blob: 26fac8774517a730e0e3c42a79e988a17a928fad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef MediaValuesDynamic_h
#define MediaValuesDynamic_h
#include "core/css/MediaValues.h"
namespace WebCore {
class Document;
class MediaValuesDynamic FINAL : public MediaValues {
static PassRefPtr<MediaValues> create(LocalFrame*);
virtual PassRefPtr<MediaValues> copy() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool isSafeToSendToAnotherThread() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool computeLength(double value, CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType, int& result) const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool computeLength(double value, CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType, double& result) const OVERRIDE;
virtual int viewportWidth() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int viewportHeight() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int deviceWidth() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int deviceHeight() const OVERRIDE;
virtual float devicePixelRatio() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int colorBitsPerComponent() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int monochromeBitsPerComponent() const OVERRIDE;
virtual PointerDeviceType pointer() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool threeDEnabled() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool scanMediaType() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool screenMediaType() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool printMediaType() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool strictMode() const OVERRIDE;
virtual Document* document() const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool hasValues() const OVERRIDE;
// This raw ptr is safe, as MediaValues would not outlive MediaQueryEvaluator, and
// MediaQueryEvaluator is reset on |Document::detach|.
// FIXME: Oilpan: This raw ptr should be changed to a Member when LocalFrame is migrated to the heap.
LocalFrame* m_frame;
} // namespace
#endif // MediaValuesDynamic_h