blob: 2a991a67f9ed477aec58ad86ab65f5a080187ebd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// formatutils.h: Queries for GL image formats.
#include <GLES3/gl3.h>
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
#include <GLES2/gl2ext.h>
#include "libGLESv2/Caps.h"
#include "libGLESv2/angletypes.h"
typedef void (*MipGenerationFunction)(unsigned int sourceWidth, unsigned int sourceHeight, unsigned int sourceDepth,
const unsigned char *sourceData, int sourceRowPitch, int sourceDepthPitch,
unsigned char *destData, int destRowPitch, int destDepthPitch);
typedef void (*LoadImageFunction)(int width, int height, int depth,
const void *input, unsigned int inputRowPitch, unsigned int inputDepthPitch,
void *output, unsigned int outputRowPitch, unsigned int outputDepthPitch);
typedef void (*InitializeTextureDataFunction)(int width, int height, int depth,
void *output, unsigned int outputRowPitch, unsigned int outputDepthPitch);
typedef void (*ColorReadFunction)(const void *source, void *dest);
typedef void (*ColorWriteFunction)(const void *source, void *dest);
typedef void (*ColorCopyFunction)(const void *source, void *dest);
typedef void (*VertexCopyFunction)(const void *input, size_t stride, size_t count, void *output);
namespace gl
typedef std::set<GLenum> FormatSet;
bool IsValidInternalFormat(GLenum internalFormat, const Extensions &extensions, GLuint clientVersion);
bool IsValidFormat(GLenum format, GLuint clientVersion);
bool IsValidType(GLenum type, GLuint clientVersion);
bool IsValidFormatCombination(GLenum internalFormat, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLuint clientVersion);
bool IsValidCopyTexImageCombination(GLenum textureInternalFormat, GLenum frameBufferInternalFormat, GLuint readBufferHandle, GLuint clientVersion);
bool IsSizedInternalFormat(GLenum internalFormat, GLuint clientVersion);
GLenum GetSizedInternalFormat(GLenum format, GLenum type, GLuint clientVersion);
GLuint GetPixelBytes(GLenum internalFormat, GLuint clientVersion);
GLuint GetAlphaBits(GLenum internalFormat, GLuint clientVersion);
GLuint GetRedBits(GLenum internalFormat, GLuint clientVersion);
GLuint GetGreenBits(GLenum internalFormat, GLuint clientVersion);
GLuint GetBlueBits(GLenum internalFormat, GLuint clientVersion);
GLuint GetLuminanceBits(GLenum internalFormat, GLuint clientVersion);
GLuint GetDepthBits(GLenum internalFormat, GLuint clientVersion);
GLuint GetStencilBits(GLenum internalFormat, GLuint clientVersion);
GLuint GetTypeBytes(GLenum type);
bool IsSpecialInterpretationType(GLenum type);
bool IsFloatOrFixedComponentType(GLenum type);
GLenum GetFormat(GLenum internalFormat, GLuint clientVersion);
GLenum GetType(GLenum internalFormat, GLuint clientVersion);
GLenum GetComponentType(GLenum internalFormat, GLuint clientVersion);
GLuint GetComponentCount(GLenum internalFormat, GLuint clientVersion);
GLenum GetColorEncoding(GLenum internalFormat, GLuint clientVersion);
GLuint GetRowPitch(GLenum internalFormat, GLenum type, GLuint clientVersion, GLsizei width, GLint alignment);
GLuint GetDepthPitch(GLenum internalFormat, GLenum type, GLuint clientVersion, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint alignment);
GLuint GetBlockSize(GLenum internalFormat, GLenum type, GLuint clientVersion, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
bool IsFormatCompressed(GLenum internalFormat, GLuint clientVersion);
GLuint GetCompressedBlockWidth(GLenum internalFormat, GLuint clientVersion);
GLuint GetCompressedBlockHeight(GLenum internalFormat, GLuint clientVersion);
const FormatSet &GetAllSizedInternalFormats(GLuint clientVersion);
ColorWriteFunction GetColorWriteFunction(GLenum format, GLenum type, GLuint clientVersion);