blob: 325233a761f654f9697281ee2239bc066c1c144c [file] [log] [blame]
Name: libvpx
Version: v1.3.0
License: BSD
License File: source/libvpx/LICENSE
Security Critical: yes
Date: Thursday May 1 2014
Branch: master
Commit: 6653769a02870fd4f861902be8200f8dc0571bb4
Contains the sources used to compile libvpx binaries used by Google Chrome and
The libvpx source is from
Notes on updating libvpx source code.
Please follow these steps to update libvpx source code:
1. Update libvpx source tree. Look for "Current HEAD: <hash>" output to update
README.chromium. Look for "git log from upstream: <git log>" output to add
to the commit message.
./ [branch name]
2. Generate updated .gypi and config files.
3. Update this README with any Version, Date, Branch, and Commit changes. The
version is in the file source/config/vpx_version.h
4. Commit the changes in root (I.e README & .gypi files), source/libvpx, and
source/config directories. The commit message should look like this:
libvpx: Pull from upstream
Current HEAD: <hash>
git log from upstream:
a6b2070 <git commit message 1>
08dabbc <git commit message 2>
c29fb02 <git commit message 3>
Tools needed to build libvpx:
Generate config and .gypi files that contain the source list for each platform.
Configuration for the build is taken from vpx_config.h for each platform.
A tool to verify vpx_config.h and vpx_config.asm are matched. This also
prints the final configuration after checking.
Unpack a static library of .a type. This tool takes a list of possible
locations of the library file and extract the content.
A copy utility from a list of candidate locations.