Revert of Benchmark designed to exercise fractional image scale/translation (patchset #2 of

Reason for revert:
fires asserts on Linux Debug builds

Original issue's description:
> Benchmark designed to exercise fractional image scale/translation
> BUG=skia:
> Committed:,,


Review URL:
diff --git a/bench/BitmapFractionalBench.cpp b/bench/BitmapFractionalBench.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 601e830..0000000
--- a/bench/BitmapFractionalBench.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include "Benchmark.h"
-#include "SkBlurMask.h"
-#include "SkCanvas.h"
-#include "SkPaint.h"
-#include "SkRandom.h"
-#include "SkShader.h"
-#include "SkString.h"
-class BitmapFractionalBench: public Benchmark {
-    int                  fInputSize;
-    int                  fOutputSize;
-    SkPaint::FilterLevel fFilterLevel;
-    SkString             fName;
-    BitmapFractionalBench( int is, const char *name, SkPaint::FilterLevel filterLevel )  {
-        fInputSize = is;
-        fOutputSize = 2*is;
-        fFilterLevel = filterLevel;
-        fName.printf( "bitmap_fractional_bench_%s", name );
-    }
-    SkBitmap fInputBitmap, fOutputBitmap;
-    SkMatrix fMatrix;
-    virtual const char* onGetName() {
-        return fName.c_str();
-    }
-    int inputSize() const {
-        return fInputSize;
-    }
-    int outputSize() const {
-        return fOutputSize;
-    }
-    SkIPoint onGetSize() SK_OVERRIDE {
-        return SkIPoint::Make( fOutputSize, fOutputSize );
-    }
-    virtual void onPreDraw() {
-        fInputBitmap.allocN32Pixels(fInputSize, fInputSize, true);
-        fInputBitmap.eraseColor(SK_ColorWHITE);
-        fOutputBitmap.allocN32Pixels(fOutputSize, fOutputSize, true);
-    }
-    virtual void onDraw(const int loops, SkCanvas*) {
-        SkPaint paint;
-        this->setupPaint(&paint);
-        preBenchSetup();
-        SkCanvas canvas( fOutputBitmap );
-        paint.setFilterLevel(fFilterLevel);
-        fInputBitmap.notifyPixelsChanged();
-        for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++) {
-            // up-scale the image by a variety of close, fractional scales
-            for (int j = 0 ; j < 20 ; j++) {
-                fMatrix = SkMatrix::I();
-                fMatrix.setScale( 1 + j/500.f, 1 + j/500.f );
-                canvas.drawBitmapMatrix( fInputBitmap, fMatrix, &paint );
-            }
-            // down-scale the image by a variety of close, fractional scales
-            for (int j = 0 ; j < 20 ; j++) {
-                fMatrix = SkMatrix::I();
-                fMatrix.setScale( 1 - j/500.f, 1 - j/500.f );
-                canvas.drawBitmapMatrix( fInputBitmap, fMatrix, &paint );
-            }
-            // Now try some fractional translates
-            for (int j = 0 ; j < 20 ; j++) {
-                fMatrix = SkMatrix::I();
-                fMatrix.setTranslate( j/3.f, j/3.f );
-                canvas.drawBitmapMatrix( fInputBitmap, fMatrix, &paint );
-            }
-            // Finally, some fractional translates with non-identity scale.
-            for (int j = 0 ; j < 20 ; j++) {
-                fMatrix = SkMatrix::I();
-                fMatrix.setTranslate( j/3.f, j/3.f );
-                fMatrix.preScale( 1.5f, 1.5f );
-                canvas.drawBitmapMatrix( fInputBitmap, fMatrix, &paint );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    virtual void preBenchSetup() {}
-    typedef Benchmark INHERITED;
-DEF_BENCH(return new BitmapFractionalBench(256, "high", SkPaint::kHigh_FilterLevel);)
-DEF_BENCH(return new BitmapFractionalBench(256, "medium", SkPaint::kMedium_FilterLevel);)
-DEF_BENCH(return new BitmapFractionalBench(256, "low", SkPaint::kLow_FilterLevel);)
diff --git a/gyp/bench.gypi b/gyp/bench.gypi
index bc9c0d9..92e0574 100644
--- a/gyp/bench.gypi
+++ b/gyp/bench.gypi
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
-    '../bench/BitmapFractionalBench.cpp',