arm: Always build the NEON SIMD code when targetting ARMv7-A devices.

The libjpeg_turbo library only uses the NEON SIMD code path when it
determines at runtime that the CPU supports it. Always enable it when
targetting ARMv7-A devices.

Tested on a Motorola Xoom (Tegra2, thus no Neon) and on a Nexus S
(supports Neon).

Benchmarking shows a x1.48 decoding performance improvement on the
Nexus S, and x1.09 on a Galaxy Nexus.


The original change is created by
Review URL:

git-svn-id: 4ff67af0-8c30-449e-8e8b-ad334ec8d88c
diff --git a/libjpeg.gyp b/libjpeg.gyp
index f9dd9dd..411cb09 100644
--- a/libjpeg.gyp
+++ b/libjpeg.gyp
@@ -155,10 +155,12 @@
-            # The ARM SIMD implementation requires the Neon instruction set.
+            # The ARM SIMD implementation can be used for devices that support
+            # the NEON instruction set. This is done dynamically by probing CPU
+            # features at runtime, so always compile it for ARMv7-A devices.
             [ 'target_arch=="arm"', {
               'conditions': [
-                [ 'arm_neon==1', {
+                [ 'armv7 == 1 or arm_neon == 1', {
                   'sources': [