blob: a6a4e826182024d1816f6bc90e054fbc08bb154e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Rob Buis <>
* Copyright (C) 2005 Eric Seidel <>
* Copyright (C) 2009 Dirk Schulze <>
* Copyright (C) 2010 Renata Hodovan <>
* Copyright (C) 2011 Gabor Loki <>
* Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "platform/graphics/filters/FETurbulence.h"
#include "SkPerlinNoiseShader.h"
#include "SkRectShaderImageFilter.h"
#include "platform/graphics/filters/ParallelJobs.h"
#include "platform/graphics/filters/SkiaImageFilterBuilder.h"
#include "platform/text/TextStream.h"
#include "wtf/MathExtras.h"
#include "wtf/Uint8ClampedArray.h"
namespace WebCore {
Produces results in the range [1, 2**31 - 2]. Algorithm is:
r = (a * r) mod m where a = randAmplitude = 16807 and
m = randMaximum = 2**31 - 1 = 2147483647, r = seed.
See [Park & Miller], CACM vol. 31 no. 10 p. 1195, Oct. 1988
To test: the algorithm should produce the result 1043618065
as the 10,000th generated number if the original seed is 1.
static const int s_perlinNoise = 4096;
static const long s_randMaximum = 2147483647; // 2**31 - 1
static const int s_randAmplitude = 16807; // 7**5; primitive root of m
static const int s_randQ = 127773; // m / a
static const int s_randR = 2836; // m % a
FETurbulence::FETurbulence(Filter* filter, TurbulenceType type, float baseFrequencyX, float baseFrequencyY, int numOctaves, float seed, bool stitchTiles)
: FilterEffect(filter)
, m_type(type)
, m_baseFrequencyX(baseFrequencyX)
, m_baseFrequencyY(baseFrequencyY)
, m_numOctaves(numOctaves)
, m_seed(seed)
, m_stitchTiles(stitchTiles)
PassRefPtr<FETurbulence> FETurbulence::create(Filter* filter, TurbulenceType type, float baseFrequencyX, float baseFrequencyY, int numOctaves, float seed, bool stitchTiles)
return adoptRef(new FETurbulence(filter, type, baseFrequencyX, baseFrequencyY, numOctaves, seed, stitchTiles));
TurbulenceType FETurbulence::type() const
return m_type;
bool FETurbulence::setType(TurbulenceType type)
if (m_type == type)
return false;
m_type = type;
return true;
float FETurbulence::baseFrequencyY() const
return m_baseFrequencyY;
bool FETurbulence::setBaseFrequencyY(float baseFrequencyY)
if (m_baseFrequencyY == baseFrequencyY)
return false;
m_baseFrequencyY = baseFrequencyY;
return true;
float FETurbulence::baseFrequencyX() const
return m_baseFrequencyX;
bool FETurbulence::setBaseFrequencyX(float baseFrequencyX)
if (m_baseFrequencyX == baseFrequencyX)
return false;
m_baseFrequencyX = baseFrequencyX;
return true;
float FETurbulence::seed() const
return m_seed;
bool FETurbulence::setSeed(float seed)
if (m_seed == seed)
return false;
m_seed = seed;
return true;
int FETurbulence::numOctaves() const
return m_numOctaves;
bool FETurbulence::setNumOctaves(int numOctaves)
if (m_numOctaves == numOctaves)
return false;
m_numOctaves = numOctaves;
return true;
bool FETurbulence::stitchTiles() const
return m_stitchTiles;
bool FETurbulence::setStitchTiles(bool stitch)
if (m_stitchTiles == stitch)
return false;
m_stitchTiles = stitch;
return true;
// The turbulence calculation code is an adapted version of what appears in the SVG 1.1 specification:
// Compute pseudo random number.
inline long FETurbulence::PaintingData::random()
long result = s_randAmplitude * (seed % s_randQ) - s_randR * (seed / s_randQ);
if (result <= 0)
result += s_randMaximum;
seed = result;
return result;
inline float smoothCurve(float t)
return t * t * (3 - 2 * t);
inline float linearInterpolation(float t, float a, float b)
return a + t * (b - a);
inline void FETurbulence::initPaint(PaintingData& paintingData)
float normalizationFactor;
// The seed value clamp to the range [1, s_randMaximum - 1].
if (paintingData.seed <= 0)
paintingData.seed = -(paintingData.seed % (s_randMaximum - 1)) + 1;
if (paintingData.seed > s_randMaximum - 1)
paintingData.seed = s_randMaximum - 1;
float* gradient;
for (int channel = 0; channel < 4; ++channel) {
for (int i = 0; i < s_blockSize; ++i) {
paintingData.latticeSelector[i] = i;
gradient = paintingData.gradient[channel][i];
gradient[0] = static_cast<float>((paintingData.random() % (2 * s_blockSize)) - s_blockSize) / s_blockSize;
gradient[1] = static_cast<float>((paintingData.random() % (2 * s_blockSize)) - s_blockSize) / s_blockSize;
normalizationFactor = sqrtf(gradient[0] * gradient[0] + gradient[1] * gradient[1]);
gradient[0] /= normalizationFactor;
gradient[1] /= normalizationFactor;
for (int i = s_blockSize - 1; i > 0; --i) {
int k = paintingData.latticeSelector[i];
int j = paintingData.random() % s_blockSize;
ASSERT(j >= 0);
ASSERT(j < 2 * s_blockSize + 2);
paintingData.latticeSelector[i] = paintingData.latticeSelector[j];
paintingData.latticeSelector[j] = k;
for (int i = 0; i < s_blockSize + 2; ++i) {
paintingData.latticeSelector[s_blockSize + i] = paintingData.latticeSelector[i];
for (int channel = 0; channel < 4; ++channel) {
paintingData.gradient[channel][s_blockSize + i][0] = paintingData.gradient[channel][i][0];
paintingData.gradient[channel][s_blockSize + i][1] = paintingData.gradient[channel][i][1];
inline void checkNoise(int& noiseValue, int limitValue, int newValue)
if (noiseValue >= limitValue)
noiseValue -= newValue;
if (noiseValue >= limitValue - 1)
noiseValue -= newValue - 1;
float FETurbulence::noise2D(int channel, PaintingData& paintingData, StitchData& stitchData, const FloatPoint& noiseVector)
struct Noise {
int noisePositionIntegerValue;
float noisePositionFractionValue;
Noise(float component)
float position = component + s_perlinNoise;
noisePositionIntegerValue = static_cast<int>(position);
noisePositionFractionValue = position - noisePositionIntegerValue;
Noise noiseX(noiseVector.x());
Noise noiseY(noiseVector.y());
float* q;
float sx, sy, a, b, u, v;
// If stitching, adjust lattice points accordingly.
if (m_stitchTiles) {
checkNoise(noiseX.noisePositionIntegerValue, stitchData.wrapX, stitchData.width);
checkNoise(noiseY.noisePositionIntegerValue, stitchData.wrapY, stitchData.height);
noiseX.noisePositionIntegerValue &= s_blockMask;
noiseY.noisePositionIntegerValue &= s_blockMask;
int latticeIndex = paintingData.latticeSelector[noiseX.noisePositionIntegerValue];
int nextLatticeIndex = paintingData.latticeSelector[(noiseX.noisePositionIntegerValue + 1) & s_blockMask];
sx = smoothCurve(noiseX.noisePositionFractionValue);
sy = smoothCurve(noiseY.noisePositionFractionValue);
// This is taken 1:1 from SVG spec:
int temp = paintingData.latticeSelector[latticeIndex + noiseY.noisePositionIntegerValue];
q = paintingData.gradient[channel][temp];
u = noiseX.noisePositionFractionValue * q[0] + noiseY.noisePositionFractionValue * q[1];
temp = paintingData.latticeSelector[nextLatticeIndex + noiseY.noisePositionIntegerValue];
q = paintingData.gradient[channel][temp];
v = (noiseX.noisePositionFractionValue - 1) * q[0] + noiseY.noisePositionFractionValue * q[1];
a = linearInterpolation(sx, u, v);
temp = paintingData.latticeSelector[latticeIndex + noiseY.noisePositionIntegerValue + 1];
q = paintingData.gradient[channel][temp];
u = noiseX.noisePositionFractionValue * q[0] + (noiseY.noisePositionFractionValue - 1) * q[1];
temp = paintingData.latticeSelector[nextLatticeIndex + noiseY.noisePositionIntegerValue + 1];
q = paintingData.gradient[channel][temp];
v = (noiseX.noisePositionFractionValue - 1) * q[0] + (noiseY.noisePositionFractionValue - 1) * q[1];
b = linearInterpolation(sx, u, v);
return linearInterpolation(sy, a, b);
unsigned char FETurbulence::calculateTurbulenceValueForPoint(int channel, PaintingData& paintingData, StitchData& stitchData, const FloatPoint& point, float baseFrequencyX, float baseFrequencyY)
float tileWidth = paintingData.filterSize.width();
float tileHeight = paintingData.filterSize.height();
ASSERT(tileWidth > 0 && tileHeight > 0);
// Adjust the base frequencies if necessary for stitching.
if (m_stitchTiles) {
// When stitching tiled turbulence, the frequencies must be adjusted
// so that the tile borders will be continuous.
if (baseFrequencyX) {
float lowFrequency = floorf(tileWidth * baseFrequencyX) / tileWidth;
float highFrequency = ceilf(tileWidth * baseFrequencyX) / tileWidth;
// BaseFrequency should be non-negative according to the standard.
if (baseFrequencyX / lowFrequency < highFrequency / baseFrequencyX)
baseFrequencyX = lowFrequency;
baseFrequencyX = highFrequency;
if (baseFrequencyY) {
float lowFrequency = floorf(tileHeight * baseFrequencyY) / tileHeight;
float highFrequency = ceilf(tileHeight * baseFrequencyY) / tileHeight;
if (baseFrequencyY / lowFrequency < highFrequency / baseFrequencyY)
baseFrequencyY = lowFrequency;
baseFrequencyY = highFrequency;
// Set up TurbulenceInitial stitch values.
stitchData.width = roundf(tileWidth * baseFrequencyX);
stitchData.wrapX = s_perlinNoise + stitchData.width;
stitchData.height = roundf(tileHeight * baseFrequencyY);
stitchData.wrapY = s_perlinNoise + stitchData.height;
float turbulenceFunctionResult = 0;
FloatPoint noiseVector(point.x() * baseFrequencyX, point.y() * baseFrequencyY);
float ratio = 1;
for (int octave = 0; octave < m_numOctaves; ++octave) {
turbulenceFunctionResult += noise2D(channel, paintingData, stitchData, noiseVector) / ratio;
turbulenceFunctionResult += fabsf(noise2D(channel, paintingData, stitchData, noiseVector)) / ratio;
noiseVector.setX(noiseVector.x() * 2);
noiseVector.setY(noiseVector.y() * 2);
ratio *= 2;
if (m_stitchTiles) {
// Update stitch values. Subtracting s_perlinNoiseoise before the multiplication and
// adding it afterward simplifies to subtracting it once.
stitchData.width *= 2;
stitchData.wrapX = 2 * stitchData.wrapX - s_perlinNoise;
stitchData.height *= 2;
stitchData.wrapY = 2 * stitchData.wrapY - s_perlinNoise;
// The value of turbulenceFunctionResult comes from ((turbulenceFunctionResult * 255) + 255) / 2 by fractalNoise
// and (turbulenceFunctionResult * 255) by turbulence.
turbulenceFunctionResult = turbulenceFunctionResult * 0.5f + 0.5f;
// Clamp result
turbulenceFunctionResult = std::max(std::min(turbulenceFunctionResult, 1.f), 0.f);
return static_cast<unsigned char>(turbulenceFunctionResult * 255);
inline void FETurbulence::fillRegion(Uint8ClampedArray* pixelArray, PaintingData& paintingData, int startY, int endY, float baseFrequencyX, float baseFrequencyY)
IntRect filterRegion = absolutePaintRect();
IntPoint point(0, filterRegion.y() + startY);
int indexOfPixelChannel = startY * (filterRegion.width() << 2);
int channel;
StitchData stitchData;
for (int y = startY; y < endY; ++y) {
point.setY(point.y() + 1);
for (int x = 0; x < filterRegion.width(); ++x) {
point.setX(point.x() + 1);
for (channel = 0; channel < 4; ++channel, ++indexOfPixelChannel)
pixelArray->set(indexOfPixelChannel, calculateTurbulenceValueForPoint(channel, paintingData, stitchData, filter()->mapAbsolutePointToLocalPoint(point), baseFrequencyX, baseFrequencyY));
void FETurbulence::fillRegionWorker(FillRegionParameters* parameters)
parameters->filter->fillRegion(parameters->pixelArray, *parameters->paintingData, parameters->startY, parameters->endY, parameters->baseFrequencyX, parameters->baseFrequencyY);
void FETurbulence::applySoftware()
Uint8ClampedArray* pixelArray = createUnmultipliedImageResult();
if (!pixelArray)
if (absolutePaintRect().isEmpty()) {
PaintingData paintingData(m_seed, roundedIntSize(filterPrimitiveSubregion().size()));
float baseFrequencyX = 1.0f / filter()->applyHorizontalScale(1.0f / m_baseFrequencyX);
float baseFrequencyY = 1.0f / filter()->applyVerticalScale(1.0f / m_baseFrequencyY);
int optimalThreadNumber = (absolutePaintRect().width() * absolutePaintRect().height()) / s_minimalRectDimension;
if (optimalThreadNumber > 1) {
// Initialize parallel jobs
ParallelJobs<FillRegionParameters> parallelJobs(&WebCore::FETurbulence::fillRegionWorker, optimalThreadNumber);
// Fill the parameter array
int i = parallelJobs.numberOfJobs();
if (i > 1) {
// Split the job into "stepY"-sized jobs but there a few jobs that need to be slightly larger since
// stepY * jobs < total size. These extras are handled by the remainder "jobsWithExtra".
const int stepY = absolutePaintRect().height() / i;
const int jobsWithExtra = absolutePaintRect().height() % i;
int startY = 0;
for (; i > 0; --i) {
FillRegionParameters& params = parallelJobs.parameter(i-1);
params.filter = this;
params.pixelArray = pixelArray;
params.paintingData = &paintingData;
params.startY = startY;
startY += i < jobsWithExtra ? stepY + 1 : stepY;
params.endY = startY;
params.baseFrequencyX = baseFrequencyX;
params.baseFrequencyY = baseFrequencyY;
// Execute parallel jobs
// Fallback to single threaded mode if there is no room for a new thread or the paint area is too small.
fillRegion(pixelArray, paintingData, 0, absolutePaintRect().height(), baseFrequencyX, baseFrequencyY);
SkShader* FETurbulence::createShader(const IntRect& filterRegion)
const SkISize size = SkISize::Make(filterRegion.width(), filterRegion.height());
float baseFrequencyX = 1.0f / filter()->applyHorizontalScale(1.0f / m_baseFrequencyX);
const float baseFrequencyY = 1.0f / filter()->applyVerticalScale(1.0f / m_baseFrequencyY);
SkFloatToScalar(baseFrequencyY), numOctaves(), SkFloatToScalar(seed()),
stitchTiles() ? &size : 0) :
SkFloatToScalar(baseFrequencyY), numOctaves(), SkFloatToScalar(seed()),
stitchTiles() ? &size : 0);
bool FETurbulence::applySkia()
// For now, only use the skia implementation for accelerated rendering.
if (!filter()->isAccelerated())
return false;
ImageBuffer* resultImage = createImageBufferResult();
if (!resultImage)
return false;
const IntRect filterRegion(IntPoint::zero(), absolutePaintRect().size());
SkPaint paint;
resultImage->context()->drawRect((SkRect)filterRegion, paint);
return true;
PassRefPtr<SkImageFilter> FETurbulence::createImageFilter(SkiaImageFilterBuilder* builder)
SkAutoTUnref<SkShader> shader(createShader(IntRect()));
SkImageFilter::CropRect rect = getCropRect(builder->cropOffset());
return adoptRef(SkRectShaderImageFilter::Create(shader, &rect));
static TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, const TurbulenceType& type)
switch (type) {
ts << "UNKNOWN";
ts << "NOISE";
return ts;
TextStream& FETurbulence::externalRepresentation(TextStream& ts, int indent) const
writeIndent(ts, indent);
ts << "[feTurbulence";
ts << " type=\"" << type() << "\" "
<< "baseFrequency=\"" << baseFrequencyX() << ", " << baseFrequencyY() << "\" "
<< "seed=\"" << seed() << "\" "
<< "numOctaves=\"" << numOctaves() << "\" "
<< "stitchTiles=\"" << stitchTiles() << "\"]\n";
return ts;
} // namespace WebCore