blob: a7950b9900ca75bf50b79f13259eb908be4b9d91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2002-2011 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "compiler/BuiltInFunctionEmulator.h"
#include "compiler/SymbolTable.h"
namespace {
// we use macros here instead of function definitions to work around more GLSL
// compiler bugs, in particular on NVIDIA hardware on Mac OSX. Macros are
// problematic because if the argument has side-effects they will be repeatedly
// evaluated. This is unlikely to show up in real shaders, but is something to
// consider.
const char* kFunctionEmulationVertexSource[] = {
"#error no emulation for atan(float, float)",
"vec2 webgl_atan_emu(vec2 y, vec2 x) { return vec2(atan(y[0], x[0]), atan(y[1], x[1])); }",
"vec3 webgl_atan_emu(vec3 y, vec3 x) { return vec3(atan(y[0], x[0]), atan(y[1], x[1]), atan(y[2], x[2])); }",
"vec4 webgl_atan_emu(vec4 y, vec4 x) { return vec4(atan(y[0], x[0]), atan(y[1], x[1]), atan(y[2], x[2]), atan(y[3], x[3])); }",
"#error no emulation for cos(float)",
"#error no emulation for cos(vec2)",
"#error no emulation for cos(vec3)",
"#error no emulation for cos(vec4)",
"#define webgl_distance_emu(x, y) ((x) >= (y) ? (x) - (y) : (y) - (x))",
"#error no emulation for distance(vec2, vec2)",
"#error no emulation for distance(vec3, vec3)",
"#error no emulation for distance(vec4, vec4)",
"#define webgl_dot_emu(x, y) ((x) * (y))",
"#error no emulation for dot(vec2, vec2)",
"#error no emulation for dot(vec3, vec3)",
"#error no emulation for dot(vec4, vec4)",
"#define webgl_length_emu(x) ((x) >= 0.0 ? (x) : -(x))",
"#error no emulation for length(vec2)",
"#error no emulation for length(vec3)",
"#error no emulation for length(vec4)",
"#error no emulation for mod(float, float)",
"vec2 webgl_mod_emu(vec2 x, vec2 y) { return vec2(mod(x[0], y[0]), mod(x[1], y[1])); }",
"vec3 webgl_mod_emu(vec3 x, vec3 y) { return vec3(mod(x[0], y[0]), mod(x[1], y[1]), mod(x[2], y[2])); }",
"vec4 webgl_mod_emu(vec4 x, vec4 y) { return vec4(mod(x[0], y[0]), mod(x[1], y[1]), mod(x[2], y[2]), mod(x[3], y[3])); }",
"#define webgl_normalize_emu(x) ((x) == 0.0 ? 0.0 : ((x) > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0))",
"#error no emulation for normalize(vec2)",
"#error no emulation for normalize(vec3)",
"#error no emulation for normalize(vec4)",
"#define webgl_reflect_emu(I, N) ((I) - 2.0 * (N) * (I) * (N))",
"#error no emulation for reflect(vec2, vec2)",
"#error no emulation for reflect(vec3, vec3)",
"#error no emulation for reflect(vec4, vec4)"
const char* kFunctionEmulationFragmentSource[] = {
"#error no emulation for atan(float, float)",
"#error no emulation for atan(vec2, vec2)",
"#error no emulation for atan(vec3, vec3)",
"#error no emulation for atan(vec4, vec4)",
"webgl_emu_precision float webgl_cos_emu(webgl_emu_precision float a) { return cos(a); }",
"webgl_emu_precision vec2 webgl_cos_emu(webgl_emu_precision vec2 a) { return cos(a); }",
"webgl_emu_precision vec3 webgl_cos_emu(webgl_emu_precision vec3 a) { return cos(a); }",
"webgl_emu_precision vec4 webgl_cos_emu(webgl_emu_precision vec4 a) { return cos(a); }",
"#error no emulation for distance(float, float)",
"#error no emulation for distance(vec2, vec2)",
"#error no emulation for distance(vec3, vec3)",
"#error no emulation for distance(vec4, vec4)",
"#error no emulation for dot(float, float)",
"#error no emulation for dot(vec2, vec2)",
"#error no emulation for dot(vec3, vec3)",
"#error no emulation for dot(vec4, vec4)",
"#error no emulation for length(float)",
"#error no emulation for length(vec2)",
"#error no emulation for length(vec3)",
"#error no emulation for length(vec4)",
"#error no emulation for mod(float, float)",
"#error no emulation for mod(vec2, vec2)",
"#error no emulation for mod(vec3, vec3)",
"#error no emulation for mod(vec4, vec4)",
"#error no emulation for normalize(float)",
"#error no emulation for normalize(vec2)",
"#error no emulation for normalize(vec3)",
"#error no emulation for normalize(vec4)",
"#error no emulation for reflect(float, float)",
"#error no emulation for reflect(vec2, vec2)",
"#error no emulation for reflect(vec3, vec3)",
"#error no emulation for reflect(vec4, vec4)"
const bool kFunctionEmulationVertexMask[] = {
#if defined(__APPLE__)
// Work around ATI driver bugs in Mac.
false, // TFunctionAtan1_1
false, // TFunctionAtan2_2
false, // TFunctionAtan3_3
false, // TFunctionAtan4_4
false, // TFunctionCos1
false, // TFunctionCos2
false, // TFunctionCos3
false, // TFunctionCos4
true, // TFunctionDistance1_1
false, // TFunctionDistance2_2
false, // TFunctionDistance3_3
false, // TFunctionDistance4_4
true, // TFunctionDot1_1
false, // TFunctionDot2_2
false, // TFunctionDot3_3
false, // TFunctionDot4_4
true, // TFunctionLength1
false, // TFunctionLength2
false, // TFunctionLength3
false, // TFunctionLength4
false, // TFunctionMod1_1
false, // TFunctionMod2_2
false, // TFunctionMod3_3
false, // TFunctionMod4_4
true, // TFunctionNormalize1
false, // TFunctionNormalize2
false, // TFunctionNormalize3
false, // TFunctionNormalize4
true, // TFunctionReflect1_1
false, // TFunctionReflect2_2
false, // TFunctionReflect3_3
false, // TFunctionReflect4_4
// Work around D3D driver bug in Win.
false, // TFunctionAtan1_1
true, // TFunctionAtan2_2
true, // TFunctionAtan3_3
true, // TFunctionAtan4_4
false, // TFunctionCos1
false, // TFunctionCos2
false, // TFunctionCos3
false, // TFunctionCos4
false, // TFunctionDistance1_1
false, // TFunctionDistance2_2
false, // TFunctionDistance3_3
false, // TFunctionDistance4_4
false, // TFunctionDot1_1
false, // TFunctionDot2_2
false, // TFunctionDot3_3
false, // TFunctionDot4_4
false, // TFunctionLength1
false, // TFunctionLength2
false, // TFunctionLength3
false, // TFunctionLength4
false, // TFunctionMod1_1
true, // TFunctionMod2_2
true, // TFunctionMod3_3
true, // TFunctionMod4_4
false, // TFunctionNormalize1
false, // TFunctionNormalize2
false, // TFunctionNormalize3
false, // TFunctionNormalize4
false, // TFunctionReflect1_1
false, // TFunctionReflect2_2
false, // TFunctionReflect3_3
false, // TFunctionReflect4_4
false // TFunctionUnknown
const bool kFunctionEmulationFragmentMask[] = {
false, // TFunctionAtan1_1
false, // TFunctionAtan2_2
false, // TFunctionAtan3_3
false, // TFunctionAtan4_4
#if defined(__APPLE__)
// Work around a ATI driver bug in Mac that causes crashes.
true, // TFunctionCos1
true, // TFunctionCos2
true, // TFunctionCos3
true, // TFunctionCos4
false, // TFunctionCos1
false, // TFunctionCos2
false, // TFunctionCos3
false, // TFunctionCos4
false, // TFunctionDistance1_1
false, // TFunctionDistance2_2
false, // TFunctionDistance3_3
false, // TFunctionDistance4_4
false, // TFunctionDot1_1
false, // TFunctionDot2_2
false, // TFunctionDot3_3
false, // TFunctionDot4_4
false, // TFunctionLength1
false, // TFunctionLength2
false, // TFunctionLength3
false, // TFunctionLength4
false, // TFunctionMod1_1
false, // TFunctionMod2_2
false, // TFunctionMod3_3
false, // TFunctionMod4_4
false, // TFunctionNormalize1
false, // TFunctionNormalize2
false, // TFunctionNormalize3
false, // TFunctionNormalize4
false, // TFunctionReflect1_1
false, // TFunctionReflect2_2
false, // TFunctionReflect3_3
false, // TFunctionReflect4_4
false // TFunctionUnknown
class BuiltInFunctionEmulationMarker : public TIntermTraverser {
BuiltInFunctionEmulationMarker(BuiltInFunctionEmulator& emulator)
: mEmulator(emulator)
virtual bool visitUnary(Visit visit, TIntermUnary* node)
if (visit == PreVisit) {
bool needToEmulate = mEmulator.SetFunctionCalled(
node->getOp(), node->getOperand()->getType());
if (needToEmulate)
return true;
virtual bool visitAggregate(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate* node)
if (visit == PreVisit) {
// Here we handle all the built-in functions instead of the ones we
// currently identified as problematic.
switch (node->getOp()) {
case EOpLessThan:
case EOpGreaterThan:
case EOpLessThanEqual:
case EOpGreaterThanEqual:
case EOpVectorEqual:
case EOpVectorNotEqual:
case EOpMod:
case EOpPow:
case EOpAtan:
case EOpMin:
case EOpMax:
case EOpClamp:
case EOpMix:
case EOpStep:
case EOpSmoothStep:
case EOpDistance:
case EOpDot:
case EOpCross:
case EOpFaceForward:
case EOpReflect:
case EOpRefract:
case EOpMul:
return true;
const TIntermSequence& sequence = node->getSequence();
// Right now we only handle built-in functions with two parameters.
if (sequence.size() != 2)
return true;
TIntermTyped* param1 = sequence[0]->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped* param2 = sequence[1]->getAsTyped();
if (!param1 || !param2)
return true;
bool needToEmulate = mEmulator.SetFunctionCalled(
node->getOp(), param1->getType(), param2->getType());
if (needToEmulate)
return true;
BuiltInFunctionEmulator& mEmulator;
} // anonymous namepsace
BuiltInFunctionEmulator::BuiltInFunctionEmulator(ShShaderType shaderType)
if (shaderType == SH_FRAGMENT_SHADER) {
mFunctionMask = kFunctionEmulationFragmentMask;
mFunctionSource = kFunctionEmulationFragmentSource;
} else {
mFunctionMask = kFunctionEmulationVertexMask;
mFunctionSource = kFunctionEmulationVertexSource;
bool BuiltInFunctionEmulator::SetFunctionCalled(
TOperator op, const TType& param)
TBuiltInFunction function = IdentifyFunction(op, param);
return SetFunctionCalled(function);
bool BuiltInFunctionEmulator::SetFunctionCalled(
TOperator op, const TType& param1, const TType& param2)
TBuiltInFunction function = IdentifyFunction(op, param1, param2);
return SetFunctionCalled(function);
bool BuiltInFunctionEmulator::SetFunctionCalled(
BuiltInFunctionEmulator::TBuiltInFunction function) {
if (function == TFunctionUnknown || mFunctionMask[function] == false)
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mFunctions.size(); ++i) {
if (mFunctions[i] == function)
return true;
return true;
void BuiltInFunctionEmulator::OutputEmulatedFunctionDefinition(
TInfoSinkBase& out, bool withPrecision) const
if (mFunctions.size() == 0)
out << "// BEGIN: Generated code for built-in function emulation\n\n";
if (withPrecision) {
out << "#if defined(GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH)\n"
<< "#define webgl_emu_precision highp\n"
<< "#else\n"
<< "#define webgl_emu_precision mediump\n"
<< "#endif\n\n";
} else {
out << "#define webgl_emu_precision\n\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < mFunctions.size(); ++i) {
out << mFunctionSource[mFunctions[i]] << "\n\n";
out << "// END: Generated code for built-in function emulation\n\n";
TOperator op, const TType& param)
if (param.getNominalSize() > 4)
return TFunctionUnknown;
unsigned int function = TFunctionUnknown;
switch (op) {
case EOpCos:
function = TFunctionCos1;
case EOpLength:
function = TFunctionLength1;
case EOpNormalize:
function = TFunctionNormalize1;
if (function == TFunctionUnknown)
return TFunctionUnknown;
if (param.isVector())
function += param.getNominalSize() - 1;
return static_cast<TBuiltInFunction>(function);
TOperator op, const TType& param1, const TType& param2)
// Right now for all the emulated functions with two parameters, the two
// parameters have the same type.
if (param1.isVector() != param2.isVector() ||
param1.getNominalSize() != param2.getNominalSize() ||
param1.getNominalSize() > 4)
return TFunctionUnknown;
unsigned int function = TFunctionUnknown;
switch (op) {
case EOpAtan:
function = TFunctionAtan1_1;
case EOpDistance:
function = TFunctionDistance1_1;
case EOpDot:
function = TFunctionDot1_1;
case EOpMod:
function = TFunctionMod1_1;
case EOpReflect:
function = TFunctionReflect1_1;
if (function == TFunctionUnknown)
return TFunctionUnknown;
if (param1.isVector())
function += param1.getNominalSize() - 1;
return static_cast<TBuiltInFunction>(function);
void BuiltInFunctionEmulator::MarkBuiltInFunctionsForEmulation(
TIntermNode* root)
BuiltInFunctionEmulationMarker marker(*this);
void BuiltInFunctionEmulator::Cleanup()
TString BuiltInFunctionEmulator::GetEmulatedFunctionName(
const TString& name)
ASSERT(name[name.length() - 1] == '(');
return "webgl_" + name.substr(0, name.length() - 1) + "_emu(";