blob: dcc60502f36b83ab33ff71dd939a2d42cdbba144 [file] [log] [blame]
Name: libjpeg-turbo
License File: LICENSE.txt
This consists of three components:
* A partial copy of libjpeg-turbo-1.0.1 with one small additional fix - r324 from
* A build file (libjpeg.gyp), and;
* Patched header files used by Chromium.
This libjpeg-turbo can replace our libjpeg-6b without any modifications in the
Chromium code.
Same as our copy of libjpeg-6b, this libjpeg-turbo also added a new file
jpeglibmangler.h and included it from jpeglib.h that changes the names of all
externally visible functions to chromium_* so that we can avoid conflicts that
arise when system libraries attempt to use our libjpeg. The 'google.patch' file
represents our changes from the original libjpeg-turbo-1.0.1.