blob: 3b8aef115aeff15460834d7984636a6928be5ff0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2003 Lars Knoll (
* Copyright (C) 2005 Allan Sandfeld Jensen (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Nicholas Shanks <>
* Copyright (C) 2008 Eric Seidel <>
* Copyright (C) 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (
* Copyright (C) 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "core/css/CSSTokenizer.h"
#include "core/css/CSSKeyframeRule.h"
#include "core/css/parser/BisonCSSParser.h"
#include "core/css/CSSParserValues.h"
#include "core/css/MediaQuery.h"
#include "core/css/StyleRule.h"
#include "core/html/parser/HTMLParserIdioms.h"
#include "core/svg/SVGParserUtilities.h"
namespace WebCore {
#include "core/CSSGrammar.h"
enum CharacterType {
// Types for the main switch.
// The first 4 types must be grouped together, as they
// represent the allowed chars in an identifier.
// 128 ASCII codes
static const CharacterType typesOfASCIICharacters[128] = {
/* 0 - Null */ CharacterNull,
/* 1 - Start of Heading */ CharacterOther,
/* 2 - Start of Text */ CharacterOther,
/* 3 - End of Text */ CharacterOther,
/* 4 - End of Transm. */ CharacterOther,
/* 5 - Enquiry */ CharacterOther,
/* 6 - Acknowledgment */ CharacterOther,
/* 7 - Bell */ CharacterOther,
/* 8 - Back Space */ CharacterOther,
/* 9 - Horizontal Tab */ CharacterWhiteSpace,
/* 10 - Line Feed */ CharacterWhiteSpace,
/* 11 - Vertical Tab */ CharacterOther,
/* 12 - Form Feed */ CharacterWhiteSpace,
/* 13 - Carriage Return */ CharacterWhiteSpace,
/* 14 - Shift Out */ CharacterOther,
/* 15 - Shift In */ CharacterOther,
/* 16 - Data Line Escape */ CharacterOther,
/* 17 - Device Control 1 */ CharacterOther,
/* 18 - Device Control 2 */ CharacterOther,
/* 19 - Device Control 3 */ CharacterOther,
/* 20 - Device Control 4 */ CharacterOther,
/* 21 - Negative Ack. */ CharacterOther,
/* 22 - Synchronous Idle */ CharacterOther,
/* 23 - End of Transmit */ CharacterOther,
/* 24 - Cancel */ CharacterOther,
/* 25 - End of Medium */ CharacterOther,
/* 26 - Substitute */ CharacterOther,
/* 27 - Escape */ CharacterOther,
/* 28 - File Separator */ CharacterOther,
/* 29 - Group Separator */ CharacterOther,
/* 30 - Record Separator */ CharacterOther,
/* 31 - Unit Separator */ CharacterOther,
/* 32 - Space */ CharacterWhiteSpace,
/* 33 - ! */ CharacterExclamationMark,
/* 34 - " */ CharacterQuote,
/* 35 - # */ CharacterHashmark,
/* 36 - $ */ CharacterDollar,
/* 37 - % */ CharacterOther,
/* 38 - & */ CharacterOther,
/* 39 - ' */ CharacterQuote,
/* 40 - ( */ CharacterOther,
/* 41 - ) */ CharacterEndNthChild,
/* 42 - * */ CharacterAsterisk,
/* 43 - + */ CharacterPlus,
/* 44 - , */ CharacterOther,
/* 45 - - */ CharacterDash,
/* 46 - . */ CharacterDot,
/* 47 - / */ CharacterSlash,
/* 48 - 0 */ CharacterNumber,
/* 49 - 1 */ CharacterNumber,
/* 50 - 2 */ CharacterNumber,
/* 51 - 3 */ CharacterNumber,
/* 52 - 4 */ CharacterNumber,
/* 53 - 5 */ CharacterNumber,
/* 54 - 6 */ CharacterNumber,
/* 55 - 7 */ CharacterNumber,
/* 56 - 8 */ CharacterNumber,
/* 57 - 9 */ CharacterNumber,
/* 58 - : */ CharacterOther,
/* 59 - ; */ CharacterEndMediaQueryOrSupports,
/* 60 - < */ CharacterLess,
/* 61 - = */ CharacterOther,
/* 62 - > */ CharacterOther,
/* 63 - ? */ CharacterOther,
/* 64 - @ */ CharacterAt,
/* 65 - A */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 66 - B */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 67 - C */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 68 - D */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 69 - E */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 70 - F */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 71 - G */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 72 - H */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 73 - I */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 74 - J */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 75 - K */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 76 - L */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 77 - M */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 78 - N */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 79 - O */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 80 - P */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 81 - Q */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 82 - R */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 83 - S */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 84 - T */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 85 - U */ CharacterCaselessU,
/* 86 - V */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 87 - W */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 88 - X */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 89 - Y */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 90 - Z */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 91 - [ */ CharacterOther,
/* 92 - \ */ CharacterBackSlash,
/* 93 - ] */ CharacterOther,
/* 94 - ^ */ CharacterXor,
/* 95 - _ */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 96 - ` */ CharacterOther,
/* 97 - a */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 98 - b */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 99 - c */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 100 - d */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 101 - e */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 102 - f */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 103 - g */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 104 - h */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 105 - i */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 106 - j */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 107 - k */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 108 - l */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 109 - m */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 110 - n */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 111 - o */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 112 - p */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 113 - q */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 114 - r */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 115 - s */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 116 - t */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 117 - u */ CharacterCaselessU,
/* 118 - v */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 119 - w */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 120 - x */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 121 - y */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 122 - z */ CharacterIdentifierStart,
/* 123 - { */ CharacterEndMediaQueryOrSupports,
/* 124 - | */ CharacterVerticalBar,
/* 125 - } */ CharacterOther,
/* 126 - ~ */ CharacterTilde,
/* 127 - Delete */ CharacterOther,
// Utility functions for the CSS tokenizer.
template <typename CharacterType>
static inline bool isCSSLetter(CharacterType character)
return character >= 128 || typesOfASCIICharacters[character] <= CharacterDash;
template <typename CharacterType>
static inline bool isCSSEscape(CharacterType character)
return character >= ' ' && character != 127;
template <typename CharacterType>
static inline bool isURILetter(CharacterType character)
return (character >= '*' && character != 127) || (character >= '#' && character <= '&') || character == '!';
template <typename CharacterType>
static inline bool isIdentifierStartAfterDash(CharacterType* currentCharacter)
return isASCIIAlpha(currentCharacter[0]) || currentCharacter[0] == '_' || currentCharacter[0] >= 128
|| (currentCharacter[0] == '\\' && isCSSEscape(currentCharacter[1]));
template <typename CharacterType>
static inline bool isEqualToCSSIdentifier(CharacterType* cssString, const char* constantString)
// Compare an character memory data with a zero terminated string.
do {
// The input must be part of an identifier if constantChar or constString
// contains '-'. Otherwise toASCIILowerUnchecked('\r') would be equal to '-'.
ASSERT((*constantString >= 'a' && *constantString <= 'z') || *constantString == '-');
ASSERT(*constantString != '-' || isCSSLetter(*cssString));
if (toASCIILowerUnchecked(*cssString++) != (*constantString++))
return false;
} while (*constantString);
return true;
template <typename CharacterType>
static inline bool isEqualToCSSCaseSensitiveIdentifier(CharacterType* string, const char* constantString)
do {
if (*string++ != *constantString++)
return false;
} while (*constantString);
return true;
template <typename CharacterType>
static CharacterType* checkAndSkipEscape(CharacterType* currentCharacter)
// Returns with 0, if escape check is failed. Otherwise
// it returns with the following character.
ASSERT(*currentCharacter == '\\');
if (!isCSSEscape(*currentCharacter))
return 0;
if (isASCIIHexDigit(*currentCharacter)) {
int length = 6;
do {
} while (isASCIIHexDigit(*currentCharacter) && --length);
// Optional space after the escape sequence.
if (isHTMLSpace<CharacterType>(*currentCharacter))
return currentCharacter;
return currentCharacter + 1;
template <typename CharacterType>
static inline CharacterType* skipWhiteSpace(CharacterType* currentCharacter)
while (isHTMLSpace<CharacterType>(*currentCharacter))
return currentCharacter;
// Main CSS tokenizer functions.
template <>
inline LChar*& CSSTokenizer::currentCharacter<LChar>()
return m_currentCharacter8;
template <>
inline UChar*& CSSTokenizer::currentCharacter<UChar>()
return m_currentCharacter16;
UChar* CSSTokenizer::allocateStringBuffer16(size_t len)
// Allocates and returns a CSSTokenizer owned buffer for storing
// UTF-16 data. Used to get a suitable life span for UTF-16
// strings, identifiers and URIs created by the tokenizer.
OwnPtr<UChar[]> buffer = adoptArrayPtr(new UChar[len]);
UChar* bufferPtr = buffer.get();
return bufferPtr;
template <>
inline LChar* CSSTokenizer::dataStart<LChar>()
return m_dataStart8.get();
template <>
inline UChar* CSSTokenizer::dataStart<UChar>()
return m_dataStart16.get();
template <typename CharacterType>
inline CSSParserLocation CSSTokenizer::tokenLocation()
CSSParserLocation location;
location.token.init(tokenStart<CharacterType>(), currentCharacter<CharacterType>() - tokenStart<CharacterType>());
location.lineNumber = m_tokenStartLineNumber;
location.offset = tokenStart<CharacterType>() - dataStart<CharacterType>();
return location;
CSSParserLocation CSSTokenizer::currentLocation()
if (is8BitSource())
return tokenLocation<LChar>();
return tokenLocation<UChar>();
template <typename CharacterType>
inline bool CSSTokenizer::isIdentifierStart()
// Check whether an identifier is started.
return isIdentifierStartAfterDash((*currentCharacter<CharacterType>() != '-') ? currentCharacter<CharacterType>() : currentCharacter<CharacterType>() + 1);
enum CheckStringValidationMode {
template <typename CharacterType>
static inline CharacterType* checkAndSkipString(CharacterType* currentCharacter, int quote, CheckStringValidationMode mode)
// If mode is AbortIfInvalid and the string check fails it returns
// with 0. Otherwise it returns with a pointer to the first
// character after the string.
while (true) {
if (UNLIKELY(*currentCharacter == quote)) {
// String parsing is successful.
return currentCharacter + 1;
if (UNLIKELY(!*currentCharacter)) {
// String parsing is successful up to end of input.
return currentCharacter;
if (mode == AbortIfInvalid && UNLIKELY(*currentCharacter <= '\r' && (*currentCharacter == '\n' || (*currentCharacter | 0x1) == '\r'))) {
// String parsing is failed for character '\n', '\f' or '\r'.
return 0;
if (LIKELY(currentCharacter[0] != '\\')) {
} else if (currentCharacter[1] == '\n' || currentCharacter[1] == '\f') {
currentCharacter += 2;
} else if (currentCharacter[1] == '\r') {
currentCharacter += currentCharacter[2] == '\n' ? 3 : 2;
} else {
CharacterType* next = checkAndSkipEscape(currentCharacter);
if (!next) {
if (mode == AbortIfInvalid)
return 0;
next = currentCharacter + 1;
currentCharacter = next;
template <typename CharacterType>
unsigned CSSTokenizer::parseEscape(CharacterType*& src)
ASSERT(*src == '\\' && isCSSEscape(src[1]));
unsigned unicode = 0;
if (isASCIIHexDigit(*src)) {
int length = 6;
do {
unicode = (unicode << 4) + toASCIIHexValue(*src++);
} while (--length && isASCIIHexDigit(*src));
// Characters above 0x10ffff are not handled.
if (unicode > 0x10ffff)
unicode = 0xfffd;
// Optional space after the escape sequence.
if (isHTMLSpace<CharacterType>(*src))
return unicode;
return *src++;
template <>
inline void CSSTokenizer::UnicodeToChars<LChar>(LChar*& result, unsigned unicode)
ASSERT(unicode <= 0xff);
*result = unicode;
template <>
inline void CSSTokenizer::UnicodeToChars<UChar>(UChar*& result, unsigned unicode)
// Replace unicode with a surrogate pairs when it is bigger than 0xffff
if (U16_LENGTH(unicode) == 2) {
*result++ = U16_LEAD(unicode);
*result = U16_TRAIL(unicode);
} else {
*result = unicode;
template <typename SrcCharacterType>
size_t CSSTokenizer::peekMaxIdentifierLen(SrcCharacterType* src)
// The decoded form of an identifier (after resolving escape
// sequences) will not contain more characters (ASCII or UTF-16
// codepoints) than the input. This code can therefore ignore
// escape sequences completely.
SrcCharacterType* start = src;
do {
if (LIKELY(*src != '\\'))
} while (isCSSLetter(src[0]) || (src[0] == '\\' && isCSSEscape(src[1])));
return src - start;
template <typename SrcCharacterType, typename DestCharacterType>
inline bool CSSTokenizer::parseIdentifierInternal(SrcCharacterType*& src, DestCharacterType*& result, bool& hasEscape)
hasEscape = false;
do {
if (LIKELY(*src != '\\')) {
*result++ = *src++;
} else {
hasEscape = true;
SrcCharacterType* savedEscapeStart = src;
unsigned unicode = parseEscape<SrcCharacterType>(src);
if (unicode > 0xff && sizeof(DestCharacterType) == 1) {
src = savedEscapeStart;
return false;
UnicodeToChars(result, unicode);
} while (isCSSLetter(src[0]) || (src[0] == '\\' && isCSSEscape(src[1])));
return true;
template <typename CharacterType>
inline void CSSTokenizer::parseIdentifier(CharacterType*& result, CSSParserString& resultString, bool& hasEscape)
// If a valid identifier start is found, we can safely
// parse the identifier until the next invalid character.
CharacterType* start = currentCharacter<CharacterType>();
if (UNLIKELY(!parseIdentifierInternal(currentCharacter<CharacterType>(), result, hasEscape))) {
// Found an escape we couldn't handle with 8 bits, copy what has been recognized and continue
UChar* result16 = allocateStringBuffer16((result - start) + peekMaxIdentifierLen(currentCharacter<CharacterType>()));
UChar* start16 = result16;
int i = 0;
for (; i < result - start; i++)
result16[i] = start[i];
result16 += i;
parseIdentifierInternal(currentCharacter<CharacterType>(), result16, hasEscape);
resultString.init(start16, result16 - start16);
resultString.init(start, result - start);
template <typename SrcCharacterType>
size_t CSSTokenizer::peekMaxStringLen(SrcCharacterType* src, UChar quote)
// The decoded form of a CSS string (after resolving escape
// sequences) will not contain more characters (ASCII or UTF-16
// codepoints) than the input. This code can therefore ignore
// escape sequences completely and just return the length of the
// input string (possibly including terminating quote if any).
SrcCharacterType* end = checkAndSkipString(src, quote, SkipInvalid);
return end ? end - src : 0;
template <typename SrcCharacterType, typename DestCharacterType>
inline bool CSSTokenizer::parseStringInternal(SrcCharacterType*& src, DestCharacterType*& result, UChar quote)
while (true) {
if (UNLIKELY(*src == quote)) {
// String parsing is done.
return true;
if (UNLIKELY(!*src)) {
// String parsing is done, but don't advance pointer if at the end of input.
return true;
if (LIKELY(src[0] != '\\')) {
*result++ = *src++;
} else if (src[1] == '\n' || src[1] == '\f') {
src += 2;
} else if (src[1] == '\r') {
src += src[2] == '\n' ? 3 : 2;
} else {
SrcCharacterType* savedEscapeStart = src;
unsigned unicode = parseEscape<SrcCharacterType>(src);
if (unicode > 0xff && sizeof(DestCharacterType) == 1) {
src = savedEscapeStart;
return false;
UnicodeToChars(result, unicode);
return true;
template <typename CharacterType>
inline void CSSTokenizer::parseString(CharacterType*& result, CSSParserString& resultString, UChar quote)
CharacterType* start = currentCharacter<CharacterType>();
if (UNLIKELY(!parseStringInternal(currentCharacter<CharacterType>(), result, quote))) {
// Found an escape we couldn't handle with 8 bits, copy what has been recognized and continue
UChar* result16 = allocateStringBuffer16((result - start) + peekMaxStringLen(currentCharacter<CharacterType>(), quote));
UChar* start16 = result16;
int i = 0;
for (; i < result - start; i++)
result16[i] = start[i];
result16 += i;
parseStringInternal(currentCharacter<CharacterType>(), result16, quote);
resultString.init(start16, result16 - start16);
resultString.init(start, result - start);
template <typename CharacterType>
inline bool CSSTokenizer::findURI(CharacterType*& start, CharacterType*& end, UChar& quote)
start = skipWhiteSpace(currentCharacter<CharacterType>());
if (*start == '"' || *start == '\'') {
quote = *start++;
end = checkAndSkipString(start, quote, AbortIfInvalid);
if (!end)
return false;
} else {
quote = 0;
end = start;
while (isURILetter(*end)) {
if (LIKELY(*end != '\\')) {
} else {
end = checkAndSkipEscape(end);
if (!end)
return false;
end = skipWhiteSpace(end);
if (*end != ')')
return false;
return true;
template <typename SrcCharacterType>
inline size_t CSSTokenizer::peekMaxURILen(SrcCharacterType* src, UChar quote)
// The decoded form of a URI (after resolving escape sequences)
// will not contain more characters (ASCII or UTF-16 codepoints)
// than the input. This code can therefore ignore escape sequences
// completely.
SrcCharacterType* start = src;
if (quote) {
ASSERT(quote == '"' || quote == '\'');
return peekMaxStringLen(src, quote);
while (isURILetter(*src)) {
if (LIKELY(*src != '\\'))
return src - start;
template <typename SrcCharacterType, typename DestCharacterType>
inline bool CSSTokenizer::parseURIInternal(SrcCharacterType*& src, DestCharacterType*& dest, UChar quote)
if (quote) {
ASSERT(quote == '"' || quote == '\'');
return parseStringInternal(src, dest, quote);
while (isURILetter(*src)) {
if (LIKELY(*src != '\\')) {
*dest++ = *src++;
} else {
unsigned unicode = parseEscape<SrcCharacterType>(src);
if (unicode > 0xff && sizeof(DestCharacterType) == 1)
return false;
UnicodeToChars(dest, unicode);
return true;
template <typename CharacterType>
inline void CSSTokenizer::parseURI(CSSParserString& string)
CharacterType* uriStart;
CharacterType* uriEnd;
UChar quote;
if (!findURI(uriStart, uriEnd, quote))
CharacterType* dest = currentCharacter<CharacterType>() = uriStart;
if (LIKELY(parseURIInternal(currentCharacter<CharacterType>(), dest, quote))) {
string.init(uriStart, dest - uriStart);
} else {
// An escape sequence was encountered that can't be stored in 8 bits.
// Reset the current character to the start of the URI and re-parse with
// a 16-bit destination.
currentCharacter<CharacterType>() = uriStart;
UChar* result16 = allocateStringBuffer16(peekMaxURILen(currentCharacter<CharacterType>(), quote));
UChar* uriStart16 = result16;
bool result = parseURIInternal(currentCharacter<CharacterType>(), result16, quote);
ASSERT_UNUSED(result, result);
string.init(uriStart16, result16 - uriStart16);
currentCharacter<CharacterType>() = uriEnd + 1;
m_token = URI;
template <typename CharacterType>
inline bool CSSTokenizer::parseUnicodeRange()
CharacterType* character = currentCharacter<CharacterType>() + 1;
int length = 6;
ASSERT(*currentCharacter<CharacterType>() == '+');
while (isASCIIHexDigit(*character) && length) {
if (length && *character == '?') {
// At most 5 hex digit followed by a question mark.
do {
} while (*character == '?' && length);
currentCharacter<CharacterType>() = character;
return true;
if (length < 6) {
// At least one hex digit.
if (character[0] == '-' && isASCIIHexDigit(character[1])) {
// Followed by a dash and a hex digit.
length = 6;
do {
} while (--length && isASCIIHexDigit(*character));
currentCharacter<CharacterType>() = character;
return true;
return false;
template <typename CharacterType>
bool CSSTokenizer::parseNthChild()
CharacterType* character = currentCharacter<CharacterType>();
while (isASCIIDigit(*character))
if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(*character, 'n')) {
currentCharacter<CharacterType>() = character + 1;
return true;
return false;
template <typename CharacterType>
bool CSSTokenizer::parseNthChildExtra()
CharacterType* character = skipWhiteSpace(currentCharacter<CharacterType>());
if (*character != '+' && *character != '-')
return false;
character = skipWhiteSpace(character + 1);
if (!isASCIIDigit(*character))
return false;
do {
} while (isASCIIDigit(*character));
currentCharacter<CharacterType>() = character;
return true;
template <typename CharacterType>
inline bool CSSTokenizer::detectFunctionTypeToken(int length)
ASSERT(length > 0);
CharacterType* name = tokenStart<CharacterType>();
SWITCH(name, length) {
CASE("not") {
m_token = NOTFUNCTION;
return true;
CASE("url") {
m_token = URI;
return true;
CASE("cue") {
m_token = CUEFUNCTION;
return true;
CASE("calc") {
return true;
CASE("host") {
return true;
CASE("host-context") {
return true;
CASE("nth-child") {
m_parsingMode = NthChildMode;
return true;
CASE("nth-of-type") {
m_parsingMode = NthChildMode;
return true;
CASE("nth-last-child") {
m_parsingMode = NthChildMode;
return true;
CASE("nth-last-of-type") {
m_parsingMode = NthChildMode;
return true;
return false;
template <typename CharacterType>
inline void CSSTokenizer::detectMediaQueryToken(int length)
ASSERT(m_parsingMode == MediaQueryMode);
CharacterType* name = tokenStart<CharacterType>();
SWITCH(name, length) {
CASE("and") {
m_token = MEDIA_AND;
CASE("not") {
m_token = MEDIA_NOT;
CASE("only") {
m_token = MEDIA_ONLY;
CASE("or") {
m_token = MEDIA_OR;
template <typename CharacterType>
inline void CSSTokenizer::detectNumberToken(CharacterType* type, int length)
ASSERT(length > 0);
SWITCH(type, length) {
CASE("cm") {
m_token = CMS;
CASE("ch") {
m_token = CHS;
CASE("deg") {
m_token = DEGS;
CASE("dppx") {
// There is a discussion about the name of this unit on www-style.
// Keep this compile time guard in place until that is resolved.
m_token = DPPX;
CASE("dpcm") {
m_token = DPCM;
CASE("dpi") {
m_token = DPI;
CASE("em") {
m_token = EMS;
CASE("ex") {
m_token = EXS;
CASE("fr") {
m_token = FR;
CASE("grad") {
m_token = GRADS;
CASE("hz") {
m_token = HERTZ;
CASE("in") {
m_token = INS;
CASE("khz") {
m_token = KHERTZ;
CASE("mm") {
m_token = MMS;
CASE("ms") {
m_token = MSECS;
CASE("px") {
m_token = PXS;
CASE("pt") {
m_token = PTS;
CASE("pc") {
m_token = PCS;
CASE("rad") {
m_token = RADS;
CASE("rem") {
m_token = REMS;
CASE("s") {
m_token = SECS;
CASE("turn") {
m_token = TURNS;
CASE("vw") {
m_token = VW;
CASE("vh") {
m_token = VH;
CASE("vmin") {
m_token = VMIN;
CASE("vmax") {
m_token = VMAX;
CASE("__qem") {
m_token = QEMS;
template <typename CharacterType>
inline void CSSTokenizer::detectDashToken(int length)
CharacterType* name = tokenStart<CharacterType>();
// Ignore leading dash.
SWITCH(name, length) {
CASE("webkit-any") {
m_token = ANYFUNCTION;
CASE("webkit-calc") {
template <typename CharacterType>
inline void CSSTokenizer::detectAtToken(int length, bool hasEscape)
CharacterType* name = tokenStart<CharacterType>();
ASSERT(name[0] == '@' && length >= 2);
// Ignore leading @.
// charset, font-face, import, media, namespace, page, supports,
// -webkit-keyframes, keyframes, and -webkit-mediaquery are not affected by hasEscape.
SWITCH(name, length) {
CASE("bottom-left") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape))
CASE("bottom-right") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape))
CASE("bottom-center") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape))
CASE("bottom-left-corner") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape))
CASE("bottom-right-corner") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape))
CASE("charset") {
if (name - 1 == dataStart<CharacterType>())
m_token = CHARSET_SYM;
CASE("font-face") {
m_token = FONT_FACE_SYM;
CASE("import") {
m_parsingMode = MediaQueryMode;
m_token = IMPORT_SYM;
CASE("keyframes") {
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::cssAnimationUnprefixedEnabled())
m_token = KEYFRAMES_SYM;
CASE("left-top") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape))
m_token = LEFTTOP_SYM;
CASE("left-middle") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape))
CASE("left-bottom") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape))
CASE("media") {
m_parsingMode = MediaQueryMode;
m_token = MEDIA_SYM;
CASE("namespace") {
m_token = NAMESPACE_SYM;
CASE("page") {
m_token = PAGE_SYM;
CASE("right-top") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape))
m_token = RIGHTTOP_SYM;
CASE("right-middle") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape))
CASE("right-bottom") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape))
CASE("supports") {
m_parsingMode = SupportsMode;
m_token = SUPPORTS_SYM;
CASE("top-left") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape))
m_token = TOPLEFT_SYM;
CASE("top-right") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape))
m_token = TOPRIGHT_SYM;
CASE("top-center") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape))
m_token = TOPCENTER_SYM;
CASE("top-left-corner") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape))
CASE("top-right-corner") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape))
CASE("viewport") {
CASE("-internal-rule") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape && m_internal))
CASE("-internal-decls") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape && m_internal))
CASE("-internal-value") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape && m_internal))
CASE("-webkit-keyframes") {
CASE("-internal-selector") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape && m_internal))
CASE("-internal-medialist") {
if (!m_internal)
m_parsingMode = MediaQueryMode;
CASE("-internal-keyframe-rule") {
if (LIKELY(!hasEscape && m_internal))
CASE("-internal-keyframe-key-list") {
if (!m_internal)
CASE("-internal-supports-condition") {
if (!m_internal)
m_parsingMode = SupportsMode;
template <typename CharacterType>
inline void CSSTokenizer::detectSupportsToken(int length)
ASSERT(m_parsingMode == SupportsMode);
CharacterType* name = tokenStart<CharacterType>();
SWITCH(name, length) {
CASE("or") {
m_token = SUPPORTS_OR;
CASE("and") {
m_token = SUPPORTS_AND;
CASE("not") {
m_token = SUPPORTS_NOT;
template <typename SrcCharacterType>
int CSSTokenizer::realLex(void* yylvalWithoutType)
YYSTYPE* yylval = static_cast<YYSTYPE*>(yylvalWithoutType);
// Write pointer for the next character.
SrcCharacterType* result;
CSSParserString resultString;
bool hasEscape;
// The input buffer is terminated by a \0 character, so
// it is safe to read one character ahead of a known non-null.
#ifndef NDEBUG
// In debug we check with an ASSERT that the length is > 0 for string types.
result = currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>();
m_tokenStartLineNumber = m_lineNumber;
m_token = *currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>();
switch ((m_token <= 127) ? typesOfASCIICharacters[m_token] : CharacterIdentifierStart) {
case CharacterCaselessU:
if (UNLIKELY(*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() == '+')) {
if (parseUnicodeRange<SrcCharacterType>()) {
yylval->string.init(tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>(), currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>());
// Fall through to CharacterIdentifierStart.
case CharacterIdentifierStart:
parseIdentifier(result, yylval->string, hasEscape);
m_token = IDENT;
if (UNLIKELY(*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() == '(')) {
if (m_parsingMode == SupportsMode && !hasEscape) {
detectSupportsToken<SrcCharacterType>(result - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>());
if (m_token != IDENT)
m_token = FUNCTION;
if (!hasEscape)
detectFunctionTypeToken<SrcCharacterType>(result - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>());
// Skip parenthesis
if (m_token == URI) {
m_token = FUNCTION;
// Check whether it is really an URI.
if (yylval->string.is8Bit())
} else if (UNLIKELY(m_parsingMode != NormalMode) && !hasEscape) {
if (m_parsingMode == MediaQueryMode) {
detectMediaQueryToken<SrcCharacterType>(result - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>());
} else if (m_parsingMode == SupportsMode) {
detectSupportsToken<SrcCharacterType>(result - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>());
} else if (m_parsingMode == NthChildMode && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>()[0], 'n')) {
if (result - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>() == 1) {
// String "n" is IDENT but "n+1" is NTH.
if (parseNthChildExtra<SrcCharacterType>()) {
m_token = NTH;
yylval->string.m_length = currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>();
} else if (result - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>() >= 2 && tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>()[1] == '-') {
// String "n-" is IDENT but "n-1" is NTH.
// Set currentCharacter to '-' to continue parsing.
SrcCharacterType* nextCharacter = result;
currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() = tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>() + 1;
if (parseNthChildExtra<SrcCharacterType>()) {
m_token = NTH;
yylval->string.setLength(currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>());
} else {
// Revert the change to currentCharacter if unsuccessful.
currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() = nextCharacter;
case CharacterDot:
if (!isASCIIDigit(currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>()[0]))
// Fall through to CharacterNumber.
case CharacterNumber: {
bool dotSeen = (m_token == '.');
while (true) {
if (!isASCIIDigit(currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>()[0])) {
// Only one dot is allowed for a number,
// and it must be followed by a digit.
if (currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>()[0] != '.' || dotSeen || !isASCIIDigit(currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>()[1]))
dotSeen = true;
if (UNLIKELY(m_parsingMode == NthChildMode) && !dotSeen && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>(), 'n')) {
// "[0-9]+n" is always an NthChild.
m_token = NTH;
yylval->string.init(tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>(), currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>());
// Use SVG parser for numbers on SVG presentation attributes.
if (isSVGNumberParsingEnabledForMode(m_parser.m_context.mode())) {
// We need to take care of units like 'em' or 'ex'.
SrcCharacterType* character = currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>();
if (isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(*character, 'e')) {
ASSERT(character - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>() > 0);
if (*character == '-' || *character == '+' || isASCIIDigit(*character)) {
while (isASCIIDigit(*character))
// Use FLOATTOKEN if the string contains exponents.
dotSeen = true;
currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() = character;
if (!parseSVGNumber(tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>(), character - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>(), yylval->number))
} else {
yylval->number = charactersToDouble(tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>(), currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>());
// Type of the function.
if (isIdentifierStart<SrcCharacterType>()) {
SrcCharacterType* type = currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>();
result = currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>();
parseIdentifier(result, resultString, hasEscape);
m_token = DIMEN;
if (!hasEscape)
detectNumberToken(type, currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() - type);
if (m_token == DIMEN) {
// The decoded number is overwritten, but this is intentional.
yylval->string.init(tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>(), currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>());
} else if (*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() == '%') {
// Although the CSS grammar says {num}% we follow
// webkit at the moment which uses {num}%+.
do {
} while (*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() == '%');
m_token = PERCENTAGE;
} else {
m_token = dotSeen ? FLOATTOKEN : INTEGER;
case CharacterDash:
if (isIdentifierStartAfterDash(currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>())) {
parseIdentifier(result, resultString, hasEscape);
m_token = IDENT;
if (*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() == '(') {
m_token = FUNCTION;
if (!hasEscape)
detectDashToken<SrcCharacterType>(result - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>());
} else if (UNLIKELY(m_parsingMode == NthChildMode) && !hasEscape && isASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>()[1], 'n')) {
if (result - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>() == 2) {
// String "-n" is IDENT but "-n+1" is NTH.
if (parseNthChildExtra<SrcCharacterType>()) {
m_token = NTH;
result = currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>();
} else if (result - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>() >= 3 && tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>()[2] == '-') {
// String "-n-" is IDENT but "-n-1" is NTH.
// Set currentCharacter to second '-' of '-n-' to continue parsing.
SrcCharacterType* nextCharacter = result;
currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() = tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>() + 2;
if (parseNthChildExtra<SrcCharacterType>()) {
m_token = NTH;
result = currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>();
} else {
// Revert the change to currentCharacter if unsuccessful.
currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() = nextCharacter;
resultString.setLength(result - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>());
yylval->string = resultString;
} else if (currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>()[0] == '-' && currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>()[1] == '>') {
currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() += 2;
m_token = SGML_CD;
} else if (UNLIKELY(m_parsingMode == NthChildMode)) {
// "-[0-9]+n" is always an NthChild.
if (parseNthChild<SrcCharacterType>()) {
m_token = NTH;
yylval->string.init(tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>(), currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>());
case CharacterOther:
// m_token is simply the current character.
case CharacterNull:
// Do not advance pointer at the end of input.
case CharacterWhiteSpace:
m_token = WHITESPACE;
// Might start with a '\n'.
do {
if (*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() == '\n')
} while (*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() <= ' ' && (typesOfASCIICharacters[*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>()] == CharacterWhiteSpace));
case CharacterEndMediaQueryOrSupports:
if (m_parsingMode == MediaQueryMode || m_parsingMode == SupportsMode)
m_parsingMode = NormalMode;
case CharacterEndNthChild:
if (m_parsingMode == NthChildMode)
m_parsingMode = NormalMode;
case CharacterQuote:
if (checkAndSkipString(currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>(), m_token, AbortIfInvalid)) {
parseString<SrcCharacterType>(result, yylval->string, m_token);
m_token = STRING;
case CharacterExclamationMark: {
SrcCharacterType* start = skipWhiteSpace(currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>());
if (isEqualToCSSIdentifier(start, "important")) {
m_token = IMPORTANT_SYM;
currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() = start + 9;
case CharacterHashmark: {
SrcCharacterType* start = currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>();
result = currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>();
if (isASCIIDigit(*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>())) {
// This must be a valid hex number token.
do {
} while (isASCIIHexDigit(*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>()));
m_token = HEX;
yylval->string.init(start, currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() - start);
} else if (isIdentifierStart<SrcCharacterType>()) {
m_token = IDSEL;
parseIdentifier(result, yylval->string, hasEscape);
if (!hasEscape) {
// Check whether the identifier is also a valid hex number.
SrcCharacterType* current = start;
m_token = HEX;
do {
if (!isASCIIHexDigit(*current)) {
m_token = IDSEL;
} while (current < result);
case CharacterSlash:
// Ignore comments. They are not even considered as white spaces.
if (*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() == '*') {
const CSSParserLocation startLocation = currentLocation();
if (m_parser.m_observer) {
unsigned startOffset = currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() - dataStart<SrcCharacterType>() - 1; // Start with a slash.
m_parser.m_observer->startComment(startOffset - m_parsedTextPrefixLength);
while (currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>()[0] != '*' || currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>()[1] != '/') {
if (*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() == '\n')
if (*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() == '\0') {
// Unterminated comments are simply ignored.
currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() -= 2;
m_parser.reportError(startLocation, UnterminatedCommentCSSError);
currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() += 2;
if (m_parser.m_observer) {
unsigned endOffset = currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() - dataStart<SrcCharacterType>();
unsigned userTextEndOffset = static_cast<unsigned>(m_length - 1 - m_parsedTextSuffixLength);
m_parser.m_observer->endComment(std::min(endOffset, userTextEndOffset) - m_parsedTextPrefixLength);
goto restartAfterComment;
case CharacterDollar:
if (*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() == '=') {
m_token = ENDSWITH;
case CharacterAsterisk:
if (*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() == '=') {
m_token = CONTAINS;
case CharacterPlus:
if (UNLIKELY(m_parsingMode == NthChildMode)) {
// Simplest case. "+[0-9]*n" is always NthChild.
if (parseNthChild<SrcCharacterType>()) {
m_token = NTH;
yylval->string.init(tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>(), currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() - tokenStart<SrcCharacterType>());
case CharacterLess:
if (currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>()[0] == '!' && currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>()[1] == '-' && currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>()[2] == '-') {
currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() += 3;
m_token = SGML_CD;
case CharacterAt:
if (isIdentifierStart<SrcCharacterType>()) {
m_token = ATKEYWORD;
parseIdentifier(result, resultString, hasEscape);
// The standard enables unicode escapes in at-rules. In this case only the resultString will contain the
// correct identifier, hence we have to use it to determine its length instead of the usual pointer arithmetic.
detectAtToken<SrcCharacterType>(resultString.length() + 1, hasEscape);
case CharacterBackSlash:
if (isCSSEscape(*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>())) {
parseIdentifier(result, yylval->string, hasEscape);
m_token = IDENT;
case CharacterXor:
if (*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() == '=') {
m_token = BEGINSWITH;
case CharacterVerticalBar:
if (*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() == '=') {
m_token = DASHMATCH;
case CharacterTilde:
if (*currentCharacter<SrcCharacterType>() == '=') {
m_token = INCLUDES;
return m_token;
template <>
inline void CSSTokenizer::setTokenStart<LChar>(LChar* tokenStart)
m_tokenStart.ptr8 = tokenStart;
template <>
inline void CSSTokenizer::setTokenStart<UChar>(UChar* tokenStart)
m_tokenStart.ptr16 = tokenStart;
void CSSTokenizer::setupTokenizer(const char* prefix, unsigned prefixLength, const String& string, const char* suffix, unsigned suffixLength)
m_parsedTextPrefixLength = prefixLength;
m_parsedTextSuffixLength = suffixLength;
unsigned stringLength = string.length();
unsigned length = stringLength + m_parsedTextPrefixLength + m_parsedTextSuffixLength + 1;
m_length = length;
if (!stringLength || string.is8Bit()) {
m_dataStart8 = adoptArrayPtr(new LChar[length]);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_parsedTextPrefixLength; i++)
m_dataStart8[i] = prefix[i];
if (stringLength)
memcpy(m_dataStart8.get() + m_parsedTextPrefixLength, string.characters8(), stringLength * sizeof(LChar));
unsigned start = m_parsedTextPrefixLength + stringLength;
unsigned end = start + suffixLength;
for (unsigned i = start; i < end; i++)
m_dataStart8[i] = suffix[i - start];
m_dataStart8[length - 1] = 0;
m_is8BitSource = true;
m_currentCharacter8 = m_dataStart8.get();
m_currentCharacter16 = 0;
m_lexFunc = &CSSTokenizer::realLex<LChar>;
m_dataStart16 = adoptArrayPtr(new UChar[length]);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_parsedTextPrefixLength; i++)
m_dataStart16[i] = prefix[i];
memcpy(m_dataStart16.get() + m_parsedTextPrefixLength, string.characters16(), stringLength * sizeof(UChar));
unsigned start = m_parsedTextPrefixLength + stringLength;
unsigned end = start + suffixLength;
for (unsigned i = start; i < end; i++)
m_dataStart16[i] = suffix[i - start];
m_dataStart16[length - 1] = 0;
m_is8BitSource = false;
m_currentCharacter8 = 0;
m_currentCharacter16 = m_dataStart16.get();
m_lexFunc = &CSSTokenizer::realLex<UChar>;
} // namespace WebCore