blob: 251ad3a8568c0643e261e2a8ab7dfb9c3323f8f9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkPicturePlayback_DEFINED
#define SkPicturePlayback_DEFINED
#include "SkTypes.h"
class SkBitmap;
class SkCanvas;
class SkDrawPictureCallback;
class SkPaint;
class SkPictureData;
class SkPicturePlayback : SkNoncopyable {
SkPicturePlayback(const SkPicture* picture)
: fPictureData(picture->fData.get())
, fCurOffset(0)
, fUseBBH(true)
, fStart(0)
, fStop(0)
, fReplacements(NULL) {
virtual ~SkPicturePlayback() { }
void draw(SkCanvas* canvas, SkDrawPictureCallback*);
// Return the ID of the operation currently being executed when playing
// back. 0 indicates no call is active.
size_t curOpID() const { return fCurOffset; }
void resetOpID() { fCurOffset = 0; }
void setUseBBH(bool useBBH) { fUseBBH = useBBH; }
// Limit the opcode playback to be between the offsets 'start' and 'stop'.
// The opcode at 'start' should be a saveLayer while the opcode at
// 'stop' should be a restore. Neither of those commands will be issued.
// Set both start & stop to 0 to disable draw limiting
// Draw limiting cannot be enabled at the same time as draw replacing
void setDrawLimits(size_t start, size_t stop) {
SkASSERT(NULL == fReplacements);
fStart = start;
fStop = stop;
// PlaybackReplacements collects op ranges that can be replaced with
// a single drawBitmap call (using a precomputed bitmap).
class PlaybackReplacements {
// All the operations between fStart and fStop (inclusive) will be replaced with
// a single drawBitmap call using fPos, fBM and fPaint.
// fPaint will be NULL if the picture's paint wasn't copyable
struct ReplacementInfo {
size_t fStart;
size_t fStop;
SkIPoint fPos;
SkBitmap* fBM; // fBM is allocated so ReplacementInfo can remain POD
const SkPaint* fPaint; // Note: this object doesn't own the paint
SkIRect fSrcRect;
~PlaybackReplacements() { this->freeAll(); }
// Add a new replacement range. The replacement ranges should be
// sorted in increasing order and non-overlapping (esp. no nested
// saveLayers).
ReplacementInfo* push();
friend class SkPicturePlayback; // for access to lookupByStart
// look up a replacement range by its start offset
ReplacementInfo* lookupByStart(size_t start);
void freeAll();
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
void validate() const;
SkTDArray<ReplacementInfo> fReplacements;
// Replace all the draw ops in the replacement ranges in 'replacements' with
// the associated drawBitmap call
// Draw replacing cannot be enabled at the same time as draw limiting
void setReplacements(PlaybackReplacements* replacements) {
SkASSERT(fStart == 0 && fStop == 0);
fReplacements = replacements;
const SkPictureData* fPictureData;
// The offset of the current operation when within the draw method
size_t fCurOffset;
bool fUseBBH;
size_t fStart;
size_t fStop;
PlaybackReplacements* fReplacements;
virtual bool preDraw(int opIndex, int type) { return false; }
virtual void postDraw(int opIndex) { }
typedef SkNoncopyable INHERITED;