdx], coefficients);
diff --git a/gpu/effects/GrBicubicEffect.h b/gpu/effects/GrBicubicEffect.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..618ef1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gpu/effects/GrBicubicEffect.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ * Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+#ifndef GrBicubicTextureEffect_DEFINED
+#define GrBicubicTextureEffect_DEFINED
+#include "GrSingleTextureEffect.h"
+#include "GrDrawEffect.h"
+#include "gl/GrGLEffect.h"
+#include "gl/GrGLEffectMatrix.h"
+#include "GrTBackendEffectFactory.h"
+class GrGLBicubicEffect;
+class GrBicubicEffect : public GrSingleTextureEffect {
+    virtual ~GrBicubicEffect();
+    static const char* Name() { return "Bicubic"; }
+    const float* coefficients() const { return fCoefficients; }
+    typedef GrGLBicubicEffect GLEffect;
+    virtual const GrBackendEffectFactory& getFactory() const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void getConstantColorComponents(GrColor* color, uint32_t* validFlags) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    static GrEffectRef* Create(GrTexture* tex, const SkScalar coefficients[16]) {
+        AutoEffectUnref effect(SkNEW_ARGS(GrBicubicEffect, (tex, coefficients)));
+        return CreateEffectRef(effect);
+    }
+    static GrEffectRef* Create(GrTexture* tex, const SkScalar coefficients[16], 
+                               const SkMatrix& matrix,
+                               const GrTextureParams& p,
+                               CoordsType coordsType = kLocal_CoordsType) {
+        AutoEffectUnref effect(SkNEW_ARGS(GrBicubicEffect, (tex, coefficients, matrix, p, coordsType)));
+        return CreateEffectRef(effect);
+    }
+    static GrEffectRef* Create(GrTexture* tex) {
+        return Create(tex, gMitchellCoefficients);
+    }
+    static GrEffectRef* Create(GrTexture* tex, 
+                               const SkMatrix& matrix,
+                               const GrTextureParams& p,
+                               CoordsType coordsType = kLocal_CoordsType) {
+        return Create(tex, gMitchellCoefficients, matrix, p, coordsType);
+    }
+    GrBicubicEffect(GrTexture*, const SkScalar coefficients[16]);
+    GrBicubicEffect(GrTexture*, const SkScalar coefficients[16], 
+                    const SkMatrix &matrix, const GrTextureParams &p, CoordsType coordsType);
+    virtual bool onIsEqual(const GrEffect&) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    float    fCoefficients[16];
+    static const SkScalar gMitchellCoefficients[16];
+    typedef GrSingleTextureEffect INHERITED;