Small tweaks and a bug fix.

Bug fixed: I was calling paint->canComputeFastBounds() where I should have been calling fSaveStack[i].paint->canComputeFastBounds().

This suggested I factor out the paint adjusting code, now called AdjustForPaint().  This removes the getImageFilter() check for SaveLayers, which seems like an optimization we can add back later if it proves important.

We're going to want to intersect the bounds with the current clip bounds eventually, so might as well land that here too.

Plus, more const.



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diff --git a/src/core/SkRecordDraw.cpp b/src/core/SkRecordDraw.cpp
index 17ac0d9..e7c9575 100644
--- a/src/core/SkRecordDraw.cpp
+++ b/src/core/SkRecordDraw.cpp
@@ -239,32 +239,39 @@
     // TODO: Remove this default when done bounding all ops.
-    template <typename T> SkIRect bounds(const T&) { return fCurrentClipBounds; }
-    SkIRect bounds(const Clear&) { return SkIRect::MakeLargest(); }  // Ignores the clip
-    SkIRect bounds(const NoOp&)  { return SkIRect::MakeEmpty(); }    // NoOps don't draw anywhere.
+    template <typename T> SkIRect bounds(const T&) const { return fCurrentClipBounds; }
+    SkIRect bounds(const Clear&) const { return SkIRect::MakeLargest(); }  // Ignores the clip
+    SkIRect bounds(const NoOp&)  const { return SkIRect::MakeEmpty(); }    // NoOps don't draw.
-    // Adjust rect for all paints that may affect its geometry, then map it to device space.
-    SkIRect adjustAndMap(SkRect rect, const SkPaint* paint) {
-        // Adjust rect for its own paint.
+    // Returns true if rect was meaningfully adjusted for the effects of paint,
+    // false if the paint could affect the rect in unknown ways.
+    static bool AdjustForPaint(const SkPaint* paint, SkRect* rect) {
         if (paint) {
             if (paint->canComputeFastBounds()) {
-                rect = paint->computeFastBounds(rect, &rect);
-            } else {
-                // The paint could do anything.  The only safe answer is the current clip.
-                return fCurrentClipBounds;
+                *rect = paint->computeFastBounds(*rect, rect);
+                return true;
+            return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    // Adjust rect for all paints that may affect its geometry, then map it to device space.
+    SkIRect adjustAndMap(SkRect rect, const SkPaint* paint) const {
+        // Inverted rectangles really confuse our BBHs.
+        rect.sort();
+        // Adjust the rect for its own paint.
+        if (!AdjustForPaint(paint, &rect)) {
+            // The paint could do anything to our bounds.  The only safe answer is the current clip.
+            return fCurrentClipBounds;
         // Adjust rect for all the paints from the SaveLayers we're inside.
-        // For SaveLayers, only image filters will affect the bounds.
         for (int i = fSaveStack.count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-            if (fSaveStack[i].paint && fSaveStack[i].paint->getImageFilter()) {
-                if (paint->canComputeFastBounds()) {
-                    rect = fSaveStack[i].paint->computeFastBounds(rect, &rect);
-                } else {
-                    // Same deal as above.
-                    return fCurrentClipBounds;
-                }
+            if (!AdjustForPaint(fSaveStack[i].paint, &rect)) {
+                // Same deal as above.
+                return fCurrentClipBounds;
@@ -272,6 +279,10 @@
         SkIRect devRect;
+        // Nothing can draw outside the current clip.
+        // (Only bounded ops call into this method, so oddballs like Clear don't matter here.)
+        devRect.intersect(fCurrentClipBounds);
         return devRect;