blob: e3c5bc7a8abef2d45cadd1980adb52b8a55b1385 [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "core/rendering/InlineTextBox.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/dom/DocumentMarkerController.h"
#include "core/dom/RenderedDocumentMarker.h"
#include "core/dom/Text.h"
#include "core/editing/CompositionUnderline.h"
#include "core/editing/CompositionUnderlineRangeFilter.h"
#include "core/editing/Editor.h"
#include "core/editing/InputMethodController.h"
#include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h"
#include "core/page/Page.h"
#include "core/paint/InlineTextBoxPainter.h"
#include "core/rendering/AbstractInlineTextBox.h"
#include "core/rendering/EllipsisBox.h"
#include "core/rendering/HitTestResult.h"
#include "core/rendering/PaintInfo.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderBR.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderBlock.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderCombineText.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderRubyRun.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderRubyText.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderTheme.h"
#include "core/rendering/TextPainter.h"
#include "core/rendering/style/ShadowList.h"
#include "platform/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h"
#include "platform/fonts/FontCache.h"
#include "platform/fonts/GlyphBuffer.h"
#include "platform/fonts/shaping/SimpleShaper.h"
#include "platform/graphics/GraphicsContextStateSaver.h"
#include "wtf/Vector.h"
#include "wtf/text/CString.h"
#include "wtf/text/StringBuilder.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace blink {
struct SameSizeAsInlineTextBox : public InlineBox {
unsigned variables[1];
unsigned short variables2[2];
void* pointers[2];
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(InlineTextBox) == sizeof(SameSizeAsInlineTextBox), InlineTextBox_should_stay_small);
typedef WTF::HashMap<const InlineTextBox*, LayoutRect> InlineTextBoxOverflowMap;
static InlineTextBoxOverflowMap* gTextBoxesWithOverflow;
void InlineTextBox::destroy()
if (!knownToHaveNoOverflow() && gTextBoxesWithOverflow)
void InlineTextBox::offsetRun(int delta)
m_start += delta;
void InlineTextBox::markDirty()
// FIXME: Is it actually possible to try and paint a dirty InlineTextBox?
m_len = 0;
m_start = 0;
LayoutRect InlineTextBox::logicalOverflowRect() const
if (knownToHaveNoOverflow() || !gTextBoxesWithOverflow)
return enclosingIntRect(logicalFrameRect());
return gTextBoxesWithOverflow->get(this);
void InlineTextBox::setLogicalOverflowRect(const LayoutRect& rect)
if (!gTextBoxesWithOverflow)
gTextBoxesWithOverflow = new InlineTextBoxOverflowMap;
gTextBoxesWithOverflow->add(this, rect);
int InlineTextBox::baselinePosition(FontBaseline baselineType) const
if (!isText() || !parent())
return 0;
if (parent()->renderer() == renderer().parent())
return parent()->baselinePosition(baselineType);
return toRenderBoxModelObject(renderer().parent())->baselinePosition(baselineType, isFirstLineStyle(), isHorizontal() ? HorizontalLine : VerticalLine, PositionOnContainingLine);
LayoutUnit InlineTextBox::lineHeight() const
if (!isText() || !renderer().parent())
return 0;
if (renderer().isBR())
return toRenderBR(renderer()).lineHeight(isFirstLineStyle());
if (parent()->renderer() == renderer().parent())
return parent()->lineHeight();
return toRenderBoxModelObject(renderer().parent())->lineHeight(isFirstLineStyle(), isHorizontal() ? HorizontalLine : VerticalLine, PositionOnContainingLine);
bool InlineTextBox::isSelected(int startPos, int endPos) const
int sPos = std::max(startPos - m_start, 0);
// The position after a hard line break is considered to be past its end.
// See the corresponding code in InlineTextBox::selectionState.
int ePos = std::min(endPos - m_start, int(m_len) + (isLineBreak() ? 0 : 1));
return (sPos < ePos);
RenderObject::SelectionState InlineTextBox::selectionState() const
RenderObject::SelectionState state = renderer().selectionState();
if (state == RenderObject::SelectionStart || state == RenderObject::SelectionEnd || state == RenderObject::SelectionBoth) {
int startPos, endPos;
renderer().selectionStartEnd(startPos, endPos);
// The position after a hard line break is considered to be past its end.
// See the corresponding code in InlineTextBox::isSelected.
int lastSelectable = start() + len() - (isLineBreak() ? 1 : 0);
// FIXME: Remove -webkit-line-break: LineBreakAfterWhiteSpace.
int endOfLineAdjustmentForCSSLineBreak = renderer().style()->lineBreak() == LineBreakAfterWhiteSpace ? -1 : 0;
bool start = (state != RenderObject::SelectionEnd && startPos >= m_start && startPos <= m_start + m_len + endOfLineAdjustmentForCSSLineBreak);
bool end = (state != RenderObject::SelectionStart && endPos > m_start && endPos <= lastSelectable);
if (start && end)
state = RenderObject::SelectionBoth;
else if (start)
state = RenderObject::SelectionStart;
else if (end)
state = RenderObject::SelectionEnd;
else if ((state == RenderObject::SelectionEnd || startPos < m_start) &&
(state == RenderObject::SelectionStart || endPos > lastSelectable))
state = RenderObject::SelectionInside;
else if (state == RenderObject::SelectionBoth)
state = RenderObject::SelectionNone;
// If there are ellipsis following, make sure their selection is updated.
if (m_truncation != cNoTruncation && root().ellipsisBox()) {
EllipsisBox* ellipsis = root().ellipsisBox();
if (state != RenderObject::SelectionNone) {
int start, end;
selectionStartEnd(start, end);
// The ellipsis should be considered to be selected if the end of
// the selection is past the beginning of the truncation and the
// beginning of the selection is before or at the beginning of the
// truncation.
ellipsis->setSelectionState(end >= m_truncation && start <= m_truncation ?
RenderObject::SelectionInside : RenderObject::SelectionNone);
} else
return state;
LayoutRect InlineTextBox::localSelectionRect(int startPos, int endPos)
int sPos = std::max(startPos - m_start, 0);
int ePos = std::min(endPos - m_start, (int)m_len);
if (sPos > ePos)
return LayoutRect();
FontCachePurgePreventer fontCachePurgePreventer;
LayoutUnit selTop = root().selectionTop();
LayoutUnit selHeight = root().selectionHeight();
RenderStyle* styleToUse = renderer().style(isFirstLineStyle());
const Font& font = styleToUse->font();
StringBuilder charactersWithHyphen;
bool respectHyphen = ePos == m_len && hasHyphen();
TextRun textRun = constructTextRun(styleToUse, font, respectHyphen ? &charactersWithHyphen : 0);
FloatPoint startingPoint = FloatPoint(logicalLeft(), selTop.toFloat());
LayoutRect r;
if (sPos || ePos != static_cast<int>(m_len))
r = enclosingIntRect(font.selectionRectForText(textRun, startingPoint, selHeight, sPos, ePos));
else // Avoid computing the font width when the entire line box is selected as an optimization.
r = enclosingIntRect(FloatRect(startingPoint, FloatSize(m_logicalWidth, selHeight.toFloat())));
LayoutUnit logicalWidth = r.width();
if (r.x() > logicalRight())
logicalWidth = 0;
else if (r.maxX() > logicalRight())
logicalWidth = logicalRight() - r.x();
LayoutPoint topPoint = isHorizontal() ? LayoutPoint(r.x(), selTop) : LayoutPoint(selTop, r.x());
LayoutUnit width = isHorizontal() ? logicalWidth : selHeight;
LayoutUnit height = isHorizontal() ? selHeight : logicalWidth;
return LayoutRect(topPoint, LayoutSize(width, height));
void InlineTextBox::deleteLine()
void InlineTextBox::extractLine()
if (extracted())
void InlineTextBox::attachLine()
if (!extracted())
float InlineTextBox::placeEllipsisBox(bool flowIsLTR, float visibleLeftEdge, float visibleRightEdge, float ellipsisWidth, float &truncatedWidth, bool& foundBox)
if (foundBox) {
m_truncation = cFullTruncation;
return -1;
// For LTR this is the left edge of the box, for RTL, the right edge in parent coordinates.
float ellipsisX = flowIsLTR ? visibleRightEdge - ellipsisWidth : visibleLeftEdge + ellipsisWidth;
// Criteria for full truncation:
// LTR: the left edge of the ellipsis is to the left of our text run.
// RTL: the right edge of the ellipsis is to the right of our text run.
bool ltrFullTruncation = flowIsLTR && ellipsisX <= logicalLeft();
bool rtlFullTruncation = !flowIsLTR && ellipsisX >= logicalLeft() + logicalWidth();
if (ltrFullTruncation || rtlFullTruncation) {
// Too far. Just set full truncation, but return -1 and let the ellipsis just be placed at the edge of the box.
m_truncation = cFullTruncation;
foundBox = true;
return -1;
bool ltrEllipsisWithinBox = flowIsLTR && (ellipsisX < logicalRight());
bool rtlEllipsisWithinBox = !flowIsLTR && (ellipsisX > logicalLeft());
if (ltrEllipsisWithinBox || rtlEllipsisWithinBox) {
foundBox = true;
// The inline box may have different directionality than it's parent. Since truncation
// behavior depends both on both the parent and the inline block's directionality, we
// must keep track of these separately.
bool ltr = isLeftToRightDirection();
if (ltr != flowIsLTR) {
// Width in pixels of the visible portion of the box, excluding the ellipsis.
int visibleBoxWidth = visibleRightEdge - visibleLeftEdge - ellipsisWidth;
ellipsisX = ltr ? logicalLeft() + visibleBoxWidth : logicalRight() - visibleBoxWidth;
int offset = offsetForPosition(ellipsisX, false);
if (offset == 0) {
// No characters should be rendered. Set ourselves to full truncation and place the ellipsis at the min of our start
// and the ellipsis edge.
m_truncation = cFullTruncation;
truncatedWidth += ellipsisWidth;
return std::min(ellipsisX, logicalLeft());
// Set the truncation index on the text run.
m_truncation = offset;
// If we got here that means that we were only partially truncated and we need to return the pixel offset at which
// to place the ellipsis.
float widthOfVisibleText = renderer().width(m_start, offset, textPos(), flowIsLTR ? LTR : RTL, isFirstLineStyle());
// The ellipsis needs to be placed just after the last visible character.
// Where "after" is defined by the flow directionality, not the inline
// box directionality.
// e.g. In the case of an LTR inline box truncated in an RTL flow then we can
// have a situation such as |Hello| -> |...He|
truncatedWidth += widthOfVisibleText + ellipsisWidth;
if (flowIsLTR)
return logicalLeft() + widthOfVisibleText;
return logicalRight() - widthOfVisibleText - ellipsisWidth;
truncatedWidth += logicalWidth();
return -1;
bool InlineTextBox::isLineBreak() const
return renderer().isBR() || (renderer().style()->preserveNewline() && len() == 1 && (*renderer().text().impl())[start()] == '\n');
bool InlineTextBox::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, LayoutUnit /* lineTop */, LayoutUnit /*lineBottom*/)
if (isLineBreak())
return false;
FloatPoint boxOrigin = locationIncludingFlipping();
FloatRect rect(boxOrigin, size());
if (m_truncation != cFullTruncation && visibleToHitTestRequest(request) && locationInContainer.intersects(rect)) {
renderer().updateHitTestResult(result, flipForWritingMode(locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(accumulatedOffset)));
if (!result.addNodeToRectBasedTestResult(renderer().node(), request, locationInContainer, rect))
return true;
return false;
bool InlineTextBox::getEmphasisMarkPosition(RenderStyle* style, TextEmphasisPosition& emphasisPosition) const
// This function returns true if there are text emphasis marks and they are suppressed by ruby text.
if (style->textEmphasisMark() == TextEmphasisMarkNone)
return false;
emphasisPosition = style->textEmphasisPosition();
if (emphasisPosition == TextEmphasisPositionUnder)
return true; // Ruby text is always over, so it cannot suppress emphasis marks under.
RenderBlock* containingBlock = renderer().containingBlock();
if (!containingBlock->isRubyBase())
return true; // This text is not inside a ruby base, so it does not have ruby text over it.
if (!containingBlock->parent()->isRubyRun())
return true; // Cannot get the ruby text.
RenderRubyText* rubyText = toRenderRubyRun(containingBlock->parent())->rubyText();
// The emphasis marks over are suppressed only if there is a ruby text box and it not empty.
return !rubyText || !rubyText->firstLineBox();
void InlineTextBox::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, LayoutUnit /*lineTop*/, LayoutUnit /*lineBottom*/)
InlineTextBoxPainter(*this).paint(paintInfo, paintOffset);
void InlineTextBox::selectionStartEnd(int& sPos, int& ePos) const
int startPos, endPos;
if (renderer().selectionState() == RenderObject::SelectionInside) {
startPos = 0;
endPos = renderer().textLength();
} else {
renderer().selectionStartEnd(startPos, endPos);
if (renderer().selectionState() == RenderObject::SelectionStart)
endPos = renderer().textLength();
else if (renderer().selectionState() == RenderObject::SelectionEnd)
startPos = 0;
sPos = std::max(startPos - m_start, 0);
ePos = std::min(endPos - m_start, (int)m_len);
void InlineTextBox::paintDocumentMarker(GraphicsContext* pt, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, DocumentMarker* marker, RenderStyle* style, const Font& font, bool grammar)
InlineTextBoxPainter(*this).paintDocumentMarker(pt, boxOrigin, marker, style, font, grammar);
void InlineTextBox::paintTextMatchMarker(GraphicsContext* pt, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, DocumentMarker* marker, RenderStyle* style, const Font& font)
InlineTextBoxPainter(*this).paintTextMatchMarker(pt, boxOrigin, marker, style, font);
int InlineTextBox::caretMinOffset() const
return m_start;
int InlineTextBox::caretMaxOffset() const
return m_start + m_len;
float InlineTextBox::textPos() const
// When computing the width of a text run, RenderBlock::computeInlineDirectionPositionsForLine() doesn't include the actual offset
// from the containing block edge in its measurement. textPos() should be consistent so the text are rendered in the same width.
if (logicalLeft() == 0)
return 0;
return logicalLeft() - root().logicalLeft();
int InlineTextBox::offsetForPosition(float lineOffset, bool includePartialGlyphs) const
if (isLineBreak())
return 0;
if (lineOffset - logicalLeft() > logicalWidth())
return isLeftToRightDirection() ? len() : 0;
if (lineOffset - logicalLeft() < 0)
return isLeftToRightDirection() ? 0 : len();
FontCachePurgePreventer fontCachePurgePreventer;
RenderText& text = renderer();
RenderStyle* style =;
const Font& font = style->font();
return font.offsetForPosition(constructTextRun(style, font), lineOffset - logicalLeft(), includePartialGlyphs);
float InlineTextBox::positionForOffset(int offset) const
ASSERT(offset >= m_start);
ASSERT(offset <= m_start + m_len);
if (isLineBreak())
return logicalLeft();
FontCachePurgePreventer fontCachePurgePreventer;
RenderText& text = renderer();
RenderStyle* styleToUse =;
const Font& font = styleToUse->font();
int from = !isLeftToRightDirection() ? offset - m_start : 0;
int to = !isLeftToRightDirection() ? m_len : offset - m_start;
// FIXME: Do we need to add rightBearing here?
return font.selectionRectForText(constructTextRun(styleToUse, font), IntPoint(logicalLeft(), 0), 0, from, to).maxX();
bool InlineTextBox::containsCaretOffset(int offset) const
// Offsets before the box are never "in".
if (offset < m_start)
return false;
int pastEnd = m_start + m_len;
// Offsets inside the box (not at either edge) are always "in".
if (offset < pastEnd)
return true;
// Offsets outside the box are always "out".
if (offset > pastEnd)
return false;
// Offsets at the end are "out" for line breaks (they are on the next line).
if (isLineBreak())
return false;
// Offsets at the end are "in" for normal boxes (but the caller has to check affinity).
return true;
void InlineTextBox::characterWidths(Vector<float>& widths) const
FontCachePurgePreventer fontCachePurgePreventer;
RenderStyle* styleToUse = renderer().style(isFirstLineStyle());
const Font& font = styleToUse->font();
TextRun textRun = constructTextRun(styleToUse, font);
SimpleShaper shaper(&font, textRun);
float lastWidth = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_len; i++) {
shaper.advance(i + 1);
widths[i] = shaper.runWidthSoFar() - lastWidth;
lastWidth = shaper.runWidthSoFar();
TextRun InlineTextBox::constructTextRun(RenderStyle* style, const Font& font, StringBuilder* charactersWithHyphen) const
StringView string = renderer().text().createView();
unsigned startPos = start();
unsigned length = len();
if (string.length() != length || startPos)
string.narrow(startPos, length);
return constructTextRun(style, font, string, renderer().textLength() - startPos, charactersWithHyphen);
TextRun InlineTextBox::constructTextRun(RenderStyle* style, const Font& font, StringView string, int maximumLength, StringBuilder* charactersWithHyphen) const
if (charactersWithHyphen) {
const AtomicString& hyphenString = style->hyphenString();
charactersWithHyphen->reserveCapacity(string.length() + hyphenString.length());
string = charactersWithHyphen->toString().createView();
maximumLength = string.length();
ASSERT(maximumLength >= static_cast<int>(string.length()));
TextRun run(string, textPos(), expansion(), expansionBehavior(), direction(), dirOverride() || style->rtlOrdering() == VisualOrder, !renderer().canUseSimpleFontCodePath());
run.setTabSize(!style->collapseWhiteSpace(), style->tabSize());
// Propagate the maximum length of the characters buffer to the TextRun, even when we're only processing a substring.
ASSERT(run.charactersLength() >= run.length());
return run;
TextRun InlineTextBox::constructTextRunForInspector(RenderStyle* style, const Font& font) const
return InlineTextBox::constructTextRun(style, font);
#ifndef NDEBUG
const char* InlineTextBox::boxName() const
return "InlineTextBox";
void InlineTextBox::showBox(int printedCharacters) const
const RenderText& obj = renderer();
String value = obj.text();
value = value.substring(start(), len());
value.replaceWithLiteral('\\', "\\\\");
value.replaceWithLiteral('\n', "\\n");
printedCharacters += fprintf(stderr, "%s %p", boxName(), this);
for (; printedCharacters < showTreeCharacterOffset; printedCharacters++)
fputc(' ', stderr);
printedCharacters = fprintf(stderr, "\t%s %p", obj.renderName(), &obj);
const int rendererCharacterOffset = 75;
for (; printedCharacters < rendererCharacterOffset; printedCharacters++)
fputc(' ', stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "(%d,%d) \"%s\"\n", start(), start() + len(), value.utf8().data());
} // namespace blink