blob: 5037543c6880099b9827ed081b945d1904268898 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "config.h"
#include "public/web/WebFrame.h"
#include "core/frame/RemoteFrame.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLFrameOwnerElement.h"
#include "web/OpenedFrameTracker.h"
#include "web/WebLocalFrameImpl.h"
#include "web/WebRemoteFrameImpl.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace blink {
Frame* toCoreFrame(const WebFrame* frame)
if (!frame)
return 0;
return frame->isWebLocalFrame()
? static_cast<Frame*>(toWebLocalFrameImpl(frame)->frame())
: toWebRemoteFrameImpl(frame)->frame();
void WebFrame::swap(WebFrame* frame)
using std::swap;
// All child frames must have been detached first.
ASSERT(!m_firstChild && !m_lastChild);
// The frame being swapped in should not have a blink::Frame associated
// with it yet.
if (m_parent) {
if (m_parent->m_firstChild == this)
m_parent->m_firstChild = frame;
if (m_parent->m_lastChild == this)
m_parent->m_lastChild = frame;
swap(m_parent, frame->m_parent);
if (m_previousSibling) {
m_previousSibling->m_nextSibling = frame;
swap(m_previousSibling, frame->m_previousSibling);
if (m_nextSibling) {
m_nextSibling->m_previousSibling = frame;
swap(m_nextSibling, frame->m_nextSibling);
if (m_opener) {
swap(m_opener, frame->m_opener);
if (!m_openedFrameTracker->isEmpty()) {
// Finally, clone the state of the current blink::Frame into one matching
// the type of the passed in WebFrame.
// FIXME: This is a bit clunky; this results in pointless decrements and
// increments of connected subframes.
Frame* oldFrame = toCoreFrame(this);
FrameOwner* owner = oldFrame->owner();
if (frame->isWebLocalFrame()) {
toWebLocalFrameImpl(frame)->initializeCoreFrame(oldFrame->host(), owner, oldFrame->tree().name(), nullAtom);
} else {
toWebRemoteFrameImpl(frame)->initializeCoreFrame(oldFrame->host(), owner, oldFrame->tree().name());
WebFrame* WebFrame::opener() const
return m_opener;
void WebFrame::setOpener(WebFrame* opener)
if (m_opener)
if (opener)
m_opener = opener;
void WebFrame::appendChild(WebFrame* child)
// FIXME: Original code asserts that the frames have the same Page. We
// should add an equivalent check... figure out what.
child->m_parent = this;
WebFrame* oldLast = m_lastChild;
m_lastChild = child;
if (oldLast) {
child->m_previousSibling = oldLast;
oldLast->m_nextSibling = child;
} else {
m_firstChild = child;
void WebFrame::removeChild(WebFrame* child)
child->m_parent = 0;
if (m_firstChild == child)
m_firstChild = child->m_nextSibling;
child->m_previousSibling->m_nextSibling = child->m_nextSibling;
if (m_lastChild == child)
m_lastChild = child->m_previousSibling;
child->m_nextSibling->m_previousSibling = child->m_previousSibling;
child->m_previousSibling = child->m_nextSibling = 0;
WebFrame* WebFrame::parent() const
return m_parent;
WebFrame* WebFrame::top() const
WebFrame* frame = const_cast<WebFrame*>(this);
for (WebFrame* parent = frame; parent; parent = parent->m_parent)
frame = parent;
return frame;
WebFrame* WebFrame::firstChild() const
return m_firstChild;
WebFrame* WebFrame::lastChild() const
return m_lastChild;
WebFrame* WebFrame::previousSibling() const
return m_previousSibling;
WebFrame* WebFrame::nextSibling() const
return m_nextSibling;
WebFrame* WebFrame::traversePrevious(bool wrap) const
if (Frame* frame = toCoreFrame(this))
return fromFrame(frame->tree().traversePreviousWithWrap(wrap));
return 0;
WebFrame* WebFrame::traverseNext(bool wrap) const
if (Frame* frame = toCoreFrame(this))
return fromFrame(frame->tree().traverseNextWithWrap(wrap));
return 0;
WebFrame* WebFrame::findChildByName(const WebString& name) const
Frame* frame = toCoreFrame(this);
if (!frame)
return 0;
// FIXME: It's not clear this should ever be called to find a remote frame.
// Perhaps just disallow that completely?
return fromFrame(frame->tree().child(name));
WebFrame* WebFrame::fromFrame(blink::Frame* frame)
if (!frame)
return 0;
if (frame->isLocalFrame())
return WebLocalFrameImpl::fromFrame(toLocalFrame(*frame));
return WebRemoteFrameImpl::fromFrame(toRemoteFrame(*frame));
: m_parent(0)
, m_previousSibling(0)
, m_nextSibling(0)
, m_firstChild(0)
, m_lastChild(0)
, m_opener(0)
, m_openedFrameTracker(new OpenedFrameTracker)
} // namespace blink