blob: c02a06354fc04f72bc3426e4a2b3530549234f14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2002-2010 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Implement the top-level of interface to the compiler/linker,
// as defined in ShaderLang.h
#include "GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h"
#include "Initialize.h"
#include "InitializeDll.h"
#include "ParseHelper.h"
#include "ShHandle.h"
#include "SymbolTable.h"
// A symbol table for each language. Each has a different
// set of built-ins, and we want to preserve that from
// compile to compile.
TSymbolTable SymbolTables[EShLangCount];
TPoolAllocator* PerProcessGPA = 0;
// This is the platform independent interface between an OGL driver
// and the shading language compiler/linker.
// Driver must call this first, once, before doing any other
// compiler/linker operations.
int ShInitialize()
TInfoSink infoSink;
bool ret = true;
if (!InitProcess())
return 0;
// This method should be called once per process. If its called by multiple threads, then
// we need to have thread synchronization code around the initialization of per process
// global pool allocator
if (!PerProcessGPA) {
TPoolAllocator *builtInPoolAllocator = new TPoolAllocator(true);
TPoolAllocator* gPoolAllocator = &GlobalPoolAllocator;
TSymbolTable symTables[EShLangCount];
GenerateBuiltInSymbolTable(0, infoSink, symTables);
PerProcessGPA = new TPoolAllocator(true);
delete builtInPoolAllocator;
return ret ? 1 : 0;
// Driver calls these to create and destroy compiler/linker
// objects.
ShHandle ShConstructCompiler(const EShLanguage language, int debugOptions)
if (!InitThread())
return 0;
TShHandleBase* base = static_cast<TShHandleBase*>(ConstructCompiler(language, debugOptions));
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(base);
ShHandle ShConstructLinker(const EShExecutable executable, int debugOptions)
if (!InitThread())
return 0;
TShHandleBase* base = static_cast<TShHandleBase*>(ConstructLinker(executable, debugOptions));
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(base);
ShHandle ShConstructUniformMap()
if (!InitThread())
return 0;
TShHandleBase* base = static_cast<TShHandleBase*>(ConstructUniformMap());
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(base);
void ShDestruct(ShHandle handle)
if (handle == 0)
TShHandleBase* base = static_cast<TShHandleBase*>(handle);
if (base->getAsCompiler())
else if (base->getAsLinker())
else if (base->getAsUniformMap())
// Cleanup symbol tables
int __fastcall ShFinalize()
if (PerProcessGPA) {
delete PerProcessGPA;
return 1;
bool GenerateBuiltInSymbolTable(const TBuiltInResource* resources, TInfoSink& infoSink, TSymbolTable* symbolTables, EShLanguage language)
TBuiltIns builtIns;
if (resources) {
InitializeSymbolTable(builtIns.getBuiltInStrings(), language, infoSink, resources, symbolTables);
} else {
InitializeSymbolTable(builtIns.getBuiltInStrings(), EShLangVertex, infoSink, resources, symbolTables);
InitializeSymbolTable(builtIns.getBuiltInStrings(), EShLangFragment, infoSink, resources, symbolTables);
return true;
bool InitializeSymbolTable(TBuiltInStrings* BuiltInStrings, EShLanguage language, TInfoSink& infoSink, const TBuiltInResource* resources, TSymbolTable* symbolTables)
TIntermediate intermediate(infoSink);
TSymbolTable* symbolTable;
if (resources)
symbolTable = symbolTables;
symbolTable = &symbolTables[language];
TParseContext parseContext(*symbolTable, intermediate, language, infoSink);
GlobalParseContext = &parseContext;
assert(symbolTable->isEmpty() || symbolTable->atSharedBuiltInLevel());
// Parse the built-ins. This should only happen once per
// language symbol table.
// Push the symbol table to give it an initial scope. This
// push should not have a corresponding pop, so that built-ins
// are preserved, and the test for an empty table fails.
//Initialize the Preprocessor
int ret = InitPreprocessor();
if (ret) {, "Unable to intialize the Preprocessor");
return false;
for (TBuiltInStrings::iterator i = BuiltInStrings[parseContext.language].begin();
i != BuiltInStrings[parseContext.language].end();
++i) {
const char* builtInShaders[1];
int builtInLengths[1];
builtInShaders[0] = (*i).c_str();
builtInLengths[0] = (int) (*i).size();
if (PaParseStrings(const_cast<char**>(builtInShaders), builtInLengths, 1, parseContext) != 0) {, "Unable to parse built-ins");
return false;
if (resources) {
IdentifyBuiltIns(parseContext.language, *symbolTable, *resources);
} else {
IdentifyBuiltIns(parseContext.language, *symbolTable);
return true;
// Do an actual compile on the given strings. The result is left
// in the given compile object.
// Return: The return value of ShCompile is really boolean, indicating
// success or failure.
int ShCompile(
const ShHandle handle,
const char* const shaderStrings[],
const int numStrings,
const EShOptimizationLevel optLevel,
const TBuiltInResource* resources,
int debugOptions
if (!InitThread())
return 0;
if (handle == 0)
return 0;
TShHandleBase* base = reinterpret_cast<TShHandleBase*>(handle);
TCompiler* compiler = base->getAsCompiler();
if (compiler == 0)
return 0;
TInfoSink& infoSink = compiler->infoSink;;
if (numStrings == 0)
return 1;
TIntermediate intermediate(infoSink);
TSymbolTable symbolTable(SymbolTables[compiler->getLanguage()]);
GenerateBuiltInSymbolTable(resources, infoSink, &symbolTable, compiler->getLanguage());
TParseContext parseContext(symbolTable, intermediate, compiler->getLanguage(), infoSink);
GlobalParseContext = &parseContext;
// Parse the application's shaders. All the following symbol table
// work will be throw-away, so push a new allocation scope that can
// be thrown away, then push a scope for the current shader's globals.
bool success = true;
if (!symbolTable.atGlobalLevel()), "Wrong symbol table level");
int ret = PaParseStrings(const_cast<char**>(shaderStrings), 0, numStrings, parseContext);
if (ret)
success = false;
if (success && parseContext.treeRoot) {
if (optLevel == EShOptNoGeneration), "No errors. No code generation or linking was requested.");
else {
success = intermediate.postProcess(parseContext.treeRoot, parseContext.language);
if (success) {
if (debugOptions & EDebugOpIntermediate)
// Call the machine dependent compiler
if (!compiler->compile(parseContext.treeRoot))
success = false;
} else if (!success) {; << parseContext.numErrors << " compilation errors. No code generated.\n\n";
success = false;
if (debugOptions & EDebugOpIntermediate)
// Ensure symbol table is returned to the built-in level,
// throwing away all but the built-ins.
while (! symbolTable.atSharedBuiltInLevel())
// Throw away all the temporary memory used by the compilation process.
return success ? 1 : 0;
// Do an actual link on the given compile objects.
// Return: The return value of is really boolean, indicating
// success or failure.
int ShLink(
const ShHandle linkHandle,
const ShHandle compHandles[],
const int numHandles,
ShHandle uniformMapHandle,
short int** uniformsAccessed,
int* numUniformsAccessed)
if (!InitThread())
return 0;
TShHandleBase* base = reinterpret_cast<TShHandleBase*>(linkHandle);
TLinker* linker = static_cast<TLinker*>(base->getAsLinker());
if (linker == 0)
return 0;
int returnValue;
returnValue = ShLinkExt(linkHandle, compHandles, numHandles);
if (returnValue)
return 1;
return 0;
// This link method will be eventually used once the ICD supports the new linker interface
int ShLinkExt(
const ShHandle linkHandle,
const ShHandle compHandles[],
const int numHandles)
if (linkHandle == 0 || numHandles == 0)
return 0;
THandleList cObjects;
{// support MSVC++6.0
for (int i = 0; i < numHandles; ++i) {
if (compHandles[i] == 0)
return 0;
TShHandleBase* base = reinterpret_cast<TShHandleBase*>(compHandles[i]);
if (base->getAsLinker()) {
if (base->getAsCompiler())
if (cObjects[i] == 0)
return 0;
TShHandleBase* base = reinterpret_cast<TShHandleBase*>(linkHandle);
TLinker* linker = static_cast<TLinker*>(base->getAsLinker());
if (linker == 0)
return 0;
{// support MSVC++6.0
for (int i = 0; i < numHandles; ++i) {
if (cObjects[i]->getAsCompiler()) {
if (! cObjects[i]->getAsCompiler()->linkable()) {
linker->, "Not all shaders have valid object code.");
return 0;
bool ret = linker->link(cObjects);
return ret ? 1 : 0;
// ShSetEncrpytionMethod is a place-holder for specifying
// how source code is encrypted.
void ShSetEncryptionMethod(ShHandle handle)
if (handle == 0)
// Return any compiler/linker/uniformmap log of messages for the application.
const char* ShGetInfoLog(const ShHandle handle)
if (!InitThread())
return 0;
if (handle == 0)
return 0;
TShHandleBase* base = static_cast<TShHandleBase*>(handle);
TInfoSink* infoSink;
if (base->getAsCompiler())
infoSink = &(base->getAsCompiler()->getInfoSink());
else if (base->getAsLinker())
infoSink = &(base->getAsLinker()->getInfoSink());
infoSink->info << infoSink->debug.c_str();
return infoSink->info.c_str();
// Return any unlinked object code.
const char* ShGetObjectCode(const ShHandle handle)
if (!InitThread())
return 0;
if (handle == 0)
return 0;
TShHandleBase* base = static_cast<TShHandleBase*>(handle);
TInfoSink* infoSink;
if (base->getAsCompiler())
infoSink = &(base->getAsCompiler()->getInfoSink());
return infoSink->obj.c_str();
// Return the resulting binary code from the link process. Structure
// is machine dependent.
const void* ShGetExecutable(const ShHandle handle)
if (!InitThread())
return 0;
if (handle == 0)
return 0;
TShHandleBase* base = reinterpret_cast<TShHandleBase*>(handle);
TLinker* linker = static_cast<TLinker*>(base->getAsLinker());
if (linker == 0)
return 0;
return linker->getObjectCode();
// Let the linker know where the application said it's attributes are bound.
// The linker does not use these values, they are remapped by the ICD or
// hardware. It just needs them to know what's aliased.
// Return: The return value of is really boolean, indicating
// success or failure.
int ShSetVirtualAttributeBindings(const ShHandle handle, const ShBindingTable* table)
if (!InitThread())
return 0;
if (handle == 0)
return 0;
TShHandleBase* base = reinterpret_cast<TShHandleBase*>(handle);
TLinker* linker = static_cast<TLinker*>(base->getAsLinker());
if (linker == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
// Let the linker know where the predefined attributes have to live.
int ShSetFixedAttributeBindings(const ShHandle handle, const ShBindingTable* table)
if (!InitThread())
return 0;
if (handle == 0)
return 0;
TShHandleBase* base = reinterpret_cast<TShHandleBase*>(handle);
TLinker* linker = static_cast<TLinker*>(base->getAsLinker());
if (linker == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
// Some attribute locations are off-limits to the linker...
int ShExcludeAttributes(const ShHandle handle, int *attributes, int count)
if (!InitThread())
return 0;
if (handle == 0)
return 0;
TShHandleBase* base = reinterpret_cast<TShHandleBase*>(handle);
TLinker* linker = static_cast<TLinker*>(base->getAsLinker());
if (linker == 0)
return 0;
linker->setExcludedAttributes(attributes, count);
return 1;
// Return the index for OpenGL to use for knowing where a uniform lives.
// Return: The return value of is really boolean, indicating
// success or failure.
int ShGetUniformLocation(const ShHandle handle, const char* name)
if (!InitThread())
return 0;
if (handle == 0)
return -1;
TShHandleBase* base = reinterpret_cast<TShHandleBase*>(handle);
TUniformMap* uniformMap= base->getAsUniformMap();
if (uniformMap == 0)
return -1;
return uniformMap->getLocation(name);