blob: dfd80e2c6137fb504cd638d7a8bf338fcc0d95ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2002-2010 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Machine independent part of the compiler private objects
// sent as ShHandle to the driver.
// This should not be included by driver code.
#include "GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h"
#include "InfoSink.h"
class TCompiler;
class TLinker;
class TUniformMap;
// The base class used to back handles returned to the driver.
class TShHandleBase {
TShHandleBase() { }
virtual ~TShHandleBase() { }
virtual TCompiler* getAsCompiler() { return 0; }
virtual TLinker* getAsLinker() { return 0; }
virtual TUniformMap* getAsUniformMap() { return 0; }
// The base class for the machine dependent linker to derive from
// for managing where uniforms live.
class TUniformMap : public TShHandleBase {
TUniformMap() { }
virtual ~TUniformMap() { }
virtual TUniformMap* getAsUniformMap() { return this; }
virtual int getLocation(const char* name) = 0;
virtual TInfoSink& getInfoSink() { return infoSink; }
TInfoSink infoSink;
class TIntermNode;
// The base class for the machine dependent compiler to derive from
// for managing object code from the compile.
class TCompiler : public TShHandleBase {
TCompiler(EShLanguage l) : language(l), haveValidObjectCode(false) { }
virtual ~TCompiler() { }
EShLanguage getLanguage() { return language; }
virtual TInfoSink& getInfoSink() { return infoSink; }
virtual bool compile(TIntermNode* root) = 0;
virtual TCompiler* getAsCompiler() { return this; }
virtual bool linkable() { return haveValidObjectCode; }
TInfoSink infoSink;
EShLanguage language;
bool haveValidObjectCode;
// Link operations are base on a list of compile results...
typedef TVector<TCompiler*> TCompilerList;
typedef TVector<TShHandleBase*> THandleList;
// The base class for the machine dependent linker to derive from
// to manage the resulting executable.
class TLinker : public TShHandleBase {
TLinker(EShExecutable e) :
uniformBindings(0) { }
virtual TLinker* getAsLinker() { return this; }
virtual ~TLinker() { }
virtual bool link(TCompilerList&, TUniformMap*) = 0;
virtual bool link(THandleList&) { return false; }
virtual void setAppAttributeBindings(const ShBindingTable* t) { appAttributeBindings = t; }
virtual void setFixedAttributeBindings(const ShBindingTable* t) { fixedAttributeBindings = t; }
virtual void getAttributeBindings(ShBindingTable const **t) const = 0;
virtual void setExcludedAttributes(const int* attributes, int count) { excludedAttributes = attributes; excludedCount = count; }
virtual ShBindingTable* getUniformBindings() const { return uniformBindings; }
virtual const void* getObjectCode() const { return 0; } // a real compiler would be returning object code here
virtual TInfoSink& getInfoSink() { return infoSink; }
TInfoSink infoSink;
EShExecutable executable;
bool haveReturnableObjectCode; // true when objectCode is acceptable to send to driver
const ShBindingTable* appAttributeBindings;
const ShBindingTable* fixedAttributeBindings;
const int* excludedAttributes;
int excludedCount;
ShBindingTable* uniformBindings; // created by the linker
// This is the interface between the machine independent code
// and the machine dependent code.
// The machine dependent code should derive from the classes
// above. Then Construct*() and Delete*() will create and
// destroy the machine dependent objects, which contain the
// above machine independent information.
TCompiler* ConstructCompiler(EShLanguage, int);
TShHandleBase* ConstructLinker(EShExecutable, int);
void DeleteLinker(TShHandleBase*);
TUniformMap* ConstructUniformMap();
void DeleteCompiler(TCompiler*);
void DeleteUniformMap(TUniformMap*);