blob: 2d07b78f5c1ed094dca7e64aca58f1bc705cc659 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2009, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Portions are Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Other contributors:
* Robert O'Callahan <>
* David Baron <>
* Christian Biesinger <>
* Randall Jesup <>
* Roland Mainz <>
* Josh Soref <>
* Boris Zbarsky <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
* of either the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1, found at
* (the "MPL") or the GNU General Public
* License Version 2.0, found at
* (the "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the MPL or the GPL are
* applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
* version of this file only under the terms of one of those two
* licenses (the MPL or the GPL) and not to allow others to use your
* version of this file under the LGPL, indicate your decision by
* deletingthe provisions above and replace them with the notice and
* other provisions required by the MPL or the GPL, as the case may be.
* If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your
* version of this file under any of the LGPL, the MPL or the GPL.
#ifndef RenderLayer_h
#define RenderLayer_h
#include "core/rendering/LayerFragment.h"
#include "core/rendering/LayerPaintingInfo.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderBox.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderLayerClipper.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderLayerFilterInfo.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderLayerReflectionInfo.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderLayerRepainter.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderLayerScrollableArea.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderLayerStackingNode.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderLayerStackingNodeIterator.h"
#include "platform/graphics/CompositingReasons.h"
#include "public/platform/WebBlendMode.h"
#include "wtf/OwnPtr.h"
namespace blink {
class FilterEffectRenderer;
class FilterOperations;
class HitTestRequest;
class HitTestResult;
class HitTestingTransformState;
class CompositedLayerMapping;
class RenderLayerCompositor;
class RenderStyle;
class TransformationMatrix;
enum BorderRadiusClippingRule { IncludeSelfForBorderRadius, DoNotIncludeSelfForBorderRadius };
enum IncludeSelfOrNot { IncludeSelf, ExcludeSelf };
enum CompositingQueryMode {
// FIXME: remove this once the compositing query ASSERTS are no longer hit.
class DisableCompositingQueryAsserts {
TemporaryChange<CompositingQueryMode> m_disabler;
class RenderLayer {
RenderLayer(RenderLayerModelObject*, LayerType);
String debugName() const;
RenderLayerModelObject* renderer() const { return m_renderer; }
RenderBox* renderBox() const { return m_renderer && m_renderer->isBox() ? toRenderBox(m_renderer) : 0; }
RenderLayer* parent() const { return m_parent; }
RenderLayer* previousSibling() const { return m_previous; }
RenderLayer* nextSibling() const { return m_next; }
RenderLayer* firstChild() const { return m_first; }
RenderLayer* lastChild() const { return m_last; }
const RenderLayer* compositingContainer() const;
void addChild(RenderLayer* newChild, RenderLayer* beforeChild = 0);
RenderLayer* removeChild(RenderLayer*);
void removeOnlyThisLayer();
void insertOnlyThisLayer();
void styleChanged(StyleDifference, const RenderStyle* oldStyle);
// FIXME: Many people call this function while it has out-of-date information.
bool isSelfPaintingLayer() const { return m_isSelfPaintingLayer; }
void setLayerType(LayerType layerType) { m_layerType = layerType; }
bool isTransparent() const { return renderer()->isTransparent() || renderer()->hasMask(); }
RenderLayer* transparentPaintingAncestor();
void beginTransparencyLayers(GraphicsContext*, const RenderLayer* rootLayer, const LayoutRect& paintDirtyRect, const LayoutSize& subPixelAccumulation, PaintBehavior);
bool isReflection() const { return renderer()->isReplica(); }
RenderLayerReflectionInfo* reflectionInfo() { return m_reflectionInfo.get(); }
const RenderLayerReflectionInfo* reflectionInfo() const { return m_reflectionInfo.get(); }
const RenderLayer* root() const
const RenderLayer* curr = this;
while (curr->parent())
curr = curr->parent();
return curr;
LayoutPoint location() const;
IntSize size() const;
LayoutRect rect() const { return LayoutRect(location(), size()); }
bool isRootLayer() const { return m_isRootLayer; }
RenderLayerCompositor* compositor() const;
// Notification from the renderer that its content changed (e.g. current frame of image changed).
// Allows updates of layer content without invalidating paint.
void contentChanged(ContentChangeType);
void updateLayerPositionsAfterLayout();
bool isPaginated() const { return m_isPaginated; }
RenderLayer* enclosingPaginationLayer() const { return m_enclosingPaginationLayer; }
void updateTransformationMatrix();
RenderLayer* renderingContextRoot();
// Our current relative position offset.
const LayoutSize offsetForInFlowPosition() const;
void blockSelectionGapsBoundsChanged();
void addBlockSelectionGapsBounds(const LayoutRect&);
void clearBlockSelectionGapsBounds();
void invalidatePaintForBlockSelectionGaps();
IntRect blockSelectionGapsBounds() const;
bool hasBlockSelectionGapBounds() const;
RenderLayerStackingNode* stackingNode() { return m_stackingNode.get(); }
const RenderLayerStackingNode* stackingNode() const { return m_stackingNode.get(); }
bool subtreeIsInvisible() const { return !hasVisibleContent() && !hasVisibleDescendant(); }
// FIXME: hasVisibleContent() should call updateDescendantDependentFlags() if m_visibleContentStatusDirty.
bool hasVisibleContent() const { ASSERT(!m_visibleContentStatusDirty); return m_hasVisibleContent; }
// FIXME: hasVisibleDescendant() should call updateDescendantDependentFlags() if m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty.
bool hasVisibleDescendant() const { ASSERT(!m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty); return m_hasVisibleDescendant; }
void dirtyVisibleContentStatus();
void potentiallyDirtyVisibleContentStatus(EVisibility);
bool hasBoxDecorationsOrBackground() const;
bool hasVisibleBoxDecorations() const;
// Returns true if this layer has visible content (ignoring any child layers).
bool isVisuallyNonEmpty() const;
// True if this layer container renderers that paint.
bool hasNonEmptyChildRenderers() const;
// Will ensure that hasNonCompositiedChild are up to date.
void updateScrollingStateAfterCompositingChange();
bool hasVisibleNonLayerContent() const { return m_hasVisibleNonLayerContent; }
bool hasNonCompositedChild() const { ASSERT(isAllowedToQueryCompositingState()); return m_hasNonCompositedChild; }
bool usedTransparency() const { return m_usedTransparency; }
// Gets the nearest enclosing positioned ancestor layer (also includes
// the <html> layer and the root layer).
RenderLayer* enclosingPositionedAncestor() const;
RenderLayer* enclosingOverflowClipLayer(IncludeSelfOrNot = IncludeSelf) const;
bool isPaintInvalidationContainer() const;
// Do *not* call this method unless you know what you are dooing. You probably want to call enclosingCompositingLayerForPaintInvalidation() instead.
// If includeSelf is true, may return this.
RenderLayer* enclosingLayerWithCompositedLayerMapping(IncludeSelfOrNot) const;
// Returns the enclosing layer root into which this layer paints, inclusive of this one. Note that the enclosing layer may or may not have its own
// GraphicsLayer backing, but is nevertheless the root for a call to the RenderLayer::paint*() methods.
RenderLayer* enclosingLayerForPaintInvalidation() const;
RenderLayer* enclosingLayerForPaintInvalidationCrossingFrameBoundaries() const;
RenderLayer* enclosingFilterLayer(IncludeSelfOrNot = IncludeSelf) const;
bool hasAncestorWithFilterOutsets() const;
bool canUseConvertToLayerCoords() const
// These RenderObjects have an impact on their layers without the renderers knowing about it.
return !renderer()->hasColumns() && !renderer()->hasTransform() && !renderer()->isSVGRoot();
void convertToLayerCoords(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, LayoutPoint&) const;
void convertToLayerCoords(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, LayoutRect&) const;
// The two main functions that use the layer system. The paint method
// paints the layers that intersect the damage rect from back to
// front. The hitTest method looks for mouse events by walking
// layers that intersect the point from front to back.
// paint() assumes that the caller will clip to the bounds of damageRect if necessary.
void paint(GraphicsContext*, const LayoutRect& damageRect, PaintBehavior = PaintBehaviorNormal, RenderObject* paintingRoot = 0, PaintLayerFlags = 0);
bool hitTest(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&);
bool hitTest(const HitTestRequest&, const HitTestLocation&, HitTestResult&);
void paintOverlayScrollbars(GraphicsContext*, const LayoutRect& damageRect, PaintBehavior, RenderObject* paintingRoot = 0);
// Pass offsetFromRoot if known.
bool intersectsDamageRect(const LayoutRect& layerBounds, const LayoutRect& damageRect, const RenderLayer* rootLayer, const LayoutPoint* offsetFromRoot = 0) const;
// Bounding box relative to some ancestor layer. Pass offsetFromRoot if known.
LayoutRect physicalBoundingBox(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, const LayoutPoint* offsetFromRoot = 0) const;
LayoutRect physicalBoundingBoxIncludingReflectionAndStackingChildren(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, const LayoutPoint& offsetFromRoot) const;
// FIXME: This function is inconsistent as to whether the returned rect has been flipped for writing mode.
LayoutRect boundingBoxForCompositingOverlapTest() const { return overlapBoundsIncludeChildren() ? boundingBoxForCompositing() : logicalBoundingBox(); }
// If true, this layer's children are included in its bounds for overlap testing.
// We can't rely on the children's positions if this layer has a filter that could have moved the children's pixels around.
bool overlapBoundsIncludeChildren() const { return hasFilter() && renderer()->style()->filter().hasFilterThatMovesPixels(); }
enum CalculateBoundsOptions {
LayoutRect boundingBoxForCompositing(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer = 0, CalculateBoundsOptions = DoNotApplyBoundsChickenEggHacks) const;
LayoutUnit staticInlinePosition() const { return m_staticInlinePosition; }
LayoutUnit staticBlockPosition() const { return m_staticBlockPosition; }
void setStaticInlinePosition(LayoutUnit position) { m_staticInlinePosition = position; }
void setStaticBlockPosition(LayoutUnit position) { m_staticBlockPosition = position; }
LayoutSize subpixelAccumulation() const;
void setSubpixelAccumulation(const LayoutSize&);
bool hasTransform() const { return renderer()->hasTransform(); }
// Note that this transform has the transform-origin baked in.
TransformationMatrix* transform() const { return m_transform.get(); }
// currentTransform computes a transform which takes accelerated animations into account. The
// resulting transform has transform-origin baked in. If the layer does not have a transform,
// returns the identity matrix.
TransformationMatrix currentTransform(RenderStyle::ApplyTransformOrigin = RenderStyle::IncludeTransformOrigin) const;
TransformationMatrix renderableTransform(PaintBehavior) const;
// Get the perspective transform, which is applied to transformed sublayers.
// Returns true if the layer has a -webkit-perspective.
// Note that this transform has the perspective-origin baked in.
TransformationMatrix perspectiveTransform() const;
FloatPoint perspectiveOrigin() const;
bool preserves3D() const { return renderer()->style()->transformStyle3D() == TransformStyle3DPreserve3D; }
bool has3DTransform() const { return m_transform && !m_transform->isAffine(); }
// FIXME: reflections should force transform-style to be flat in the style:
bool shouldPreserve3D() const { return !renderer()->hasReflection() && renderer()->style()->transformStyle3D() == TransformStyle3DPreserve3D; }
void filterNeedsPaintInvalidation();
bool hasFilter() const { return renderer()->hasFilter(); }
bool paintsWithBlendMode() const;
void* operator new(size_t);
// Only safe to call from RenderLayerModelObject::destroyLayer()
void operator delete(void*);
CompositingState compositingState() const;
// This returns true if our document is in a phase of its lifestyle during which
// compositing state may legally be read.
bool isAllowedToQueryCompositingState() const;
// Don't null check this.
CompositedLayerMapping* compositedLayerMapping() const;
// FIXME: This should return a reference.
CompositedLayerMapping* ensureCompositedLayerMapping();
GraphicsLayer* graphicsLayerBacking() const;
GraphicsLayer* graphicsLayerBackingForScrolling() const;
// NOTE: If you are using hasCompositedLayerMapping to determine the state of compositing for this layer,
// (and not just to do bookkeeping related to the mapping like, say, allocating or deallocating a mapping),
// then you may have incorrect logic. Use compositingState() instead.
// FIXME: This is identical to null checking compositedLayerMapping(), why not just call that?
bool hasCompositedLayerMapping() const { return m_compositedLayerMapping.get(); }
void clearCompositedLayerMapping(bool layerBeingDestroyed = false);
CompositedLayerMapping* groupedMapping() const { return m_groupedMapping; }
void setGroupedMapping(CompositedLayerMapping* groupedMapping, bool layerBeingDestroyed = false);
bool hasCompositedMask() const;
bool hasCompositedClippingMask() const;
bool needsCompositedScrolling() const { return m_scrollableArea && m_scrollableArea->needsCompositedScrolling(); }
bool clipsCompositingDescendantsWithBorderRadius() const;
// Computes the position of the given render object in the space of |paintInvalidationContainer|.
// FIXME: invert the logic to have paint invalidation containers take care of painting objects into them, rather than the reverse.
// This will allow us to clean up this static method messiness.
static LayoutPoint positionFromPaintInvalidationContainer(const RenderObject*, const RenderLayerModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, const PaintInvalidationState* = 0);
static void mapRectToPaintBackingCoordinates(const RenderLayerModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, LayoutRect&);
// Adjusts the given rect (in the coordinate space of the RenderObject) to the coordinate space of |paintInvalidationContainer|'s GraphicsLayer backing.
static void mapRectToPaintInvalidationBacking(const RenderObject*, const RenderLayerModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, LayoutRect&, const PaintInvalidationState* = 0);
// Computes the bounding paint invalidation rect for |renderObject|, in the coordinate space of |paintInvalidationContainer|'s GraphicsLayer backing.
static LayoutRect computePaintInvalidationRect(const RenderObject*, const RenderLayer* paintInvalidationContainer, const PaintInvalidationState* = 0);
bool paintsWithTransparency(PaintBehavior paintBehavior) const
return isTransparent() && ((paintBehavior & PaintBehaviorFlattenCompositingLayers) || compositingState() != PaintsIntoOwnBacking);
bool paintsWithTransform(PaintBehavior) const;
// Returns true if background phase is painted opaque in the given rect.
// The query rect is given in local coordinates.
bool backgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(const LayoutRect&) const;
bool containsDirtyOverlayScrollbars() const { return m_containsDirtyOverlayScrollbars; }
void setContainsDirtyOverlayScrollbars(bool dirtyScrollbars) { m_containsDirtyOverlayScrollbars = dirtyScrollbars; }
FilterOperations computeFilterOperations(const RenderStyle*);
bool paintsWithFilters() const;
bool requiresFullLayerImageForFilters() const;
FilterEffectRenderer* filterRenderer() const
RenderLayerFilterInfo* filterInfo = this->filterInfo();
return filterInfo ? filterInfo->renderer() : 0;
RenderLayerFilterInfo* filterInfo() const { return hasFilterInfo() ? RenderLayerFilterInfo::filterInfoForRenderLayer(this) : 0; }
RenderLayerFilterInfo* ensureFilterInfo() { return RenderLayerFilterInfo::createFilterInfoForRenderLayerIfNeeded(this); }
void removeFilterInfoIfNeeded()
if (hasFilterInfo())
bool hasFilterInfo() const { return m_hasFilterInfo; }
void setHasFilterInfo(bool hasFilterInfo) { m_hasFilterInfo = hasFilterInfo; }
void updateFilters(const RenderStyle* oldStyle, const RenderStyle* newStyle);
Node* enclosingElement() const;
bool isInTopLayer() const;
bool scrollsWithViewport() const;
bool scrollsWithRespectTo(const RenderLayer*) const;
void addLayerHitTestRects(LayerHitTestRects&) const;
// Compute rects only for this layer
void computeSelfHitTestRects(LayerHitTestRects&) const;
// FIXME: This should probably return a ScrollableArea but a lot of internal methods are mistakenly exposed.
RenderLayerScrollableArea* scrollableArea() const { return m_scrollableArea.get(); }
RenderLayerRepainter& paintInvalidator() { return m_repainter; }
RenderLayerClipper& clipper() { return m_clipper; }
const RenderLayerClipper& clipper() const { return m_clipper; }
inline bool isPositionedContainer() const
// FIXME: This is not in sync with containingBlock.
// RenderObject::canContainFixedPositionedObject() should probably be used
// instead.
RenderLayerModelObject* layerRenderer = renderer();
return isRootLayer() || layerRenderer->isPositioned() || hasTransform();
// paintLayer() assumes that the caller will clip to the bounds of the painting dirty if necessary.
void paintLayer(GraphicsContext*, const LayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags);
bool scrollsOverflow() const;
CompositingReasons potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle() const { return m_potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle; }
void setPotentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle(CompositingReasons reasons) { ASSERT(reasons == (reasons & CompositingReasonComboAllStyleDeterminedReasons)); m_potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle = reasons; }
bool hasStyleDeterminedDirectCompositingReasons() const { return m_potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle & CompositingReasonComboAllDirectStyleDeterminedReasons; }
class AncestorDependentCompositingInputs {
: opacityAncestor(0)
, transformAncestor(0)
, filterAncestor(0)
, clippingContainer(0)
, ancestorScrollingLayer(0)
, scrollParent(0)
, clipParent(0)
, isUnclippedDescendant(false)
, hasAncestorWithClipPath(false)
{ }
IntRect clippedAbsoluteBoundingBox;
const RenderLayer* opacityAncestor;
const RenderLayer* transformAncestor;
const RenderLayer* filterAncestor;
const RenderObject* clippingContainer;
const RenderLayer* ancestorScrollingLayer;
// A scroll parent is a compositor concept. It's only needed in blink
// because we need to use it as a promotion trigger. A layer has a
// scroll parent if neither its compositor scrolling ancestor, nor any
// other layer scrolled by this ancestor, is a stacking ancestor of this
// layer. Layers with scroll parents must be scrolled with the main
// scrolling layer by the compositor.
const RenderLayer* scrollParent;
// A clip parent is another compositor concept that has leaked into
// blink so that it may be used as a promotion trigger. Layers with clip
// parents escape the clip of a stacking tree ancestor. The compositor
// needs to know about clip parents in order to circumvent its normal
// clipping logic.
const RenderLayer* clipParent;
// The "is unclipped descendant" concept is now only being used for one
// purpose: when traversing the RenderLayers in stacking order, we check
// if we scroll wrt to these unclipped descendants. We do this to
// proactively promote in the same way that we do for animated layers.
// Since we have no idea where scrolled content will scroll to, we just
// assume that it can overlap the unclipped thing at some point, so we
// promote. But this is unfortunate. We should be able to inflate the
// bounds of scrolling content for overlap the same way we're doing for
// animation and only promote what's necessary. Once we're doing that,
// we won't need to use the "unclipped" concept for promotion any
// longer.
unsigned isUnclippedDescendant : 1;
unsigned hasAncestorWithClipPath : 1;
class DescendantDependentCompositingInputs {
: hasDescendantWithClipPath(false)
, hasDescendantWithBlendMode(false)
{ }
unsigned hasDescendantWithClipPath : 1;
unsigned hasDescendantWithBlendMode : 1;
void setNeedsCompositingInputsUpdate();
bool childNeedsCompositingInputsUpdate() const { return m_childNeedsCompositingInputsUpdate; }
bool needsCompositingInputsUpdate() const
// While we're updating the compositing inputs, these values may differ.
// We should never be asking for this value when that is the case.
ASSERT(m_needsDescendantDependentCompositingInputsUpdate == m_needsAncestorDependentCompositingInputsUpdate);
return m_needsDescendantDependentCompositingInputsUpdate;
void updateAncestorDependentCompositingInputs(const AncestorDependentCompositingInputs&);
void updateDescendantDependentCompositingInputs(const DescendantDependentCompositingInputs&);
void didUpdateCompositingInputs();
const AncestorDependentCompositingInputs& ancestorDependentCompositingInputs() const { ASSERT(!m_needsAncestorDependentCompositingInputsUpdate); return m_ancestorDependentCompositingInputs; }
const DescendantDependentCompositingInputs& descendantDependentCompositingInputs() const { ASSERT(!m_needsDescendantDependentCompositingInputsUpdate); return m_descendantDependentCompositingInputs; }
IntRect clippedAbsoluteBoundingBox() const { return ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().clippedAbsoluteBoundingBox; }
const RenderLayer* opacityAncestor() const { return ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().opacityAncestor; }
const RenderLayer* transformAncestor() const { return ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().transformAncestor; }
const RenderLayer* filterAncestor() const { return ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().filterAncestor; }
const RenderObject* clippingContainer() const { return ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().clippingContainer; }
const RenderLayer* ancestorScrollingLayer() const { return ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().ancestorScrollingLayer; }
RenderLayer* scrollParent() const { return const_cast<RenderLayer*>(ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().scrollParent); }
RenderLayer* clipParent() const { return const_cast<RenderLayer*>(ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().clipParent); }
bool isUnclippedDescendant() const { return ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().isUnclippedDescendant; }
bool hasAncestorWithClipPath() const { return ancestorDependentCompositingInputs().hasAncestorWithClipPath; }
bool hasDescendantWithClipPath() const { return descendantDependentCompositingInputs().hasDescendantWithClipPath; }
bool hasDescendantWithBlendMode() const { return descendantDependentCompositingInputs().hasDescendantWithBlendMode; }
bool lostGroupedMapping() const { ASSERT(isAllowedToQueryCompositingState()); return m_lostGroupedMapping; }
void setLostGroupedMapping(bool b) { m_lostGroupedMapping = b; }
CompositingReasons compositingReasons() const { ASSERT(isAllowedToQueryCompositingState()); return m_compositingReasons; }
void setCompositingReasons(CompositingReasons, CompositingReasons mask = CompositingReasonAll);
bool hasCompositingDescendant() const { ASSERT(isAllowedToQueryCompositingState()); return m_hasCompositingDescendant; }
void setHasCompositingDescendant(bool);
bool shouldIsolateCompositedDescendants() const { ASSERT(isAllowedToQueryCompositingState()); return m_shouldIsolateCompositedDescendants; }
void setShouldIsolateCompositedDescendants(bool);
void updateDescendantDependentFlags();
void updateDescendantDependentFlagsForEntireSubtree();
void updateOrRemoveFilterEffectRenderer();
void updateSelfPaintingLayer();
// paintLayerContents() assumes that the caller will clip to the bounds of the painting dirty rect if necessary.
void paintLayerContents(GraphicsContext*, const LayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags);
RenderLayer* enclosingTransformedAncestor() const;
LayoutPoint computeOffsetFromTransformedAncestor() const;
void didUpdateNeedsCompositedScrolling();
void setShouldDoFullPaintInvalidationIncludingNonCompositingDescendants();
// Bounding box in the coordinates of this layer.
LayoutRect logicalBoundingBox() const;
bool hasOverflowControls() const;
void setAncestorChainHasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant();
void dirtyAncestorChainHasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantStatus();
void clipToRect(const LayerPaintingInfo&, GraphicsContext*, const ClipRect&, PaintLayerFlags, BorderRadiusClippingRule = IncludeSelfForBorderRadius);
void restoreClip(GraphicsContext*, const LayoutRect& paintDirtyRect, const ClipRect&);
void updateLayerPositionRecursive();
void setNextSibling(RenderLayer* next) { m_next = next; }
void setPreviousSibling(RenderLayer* prev) { m_previous = prev; }
void setFirstChild(RenderLayer* first) { m_first = first; }
void setLastChild(RenderLayer* last) { m_last = last; }
void updateHasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant() const;
bool hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant() const
if (m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantDirty)
return m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant;
LayoutPoint renderBoxLocation() const { return renderer()->isBox() ? toRenderBox(renderer())->location() : LayoutPoint(); }
void paintLayerContentsAndReflection(GraphicsContext*, const LayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags);
void paintLayerByApplyingTransform(GraphicsContext*, const LayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags, const LayoutPoint& translationOffset = LayoutPoint());
// Returns whether this layer should be painted during sofware painting (i.e., not via calls from CompositedLayerMapping to draw into composited
// layers).
bool shouldPaintLayerInSoftwareMode(const LayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags paintFlags);
void paintChildren(unsigned childrenToVisit, GraphicsContext*, const LayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags);
void paintPaginatedChildLayer(RenderLayer* childLayer, GraphicsContext*, const LayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags);
void paintChildLayerIntoColumns(RenderLayer* childLayer, GraphicsContext*, const LayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags, const Vector<RenderLayer*>& columnLayers, size_t columnIndex);
void collectFragments(LayerFragments&, const RenderLayer* rootLayer, const LayoutRect& dirtyRect,
ClipRectsCacheSlot, OverlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy inOverlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy = IgnoreOverlayScrollbarSize,
ShouldRespectOverflowClip = RespectOverflowClip, const LayoutPoint* offsetFromRoot = 0,
const LayoutSize& subPixelAccumulation = LayoutSize(), const LayoutRect* layerBoundingBox = 0);
void updatePaintingInfoForFragments(LayerFragments&, const LayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags, bool shouldPaintContent, const LayoutPoint* offsetFromRoot);
void paintBackgroundForFragments(const LayerFragments&, GraphicsContext*, GraphicsContext* transparencyLayerContext,
const LayoutRect& transparencyPaintDirtyRect, bool haveTransparency, const LayerPaintingInfo&, PaintBehavior, RenderObject* paintingRootForRenderer, PaintLayerFlags);
void paintForegroundForFragments(const LayerFragments&, GraphicsContext*, GraphicsContext* transparencyLayerContext,
const LayoutRect& transparencyPaintDirtyRect, bool haveTransparency, const LayerPaintingInfo&, PaintBehavior, RenderObject* paintingRootForRenderer,
bool selectionOnly, PaintLayerFlags);
void paintForegroundForFragmentsWithPhase(PaintPhase, const LayerFragments&, GraphicsContext*, const LayerPaintingInfo&, PaintBehavior, RenderObject* paintingRootForRenderer, PaintLayerFlags);
void paintOutlineForFragments(const LayerFragments&, GraphicsContext*, const LayerPaintingInfo&, PaintBehavior, RenderObject* paintingRootForRenderer, PaintLayerFlags);
void paintOverflowControlsForFragments(const LayerFragments&, GraphicsContext*, const LayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags);
void paintMaskForFragments(const LayerFragments&, GraphicsContext*, const LayerPaintingInfo&, RenderObject* paintingRootForRenderer, PaintLayerFlags);
void paintChildClippingMaskForFragments(const LayerFragments&, GraphicsContext*, const LayerPaintingInfo&, RenderObject* paintingRootForRenderer, PaintLayerFlags);
void paintTransformedLayerIntoFragments(GraphicsContext*, const LayerPaintingInfo&, PaintLayerFlags);
RenderLayer* hitTestLayer(RenderLayer* rootLayer, RenderLayer* containerLayer, const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result,
const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation&, bool appliedTransform,
const HitTestingTransformState* transformState = 0, double* zOffset = 0);
RenderLayer* hitTestLayerByApplyingTransform(RenderLayer* rootLayer, RenderLayer* containerLayer, const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&,
const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation&, const HitTestingTransformState* = 0, double* zOffset = 0,
const LayoutPoint& translationOffset = LayoutPoint());
RenderLayer* hitTestChildren(ChildrenIteration, RenderLayer* rootLayer, const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&,
const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation&,
const HitTestingTransformState* transformState, double* zOffsetForDescendants, double* zOffset,
const HitTestingTransformState* unflattenedTransformState, bool depthSortDescendants);
RenderLayer* hitTestPaginatedChildLayer(RenderLayer* childLayer, RenderLayer* rootLayer, const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result,
const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation&,
const HitTestingTransformState* transformState, double* zOffset);
RenderLayer* hitTestChildLayerColumns(RenderLayer* childLayer, RenderLayer* rootLayer, const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result,
const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation&,
const HitTestingTransformState* transformState, double* zOffset,
const Vector<RenderLayer*>& columnLayers, size_t columnIndex);
PassRefPtr<HitTestingTransformState> createLocalTransformState(RenderLayer* rootLayer, RenderLayer* containerLayer,
const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation&,
const HitTestingTransformState* containerTransformState,
const LayoutPoint& translationOffset = LayoutPoint()) const;
bool hitTestContents(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, const LayoutRect& layerBounds, const HitTestLocation&, HitTestFilter) const;
bool hitTestContentsForFragments(const LayerFragments&, const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation&, HitTestFilter, bool& insideClipRect) const;
RenderLayer* hitTestTransformedLayerInFragments(RenderLayer* rootLayer, RenderLayer* containerLayer, const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&,
const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation&, const HitTestingTransformState* = 0, double* zOffset = 0);
bool childBackgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(const LayoutRect&) const;
bool shouldBeSelfPaintingLayer() const;
// FIXME: We should only create the stacking node if needed.
bool requiresStackingNode() const { return true; }
void updateStackingNode();
void updateReflectionInfo(const RenderStyle*);
// FIXME: We could lazily allocate our ScrollableArea based on style properties ('overflow', ...)
// but for now, we are always allocating it for RenderBox as it's safer.
bool requiresScrollableArea() const { return renderBox(); }
void updateScrollableArea();
void dirtyAncestorChainVisibleDescendantStatus();
bool attemptDirectCompositingUpdate(StyleDifference, const RenderStyle* oldStyle);
void updateTransform(const RenderStyle* oldStyle, RenderStyle* newStyle);
void dirty3DTransformedDescendantStatus();
// Both updates the status, and returns true if descendants of this have 3d.
bool update3DTransformedDescendantStatus();
void updateOrRemoveFilterClients();
LayoutRect paintingExtent(const RenderLayer* rootLayer, const LayoutRect& paintDirtyRect, const LayoutSize& subPixelAccumulation, PaintBehavior);
void updatePaginationRecursive(bool needsPaginationUpdate = false);
void updatePagination();
// FIXME: Temporary. Remove when new columns come online.
bool useRegionBasedColumns() const;
LayerType m_layerType;
// Self-painting layer is an optimization where we avoid the heavy RenderLayer painting
// machinery for a RenderLayer allocated only to handle the overflow clip case.
// FIXME( Self-painting layer should be merged into the overflow-only concept.
unsigned m_isSelfPaintingLayer : 1;
// If have no self-painting descendants, we don't have to walk our children during painting. This can lead to
// significant savings, especially if the tree has lots of non-self-painting layers grouped together (e.g. table cells).
mutable unsigned m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant : 1;
mutable unsigned m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantDirty : 1;
const unsigned m_isRootLayer : 1;
unsigned m_usedTransparency : 1; // Tracks whether we need to close a transparent layer, i.e., whether
// we ended up painting this layer or any descendants (and therefore need to
// blend).
unsigned m_visibleContentStatusDirty : 1;
unsigned m_hasVisibleContent : 1;
unsigned m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty : 1;
unsigned m_hasVisibleDescendant : 1;
unsigned m_hasVisibleNonLayerContent : 1;
unsigned m_isPaginated : 1; // If we think this layer is split by a multi-column ancestor, then this bit will be set.
unsigned m_3DTransformedDescendantStatusDirty : 1;
// Set on a stacking context layer that has 3D descendants anywhere
// in a preserves3D hierarchy. Hint to do 3D-aware hit testing.
unsigned m_has3DTransformedDescendant : 1;
unsigned m_containsDirtyOverlayScrollbars : 1;
unsigned m_hasFilterInfo : 1;
unsigned m_needsAncestorDependentCompositingInputsUpdate : 1;
unsigned m_needsDescendantDependentCompositingInputsUpdate : 1;
unsigned m_childNeedsCompositingInputsUpdate : 1;
// Used only while determining what layers should be composited. Applies to the tree of z-order lists.
unsigned m_hasCompositingDescendant : 1;
// Applies to the real render layer tree (i.e., the tree determined by the layer's parent and children and
// as opposed to the tree formed by the z-order and normal flow lists).
unsigned m_hasNonCompositedChild : 1;
// Should be for stacking contexts having unisolated blending descendants.
unsigned m_shouldIsolateCompositedDescendants : 1;
// True if this render layer just lost its grouped mapping due to the CompositedLayerMapping being destroyed,
// and we don't yet know to what graphics layer this RenderLayer will be assigned.
unsigned m_lostGroupedMapping : 1;
RenderLayerModelObject* m_renderer;
RenderLayer* m_parent;
RenderLayer* m_previous;
RenderLayer* m_next;
RenderLayer* m_first;
RenderLayer* m_last;
// Cached normal flow values for absolute positioned elements with static left/top values.
LayoutUnit m_staticInlinePosition;
LayoutUnit m_staticBlockPosition;
OwnPtr<TransformationMatrix> m_transform;
// Pointer to the enclosing RenderLayer that caused us to be paginated. It is 0 if we are not paginated.
RenderLayer* m_enclosingPaginationLayer;
// These compositing reasons are updated whenever style changes, not while updating compositing layers.
// They should not be used to infer the compositing state of this layer.
CompositingReasons m_potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle;
// Once computed, indicates all that a layer needs to become composited using the CompositingReasons enum bitfield.
CompositingReasons m_compositingReasons;
DescendantDependentCompositingInputs m_descendantDependentCompositingInputs;
AncestorDependentCompositingInputs m_ancestorDependentCompositingInputs;
IntRect m_blockSelectionGapsBounds;
OwnPtr<CompositedLayerMapping> m_compositedLayerMapping;
OwnPtr<RenderLayerScrollableArea> m_scrollableArea;
CompositedLayerMapping* m_groupedMapping;
RenderLayerRepainter m_repainter;
RenderLayerClipper m_clipper; // FIXME: Lazily allocate?
OwnPtr<RenderLayerStackingNode> m_stackingNode;
OwnPtrWillBePersistent<RenderLayerReflectionInfo> m_reflectionInfo;
LayoutSize m_subpixelAccumulation; // The accumulated subpixel offset of a composited layer's composited bounds compared to absolute coordinates.
} // namespace blink
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Outside the WebCore namespace for ease of invocation from gdb.
void showLayerTree(const blink::RenderLayer*);
void showLayerTree(const blink::RenderObject*);
#endif // RenderLayer_h